#and no fucked up tkker is going to take that away from him
kanmom51 · 1 year
I saw this on Twitter and I honestly laughed so hard,because what the hell is this?.Set me free pt.2 is a song jimin wrote and produced he literally has credits on the song.it's a song in his own album. How did tacos come to the conclusion that the song was "supposed" to be their fave and using smfp2 in their ship analysis?..They have really lost it! Now we be not only begging them to free jimin but also free his songs I beg wtf??!!!
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These people have lost the plot a very long time ago. But this one, she's especially been vile in the past couple of days.
The vile things she's been saying about JM. I'm not sharing them here, I won't, but they are bad. Really bad.
She needs professional help. But first, before that, she needs to be shut the fuck up.
So, report report report her ass.
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mariajmajesty · 1 year
JK and Jimin are inevitably going to interact again. We will most definitely get evidence at some point in the future that they were as close as ever even during these times when people are swearing up and down that they “don’t hang out that much anymore”
It always happens this way and I don’t know why people keep playing themselves like this when they know that every time people get so adamant that jikook is “distant”, something happens that proves otherwise. Its been happening like this for years and people still won’t learn to stop speaking on jikook when they don’t know shit. And then when it comes out that jk and jm were hanging out and are just as close as they always were, they get mad and pile hate on jimin for god knows what reason, it is a vicious fucking cycle at this point.
I literally don’t even know what they are basing their conclusions on right now, I don’t know why people always reserve this kind of negative energy for jikook. When was the last time we saw jimin and yoongi or jimin and tae hang out outside of work? Yet you never hear anyone jumping to the conclusion that either of these pairings are not close anymore or dont hang out at all. And it’s not even just tkkers now, it’s popular blogs claiming to not be concerned about shipping yet boldly declaring that they are sure jikook don’t hang out anymore. Give me a fucking break.
Why does jikook bother people in this fandom so much? Why do people seem to be so smug and self satisfied when it appears that they are not hanging out as much? It is becoming more and more obvious each and every day how differently jikook is treated by ARMY and fans need to take a good hard look at themselves and figure out why the thought of these two members in particular being close seems to rub them the wrong way. Because I have a lot of reasons why and all of them start with homo and end in phobia.
Sorry for ranting and cussing in your inbox I am just so tired of the way jikook and jikookers are looked upon in this fandom and the amount of reaching and jumping to conclusions that started after jimin’s live kicked my annoyance into high gear. I had to unfollow a jm centered blog I really liked before because they started going off about how they’re sure jikook aren’t close as they were anymore and haven’t hung out in awhile. It is just so disheartening especially when Im over here trying to enjoy jimin month in peace
Jimin telling fans to watch Tae's show after watching it himself, JK telling Jimin to come over for chicken and beer at night, Tae laughing and liking Jimin's post talking about his birthday, Jungkook telling his coach that Jimin will come over when he can, Jimin saying to Tommy that he misses him, JK spending time with Tae's group, JK's coach telling Jimin to come over..Do these people really seem like they are caught in some weird 3 way pit fight stressed and miserable?!
You asked what haters basing their conclusion on? Nothing because they don't know anything and it's the same thing they say all the time only with a different fake narrative. Last year it was "Jikook don't interact on social media like all of them do so it means they aren't close"...until they did and showed them all wrong. The year before that it was "Jikook hang out too much so it means they are fan service and being payed" ...untill they both started to shy away from it while still giving us enough content to see that they are doing damn great and proved them wrong. This time it will be "Jikook only interact on vlives and social media but not in private haha it means they are not close and always were fan service". See how that works? See how the argument is changing according to what suits weirdos at the moment?
