#and oh man i was nervous but i sent the emails and the partner didn't call me to tell me i fucked up so 😭
helloiamadrawer · 1 year
Partners 💕
Aoyama x Reader PART 5!!!
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"Okay, remember what Midoriya said Y/N, just breathe and make the words come out. You can do this." You calmly say as you inhale a fresh space of air and open the door. Only half of Class A was present for now. Your eyes floated around the room until they found Jirou, who waved at you from afar. And then you saw Mina, talking with her perfect group. You were about to go to your desk until the pink alien's voice hollered, "Hey Y/N! Come here!". There was no choice but to go to her and since you didn't see you-know-who, you came to see what she had up her sleeve.
"Hey Mina, you guys ready for your presentation today?, Hehe." You nervously chuckled.
"Well, there was a little problem with our project, and it involves Bakugo accidentally blowing up the laptop. Don't ask why it's a VERY long story." Mina responds casually.
"I'm not gonna ask why." You replied back.
Sero who happened to be next to Mina, is typing like a mad man and is panicking like Hellas he's muttering under his breath "we're done for, we're done for, we're done for" with his eyes glued to the screen of his laptop. Mina gestured to him and stated, "And this is why Sero is retyping everything we found. Luckily, Bakugo had everything bookmarked so, yeah, we are probably gonna fail." She smiles as if she didn't have a care in the world.
You slowly took a step back and continued what you were saying, "okay. Well I should be going to my group now and-"
"Oh! Wait! When r u gonna ask Aoyama to be your partner? I have a special cue for you to tell me to hold the sign I made." She asks until the door opens and in come Kaminari and Mineta high fiveing each other and laughing like they just told the most funniest joke in the world or they just hit it off with a couple of girls (which would NEVER happen, I mean come on.)
Jirou sighs in annoyance from their entrance. You look at them in the same mood that she does. Turning your head back to Mina, you ask her,
"What's the code?"
Mina then looks over your shoulder and she sees Aoyama walk into the classroom. You arch an eyebrow at her but then turn and lo and behold, there he is. All dressed in his school uniform of course. His golden-blonde hair lightly bouncing as he strides to his desk. Your legs have now entered auto pilot mode. " When he says anything French, that's your cue, bye Mina." You concluded. As you approach your desk, you take out your laptop and checked to see if it sent to Aizawa's email, which it did. You sat beside Jirou every day in class and she could tell you were vibrating with nervousness. She held the edge of your desk closest to your hand.
"Still nervous, huh?" she asked with a slightly worried expression.
You sigh heavily as you plop your head down into your arms. But the second you put it down, you peek up and look at Aoyama diagonally across from you just reviewing his work. Even from the side point of view, he looks pretty. Heat rose to your face in an instant and you suddenly jerked yourself out of your seat. Jirou jumped in hers by surprise as you take your first but short step to Aoyama's desk. Then another one and another one until you were right beside him. It was time, no more games.
You clear your throat lightly to get his attention as you almost stuttered, "Hi Aoyama."
His eyes now averted to you in a softening gaze, sparkling as they were a glorious night sky. "Oh, bonjour mon amie, what brings you to moi on this fine morning." he asks in his honey-sweet voice. And just like that, words were long gone and absent from your mouth as you stood speechless in front of him as you feel the same radiating heat from your face rising once again. From behind him, Mina slowly unravels her sign and points to it rapidly. You inhale deeply, the red soon fading slowly from your visage.
Just like Midoriya said this morning to you..be open with yourself.
"Would you, um, be my... presentation partner?" you hesitated whilst trying to not blush again like you have already a thousand times, "I would really.. appreciate it because I get nervous doing it alone and I was thinking since you're so open and comfortable with presenting yourself, would you-"
Aoyama cuts you off politely with a gentle pull on your hand that was on his desk. At this very moment, when he did that, all of your worries washed away by only the sight of his face, his signature smile and eyes. The best part that everybody was too busy to know what was going on with you two, except Jirou and Mina. But you didn't care.
"Don't worry, I'll be your partner..ma chérie~✨" he responds with a wink. In return you smile back at him and quietly say, "Thank you Aoyama."
Suddenly, you felt like as if you were going to faint, then everything went black for a couple minutes. You soon, were in the nurse's office of Recovery Girl, you woke up in a hospital bed. Vision a little blurry, it soon readjusts as you see Jirou and the rest of your group coming into view. "What happened?" you ask as you slowly sat up.
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