#and noble sanfino too ya nasty
ontherockswithsalt · 6 years
A Made Man
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A/N: The name of the game is adult content. The adult content is back. This is where I warn you. Okay, proceed.
Chapter 3
I had felt my phone buzzing against my thigh all evening while I was at my dad's house. But I wouldn't let myself look except once to verify the messages were from Noble. When I saw the number of alerts, assuming what he was up to, I quickly darkened the screen and put it away, a jumpy heat in my heartbeat.
I made it home, showered and put on clean clothes before I decided to find out what he was so eager to tell me.
It starts with a picture and for a second, I hold my breath because I don’t know if I’m ready to see it, even though I’m alone in my own house. But it’s simply a picture of him, a look on his face as if he’s confused or annoyed at his sister whose chin is propped on his shoulder beside him. She wears sunglasses and a wide grin and the two of them appear to be on some sort of restaurant patio. I read the message beneath it:
Noble: I tried to crop her out but she wouldn't let me.
Noble: So hi, we miss you. But I miss you more. Come back.
I laugh softly, a little tug in my chest when I see his face, the way his eyebrow arches as he glances off to the side, his lips parted like he’s in mid-sentence.
That message had come earlier, and after about a two hour gap another string of them begins.
Noble: I guess it’s been a week right? For some reason, in my head, I thought I’d be chill about being apart from you for longer. But guess what I’m not and I miss that butt so if you could get it back down here, I’d appreciate it.
Noble: Actually, I had a dream that you did. That you were in my bed. So imagine my disappointment when I woke up and you weren’t there. But damn it felt real. And I was hard just thinking I heard your breath in my ear.
I feel my eyebrow twitch at the last sentiment. I hadn't so much had dreams about him -- I rarely remember my dreams. But at night I'd lie in bed and think about him there. I hated that he wasn't. I spent one night with him last weekend and now I want it again so bad, my body was restless for it.
I’ve endured way longer -- shamefully longer -- stretches of time in my adult life where I wasn’t getting laid. But now I’ve gone a week and I’ve never been so damn incessantly turned on. The constant arousal had me jumpy. And it’s all because I know how good it could be and I craved it again, especially at night when I try to sleep.
Glancing down at my phone, I tap the screen to reply.
Jamie: So what are you going to do about it to make it real?
Then I toss my phone on the covers of my bed and head back out to turn everything off in the rest of the apartment. I make my way to bed and throw myself heavy onto the mattress, backing up against the pillows and retrieve my phone.
Noble: I’d get on a plane right now if jobs and shit weren’t an issue.
Jamie: I know, what the fuck?
Noble: You tell me when you have a free weekend and I’ll get there if I can.
I swipe to my calendar app and look at my schedule. Typically, I work one Saturday shift a month. I’d also promised Erin I’d spend an afternoon helping Nicky learn to drive. So I settle on a couple of the soonest weekends around the ones that are already booked.
Jamie: I could do the 19th or the 26th.
Noble: Alright. I’ll get back to you.
Jamie: So what else happened in this dream? You can’t just throw it out there and not expect me to need details.
Noble: It was just a feeling.  No sequence of events, just like… you were there next to me.
Jamie: Just laying there? Kinda bummed I wasn’t on top of you.
Noble: I save those thoughts for when I’m awake.
Noble: I am a fan of you on top of me.
Jamie: Yeah I am too. I think about that a lot.
Noble: I’m such an ass grabber with you so it’s a good position for me to be in.
Jamie: You are pretty handsy back there. That’s not a complaint.
Noble: You should see your ass, though. You can’t blame me.
With a shake of my head, I laugh softly, sinking further onto my back before I reply.
Jamie: I’ve seen it, but I’m glad you appreciate it.
Noble: I don’t know… the memory is fading… Maybe I need a picture.
Jamie: I’m not sending you a picture of my ass. Don’t even try.
Noble: One buttcheek.
Jamie: Considering your sister’s habit of helping herself to your phone? No way.
Noble: Dammit. What can I get a picture of? Like your knee or something? I can work with that.
