#and now I'm tempted to reblog all my hunter/wesker stuff
aceghosts · 2 years
“ did you just give me a compliment? “ - for Hunter x Wesker?
Thank you so much for this one! This was a lot of fun to write!
[Prompt List]
Summary: On a mission to retrieve samples with their team, BSAA Agent Hunter Delaney encounters Albert Wesker, and he says something Hunter isn't ready for.
A BSAA Agent!Hunter AU.
Words: 2,083 words.
Content Warnings: Canon typical violence. Mentions of blood. Mentions of torture and death towards the very end for a brief paragraph. Mainly, Hunter and Wesker are just both insufferable in different ways, and can't stop flirting with each other.
Author's Note: AO3 Title comes from Muse's Hysteria. Also, I think I might have to do a sequel to this, lol.
               Hunter hears him before they see him, thanks to their enhanced hearing. Excited anticipation rises in their chest as they turn on their heel, racing toward Kevin to protect him. Hunter roughly shoves their teammate out of the way, trying to smother the smirk on their face. Leaping forward, Hunter careens into the dark blur that is Albert Wesker before he reaches Kevin. They wrap their arms around his waist, knocking Wesker backward. “Get the fuck out of here! Warn Arthur!” Hunter yells, releasing Wesker and rolling away from him. Missions are always more interesting with Wesker around, but that means whatever is in the abandoned vault is important. Hopefully, Arthur, Natasha, and Patrick are almost done retrieving the samples.
              “On it, Captain Delaney!” Kevin yells, running towards the vault. Out of the corner of their eye, Hunter watches as Kevin raises two fingers to his earpiece, informing Arthur of the impending shitstorm. They don’t watch Kevin for long, quickly rising to their feet. They bring their fists up in a defensive posture, watching Wesker with an air of amusement. Hunter shouldn’t look forward to meeting Wesker, but they do. They always do.
              Wesker rises, a low chuckle emanating from his throat. As he adjusts his dark shades, Wesker purrs, “You know Hunter,” They shiver, a jolt of pleasure running through them as he purrs their name, which Wesker notices, smiling sharply, “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were jealous for my attention. It’s okay if you are, Hunter, I have some time to spare for you today.”
              Hunter rolls their eyes, still amused. “In your fucking dreams, asshole.” It holds no bite. The insults exchanged between Hunter and Wesker never do.
              “I could tell you about all the things we do in my dreams, Hunter. I don’t think you or your teammates would like it very much.” He’s wrong about that; there are things that Hunter would like to do to Wesker that their teammates wouldn’t approve of. Wesker leaps at them, Hunter ducking down beneath him. He misses Hunter narrowly, landing as Hunter rises and turns to face him. Wesker is faster and utterly relentless, catching Hunter in the chin with a roundhouse kick. His black boot hits their face, Hunter’s head ringing. They stumble back, slightly disoriented for a second.
              They recover, fighting through the pain and the ringing. As Wesker finishes his kick, Hunter strikes out with their left fist, throwing a nasty punch into his abdomen. Wesker gasps, the air knocked out of him, stunned by the force. With their momentum, Hunter follows with a right hook into Wesker’s face. His nose crunches beneath their fist, blood spattering as he stumbles backward. His sunglasses fly off, landing a good distance away from the pair. Wesker wipes away the blood from his nose, looking down at the blood on his gloved hand. He looks up at Hunter, smiling at them with a sort of pride. “You’ve been training, haven’t you? Glad to know that I was correct in thinking you would be my equal.”
              Shocked, Hunter drops their stance, blinking in surprise. Holy fuck, did he just-? “Did you just give me a compliment?” They stammer out, completely surprised. Wesker never complimented them; Hunter didn’t think he knew how to do that and mean it.