No matter what jikook does, public or private, on social media or not, whether they’re a couple or not, their relationship and closeness would always be considered as fan service or be viewd as non authentic or on the verge of a fall out
Some people want them to hate each other so bad and project things they saw in one dynamic to another dynamic just because they think if they say it out loud (and they are loud) it will happen in real life but life doesn't work that way and they are all friends who were always friends and always hung out together when we don't even know about, and about to enlist very soon. And yes, they have their own schedules and responsibilities to juggle with now and people who ignore that need to grow up. If Jimin wants to see Hobi a lot maybe because he's enlisting and Jimin is a sweetheart like that, he can because nobody knows what he does the rest of the time, not to mention they are already at the company at similar times. Nobody knows where JK is right at this moment or what Tae did yesterday. The arguments that starts with 'X are never together' about any relationships in the group are straight up troll tallk because non of us are living in their pockets and these people aren't worth talking to because they forget how daily life looks like and ommitting other parts that happen on purpose. If Tae doesn't mention Jin as much as he used to it means they were fake? If Suga doesn't talk about JK it means they aren't friends? Of course not that's why you don't see anons go around in circles fearing a fall out. If Tae and JK can hang out nowdays even after them talking about having an awkward phase at one point it has to mean that they are in love and will forever be best friends who are the closest of all.
But jikook . .... jikook being cute on February doing late night invites for chicken and boxing practice must mean that on March they fell out and didn't saw each other for months or refuse to hang out in public..sure..make sense lol
Enjoy your Jimin month in peace because these people are not going to go away. They have no sense of shame when they are slapped with reality and won't have any when jikook will interact again. Non of us have a way to determine who is closer to who unless it comes from the guys own mouths, they'll just do what they always do and fold only to come back with a changed narrative or twist their words into something they never said with wrong translations and no critical thinking skills like they did yesterday with Jimin not wanting to share when he saw Jungkook. These people live in constant feeling of dread. Take breaks to avoid the nastiness, come back when you'll feel like it, keep streaming and focus on the good that is all Jimin ❤
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Jikookers really started being as nasty to V as tkkers were to Jimin. Not everything V does has hidden evil intentions to “break up” jikook(like they are together). There is nothing wrong with him mentioning Jk, it’s such a no problem, but of course people who take shipping seriously would have a problem with it.
They are so insecure, they like to act like they are better than tkkers but that’s clealy not the case.
Meanwhile me, a pioneer who always said I don't think I could ever be friends with Taehyung because I just don't agree with the way he goes about things.
It's funny you should bring that up now, because it's been a little over a year since I first started using this blog so much, and ironically, it all started November 2021 because taekook had a moment and jikookers were upset about it lmao. It was that time in ITS2 when Taehyung asked JK to cook for him, and a very well known jikook blogger made a post, unprovoked literally unprovoked about how it was an awkward moment and it was uncomfortable to watch and JK was not okay with the whole thing. I replied to her post saying taekook were not awkward during that exchange, and some people apparently interpreted "taekook weren't awkward" as "taekook fuck raw". So they lashed out on me LMAOO.
The posts are all still up, but I'll just post some screenshots so I don't have to add so many links to this. It's just really funny how things (jikookers) have gotten so much more ridiculous since a year ago.
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I guess for me what I really hate is the double standards. I've never tried to act like I'm better than anyone else or even that jikook is better than any other option, and as I've said before, I judge taekook by the same standards I judge jikook. It's not like, just as an example, I would think a neck kiss is romantic because jikook do it and then turn around and think it doesn't mean anything if taekook do it. No, to me it does mean something in both cases.
I think I've made it known a couple of times that I understand taekookers, I understand what they see in their ship and also what they don't see in jikook. It doesn't mean I think the same way, but I can put myself in their shoes.
So, double standards. You have jikookers who see tk interactions as forced or awkward even when they aren't, but then they're like "how can taekookers think jikook is forced they're insane they should watch real content", but you are allowed to think taekook are awkward, right?? Then, so can taekookers lmao.
Dynamite Christmas remix. Jimin made it look like he was kissing JK and then JK quite literally ran away from him and left him alone while he joined the other members. I just know the things jikookers would've said if that was Taehyung instead of Jimin. If you can think that of Taehyung, what makes it so crazy that taekookers would think the same of Jimin?