Amused, I run the edge of my finger along my bottom lip. On the screen, my thumb hovers the icon to call him over video and I quickly tap it, waiting while it connects.
In a moment, his face is there, soft in the glow of dim lamp light. His brow furrows and with a guilty glance to the side, opens his mouth.
“Dude,” he greets me. “I was just trying to sext this hot guy. I’m busy.”
I smirk. “Yeah? Well he’s probably lame and a tease. Talk to me instead.”
“Are you in bed?”
Holding my phone over my face, I arch my brow to peer back at my pillows. “Yes.”
“It’s like, nine o’clock. ”
“I'm tired, bro.” I chuckle, sliding a hand up my face to rub my eyes. “Gotta be at work early tomorrow.”
“I know, me too.”
“But I figure if you want to see something, you can see my face while I talk to you.”
“I miss your ass and your face equally, so I'll take it.”
I have to shake my head. “You get no ass pictures.  You have to come get it in person.”
Tipping his head back against his couch, he lets out a frustrated moan. The way it rumbles, the way his throat clenches when he does stirs my already eager arousal. “God I want it so bad,” he murmurs his complaint. “I'm definitely coming for it, so I hope you're ready.”
Sucking my antsy bottom lip beneath my teeth, a smile twitches my cheek. I shift on my bed, my insistent hard on urging me to tilt my hips down against nothing. Fuck, why can't it be him?
I arch a questioning brow. “Ready how?” I know what he means. That night in Miami I was drunkenly determined to take it all from him, to have him inside me only to freak out and not go through with it. I could have shut down, been traumatized by it all. But I wasn't, because Noble didn't pressure me or make me feel ashamed or like I was a disappointment. And that whole night solidified my trust in him.
Chalk it up to my drive to excel, but I came home pretty damn curious about ways to ensure I'd be able to go through with it if we found ourselves trying again.
“Whatever you are game for doing, I'm coming for it,” he tells me. “Even if we just make out for forty-eight hours, I'm down.”
I scoff. “You would not be.”
“Yeah, forget that. But seriously, I think about you every fucking night, Jamie--”
The low urgency of my name in his voice, god that voice, it's such a turn on. His confession makes my stomach flip.
“More than that,” he adds. “But definitely at night. I get hard thinking about everything we did, remembering everything. Even by myself this week--” He laughs softly, arching his head back again. “I come so damn hard when I think about you.”
“Fuck--” I mutter in a whisper, reaching down to stroke a hand over my shorts. Then clearing my throat, I reach over and flip the lamp off beside my bed. “Alright, now we’re getting somewhere.”
Noble’s low chuckle rattles through the phone. “You going to sleep on me?”
“Hell no. Keep talking.”
“Oh, my god. Did you turn off the light to jerk off?”
“Maybe I did.”
“That’s really cute and Catholic of you.”
“Shut up. Want me to keep the light on?”
“I mean, I can’t really see you, but that’s okay,” he says. “I can sort of see you, and it’s hot. So please continue.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Go get in bed,” I tell him.
He cuts me an amused gaze and then I see him get up from the couch. I see the inside of his house before he turns the corner and he’s in his room.
“Oh hey, I remember that room,” I muse, catching a glimpse of his dresser in the background. “It knows all my secrets.”
“Oh-ho, yeah it does.” With a smile, he reaches for the lamp and turns it off.
In the darkness, I see him set his phone on the nightstand. Then the faint jingle of his belt and the sound alone makes my throat hot. I hear him shift, getting rid of his jeans before he falls back on the bed and picks his phone up.
“You wanna hear one of my secrets?” His coy question sparks a heat deep in my core.
I stretch back and close my eyes. “Mm-hm. Preferably one that involves what you plan to do to me when you come back to New York.”
“Ah god,” he says in an exhale. “What I plan to do? I want to shove you down on the bed, get on my knees and suck you off--”
“Shit--” I hiss in a shaky whisper. Then I can’t help blow out a breathy laugh at the blatant confession. Shifting, I dip my hand beneath the waist of my shorts and grasp my aching hard on and I waste no time with a needy tug on it.
