#and now I'm like heehoohoohoohoohoo how can I make ur lives miserable (and then fix it)
lunar-soren · 2 years
fic rambling behind a cut so I don't clog the tl
contemplating the greil mercenaries hostage whump fic™ . for obvious reasons shinon needs to get kidnapped and rhys needs to not. here's what I'm thinking for everyone else
— ike: got yoinked :( when u get a concussion it doesn't matter how good u can swing a sword if ur barfing everywhere every time u move. also if he was unyoinked can u fuckign imagine how quickly this fic would be over he would solo the rescue mission and come out unscathed
— soren: unyoinked . for scheming reasons and also for ikesoren angst reasons
— titania: unyoinked because I want to peel her apart and get to the root of her character+I think she would have Big Guilt Complex re: Greil's kids if she "failed" them in any way especially ike. rubs hands together shittily like a shitty fly
— mist: unyoinked . we need there to be no experienced healers in the area
— oscar: got yoinked !!! no real reason I just like kicking oscar around (he's my favorite)
— boyd: unyoinked bc I want to yoink rolf and I don't want all 3 bros yoinked I think that would be absurd
— rolf: as mentioned. he got yoinked bc I think the concept of oscar and shinon bonding a bit over both being willing to sacrifice themselves for rolf is good
— gatrie: I want to explore his character so he gets to get yoinked . gonna break him a bit bc that's how u get to a character baby!!!! also that makes exactly half of the core greil mercenaries that Get Got
(I don't really count mia among the core group bc of various reasons)
obviously the remaining mercenaries are gonna enlist some help (coughcough royal knights coughcough) but its gonna take a Hot Minute for them to actually get rescued. maybe long enough that it becomes a Whole Affair and I can pull in a bunch of my faves but it will definitely be a greil mercenaries-centric fic
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