              He nods, adding, “You could be my equal, Hunter. Unfortunately, your talents are squandered by those holding you back, including you.” Ah, there it was. Nice moment fucking ruined. Taking advantage of Hunter’s surprised state, he moves, striking Hunter in the middle of their sternum with his palm. Hunter flies backward, slamming into the concrete wall with a pained yelp as the wall shakes. They slide to the ground, leaving a vaguely Hunter-sized dent in the wall. Fuck, it hurts to breathe. “As much as I love flirting with you, I do have something of mine to retrieve.” Wesker turns away from them, his black duster swaying as he starts to leave Hunter behind.
              Fuck. Despite how much they enjoy fighting Wesker, they can’t let him reach their team. Wesker will tear through them like wet tissue paper. Pushing themself up, Hunter bites their lip, stifling a pained groan. They chase after him, leaping on his back. Hunter wraps their arms tightly around his neck as Wesker lets out a surprised gurgle. They wrap their legs around his torso, holding on for dear fucking life. His hands claw at their arms, digging into the olive-green fabric of their sweatshirt. Wesker digs in tightly, pain shooting up Hunter’s arms. Don’t let go. Don’t let go. Don’t let-.
              Almost immediately, things go to shit. The hallway darkens, red emergency lights flickering on. The building shakes beneath them, Wesker nearly falling over. “EMERGENCY EVACUATION! SELF DESTRUCT IN TEN MINUTES!” Of course, there’s a fucking self-destruct sequence. Whoever built these things had the biggest fucking hardon for them.
              “I’m gonna let go if you-,” Hunter starts. The ground collapses beneath the two, freeing Wesker from their grip. The pair free-fall into the dark hole, Hunter’s stomach twisting and turning at the falling sensation. Fuck! They have to find a way to stop their fall. Hunter spies a lone steel girder, grabbing onto it their left hand. Their fingers dig into the metal, creaking under the weight. Their other hand catches Wesker by the collar of his shirt. He wildly lashes out, trying to kick and grab them. Hunter lets out a groan of pain, thankful for their enhanced durability and strength. “Stop fucking moving! I’m trying to save your fucking life, you ungrateful bastard!”
              Wesker looks up, reddish-gold eyes narrowing as he catches sight of Hunter’s hold on the beam. “And how would you suggest that we get out of this predicament, Hunter?”
              “I don’t fucking know! I need a minute.”
              “We don’t have a minute!”
              “I know!” Hunter draws in a panicked breath, trying to stay calm. They can’t freak out, not now. As they look around, Hunter finds that everything seems hopeless. If they let go, Hunter isn’t sure that either of them could survive the fall, even with their abilities. The building shakes around the pair, debris falling loose. Broken pieces fall past them, nearly hitting Hunter and Wesker.
              “I’M TRYING!” They frantically glance around, eventually catching a small glimmer of hope. During the collapse, an entrance to a hallway has been exposed. The ground looks stable enough for both of them to land on. They just hope Wesker will be okay with this. “Wesker, you see that hallway over there?”
              He follows their gaze, a pensive look on his face. “I’m assuming you have a plan.”
              “If we swing ourselves in that direction, we could build up enough momentum to launch ourselves over there.”
              “We’ll have to work together. Are you capable of that?”
              Hunter swallows, preferring an alliance with Wesker to death. “I’m willing to work with you to save our fucking asses.”
              Wesker nods. “1…2…3.” The pair swing together, eventually starting to build up momentum. As they swing, Hunter feels the beam loosen, knowing the duo doesn’t have long.
              “Now!” Wesker commands, and Hunter releases the beam, flying towards the open hallway. They also release the collar of Wesker’s shirt, bracing for the impact of their landing. Hunter rolls forwards as they land, a painful jolt coursing through their arms. Oh, they’re really going to fucking feel that in the morning. As they scramble to their feet, they watch Wesker gracefully rise to his own feet. He smirks, stepping towards Hunter, intending to continue their fight. The floor cracks, splitting the hallway in two, separating Hunter and Wesker.
              “EMERGENCY EVACUATION! SELF DESTRUCT IN SEVEN MINUTES!” Fuck, Hunter needs to get out of here.
