#and no one said anything. and the tutor was just like 'ok I think we'll leave it there for today'
flowersandfashion · 4 months
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I'm interpreting this as a parallel between Eloise and Cressida and Harriet and Emma. She is taken under the wing of a bitchy blonde girl who teaches her to conform to high society which ultimately causes her heartache
but more importantly, they're lesbians
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
Besides the reasons you said, why do you think the Spanish Chronicle portrayed Jane Seymour and her stepdaughter as having a close, affectionate relationship? I know it is counterfactual but do you think they would have been so and do you think Jane might have ever been regent if she had been Henry's last queen or ushered in Catholic restoration?
Because time couldn't tell any differently.
So, the thing about counterfactuals is that, while there's some things we'll never have a definitive answer on , we do have evidence on what did happen and if 'time told differently' in the end.
The crux of the argument for Jane and Mary's close relationship is generally Mary's letters at the time. It's generally very reductive, flattens the political aspect, ignores the interval between the Boleyn downfall and Mary's eventual rehabilitation as non-treasonous (not restoration as heir), and is generally absent or devoid of context. Ie, Mary was so docile towards her second stepmother because Jane was just so gracious and sweet, didn'tcha know?
But the thing about these letters is that Mary is making promises she didn't know if she would ever have to keep. Arguably she was just saying whatever she felt she needed to say to become/stay secure....such as:
to send you shortly issue; which I shall as gladly and willingly serve with my hands under their feet as ever did poor subject their most gracious sovereign."
Well, you tell me. Did Mary serve Edward VI 'gladly and willingly with hands under [his] feet' (ie, total and complete conformity/compliance and reverence)? I would say no.
Ok, so would Jane have been regent...maybe? I highly doubt she and her eldest stepdaughter what have been/remained friends had that been the case. Would Jane's survival have ensured her ultimate power and influence and ushered in a Catholic/papist restoration, mmmmmmmmmmm, I would have to say no. It's one of the few things I disagree with EN on:
Finally, Jane Seymour, who must be considered the most enigmatic of Henry’s queens, was a woman with her own hopes and ambitions. Opinion of Jane’s reputation, due to her role in the execution of Anne Boleyn is almost as polarised as her predecessors. However, as a woman in her late twenties, rapidly approaching spinsterhood, the opportunity of marriage to the king must have been dazzling. With Jane, as with many of Henry’s other wives, there is a pathos to her story: there are hints that had she lived to rule as regent for her son she may have shown her true ability.
Having read her biography, I can't say I know what these 'hints' were, but I digress. There's always a sort of catch-22 when it comes to JS and her fans. If you want her to have been this great white Catholic/papist hope, then you pretty much have to admit her influence was minimal, even as the mother of the future heir, and they're really loath to do that. If she was more moderate than Luther feared, then maybe, but I don't really see her hand in anything like the Ten Articles (altho I don't know when exactly in 1536 that was, so that's maybe unfair). The Six Articles was two years after her death, so it would be highly disengenous to attribute that to Jane.
But for the sake of argument, let's say she is that, and that Henry sits back and lets her take the reins and Jane tries to redirect her son's upbringing to something more compatible with her own beliefs and partisanship. In this case, is she going to try to promote Mary as heir again now that she has her own prince? I highly doubt it. Jane would probably eventually get a piece of Anne Boleyn's reputation as stepmother, and try to neutralize Mary with a marriage to a low-ranking man.
Onto Edward...I mean, we just sort of stall out again, even if a big glittery wave of fairy godmother falls over Jane, because even if she does gain a lot more influence-- even if she gains a boatload of it, more than her predecessors ever had-- the irony is that the pool of intellectual luminaries from which Edward's tutors can be selected are those that had risen under Anne Boleyn's patronage, likely in part because of shared religious/political affinity (well, more Cheke than Cox, but still).