“That's all I can fucking think about.” His hushed voice is raspy through the phone. I look and we can hardly see each other, but depending on how he moves, I catch the outline of his neck, the strong edge of his jaw in shadow. It heightens all the other senses and it’s just his voice and his intentions shooting my pulse straight to my cock.
My hand holding the phone just lets it slip onto the pillow beside me and I reach down. I adjust my shorts down and work myself in my fist, with the added sensation of my other hand. I’m not even trying to idly stroke and make it last longer. “Fuck,” I breathe out. “I wish you were here.”
“I am. I’m right there.” He murmurs his assurance and his it’s like I feel his hard exhales on my skin.
I imagine my hands are his. Pressing my lips together, I hum a broken grunt in my chest. I tip my head back, letting the noises that he makes seep inside me, the vibrations of his subtle moans shaking there.
I swallow hard and we just listen to each other’s heavy, determined breath before I tell him, “I don’t think you know how bad I want you to fuck me.”
All he can do is swear in a hot breath before another groan sneaks out of him. “Oh, my god, Jamie.” And then he starts to say Please but the word gets lost in a defeated sigh.
We both just mutter a string of fucks before I can tell he’s about to come. Seconds later, I am too. We’ve only finished at the same time while we’re talking on the phone and it’s an intense sensation, each of us consumed with our own release but provoked by the other hitting his limit. It builds until it breaks and together, we come undone.
It takes a while for my twitching muscles to let go, to finally collapse, hopeless and spent. After a moment of just listening to each other’s panting breath, it begins to even out. I have to smile when I hear that lazy laugh of his.
“I don’t really know why we’re on FaceTime,” Noble’s voice floats into the air above me.
An exhausted chuckle rumbles in my throat before I reach for my phone on the pillow beside me.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m into it,” he adds. “But I wasn’t… exactly paying attention to my phone screen. Let’s just say that.”
“I wanted to see you initially, but then-- Yeah, I don’t know.”
“Who cares?” He reasons. “You’re hot.”
With another laugh, I drop my free arm up and behind my head. “You’re so sick.”
“I know. Don’t judge me.”
“I like it.” A smirk flicks the corner of my lips. “I like that damn mouth of yours.”
“Yeah? Well you’ll get it soon enough.”
“Good. I’ve got plans for it.”
A soft laugh blows out of him. “You’re sick too, you hear me?”
I breathe deep and let the calming air fill my chest. “Yeah, maybe.”
“You want to hear something pretty gay?” He wonders.
Amused, I absently running my tongue along the ridge of my teeth and blink my dark bedroom into focus, “I’m fairly certain this entire conversation has been pretty damn gay, but go ahead.”
“I was really sad to wash my sheets last weekend after you left,” he admits. “That pillow still smelled like you and--” Then he pauses and I see him turn his head before he huffs a deep sigh and adjusts again on his bed. “Feel free to hang up now. Because I’m gross and apparently sentimental. But I miss you and you smell good and whatever.”
I bite into my lower lip, fighting a smile over his effect on my heart. “That’s super gay,” I tease him.
“I did wash my sheets,” he clarifies. “I’m not pathetic. But I’m just saying.”
“Fuck, that’s cute, Noble.”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway.”
“I haven’t washed that sweatshirt,” I tell him. “The one you let me borrow after our run. It’s in my drawer and it still smells like you.”
“Oh damn,” he groans. “Why, do you have a crush on me or something?”
“You know your sense of smell is the only one that has a direct connection to the part of the brain associated with memory? That’s why… y’know, people can recall specific events and emotions just by smelling something--”
“Oh, my god. Look, I’m cool with jerking off on the phone together, but I’ll pass on this kinda talk.”
I crack up, my head tipping back into my pillows.
“You nerd.”
“Sorry,” I laugh. “Alright, I’m going to get ready for bed. Fucking deviant.”
“Go to sleep,” he tells me and I can hear the sleepy smile in his voice. “I’ll see you soon.”
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