              “Disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing what else you could do, Hunter. You may have won this battle, but you will not win this war.” Wesker seems smug like he’s privy to some information that Hunter doesn’t know.
              “Yeah, fucking right.” Hunter snorts, rolling their eyes.
              “You could always join me, Hunter. You don’t have to be on the losing side.”
              Hunter’s breath catches in their throat, glimpses of what joining Wesker would like in their mind. Was he serious? And were they seriously fucking considering this? Noticing their slight hesitancy, Wesker’s smirk morphs into a smug smile. Forcing themself to shake their head, Hunter replies, “Sorry, I don’t think you could offer me anything to switch sides.”
              “Interesting. Your hesitancy would suggest something else. Am I growing on you, Hunter? Do you look forward to these little meetings just as I do?” He tilts his head, his expression morphing into thoughtfulness. “I suppose I’ll have to be more persuasive. I look forward to our next fight, Hunter.”
              The building shakes again, debris falling around them. “Yeah, until next time!” Hunter sprints away from Wesker, heading towards the rendezvous point. They should be worried about Wesker’s promise. Instead, Hunter relishes the anticipation in their chest, already looking forward to their next meeting.
              Hunter raises an eyebrow, staring at the vase of flowers and the box sitting next to the flowers on their kitchen island. Someone delivered these to the front desk of Hunter’s building, and no one had any idea who their mysterious gift giver was. The only instruction was for the flowers and the gift to be delivered to Hunter as soon as possible and discreetly. Already, Hunter who knows who sent them the gift, trying to ignore butterflies in their stomach. In the simple, yet expensive vase, are a bouquet of vibrantly purple lavender with red roses. The fiery red of the roses reminds Hunter of Wesker’s eyes, the faint red that smoldered in his irises. Their heart leaps into their chest, the flowers smelling exquisite due to their heightened senses. A white envelope is attached by a satiny red ribbon, Hunter’s name written on the front in an extremely neat font. They pick the envelope off, turning it over and carefully breaking the wax seal. Hunter slides a simple card out of the envelope, written in that same elegant font.
I hope everything is to your liking, especially the flowers. I would assume that you would know what roses symbolize, but do you know what Lavender symbolizes? Devotion.
I meant it when I said you have the potential to be my equal, Hunter. The BSAA is holding you back from your true potential. They fear what you could be, who you are meant to be. I, however, am not afraid; I could never be afraid of you. If you should ever desire freedom from the BSAA, come find me.
I anticipate our next meeting with great pleasure.
Eternally Yours,
              Even in fucking letter writing, Wesker was still insufferable and arrogant. Hunter swallows, looking at the flowers. Heat rises in their cheeks, and Hunter reminds themself that Wesker is a world-class manipulator. All of this was meant to tempt Hunter away from the BSAA, to weaken their loyalty. Yet, a naïve part of them wants to believe that he means it: devotion and passion. They shake their head, knowing better. “Get it through your fucking skull, Hunter. Wesker is just fucking with you.”
              They grab the box next to the flowers, somewhat flat yet square-shaped. Carefully taking the ribbon off, Hunter opens it to find a manilla folder and another note from Wesker, reading: I thought you deserved to see this. – A.W.
              Gently placing the note on the table, Hunter removes the folder from the box, placing it on the table. They open the folder, their faded green eyes increasingly widening in horror. Hands trembling, Hunter realizes exactly what this file is. It is the BSAA’s plan to take out Hunter if they should ever mutate into an uncontrollable creature, something Hunter wasn’t privy to. Or at least, that’s what is supposed to be. Clive assured them that, the BSAA would take Hunter out Old Yeller style. They drink in the terrifying words before them, their chest tightening. The BSAA would keep them alive at all costs, expressly going against Hunter’s desire for a swift death, and to use them in experimentation. It was a fate worse than death.
              Making their way to their dark emerald-green couch, Hunter sits, unable to stop reading the folder. Wesker is trying to break their loyalty to BSAA by showing them this, but Hunter still feels grateful towards him. They’re just going to have to show their gratitude in person.
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