For years jikookers laughed that JK didn't know or kept forgetting that Taehyung doesn't eat spicy food. Jungkook this year: I don't know where Jimin got his tattoo. Suddenly jikookers are preaching that couples are allowed to not know or forget things about each other. Or they outright ignore Jungkook didn't know because they can't explain it and make it make sense with them dating.
Pretty sure jikookers laughed about Jungkook calling Taehyung bro for his birthday last year when everyone else called him "love", then this year he goes and calls Jimin bro as well. And there go jikookers making essays about how BRO is such a couple thing to call each other and hey, there's even a gay movie called BROS did you know? So gay omg. Limp Wrist. Rainbow. Glitter. Dick. Butt.
There are jikookers who think Taehyung should speak up for Jennie because she's maybe his girlfriend and she's getting hate from his shippers, so he should stop adding more fuel to the taekook fire, but those jikookers also believe jikook are in a relationship, so shouldn't the same be expected of JK? Shouldn't he also speak up and stand up for his friend Jimin after all of these years?
Other thing I also hate, and it's probably what bothers me the most is that taekookers have been hating on Jimin for YEARS, and whatever jikookers say about Taehyung, they say it only because of jikook. It was never about Jimin. If you take out Jimin hate, if it suddenly stops, will there be any jikook hate at all? Hardly. Even if the Jimin hate has been going on for years, jikookers only started fighting 2021ish because taekook were besties again and jikook is not in the picture anymore.
Jimin gets called a thirdwheel and all jikook warriors get their screenshots ready and tweet jikook boyfriends 39058904 times. Taekookers have been saying Jimin was hooking up with escorts in Paris in 2019 and jikookers do not care but suddenly saying he was a thirdwheel is a major offense.
Kths had it coming. I literally do not care about being the bigger person, being the bigger person is overrated and useless. I seriously do not gaf if 5 people use a frog emoji for a couple of hours. It will never be nearly enough for all the things they've said about Jimin and made me read about him and made other people BELIEVE about him. They had it coming for all the years they've been the most horrible people towards him for no reason, so I really don't care if they are upset because they have to see people call Taehyung a frog FOR ONE DAY. You reap what you sow.
It bothers me tho that it's been happening for years with Jimin but jikookers never had anything to say until taekook started having moments LMFAO. It was never about defending Jimin. It was always about proving who is Jungkook in love with and who is Jungkook the happiest with.
I'm personally not fine with fanservice talk. I will be the first one to say they all do fanservice, but that's not the foundation of their relationship/s and it's only something to keep fans entertained and excited. They can do fanservice while actually being friends. Thinking that all the interactions are fanservice and not geniune is a different thing and I've never thought that; if you think taekook is fanservice, then you're thinking that of Jungkook too. If that's the way you want to think of JK, then go ahead.
Taekookers say Jimin does fanservice and act like that's his only personality trait because they hate him and think JK is a victim.
Jikookers don't even hate Taehyung like but they say taekook is fanservice because they're frustrated and because they also think Jungkook is a victim, and they say stuff like JK is doing nothing and he just gets dragged into Taehyung's lies....??????????? I'm pretty sure that if JK can decide to buy a 7 million dollar house, among other adult stuff he surely does, he can go to his bandmate and tell him "bro (romantically), stop lying about me/us/whatever".
Neither jikook nor taekook are the JK hostage situations both sides want it to be. Jungkook has a functioning brain, or at least it seems like he does. And by all means, go and call Taehyung a frog, until they stop defaming Jimin, I literally do not care and one way or another taekookers and everyone else should understand that what you do and say usually have consequences. It's only annoying that jikookers are doing this now because they think precious jikook is being threatened by Taehyung and not for the real damage that's been made against Jimin. And I hope they know that it won't change anything now.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Love when people bring up things JK said (and sometimes was prompted into saying) about girls when he was barely into puberty as concrete proof that he is straight. My friend group and I are nearing 30... only in the last year have a few of us had breakthroughs about our sexualities and gender identities. I still haven't reached a 'conclusion' about gender and I will probably grapple with it for years to come yet. These things are a spectrum, and they can evolve. My brother was asking out girls at 17, and out as gay at 18 - whereas my best friend, who is in a long-term relationship and only ever thought she could be straight, realised this year she is bisexual. Compared to South Korea, we live in an incredibly liberal society, where we had the luxury of figuring some of this stuff out in the open.
