#and now western fags go and say “um ackshually sweetie hamas is good”
bluesofasalamence · 7 months
I sometimes wonder
Why do people forget that Hamas is an extreme right wing fundamentalist organization that would murder every leftist that allied with them for "pragmatic" reasons after supposedly liberating Palestine? They've explicitly said they're anti-communist.
But, obviously, none of you Free Palestine folks will ask those questions because you're all western leftists who won't ever be subjected to violence from your own peers that are supposedly "liberating" you. You will live your comfy little lives in your comfy little apartment in California while every single communist who dreamed of liberating Palestine is hanged for being a leftist after Hamas wins.
You fuckers would see the Proud Boys rising against a centrist American government (or, supposedly, against Israel) and would gleefully join them only to be surprised once they started executing your friends by the dozens.
Do not ever let or suggest that we need to prop up extreme right wingers for liberation. You will get people killed. You're not anyone's ally, you're just doing this for your own sick amusement and ensuring to yourself you're a good person.
None of you are.
Oh yeah! Did I forget about the part where Israel directly funded Hamas to crush the PLO? Ya'll always conveniently forget that part. Congrats on ya'll cheering for the Mossad-paid controlled opposition.
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