#and once again the Buddha is the only one keeping chill and drawing up his seal while everyone promptly forgets to be cool and freaks out
cave-monkey · 8 months
Favorite thing from the books that I bring up anytime I get the opportunity:
The mountain the Buddha dropped on Sun Wukong wasn't enough to actually contain him. The seal had to be added later because Sun Wukong was clawing his way out.
#jttw personal#also it's only because Sun Wukong managed to dig himself partly free that his head and hands were exposed at all#he was originally (apparently) crushed under the mountain in his entirety and that's how they were going to leave him#like at least this way he had air and light and could kind of see things#gah#always reminded of this during events like that story later with the gold and silver horn brothers where they keep desperately throwing#MULTIPLE mountains at him trying to stop him and he just shoulders them and keeps coming#it took like...four or something? to finally put him down temporarily#five phases mountain was a very SPECIAL mountain sure#but it was still only (mostly only) one mountain#look everyone had a reason to be shitfaced terrified of the guy is all I'm saying#even the Buddha THOUGHT it was enough (he was even about to just leave entirely) but thankfully for Heaven he was convinced to stay for a-#'ahahaha how are we nOT DEAD-' party of the kind where everyone talks mad shit like they're not still vibrating with adrenaline#and in the middle of this some poor Minister comes sprinting in (I like to imagine Professor Quirrell with the troll) all#“The Great Sage!!! His head is sticking out!”#and once again the Buddha is the only one keeping chill and drawing up his seal while everyone promptly forgets to be cool and freaks out#and when THAT'S wrapped up he then decides to throw in the 'molten copper and iron pellets' thing on his way out the door#which I'm taking as him being super annoyed#I guess that's still better than 500 years crushed immobile in the airless dark but like#I don't know that's definitely a toughie in the 'would you rather' game#entirely appropriate this is the first post here I literally never shut up about this#this isn't even all of it
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littlekatleaf · 3 years
Love's perfect ache
Well look at that, I am alive and I come bearing fic! This takes place after "Offer me my deathless death".
But my peace has always depended On all the ashes in my wake. ~ Hozier, Arsonist’s Lullaby
When Roadhog slides out from under the covers, off to do his usual early morning routine - tea, meditation, some sorta martial arts practice with Hanzo - Junkrat doesn’t complain, just rolls over, curling closer to Lúcio. Shivers a little, but Lú wraps an arm around him and he slides back down into sleep, grounded and warm.
Chills wake him the second time, shivering hard enough to rattle teeth. Sun’s higher now, though still not a reasonable time to wake. Mystery as to why both Roadie and Lú are morning people. Be funny, weren’t so annoying. Least Roadie has the sense to grumble about it until he’s caffeinated. Not Lúcio. Bright and cheerful at the asscrack of dawn as he is midday. Or midnight. Where’d he go, anyway? Junkrat pries his eyes open, blinking against a rising need to sneeze and catches sight of Lúcio picking his shorts up off the floor. “Oi Lú, ya ain’t need to clean up after me,” he blurts, but too late.
The necklace, forgotten until just this second, slides from his pocket and onto the floor where it lays, glittering. Lúcio frowns, scoops it up. Silent as Roadie. Not like his usual self.
“I can explain.” Maybe starting to talk’ll jumpstart his brain because at the moment it’s empty and dry as the middle of the Outback. “Found it during your set last night. Just walkin’ through the crowd an’ accidentally bumped into this sheila when I sneezed. She dropped it an’ before I could catch her attention to give it back she disappeared. Ain’t no way to find out who she was.”
“She dropped it.”
Junkrat shrugs. “Guess I surprised her.” Staying closer to truth needs less creativity. Still feeling fuzzy headed.
“Would I lie to ya?”
“I didn’t think so.” There’s an odd note in Lúcio’s voice. He doesn’t meet Junkrat’s eyes as he drops the necklace into his hand.
Makes a sickness rise in Junkrat’s stomach that has nothing to do with the cold. Doesn’t even want the damn thing anymore. Seemed like such a good idea at the time. “All right, fine. I took it. What ya lookin’ like that for though, mate? Reckon ya know what I do. No need to be a fuckin’ prig about it.”
“I thought I knew what you did, Junkrat.” Lúcio’s still quiet. Too quiet. Junkrat prefers yellin’ and cussin’ - get it all out and over with.
“Look, ain’t like the loss is gonna hurt her. Stupid rich cunt. Reckon she got plenty more where that came from.” Clenches his fingers so tight around the fucking necklace that the stones cut into his skin. Keeps feeling like he’s gonna sneeze, and it’s got him off his game.
Lúcio shakes his head. He's gathering up his stuff - more than just the clothes he’d shed the night before. Headphones, holopad, handheld game, toothbrush. A mug. A buddha. Everything he’d brought to their room.