Who are we to hold any of these boys hostage to what they said or thought years ago as if that was the last word on the matter? JK could indeed be as straight as they come. But people trying to prove that shouldn't take his 15-year-old self's word as gospel. It's a piece of the puzzle, sure, but not the whole picture.
Thanks, nice intelligent anon, and I apologize in advance because I am about to hijack your whole post and have a whole ass Come To Jesus Meeting.
I’m so disgusted with ARMY right now. Not you, smart anon, but ARMY in general and the transphobic, queerphobic Y/N fanfiction self-inserters whose homophobia is only overshadowed by their hate for anyone JK looks at sideways.
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These people out here deciding that since a playlist was trans positive it cannot have been liked by their idol. But let him say boo to a girl - a teenage girl, not a legal adult yet - and she’s getting hate for existing.
No wonder Jimin avoids most social media. Holding them hostage indeed, anon. We really have done exactly that as a collective and that is so wrong.
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As a queer person I’m incredibly offended for Jungkook. What if that Genderfuck playlist had been his? What if it WAS his and we’re just getting the oops narrative? Does a queer idol who is also a lyricist not have a right to explore thoughts and feelings related to gender or identity?
Or is gender only a construct if your idol looks pretty in a skirt and keeps their ideas and feelings and identity to themselves?
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And then to add insult to injury they’re gonna paint him as a predator. 25 to 19 isn’t a huge age difference in the West but in Korea it is significant. Especially since 19 is not adulthood there. So let’s just make Koo a cishet EPHEBOPHILE because that’s better than being trans or trans-questioning? OH MY GOD.
I am nauseous. And I’m sorry, anon. Your points are well made and I agree with all of them. It’s only reasonable that a closeted idol living in a conservative fishbowl might find some answers in the lyrics of trans artists, and it wouldn’t be the first time. Kim Petras? “Do Me”? 2019, anyone? Jungkook has been toying with gender for awhile and I am amazed that we seem to have not noticed this or have ignored it for so long.
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But nobody thought twice about that new Spotify account UNTIL the Genderfuck playlist showed up. If that was a hacker, good for them. Way to be trans-positive and educational while shining a light on the roaches in this fandom.
Also it’s a great playlist. Whoever this hacker or JK is, they have fantastic musical taste. I said it and I’m not sorry.
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But to go straight *cough* from “My Idol Can’t Have Identity Questions Or Support The Trans Community” to “My Idol Clearly Is A Straight Man Who Fucks Minor Girls” is both libelous and horrific.
That is so egregiously problematic that it makes us ALL look gross and rightly so. We have let these segments of the fandom operate without censure or consequences for too long. We’ve said just ignore them, they’ll go away. NO THEY WON’T. My inbox is living proof.
ARMY, we have toxic pathological homophobes and transphobes in our midst. And TKKers don’t get a pass here. Y’all homophobic as fuck because you’re fine with gay as long as it’s between two hot traditionally-masculine men and you get to pick the man. That’s just Y/N fanfiction only you’re getting off to two dicks instead of one.
TKKers are problematic and toxic because they reduce JK’s queerness to something they can control. There is no support for his words, or Taehyung’s. There is only sick conspiracy theory and adherence to the rainbow font red arrow lies of their leader.
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Yep, y'all TKKers sent that shit to a minor female who happens to be an ARMY JK stan. JFC kids. If I were Jeon Jungkook I would take my Jimin and my dog and my retirement fund and I would buy an island, move to it, set up weekly grocery delivery and disconnect the internet. Possibly forever.
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