Like, who, exactly, is this Catholic Restoration tutor that Jane would have selected for her son instead? Reginald Pole? In all these counterfactuals, people speak in broad terms only, so no one is ever able to cite specific candidates that Jane would have chosen to ensure her son didn't succumb to heresy. Any other candidate for this counterfactual at the time is either in exile or in prison pending eventual execution (Richard Fetherstone, etc)
In the end, the conclusion I have to arrive at, is that if you want to make a Jane Seymour ushers in the Catholic Restoration counterfactual work, you basically have to turn the clock back on the English Reformation. Or kill Henry VIII or something, and it's highly debateable whether Jane would've become regent in that case (he hadn't assigned her to be one in those circumstances via Parliament), because her power came from being married to Henry, and Henry being alive and king. That is an actual scenario in which England might see a civil war (The Seymours and Edward VI as a minor vs. Mary I and the 'Aragonese faction', perhaps foreign invasion, and we would have to see if blood would trump religious affinity when it came to the side Jane was on-- I assume it would).
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creambunnie · 5 years
Jaemin- 2 Lives
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chapters : masterlist , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....
2 ;
His usual bangs were combed up, revealing his whole handsome face. His glasses were replaced with transparent contacts which emphasised his dark brown orbs. He wasn't wearing baggy pants. He was in a suit.
" Yah Park y/n! I know he is handsome but you don't have to stare at him like that. He gets shy too you know,". Jeno snapped you out of your thoughts. y/n slapped Jeno's arm for embarassing her and bowed at Jaemin.
"I was just surprised okay? Are you really the Jaemin that goes to the same school as me?".
Jaemin smiled shyly and nodded. Before y/n could ask Jaemin further, Jeno started a conversation with y/n, catching up all the stuffs after 3 years of not seeing each other. Jeno's family went to China to settle some things up there and Jeno went together with them for 3 years. His family was finally back in Korea for good now.
"Oh how's my boy Seungmin?". Jeno asked as he ate a spoonful of his meal.
y/n saw Jaemin sat up when he heard his name. y/n gave Jaemin a small smile before facing Jeno.
"Well, after he confessed his feelings to me like I told you before, he would beat up anyone who tried to hit on me or when he feel threatened.". y/n sighed and looked at Jaemin. Jaemin quickly looked down on his plate.
"Your cousin here was one of his victims. He beat Jaemin up because I ki-- I talked to him." . Jeno blinked and smacked Jaemin's head which made y/n surprised. "You didn't defend yourself?".
Jaemin sighed and shook his head. "I'm just living up to my image and I'm too lazy to fight back. Don't worry, I'm healed now.".
Jeno shook his head, disappointed with both his friend and cousin. "Then don't you think you should try and give him a chance?". Jeno asked y/n. y/n shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know Jeno, I'm just not currently interested in all these relationships. Ok done about that, are you gonna enrol in our school?".
Jeno shook his head and smirked. "I'm gonna be homeschooled!.".
"That's boring,". y/n said as she finished her food. Jeno pouted and kicked y/n's leg playfully. "At least less drama than you,". y/n rolled her eyes and kicked his leg back.
The 2 families finished their dinner and were talking to each other before separating to their own ways.
"Ah Jeno, you still haven't given me your new number!". y/n quickly reminded. The two exchanged numbers and was about to bid each other goodbye when Jaemin pulled y/n to the side, excusing themselves.
y/n raised an eyebrow at Jaemin, ready to accept any of his explanation.
"Please don't spread this side of me. I really don't want people to know that the nerdy loser in school is actually like this. you get me?". Jaemin begged with serious eyes.
y/n frowned and shook her head in confusion. "Why are you even living like this? Living 2 lives? Are you Hannah Montana or something.". Jaemin sighed before unnoticingly held y/n's hands in order to beg her further.
"This is not the right time to explain. Please for now, please keep this a secret.".
y/n chuckled and pulled her hands away. "What do I get from that?". Jaemin bit his lips as he thought of an idea. "I'll tutor you. Anything!Maths?". y/n shook her head. "Geography!". Jaemin sighed in relief and nodded. "Geography it is. Here's my number, we can text to discuss when we'll meet for our tuition. If that's it, I'll go first. Thank you for helping me!". Jaemin finished and quickly ran to his cousin.
y/n looked at the piece of paper he gave and chuckled. *well isn't he cute?*. She thought and walked over to her parents.
a/n : hope you guys enjoyed this short update! im planning to try and post on every Tuesday for now.. i still have so much to study for my finals TT wish me luck ✊🏼
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