“Come on, what d’ya want me to do? Turn myself in? Throw myself on Morrison’s mercy?” Even as he’s trying to keep his tone arch, a pit is widening in his stomach. Gotta be something he can say, something he can do to make this right. Throat’s dry and aching and he coughs a little to clear it. Doesn’t help, still tight.
Lúcio doesn’t even look up from his backpack. Just slides in his notebook and a scarf Roadhog made him.
“Come on, Lú. She’s some suit, not even anyone we know. Ain’t no love lost between you and the suits. You really telling me ya give a flying fuck about one tiny necklace, after all the shit they done?”
Lúcio shoulders the backpack and gives Junkrat a long measuring look.
His gaze is so piercing that Rat squirms under the scrutiny. Luckily the feathery tickle that’s been bothering him suddenly spikes into a need. Almost grins but catches himself in time. He wrenches forward with a sneeze, quickly followed by two more. “Huh Iiiishew! Tsh! Isshew! Ugh. Sorry, I…”
Lúcio cuts off the apology. “Save it. I can't believe you’d use that against me. That’s a low move, even for you.”
“Wait, what?” The words hit like a fist to the stomach. Hurts enough that he actually folds his arms over his middle. He blinks, confused at the unexpected attack. “What do you mean, even for me?”
“You fight dirty, Junkrat.” Lúcio sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose. “Look. I knew what you and Roadhog did before you joined Overwatch. I’m not naive.”
“Might beg to differ,” Junkrat mumbles, unable to help himself.
Lúcio doesn’t even bother to acknowledge the interruption. “I just thought you’d changed. Thought… I don’t know… maybe that being around us, getting to know who we are and what we stand for… I guess I hoped that you’d actually changed. Guess you were just using us to stay out of prison. Mei warned me, but I assumed she was being cynical.”
Junkrat opens his mouth to argue but before he can even get a word out, he sneezes. Hadn’t even felt it coming. The usual triplicate. “Heh-Iiishh! Issh! T’issh!” Just finishes one set when another hits. “Heh T’chew! Ishh! Ah-Rrishh!” Only gets a breath or two before another washes over him. “Hih… uh’shhh! Isshew! Huh-Ashhhuh!” Rubs his nose. “Jesus, that coulda killed…” looks up over his sleeve; realizes he’s alone. “Me,” he finishes in a mutter. Lúcio’d gone somewhere in the middle of the sneezing and Junkrat hadn’t even heard the door close. Well fuck.
He should follow, confront Lúcio. Have a proper row instead of this… whatever this is. But he’s tired, still. Not sure where Lú’s gone and the thought of having to traipse all over the fucking Watchpoint to find him feels like too much work. Considers searching out coffee, breakfast, something to soothe the edgy sensation making him want to climb out of his skin. Instead he ends up sitting on the sofa, just sorta staring aimlessly at the spot where Lúcio usually kept his Buddha.
Doesn’t know how much time passes before the door creaks open and Roadhog steps in.
“You’d better fucking apologize to Lúcio, Rat.” He’s got his arms crossed over his chest, doing his best enforcer impression.
“Not so much as a ‘good mornin’, how ya feelin’?” Junkrat snaps back.
Roadhog shrugs, clearly unconcerned. “Afternoon now, and you sound like shit, so you probably feel like shit. Doesn’t make any difference.”
“You’re my bodyguard. Why’s he got you in here fighting his battles for him?” The edge of his own tone pisses him off more. “What, exactly, deserves an apology anyway? So I stole one single, solitary fuckin’ necklace, ain’t from no one he knows, ain’t none of his business.”
Roadhog just stares at him, with his fucking blank-faced mask. Times like these Junkrat wants to rip the leather from his face. Instead he clenches his fists in his pockets.
“Ain’t the necklace,” Roadhog says finally. “You tried to turn him on to get out of an argument.”
“Fuckin’ well didn’t,” Rat protests. “That’s what he thinks of me? That’s what you think of me?” Both of them. Both of them think he’s fucking selfish, that he’d use anything to his advantage, even if it hurt someone else. The understanding is worse than the headache pounding his temples. Worse than the fact that Lúcio left in the first place.
Roadhog’s still stone. And Junkrat’s nose is tickling. Because of course it is. Scrubs at it with rough knuckles, but instead of backing off like it did the night before, it just increased the intensity of the sensation. Ducks away from Roadhog, tries to hide the sneezes in the collar of his shirt.
It’s another interminable round of sneezing. When he finally catches his breath, realizes Roadhog is right in front of him. Feels Roadie’s frown, even behind the mask. Suddenly he reaches out and presses a hand to Junkrat’s forehead.
Huffs a small surprised breath. “Got a fever.”
Junkrat’s turn to shrug. “Told ya last night I was gettin’ sick.”
“Thought you were… exaggerating for effect.” Roadhog has the grace to sound contrite.
“A little, maybe.” