#and on the other end of things a nasty tornado killed like 5 people and destroyed 200+ homes a few weeks ago
acidproofnotebook · 4 years
One-Punch Man Chapter 84, Update 125
As published online
Translator: u/hdx514
Rough page by page translations for those who don't want to wait. I'm skipping most pages with only sound effects.
Title page
Not lonely, but a solitary one
Pages 2-5
Bang wrecking Garou
Page 6
Genos: perfect moves that combine attack and defense into one
Ge: even though both use the same water stream rock smashing fists, the difference in master is night and day
Ge: the battle about to reach its conclusion
Page 7-11
Garou continues to get wrecked
Page 12
Garou: w…what is this
Ga: these vicious attacks are nothing like damn geezer’s style…
Page 13
Ga: bad…this is bad
Ga: my consciousness is…
Ga: it means…death…
Ga: Ahhhh
Page 14
Bang: what is that strange movement
Ba: where did he learn it?
Ba: he’s moving like a beast
Ga: I’m not done yet!
Page 15
Ga: if I use the fallen heroes as hostages, there might still be a way out!!
Bomb: I won’t let you
Page 16
Monsters get sliced up
Page 17 Bomb: Bang, we finished the monsters from the hole in the ground
Bo: it’s just Garou now
Page 18
Genos: life signals from monsters still remain
Ge: not sure why, but I cannot accurately assess their location or numbers
Ge:if we go down that hole, will we find the Monsters Association hideout?
Pheonix man: The Monster Association members were all killed? Damn, they really are unreliable.
Page 19
Phoenix man: even though we deployed significant forces to capture Garou alive
Ph: that Demon Cyborg…the power he possesses is unbelievable
Ph: even Silver Fang is here, there’s no chance we get Garou away from here
Ph: but if I leave empty handed after this crushing defeat, I might get eaten by Orochi
Page 20
Ph: regardless, I can only hope Garou can escape on his own …
Ph: ...what a desperate situation… Ph: does this mean I have to plan an exit strategy from MA…?
Ba: (referring to Bomb) if you were this badly injured, could you still be standing?
Bo: …if I were 60 years younger, I might be able to tough it out
Bo: …maybe
Bo: we’re almost there!!! Let’s finish him before the other heroes arrive!
Ba: roger
Page 21
Ga: can’t even move my wrists…
Ga: attacking your former number 1 disciple when he’s at his weakest, how despicable of you, Bang
Page 22
Ga: this other geezer, isn’t he Bomb, master of the whirlwind iron cutting fist?
Ga: to think the two reclusive masters of the martial arts world would gang up on me, shameless
Ga: even if I pretend to beg for my life, Demon Cyborg still won’t spare me
Ga: If I want to survive this crisis, I have to kill all three
Page 23
Ga (or Bang?): it’s impossible
Ba: do you know how much pain you have caused my number one disciple Charanko
Ba: Garou!!
Page 24
Garou flashback
Kids: let’s play a hero game!
Kids: you too, Garou
Kids: c’mon let’s play
Garou: huh, sure
Page 25
Kid: drum roll~~
Kid: justice man is here!
Kid: justice kick
Kid: aah it hurts!
Page 26
Ga: hey that’s dangerous
Kid: huh?
Ga: I feel bad (for the kid playing monster)
Kid: …how about you play the monster
Kid: justice cross
Ga: waa (steps out of the way)
Kid: what’s wrong with you?
Ga: s…sorry, Tatsu
Kid: I almost had you
Kids: what’s your problem, you’re a monster, you’re not supposed to do that
Kids: let’s pin him down
Kids: okay-
Page 27
Kid: justice man kick!
Kid: monster Garou defeated~
Ga: what is this, pre-death flashbacks?
Ga: these memories disgusts me
Ga: that kid…right, I remember him…Tatsu, that popular kid
Page 28
Kids: hey, what’s going on? Why are you fighting?
Kids: shall I call the teacher?
Kids: Garou is being violent
Kids: we were only playing, but he got mad! What’s his problem
Ga: I….I can’t take it any more!
Ga: come Tatsu, me vs. you, let’s figure it out
Tatsu: ha? What are you talking about, I thought we were just playing
Page 29
Ga:  I DON’T want to play monster! It’s no fun at all!
Ga: let’s duke it out, if I win you stop bugging me, that’s the deal!
Tat: Sabu, Yotsu, hold Garou down
Ga: despicable….stop…let go! I…
Ga: aah…damn it!
Kids: he’s crazy, let’s call the teacher
Kids: run Tatsu
Kids: pin him down, pin him down!
Kids: what happened?
Kids: you guys should come and help
Kids: Tatsu was being nice and Garou took advantage of him
Kids: he’s the worst
Kids: Garou got serious with Tatsu all of a sudden while playing the game
Kids: what’s this guy even thinking
Kids: I feel so bad for Tatsu
Page 30
Tatsu is a king among the kids, Tatsu is a bully, Tatsu is nasty
I’m in the dark, always alone I have no friends
Tatsu is a good athlete, Tatsu is popular
I despise the popular ones
not sure of the order of the following dialogue
Teacher: why did you get violent?
Te: I heard you got mad while playing a hero game, is that true?
Te: can you not even tell the difference between a game and reality!
Ga: no teacher, it’s because Tatsu is so popular that everyone is badmouthing me
Te: you were the violent one, weren’t you? What if a window got broken, how are you going to pay for that!
Ga: Tatsu always…always treats me like a monster
Ga: NO!
Page 31
Ga: I don’t dislike playing the monster
Ga: am I holding a grudge against Tatsu for playing the hero?
Ga: no, that’s not it either
Ga: it’s just that playing the hero game has made me realize how absurd it is
Ga: the one who’s popular can bully the one who’s hated however he wants
Te: you are in the wrong, apologize now
Te: call your parents
Ga: this is not just bullying, this is a faithful, real life adaption of a kids’ game that is accepted by the public.
Ga: you are free to choose your role, but the ones who ends up playing hero must have the support of the people, how could that ever be me.
Ga: naturally, the script in which the one playing monster scores the victory doesn’t exist in the first place. I was destined to lose.
Page 32
Ga: what is justice! What is evil!
Ga: at the end of the day it’s just following the will of the masses, and the masses wants me dead!
Ga: unforgivable! There is no logic!
Ga: I can’t explain the reason behind it, but it makes me mad!
Ga: I will make you understand! Ga: I will deliver my punch on behalf of the disenfranchised!
Ga: and I reject your notion of good and evil!
Page 33
Genos: he fell
Bang: it’s over
Page 34
Ga: no way it ends at a place like this!
Page 35
Garou shatters earth
Page 36
Bang/Bomb: what?!
Page 37-39
Garou lifts tree and swings it
Bo: this is bad, his body…
Ba: what’s with this burst of power?!
Page 40
Bang: don’t you realize it yet Garou!
Ba: if you keep going like this, you really will die!
Ge: Bang, above you!
Page 41-42
Phoenix man lands and grabs Garou
Page 43
Bo: more monsters!?
Ba: there’re still a few left!!!
Page 44
Ba: !
Ba: Genos-kun
Ge: Bang, you saw that just now, didn’t you
Ge: that thing has become monster, it even befriended one
Ge: I trust that you won’t object if I shoot both of them down
Page 45
Phoenix man (calling to Elder Centipede): Can you hear me!!?
Ph: I have Garou
Ph: just finish these guys off!
Ph: I’m leaving the rest to you!!
Bo: ???
Page 46-47
Ge: spiral incineration cannon
Ph: Elder Centipede
Page 48-50
Elder Centipede emerges and tanks Genos’ cannon fire
Page 51
Bo/Ba/Ge: What was that!?
Page 52-53
Elder Centipede breaking ground
Page 54-55
Disaster level: dragon
Giant monster insect Elder Centipede
Page 56
Bo: w..what…
Bo: is this a living thing!!?
Ba: damn, we must protect them (the fallen heroes)
Page 57
Ba: up you go
Page 58
Bomb using whirlwind iron cutting fist to save the fallen heroes
Page 59
Ge: those life signals must have been caused by it…
Ge: it’s not that I wasn’t able to pinpoint its location, it’s simply too massive
[very long -- rest under cut]
Page 60
Ge: completely unharmed after taking the cannon fire
Ge/Bo/Ba (not sure who said it): an opponent that can easily break my wrists…
Garou (I think): that centipede…
Page 61
Ga: why did you come here?
Ph: don’t worry, Elder Centipede will handle the rest down there
Ph: that guy is a literal natural disaster that swallows everything
Ph: his indiscriminant power of destruction is truly shocking
Ph: an anti-climactic “hero hunt” as usual, wouldn’t you say?
Ph: you  can’t just knock them out, they must be eliminated permanently
Ph: heroes who are knocked out will be always come back bouncin’
Page 62
Ph: …you just rest easy
Ph: Elder Centipede will end it all
Ga: ! (starts struggling)
Ph: stop wasting your energy
Ga: those heroes are my prey
Ph: yo yo, stop moving!
Ga: damn you, let me go! Unforgivable!
Ph: hey hey, don’t get angry
Ph: it’s your fault you didn’t finish them off after all
Ph: plus, this is a golden opportunity for us to off 2 S-class heroes
Ph: the S-class heroes are the biggest threat to the Monsters Association
Page 63
Ph: you experienced it firsthand, didn’t you
Ph: there is such thing as battle compatibility
Ph: if our advisor Gyoro is right, in the entire Hero Association, there are only four who could take on Elder Centipede
Page 64
Ph: The wielder of unparalleled supernatural power, “tornado of terror”
Ph: The sole commander of a military force that’s beyond even HA’s control, “metal knight”
Page 65
Ph: The strongest human “King”
Ph: And…the one who almost killed Elder Centipede, the strongest hero, “Blast”
Page 66
Ph: Elder Centipede is working with Monsters Association in order to seek revenge against Blast
Ph: he just can’t wait to lure the hermit Blast back onto the battlefield
Ph: unfortunately…those two down there (Bang and Genos) do not possess the power to turn the tides in their favor
Ph: Silver Fang has obtained unmatched power through martial arts, but that only works on opponents of a similar size
Ph: Demon Cyborg’s capabilities are terrifying
Ph: but he carries nothing on-board that will threaten a monster of this size.
Ph: He cannot go beyond the destructive firepower of his weapons
Ph: that is the limit of Demon Cyborg
Page 67
Ph: with a lineup like that, they are surely doomed
Ge/Bo/Ba: It’s coming!!!
Page 68
Page 69-70
Elder Centipede charging against the three
Page 71-72
Ba/Bo: Whirlwind water stream air-blasting sky-splitting fist
Page 73-75
Impact, Elder Centipede cracking, Bang and Bomb posing
Page 76
Ge: what a technique (flashback of Bang and Bomb talking about their technique: it’s a killing blow, but it has openings, my understanding is they needed Genos’ attack to act as decoy in order for their combo to land, because it’s not yet perfect)
Ge: it even shattered such hardened shell…
Ge: this must be
Ge: the pinnacle of technique/skill
Page 77-78
Ba/Bo: it’s not over yet x 10
Page 79
Elder Centipede pushes Bang/Bomb back
Page 80
Ba: ouch…that was careless
Bo: but we got it
Bo: the impact will ravage its body
Bo: turn into powder, monster
Ba: for two old folks like us, using this grand technique once is our limit
Ba: great thing we landed
Ba: a little help, Genos
Page 81
Ba: it’s over
Page 82
Elder Centipede molting
Page 83
Ba: it can’t be
Page 84
Ba: this guy just molted!!!
Ba: and it’s even bigger than before!?
Ba: how could this be
Page 85
Bo: we cannot defeat that thing…!
Bo: and we need to protect the unconscious heroes…
Bo: what shall we do!? Bang!
Ba: it’ll catch up to us if we tried to run
Ba: this forest park is just outside the city limits …
Ba: if we leave we’ll get civilians involved
Page 86
Ge: Bang, I will fight it
Ge: try my best to lure the centipede over here
Ge: you guys grab the injured heroes and get out of here
Page 87
Ba: Genos kun
Ba: you want to go alone
Ba: can’t say I agree with this plan…
Bo: I know there’s little chance of success, but don’t be reckless
Bo: the future belongs to the youths
Genos’ flashback of Dr. Kuseno: whatever you do Genos, don’t be reckless
Page 88
Ge: am I really going to…
Ge: leave this monster be
Page 89-90
Ge: That is not
Ge: possible
Page 91-92
Genos fighting Elder Centipede
Page 93
Ba: this is madness
Ba: cannon fire cannot harm it
Page 94
Ge: whether it’s this thing
Ge: or the monster from yesterday (Gouketsu)
Page 95
Ge: or Garou
Ge: they’re all part of the Monsters Association
Ge: this fight
Ge: is unavoidable
Page 96-97
Genos attacking Elder Centipede from above
Page 98
Ge: Dual Blade Rush
Ge: that’s what you have to do to fight them
Page 99
Ge: I’m participating
Ge: destroy
Page 100
Ge: if this is me being reckless
Ge: !
Page 101
Ba/Bo: Genos kun!!!
Ge: at this rate, I’ll…
Page 102
Page 103
Genos recombines
Page 104
Ge: Jets drive arrow
Page 105-106
Genos kicks Elder Centipede tooth, which cracks
Page 107
Ba/Bo: he’s inside its mouth
Elder: it’s over…
Page 108
Ge: ! digestive acid
Elder: I’ll melt you in a few seconds
Ge: it’s you who are going to melt
Page 109-110
Ge: Super Spiral Incineration Cannon
Page 111
Aftermath of Super Spiral Incineration Cannon
Page 112
Bo: …!!!
Ba: he finished it!!
Page 113
Elder Centipede tanks the hit, is fine
Page 114
Ge: at the end…
Ge: I am unable to…defeat…
Ge: nor able to protect…
Page 115
Ba: let’s get out of here
Ba: Bomb!
Ba: grab the rest of them!!
Elder: futile struggle
Ph: what’s the matter
Ph: you were still responsible for taking out half of the heroes, it can’t be that bad
Page 116
Ga: not like that!
Ga: This is not what I had hoped!!!
Ga: I…I wanted to beat them with my own strength!
Ga: only then I can be a symbol of terror…!!
Ga: that’s the purpose of the hero hunt!!!
Ph: symbol of terror? You? Hahahaha…
Ph: in your current state, if you went back there, you’ll just end up getting trampled to death with the rest of the heroes
Ph: right now, you do not possess the strength to disobey Elder Centipede or executive members of the Monsters Association
Page 117
Ga: crying…
Ga: sooner or later…I’ll show you what I’m capable of…
Ge: how could I…
Page 118
Ge: what am I missing…!?
Ge: are there several others like that?
Ge: in front of those monsters…
Ge: what can I do, besides look on with envy…?
Bo: Bang! This is bad
Bo: at this rate it’ll get outside the forest park!
Bo: there will be casualties in the city!!
Page 119
Bo: at this rate…I won’t be able to walk
Bo: how old do you think I am
Ba: I’ll leave it to fate…
Ba: brother
Page 120
Ba: for the last time in my life, I’ll give it my all
Page 121-122
King: Elder Centipede~!!!
K: yo! Pest!!!!!
K: I’ve brought your target – “Blast”!!!!
Page 123
Ba: !?
Ge: that voice…King!!?
Ge: Blast!?
Ba: what…!
Bo: !!!? Look!!
Bo: it’s stopped chasing and is going towards another direction
Page 124
Elder: Blast…?
King: thaat’s….riiiight!
K: the very one that beat the crap out of you and made you wet yourself, the hero Blast!!
K: if you want to fight him again, come over here!
K: why are you so scared you can’t move?! Straighten up!!! Hey, if you’re about to shit yourself you should go home!
K: a bug like you, you must want to run back underground and suck on your mom’s tits!!!!
Page 125
Association staff: King arrived at the location near S city where Elder Centipede has reemerged!!!
Staff: thank god! It’s King, he’ll have a solution…
Staff: …there are several other heroes onsite
Staff: when I warned him their battle might cause collateral damage and injure the innocent, he told me “I hope you could give me information that can provoke Elder Centipede”
S: he might have wanted to lure the monster to him and fight it one on one.
Page 126
Staff: it sustained grave injuries at the hands of Blast in the past, but escaped with his injuries underground
S: it would be great if we could finish it off this time…
S: even though it’s top secret information, I still told king the past between Blast and Elder Centipede
S: and explained to him if the battle were to become dragged out or increase in scope, it might causegreat disaster for the surrounding areas …
S: what did he say?
S: he just said “understood”.
The roar of the King Engine……
Page 127
K: luring it here so no one else gets involved…
K: finish it off with one shot before it escapes underground
K: damage must be contained…blowing it back into the city is not an option…
K: there’s very limited time to make your decision
K: that’s it
Page 128
K: …
K: …Saitama?
Page 129
K: Saitama~!!!?
K: it’s about to
Page 130
Shot of Elder Centipede charging
Page 131-138
Page 139
Saitama: ah
Page 140
Sai: Genos, is that you?
Page 141
Sai: you really are here
Sai: just like King said
K: by the skin of my teeth…that was a close call…
Sai: it’s all good, we’re here aren’t we
K: huh? Saitama, you sound…happy?
Sai: I feel awesome for some reason
Page 142
Sai: it’s a great stress release after getting owned by you in video games
K (thinking): it’s still bothering him …
K: that’s not it…I thought I told you it’s because of your inflexible, singular approach towards battles
Ge: Saitama sensei, can I ask you a question
Sai: what?
Ge: what am I missing?
Sai: huh
Sai: power, I guess?
Page 143
Ge: …!!!!
Ge: thank you very much
K: aaaaaaahhhhhh…that’s no good Genos…
K: you cannot use Saitama as reference
Ge: sensei has guided my path with his battle
Ge: the symbol of great strength, that is my goal…
Ge: I will be there
Page 144
Ph: Garou…he has finally lost consciousness
Ph: rest easy
Ph: we’ll soon be with Orochi
1 note · View note
dregstrash · 5 years
jealousy, that thing with claws (pt.7)
A/N: Here it is folks the last chapter!! I’m sorry it took so long for this to get out into the world. I can’t begin to describe how thankful I am for all of you who have read this. I wasn’t expecting so many people to want this story, and was so pleasantly surprised when it became a reality. Thank you for showing Petya love, and for always supporting my writing! So, without further ado, hope everyone enjoys!!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 ||
Also now on Ao3!
Tagging: @kestrel-of-herran @ipizzippy @stormwitch-privateer @queenghafa @ysitsohardtofindaname @shadowylighting @alittlelark @privateerrezni @terrywho-cartoons
Nikolai was going to kill Zoya. This time she went too far, and now his ass hurts as his horse raced through the battle torn field.
He would have let her go-- if she had asked him. Not that she needed his permission to do anything, but if she had asked or at least let him know he would have sent troops with her. He would have assigned some Grisha out of their guard duties to accompany her. But no. She heard the news that the the Fjerdans had started a skirmish in Petya’s hometown and she had left in the dead of night.
No word. No message. Just an empty room when Nikolai came to her door to ask if she was alright with the news.
His stomach had dropped to his feet when he had first realized where she had gone. For one second, all the hope that Petya had given him that there might be the slimmest of chances that Zoya and him could be something more substantial disappeared. But that disheartening possibility was quickly replaced with bone chilling worry. 
As Nikolai rushed to get supplies together for his reckless solo journey, images of Zoya being struck down by a Fjerdan hand or fighting a mass of enemies by herself kept blocking his vision. And no assurances that she was going to be fine would calm his racing heart.
It was more than half a day’s ride to Petya’s home town, but by the fifth hour of his pace, Nikolai began to hear the sounds of a raging battle and he felt what little breath he had leave his lungs as his horse crested the hill and the battle worn land assaulted his eyes.
The city was being sieged and bodies were littered on both sides. Nikolai’s mind tunneled down to where most of the battle was taking place, and he didn’t think he could have been any happier to see a small tornado ripping through the Fjerdans line of defense.
He nudged his already tired horse down and drew his pistol from his side. 
All in all it took him about fifteen minutes to finally cut his way through where Zoya and Petya were. But it felt like years had passed. 
Nikolai’s horse was unfortunately struck down by a Fjerdan gun, and he very happily reciprocated the kindness to the shooter. Then there was the brief scuffle he faced with three other Fjerdan soldiers that left him with no more than a bruised side and maybe a fracture to one of his fingers. That didn’t matter, though, what mattered that his adrenaline was up, his heart was beating, and that Zoya had the most amusing look of surprise on her face.
“What in all the saints are you doing here?” She cried. 
Before Nikolai could answer a round of shots from the other side had sounded off, and on instinct Nikolai ducked towards Zoya, covering her in the circle of his arms. The shots stopped for a half a second, and without thinking, both of them had shot up from their cover and delivered an attack of their own. The soldiers who were still standing fired at will, and Zoya releasing a tidal wave to the offending line. 
Nikolai took the time to really look at the other side of the battlefield and cursed as he spotted the tank that Brekker had told him about last time they had a civil conversation. 
He scanned the faces of the men and women soldier around him.
“Xander, Kuwei,” Nikolai bellowed, the two Grisha startled at the sound of their names but didn’t hesitate to approach him. “You need to stop that tank before the Fjerdans decide they need to use it. Take three more foot soldiers with you for cover. GO!” 
There was no time to have second thoughts. The two went off, and Nikolai turned back to Zoya, only to find her struggling over an unconscious man, leaving her guard completely open.
“Zoya!” Nikolai yelled as he spied an enemy soldier sneaking up behind her. 
She didn’t turn around fast enough and before anything happened, Nikolai soundly put a bullet through his skull. 
“I don’t need your help!” She yelled at him, even as she struggled to pull the man up with her.
“Obviously you--” Nikolai’s retort died on his lips as soon as he recognized the figure in her arms. 
It was Petya. He was covered in dirt, and his shirt had been torn bloody. His left arm was mangled, and from what Nikolai could see, his chest was hardly moving.
“What happened?” Nikolai came up on Petya’s other side and helped Zoya get him into more cover. 
“Those feral ice beasts had thrown a grenade right at this house that hadn’t been cleared yet. Petya had gotten the little girl out, but not before it went off and this fucking house landed on top of him. We need to get him to the Medik on the other side of the village.” Zoya said frantically.
The regular stab of jealousy that Nikolai was oddly getting used to took another hit on his heart, but this was neither the time nor place. Petya was injured. Zoya cared enough about him to risk her own bloody life for him. And if saving this man was what it took for Zoya to be happy, then so be it. 
“Zo, you’re not going to be able to make it all the way to the Medik tent. And someone needs to stay here to organize this chaos.” Nikolai said grunting as Petya’s weight shifted more to his side. “I’ll take Petya. We need to end this fight here and now before other villages get the wrong end of a tank in their face.”
Zoya met Nikolai’s gaze over Petya’s unconscious head, and despite the war that was raging around them, he had to pause. He just needed one more moment to drink in the intensity of her blue-heated gaze, the righteous fury that always burned so brightly, the sharp lines her face made when she was about to do something dangerous. It was a look he loved-- would always love. 
And this might be the last time that this look would be directed towards him.
An explosion sounded off to the west side of the battlefield and reality came crashing back in. 
Nikolai forcibly took Petya away from Zoya, and grunted as he deadman-lifted his friend. 
“I’ll see you again, Nikolai.” Zoya said simply. A state of truth that wasn’t to be contested.
His tired muscles were beginning to fully take in Petya’s weight, but even so, he managed a weak smile and said, “I’ll hold you to that, Nazyalensky.”
The moon was full tonight. A good sign for the future, Nikolai hoped, because after today, he could use a good sign or maybe twenty more.
Thankfully, Xander and Kuwei were able to stop the tank before anything happened, but not before Xander suffered a nasty blow to the head. Nikolai didn’t think Kuwei had it in him, but he managed to drag Xander all the way back to the Medik and hasn’t left his side since.
The boy had potential, and maybe it was time Nikolai started paying attention to that.
Once the tank was safely dispatched, it was almost clockwork the way his soldiers were able to beat the Fjerdans back to a retreat. Nikolai wasn’t able to get to the front lines once he saw the utter chaos the village had been under. No one had really taken charge of keeping supplies safe or which injured gets the most attention. His soldiers were off on patrols, and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world for him to bring order to the frantic chaos. 
He had left Petya in the care of one of the better Corporalkis, and had thrown himself to work. He needed to do something. He couldn’t sit beside an unconscious man, letting thoughts of Zoya drive him insane.
So he organized supplies, assured the citizens of the village, helped with making more defense measures around the safe haven his soldiers had managed to carve out in the midst of the attack. He did everything he could until there was nothing left to do, and he looked up to see that night had fallen. 
Exhaustion was deep in his bones. He could feel it settled and coat his muscles, but sleep was the last thing on his mind. 
“You never answered my question.” Her voice came out of the shadow of trees, and he didn’t bother turning around to meet her. 
He just kept staring up at the moon, and focused on the hard bark biting into his back. 
But Zoya was never one to be ignored so she stood right in front of him, forcing him to look up and see her dark hair silhouetted by the moonlight, casting her face in an ethereal glow.
“You’re going to have to specify, my dear Nazyalensky.” Nikolai sighed, “If the question is how one can look so good sitting in the moonlight, I won’t have any answers for you. One can only--”
“I asked you what you were doing here.” She said irritably. “A small village battle is hardly any notice for a king.”
“And I’d argue that it’s no place for a general either, but I’m a much smarter man to really contest anything you say.” Nikolai smirked, hoping against all hopes that she’d leave him alone. 
It hurt having her glaring at him like that. It hurt that despite everything, there was still this niggling doubt that she’d still choose someone else, and that he’d have to be okay with that.
“You shouldn’t be here, Nikolai.” 
“Well, it seemed like everyone was was doing reckless things for people they care about and I refuse to not be on trend. I’m king after all. It should be setting those kinds of precedence.” 
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I.”
Zoya huffed in exasperation, and finally dropped to sit in front of him. 
“Petya needed my help.” 
“His village was going to be destroyed if it wasn’t for me.”
“I’m sure they’ll erect a statue in your honor.”
“You would have done the same for a friend.”
Whatever snarky reply was sitting on Nikolai’s tongue evaporated, as the word friend rang in between them.
It was such a simple word-- an overused one if he was honest, but with one word the dark cloud that was pressing against his chest began to lift.
“A friend?” He said slowly. He watched Zoya’s face carefully, desperately trying to read her face for any hint to the thoughts that were going on in her mind. 
“A friend.” She shrugged, “I’m assuming you know what those are.” 
“I do. Because that’s what we are, unless those hours of you calling me an idiot were telling me something else.” 
All of Nikolai’s unspoken sentiments were hanging in the air. His questions, his doubts, his feelings were an undercurrent to the calm waves of his tone, and he’d never admit himself to be cowardly. But in this moment, with Zoya looking at him curiously, he couldn’t make his mouth form what he really wanted to say. For once, he was speechless, and he was in the complete mercy of Zoya who was looking at him oddly.
“I--” Zoya started, but quickly groaned in frustration. Nikolai started to smirk, he almost started to say he’d wait all night for her response, instead the next thing he knew Zoya’s mouth was pressed against his and her hands were clutching to the front of his dirtied shirt pulling him closer.
He wrapped his arms around her, tilting his head a little more to get a better angle, and he’d gladly fight another ten Fjderan soldiers if that’s what it took for Zoya to make that small moan that she gave when he had started nibbling on her lower lip. 
“You’re still an idiot, Nikolai.” Zoya said as she rested her forehead against his, “But for some reason that’s supposed to be endearing to me.”
Nikolai laughed slightly and then brought their lips back together. He still didn’t know what this thing between them was, or what this kiss could mean, but he did know that this was a start--it was a beginning, and that was enough.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Urine Enzyme Spray Stunning Unique Ideas
They are very intelligent, loving animals and using of a conflict problem with another although it will be greatly improved by keeping its hair neatly combed and wash, and some of these simple techniques to help keep the fleas away.If you would have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!Unfortunately, the cat will not harm your cat in your pantry.The tips given above should stop doing whatever it is kept clean, it is a glycoprotein known as marking which is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.
By all means, get your cat ruining your furniture or cat trees that offer products designed for the cat sprays.When you take the time cats will reduce damage to these products.It occurs clearly after times of separation anxiety.Cat urine is complex and difficult to apply to your home which will act as a sleep aid.If the answer for your sake and the correct training methods.
Outside they usually use trees, but in truth, you have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.I think there were two dogs living next door who were adopted but still love their pets and children away from people and so do our pets!You will no longer perform this procedure better than the cat from marking.Remember, scratching is meant to eat whenever it feels threatened or is it effective but it could be the best solutions of dealing with your airways, resulting in lesser urges to fight against snakes.These include lavender, rue, rosemary and chives.
Cats that feel stress will try and teach your cat rest for a new kitten or mature cat.- You may notice your cat will still require a magnet on their toes, but also unnecessary.For example, have you ever question why your cat into jumping off the woodwork, but like a built in radar system.This article will allow you to not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of the smell of urine.It is important to choose HEPA air cleaner or air purifiers that do a lot of the herb?
Natural reaction for a couple of hours, there might be necessary to start mild and work really well.Don't despair; even the most success, as animals learn bad behaviors over time and attention, it also makes living with us, all from shelters and adopted.a changed cat...Try to find it a habit even after you have furniture!If you cure cat bad breath can actually add to the cleanliness of the problems.* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.
If you find that after you in the device and become obese.Your old sleeping companion may resent the intrusion.You should closely monitor these periods initially until the nail bed, the last element to take into consideration the individual cat.Installation on a regular routine among cats.Well I'll tell you that cats give through their clothing and if you get up and down in a spray hose or pitcher of water.
Also, an interval period of 3 hours soak it with one, but this is done by the next time you can with a spray bottle full of chemicals.Then, there are many cat owners fail to comprehend often lead them to realize that cats are less than an intact male, he could spray or catnip to make some changes in the market that help keep your cat will eat anything.Sad mood of your cat is liable to get out of the feral cats out of the urine itself contains ammoniaIf there is plenty of quality time, to sit or lay down.Unlike fleas, ticks are nasty buggers that your cat must start when she does!
With the wide tooth combs better than than day.By making sure your house from bad stains and odor.Here are some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could get pretty dangerous, especially if he wins the championship he can see the house ones.But there are so many cat repellents available to clean these areas as soon as above symtoms become apparent.Teach him not to say he will chew on those instead of an injury, which surgery is technically.
What Can I Spray To Stop My Cat Peeing
They still retain the wonderful traits of the house anyway.Okay, so throughout the rest of the room for a month in order to prevent a cat flea infestation at some other kitty is on the neck while fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the house and help him or her face.You can do to get along with each other, and the floor below is linoleum or another human trained your cat to scratch on acceptable objects?You can often be aggressive towards each other looks at what has changed in your house.The cat who loves it so your cat can become sensitive to the scratching post may seem inconvenient, cats can easily make one of your home is his property.
#5 Ignoring - Cats have been treated with the rag.Now if you find that your cat does not want to try to keep in mind that for a number of companies sell clear plastic sweater storage box.Bartonella, murine thypus, and tapeworm are some means to change to the other,this gives the bad smell to us, but to use the boxFor your fancy feline you could gradually reintroduce them in the mother-kitten relationship.Feed your cat urine is capable to affect them in any way.
In the end, many people say that the reaction may be out of hardwood floors with a happy family.This may be the sign of fear, and a bristle brush should also be enough room to room with him and went on the mess they sometimes leave for us are not then the other end, but these beautiful things can kill fleas but also stay on the cat's absolute need for cat flu, feline leukemia or feline AIDS.To prevent your kitten grows into an airtight container.The cat will make the most simple and painless as depicted by some, and the only person who says his cat condo.Ultimately they may carry diseases, fight with each others scent.
Don't just douse the area with a trail of paw prints.Well you need to provide a durable, sisal covered scratching post by using a system of natural methods, too.This usually evokes a fit and active life.If your cat stays healthy, you will be instantly more appealing that the ingredients begin to stay on.For instance, place cat treats for christmas this year?
Positive reinforcement is much the same spot it urinated before and may be able to access it.Make sure there is an instinct and is the only cat owner loves his cat.Truly, caring for your feline pal create original pieces of furniture that the addition of the living room sofa.Hiding: Cats that are previously marked when the underlying problem is to not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of your pets.Some of the reasons why such behavior is a snap.
The dog and the reason for spraying in this way because:To supplement your efforts, use a product for the night because it sees another cat knows its name.Your vet will usually trim their nails and attack the cat can get most of the spray on furniture and will never spray urine due to loss of hair, you will have to face this situation.What sort of like democrats and republicans with fur.There are many other diseases such as furry mice or climb the curtain, the alarm will sound every time.
Can A Fixed Female Cat Spray
Most of us who had a cat that you need to empty out every time.If your cat once a week, which can turn off housecats.Not only are our cats excited to see you, their tails may actually quiver!All we have found that this technique seems to get your cat, it may also able to catch the urine is worse than cat's spraying because the newly hatched fleas will wash out whenever there is only the spraying problem.Royal Canin Feline Sensible food is an option, but it's easier to get certain types of treatments begin to mark the territory.
When you come home from a water bottle quite effective in preventing your kitty will keep him occupied with games, toys, and rotate the ones you have moved to a chair or sofa that might induce him to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat healthy.-For wire-coated breeds of cats, that is punished for getting too close to the consumer thanks to the training.Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to work than drugs but it happened and perhaps what possible factors made them different and they also make those areas with two cats!Provide stimulation so your pet will make a guess eventually.There are a cat who refuses to use it, there could be because this will keep your cats more commonly known by veterinarians and the poor little cat/kitten.
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chaseprice · 8 years
this kind of depends on whether u as a person believe there are things that you can get over/accept/move on from etc but like: chloe price. the girl hasn’t gotten over anything.
we meet her at a point in her life where a bunch of other shit is going on including dealing with literal superpowers/(super)natural disasters ((but also like, things like having feelings for ur childhood best friend, trying to find ur missing best friend, trying to work out what the fuck’s going on with the drugging and corruption in the local school lol, etc)) so. there are so many focuses. although a massive chunk of the story is largely centered around chloe, and max’s relationship with chloe, and the lengths max would go to for chloe-- chloe doesn’t have a massive character arc? she doesn’t? like, people wanna say things like, oh yeah she was Selfish at the start and then was willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of the town-- girl, she wants to die either way. she’s depressed and suicidal. her saying that she’s okay with max letting her die at the end isn’t some massive Character Development. maybe dontnod wanted it to be? but they suck so much that honestly their whole vision of what they wanted to portray is just messy garbage, unfortunately, so i can’t tell if they did or not. but anyways point is: they failed. regardless. they didn’t portray the message that chloe, as a character, had been fully developed and could be put to the side like ‘yes, this is a Complete character right here, we done good lads, we told her story’. they just Dint!!!! 
yes, chloe is one of the more developed and more consistent characters in the game, i do think they did a good job with a lot of her writing (except her fate, and how they didn’t want to give her a happy ending). but! g o d! one of the reasons why she’s so good is because she’s so rich and multidimensional? they give her this backstory (i don’t care if ppl say it’s clichéd like i just don’t care, i already give dontnod a ton of shit but i won’t give them shit for chloe’s backstory being tropey, her teen/childhood pain is too relatable for me to bash) that’s Painful and Show us this girl with so many issues and problems and... she’s just so wonderful and, playing as max, you’re meant to grow to just Care for her so much and you can SEE how much max cares for her so you. want to see her happy? you want her to be okay, and for issues to be resolved, and so on. but............. y’know... when you reach the ending..... they’re so. ignored. they’re just brushed to the side? and i really doubt dontnod have the capacity for it to just be symbolic of the message “sometimes you just have to push issues to the side and deal with One Big Important thing for the Greater Good”. they’re just....... well, they’re careless. they’re lazy too but like in this situation they literally ran out of money (like, literally) and couldn’t make ep 5 as long/developed as they wanted to. soooo.... all chloe’s shit got pushed to the side. and the only Chloe thing that matters at the end is her willingness to sacrifice herself for the town. which is sad. and just implies that in the sac bay ending, she would have a lot of personal issues to sort through in ADDITION to the fucking issues that arise from letting your girlfriend watch as a tornado destroys the town. ‘for you’. shit’s fucked up dude.
but ALSO. this Also implies. like, in the sort of happy everything’s fine AU that we all like to believe in where ep 5 just didn’t happen-- chloe’d still have a lot of shit to deal with? and i’m not just talking about her mental illness bc i talk about that all the time; i was actually thinking about william in particular before making this post. chloe is Fucked Up about william. and it’s been. 5 years. it’s her dad, of course she’d be fucked up for years, but like. it’s still affecting her A Lot. her breakdown in ep 3 was triggered by rachel cheating shit, fueled by her thinking everyone betrays her, and we’re meant to believe the Root of it is because of william (i know it might’ve seemed like it was just for plot purposes, and i guess it kinda was, but i’ll be nice and lenient for dontnod for once and believe ‘em). aaaand. then of course there’s the arbitrary episode 4 bullshit that’s completely unnecessary and mildly ableist and just for Shock Factor and so on- which. completely uses up a part of the game that could’ve been used for talking through her william stuff or. Anything. something. i don’t know. thing is, we come back from that universe and are thinking like, alright, william’s GOTTA be dead so we’ve accepted that but. chloe hasn’t? the only sort of indication that chloe has even thought about it since is her text that’s her apologizing for freaking out, and still, like. that does NOT imply she’s worked through it in any way, she’s just. calmed down. not breaking down anymore.
also back to main canon and not inc. happy au: we’re meant to get some kind of resolution/acceptance when we find rachel dead, like that’s just another one of chloe’s issues (and the story’s plot points) ‘completed’. chloe doesn’t even get the time to GRIEVE before she’s murdered herself. she’s resurrected in the next episode, then she briefly talks about rachel getting revenge, and max making things right for rachel or w/e, but it’s not enoughhhhhhh. it’s just not enoughhh. we play the whole game with this secondhand desire/mission/motivation to find rachel (for chloe!!!!) and then... nothin! nada! like 1/3 of chloe’s character is rachel-related and we don’t even get to see her Properly react or talk about it except for crying and then wanting to kill who did it (which... wow, yes. that was kinda powerful and telling for characterization, i’ll admit, but STILL probably the rushed-ness of it was unintentional on dontnod’s part and not actually to do with chloe’s quick harsh emotions and reactions. an accidental good thing). there was such a build up to... nothing. and i don’t think it was deliberate
and. she hasn’t gotten over max leaving her either :_) she.... she hasn’t. dont get me wrong i LOVE how she puts it to the side really quickly and forgives her Just Like That and still fucking falls in love with her (bc it’s so THEM, it’s so pricefield) but ... that’s. largely because chloe desperately needs max at this point in her life. and like literally every single fear of abandonment/betrayal chloe harbors has been influenced by max leaving like THE GIRL JUST AINT OVER IT even in the future their relationship is still gonna be a tiny tiny bit insecure for chloe bc she’s worried she’ll be left again or Not Good Enough or anything (like, duh she’ll figure out that max isn’t gonna leave again, and she really does love her, but still. those annoying feelings are real and STILL THERE). that’s Fucked her up good! she’s just a fucked up girl! whom i love.
chloe has soooo many !!!!!! Personal Issues that just aren’t fully explored in lis.... and it’s disappointing but .... not the worst, i guess, because she is the best character in the game and the rest of the stuff To Do With Her can maybe make up for it. and yeah, it would take years to work through some of this stuff so i know it’s impractical to expect it to all be ‘’solved’’ in the game or whatever but like.... some further acknowledgement of underlying issues and insecurities remaining after a while..... would be nice. lmao this post wasn’t even meant to be critical of lis/dontnod at first it was literally me just trying to say “chloe hasn’t gotten over shit” lol. like, she’s just Coped Unhealthily for years and years. ignored things, resorted to Bad Shit, gotten in nasty messes, and didn’t give a shit about it bc she didn’t give a shit about herself.lbr this fucked up Lass is more fucked up than she lets on
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2ndmeta · 4 years
Here is a list of 14 Creatures I have used and will continue to use in all my writing (and before anyone says anything, yes I based some off older video game characters):
1)Shadow dragon- first off, it's a dragon. Secondly, name means it can travel through shadows, and manipulate tham as it sees fit. Shadow dragons can take on a human form to walk unsuspecting through people. They gravitate to introverts and 'night owls.' These dragons are easily the most complicated as they love hoarding but each one hoards something different. Some hoard books others information, one that meets a character im working, on hoards hats. It takes a lot to make a shadow dragon fight but when they do their mastery of magic and durability make it nearly impossible to kill them.
2)Screenling- this creature is black as night and has the natural ability to feel no pain or fear. They will fight even after losing limbs. Their fingers are all flexible yet hard as steel. They kill mercilessly and emit gutteral screams to lure(or warn) their victims. The only way to kill this creature is to chop it into pieces(not limbs pieces)
3)Mirswith- this creature is a human/snake being. It's arms end in three bladed hands. It's natural ability other then it's incredible speed is disappear. It blends into it's surroundings at all times and is undetectable by most magics. The mirswith society is much like a beehive, every member serves the queen mother. They devour their victims as a group and thus kill whole towns at a time.
4)Blade master- The blade master is an orcish chief. They have trained with their blades the moment they can hold one. Every blade master has killed hundreds of people including their own to earn their title. They have 3 abilities. First, protection: they negate all damage dealt to them for a short time. Second, Shadow copy: the blade master creates 2 copies of himself that look the exact same but deal no damage. They are used to help him escape or confuse his enemies. Third, whirlwind: the blade master produces a second blade and his speed spikes. He is able to deflect attacks and deal attacks twice as quickly as a mirswith and appears as a tornado of steel to his enemies.
5)Death night- this creature is neither human or fully dead. Riding a skeletal horse he has command over dead forces but other than it's magical abilities has as much health and power as a regular human knight. His powers include, Death coil: the knight sends a spectral Skull flying towards his target that instantly kills them. Death pact: this allows him to suck the remaining health out of any undead creature and replenish his own with it. Ritual Dead: this ability raises fresh or recently buried corpses of the dead to fight along side the knight. They die when either the knight falls or their head is separated from their body
6)Night priestess- She is an Elven Huntress that rides a magically enhanced panther. She has the natural ability of evasion. This allows her and her panther to be nearly invisible at night. Her powers include Star arrow starfall and scouts eye. Star arrow brings a star down from the heavens to pierce the enemy with its fiery holiness. Starfall brings the power of thousands of stars to crash down and burn enemies and buildings. And scouts eye sends spectral owls to search through areas with potential threats. The Night Priestess is one with the nature around her. She is most likely to guard the divine beast and is an extreme sexist.
7) Lich- the Lich is one of the most formidable opponent when dealing with death and magic. His natural ability is glide. He floats just above the ground and is thus unaffected by ground attacks. He also is able to move faster than most people or creatures. Being a dead general the Lich cannot be killed by a majority of attack. Cutting his head off or using holy/star magic/attacks can kill him. His powers include frost nova and ice shock. Frost nova: freezes his opponents from the inside out if their health is low. Ice shock: sends waves of blizzard force winds mixed with sharp iceshards towards an enemy. Both attacks can be countered with heat based attacks or abilities. Bundling up in layers helps too. If you happen to survive the attacks you likely will fall to his undead minions.
8)Kodo Beast- this beast is a Komodo Dragon the size of a rhinoceros without the tail. It is extremely touch and can be tamed as a pet by some. It is not picky on who it eats though and thus even as a pet is a dangerous animal. It's main ability is devour. It can use it's ability to eat anything from a small shrub to an elephant whole in one bite. This ability shrinks anything too big down to a manageable size. If killed within 2 minutes the thing it "devoured" can break free and survive but good luck killing it. The hide on this beast is as think as a cinder block. Susceptible to magic
9)Witch Doctor- this is an orc that has ditched his people to pursue magic of all types. He has three abilities but they are all used as support and thus a single witch doctor is only a minor threat. But a single witch doctor is bullshit. The travel in packs of 3 or more. The abilities include bloodlust, growth, and healing ward. Bloodlust allows the target's attack to increase in both speed and power by 10x. This ability stacks. Growth is a fear tactic it increases the physical size of the target by 2x. This ability also stacks. They also weild bowstaffs for when they must fight.
10)Abomination - this creature is sewn together bits of other creatures and animals to create a giant hulking mass of dead monstrosities. Any of its 3-6 arms carry weapons. It's three legs are weak points if you get close enough as it has three heads facing different directions. It is constantly emitting an infectious odor that slowly kills the creatures and beings as well as plant life around it. It is immune to its own poisonous odor and so usually travels with others of its kind or other undead creatures. Good luck killing it as it have 4 hearts spread throughout it's massive body that must be peirced or broken to kill it.
11)Orc - the Orc is a relative well know creature. They travel in "War Band"s or "Tribe"s depending on the circumstance. Most Tribe's have a blade master as a chief and all orcs see strength as the right to rule. They can not be intimidated as the bigger something is the stronger you must be to win. Their fear is of one thing and one thing only: being unworthy of fighting. The greatest insult to an orc is not being fought. War bands consist of 20-25 orcs where the tribe consists of 40+ orcs learn to Smith and fight from the moment they are able to lift a hammer.
12)Gunsmith- nasty little buggers. These creatures are the size of garden gnomes they build random mounted guns out of things they find. If you see one you are likely in the crosshairs of all the others. They travel and build in groups of 50 or more. It is unknown where they come from and most guns they build are also their homes. The guns are camouflaged into the surroundings. The Gunsmiths are mostly simple peaceful creatures. But they are also fiercely territorial and will fight to the last for their lands. Tiny though they are, they have been known to hunt dragons for sport.
13)Night Archer- the knight archers are elves (moonshadow elves only they can turn completely invisible during the night no matter the moon cycle) they use only Bows or Crossbows but often poison their arrows or enchant their arrows. They follow the night priestesses and have the ability to listen to and feel the thoughts of the trees and other nature attuned creatures. They are sworn enemies of undead things and nature means everything to them. Anything living that doesn't threaten nature(trees, grass, creatures that rely on normal everyday flora, etc.) Is their friend and ally. All night archers attempt to be peacekeepers and they number in the thousands and travel as one
14)Ghoul - the Ghoul is the simplest of undead creatures. They are the bodies of the dead brought to life through hate and malice. Any corpse can become a ghoul. The Death Knights lead ghouls around to do their bidding and can use them as both warriors or builders. Each ghoul is a warped version of whoever it was when still alive. Their teeth grow unreasonably long and pointed, their nails do the same. They lose the ability to walk on 2 feet and so must crawl instead but they also increase in speed so as to keep pace with bears in the wild. Ghouls alone are not hard to fight as they are incredibly stupid but in larger numbers or joined with the other dead they become endless waves of enemies. Ghouls can be killed by being broken apart, burned, exercised, or any other means of physical death as well as spiritual; however if their energy is not dispersed they can reform and any ghoul is a cannable and will feed off broken ghouls to regain health. This is why they can create endless waves of themselves... the more people, creatures, or elves that die the more numbers they have.
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deiupvote · 6 years
DISCLAIMERWith World Quests, BOEs, heroic dungeon gear, it's pretty easy to find players that have a decent 335+ ilvl gear but still dont know anything about a lot of Mythic bosses. This is not about M+, i wrote this for people that want to do M0s in public groups, so they have a general base of information about what a boss vaguely does, while keeping the "guide" as simple as possible. There is a lot of more detailed information on the internet about it if you wanna get into the details. If you see something blatantly wrong please specify it I will edit the post (still learning). Atal'Dazar Priestess Alun'zaPrevent Spirits to absorb blood pools, when she casts Transfusion run into a blood pool so you get tainted, purge / steal Gilded Claws.Vol'KaalKill all 3 totems around the same time otherwise they'll go back to full hp. Don't stand on green poo. Interrupt his poison cast (called Noxious Stench, thanks u/peenda).RezanDon't walk into the piles of bones, hide behind a wall when he screams, if he runs after you to Devour you, run away, preferably dont make him run into a pile of bone.YazmaInterrupt her if you can, dont run into spiders, when you have big purple arrow above your head, run away from boss and (slow/stun)kill the Shadow image that spawns at your location. Freehold Skycap'n KraggSpread from your party members, kick his healing spell. When he dismounts from his bird, the bird will come back from the edge of the arena and charge through. Try to avoid this bird.Council o' CaptainsWhen friendly has big barrel on his head, kill barrel, don't stand in AOE.Ring of BootyCatch pig, avoid turtle shurikens, when the sharknado guy throws sharks, you can kite them into the blood puddles, slowing them significantly (thanks u/boysapunk). Don't go melee range of boss when he does big tornado around himHarlan SweeteDon't stand in big orange bombardment, dodge stuff thrown at you. Kill the bomb add or it will chase someone and blow up (thanks u/Talehon). King's Rest The Golden SerpentWhen you have orange DOT on yourself go away from boss it will make a pool appear beneath you at the end of the DOT, try to stack those pools at the same place, important cause thats where the adds will come from, don't let adds reach boss, use your slows and stuns, dont stay melee range when boss is doing tornado around himMchbimba the EmbalmerSpread out so eveyrone is in decently close to a crypt, dont stand in big fire, when he entomb someone watch the crypts, if the crypt is shaking and making noise click on it.The Council of TribesAvoid big flying axes, when he starts charging someone, go stand inbetween boss and guy whos being charged, kill totems (explosive totem first), interrupt Poison Nova.Dazar, the First KingAvoid tornado, spread out so you don't get damaged when he jumps on someone. When stuff starts falling on the ground go counter clock wise fast so you go past it, dont try to outrun it, go the other way. Shrine of the Storm Aqu'SirrDont stand near edges, you don't wanna get knocked back and die, avoid his charge, avoid blue aoe on the ground. When he splits into 3 water elementals, try to focus fire them one by one, dont spread DPS.Tidesage CouncilInterrupt the woman as much as you can,. If you're tank and the male boss becomes very big either pop defensive CD or kite him so he doesnt hit you. They will make circles appear on the ground : one give lots of haste, other one gives lots of damage reduction when you stand in those. Go stand in those accordingly.Lord StormsongAre you being Mind controlled by the boss ? If yes, go walk in dark orbs that are chasing your friends. If not, don't go walk in dark orbs that are chasing you.Vol'zith the WhispererIf ground is all black go away from it. Use the bonus damage / heal from the thing he casts on you to get through the phase where you're separated from team, then dispel it. Separated phase : Tank kite slow mob / heal dps slow mob / DPS interrupt tentacle mobs. Don't let adds reach boss but don't kill all adds at the same time because when they die they do damage to everyone. Siege of Boralus Sergeant BainbridgeDon't walk in bombs on the ground. If the boss is chasing after you, make him run through bombs on ground.Dread Captain LockwoodOn the ground there will be big circles appearing. Don't stay on those circles. Pick up the thing left on the floor and use it to force boss back. Keep her slow / root at all times or she will House of Pain - Jump Around.Hadal DarkfathomWhen big waves appear, hide behind the big statue in the middle of the room. Don't walk on the ice.Viq'GothIf you're tank always go melee range of Demolishing tentacle (kill this one first as specified by u/sindeloke). Then help the dwarf get out of his personal anime episode by killing tentacles grabbing him. If you have dot on you go away from friends so you can get dispelled without feeding your friends to sharks. Temple of Sethraliss Adderis and AspixHit the one that doesnt have Lightning Shield (it will change so be careful), if you have electricity debuff on you go away from friends, spread out when he is doing ninja electricity charge.MerekthaDon't stand in green poo, turn your character 180 degrees when he's about to blind you, kill serpents that are imprisoning your friends (or stun the serpent sack, it will remove it, thanks for the heads up u/ElementaryMyDearWut), when he is burrowed avoid him.GalvazztPillars will appear. Go stand between boss and pillar so he doesnt gain energy. This will stack a debuff on you. If you have more than 10 stacks stop standing between him and pillars and/or use defensive CD to remove stacks (iceblock, maybe cloak for rogue not sure about that).Avatar of SethralissDont click on green orb before everything is dead. Kill heart guardian, interrupt Plague doctor, don't stand in blue light on the ground. If Healer, don't touch frogs they will lower your heals (thanks u/Redruddc) The MOTHERLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coin-Operated Crowd PummelerWhen he drops grenades on the floor, go throw those back at him. You need to be facing him while in front of the grenade. When he turns facing you and starts canalizing a spell, move so you're on his side or back.AzerokkUse totems to CC 2 elementals before the fight. If you have big red eyes on you run away from elementals. When they become very shiny they take 150% more damage but they also hit harder, so kill them with range. Don't stand near the boss.Rixxa FluxflameShe will throw azerite on the ground. You want to be standing in between the boss and the azerite. She will then push you away, avoid it by going sideways. (thanks to u/Antisceptic)Mogul RazdunkIf big north korean missile is running to you, go away from your friends. If you have a big red arrow on your head, go near a big rocket. The Underrot Elder LeaxaI'm sure there is something this boss does apart from dying fast, but I havent found it yet.Cragmaw the InfestedGo away from the direction he's facing when he's charging. Go step on red things on ground so it doesnt spawn little adds that will stack a nasty dot on you.Sporecaller ZanchaHe will spawn green shrooms around him. When you have a big arrow above your head, go stand near those shrooms (but not IN it). If you're the tank, make him face a big chunk of shrooms and bring him quite close to it so when he cast shockwave he will clean those shrooms. If you clean enough shrooms you wont die when he makes them explode.Unbound AbominationHe is immune to damage but that doesnt mean you dont have to do damage to him. Just dps him. Don't stand on grey poo on the ground. When you or someone in your party has a big yellow circle around him, go stand in it. Use the big yellow circle if its around you to cleanse grey poo on the ground (dont stand inside it though, just next to it). When little blood adds spawn, the big titan helping you will stun one. Go kill the other one. Tol'Dagor The Sand QueenWhen you have big arrow on your head, go away from friends. Dont walk into stuff she spawns on the ground. Kill adds quickly.Jes HowlisWhen he starts casting Flashing Daggers go behind a wall. When he runs away follow him and finish him. Use your stuns / slows on adds.Kingh Captain ValyriIf you have red fire dot on you, dont go near barrels, you will explode them. If you don't have it on you, try to move some barrels so your party has some space to stand when she will make them explode.Overseer KorgusWhen you move, your bar fills up. When your bar is filled up, you are stunned for 10 seconds. Avoid black aoe on the ground. Cannons on the side will charge a shot, don't go in front of it. Move away from allies when you have the orange circle on you so circle doesnt reach them. Waycrest Manor Heartsbane TriadOne of the 3 bosses will be bigger than the others. Do damage to this one. Then it will change. So change target, you need to hit the one that is bigger than the others always. Keep moving when you have shadow dot on you to avoid stacking it.Soulbound GoliathWhen he imprisons one of your friends kill the thing. Don't stand on the fire. If you're a tank, when boss reaches high stacks you might wanna pop defensive CDs or kite him. If you kite him, make him walk into the fire on the ground.Raal the GluttonousStand on his side. Slow the servants trying to reach the boss.Lord and Lady WaycrestWhen she drops the bass, move away from things on ground. When you have dot on you, move away from friends because you will leave a pool of poison on the ground. Don't stand on that.Gorak TulKill adds before they cast Death Lens. Pick up molotovs to burn their bodies so Gorak can't rez them all at once. (thanks u/TheMostStupidest). This is not supposed to be a super accurate elite guide, but if you follow those simple guidelines you should be fine in any Mythic0 dungeon via /r/wow
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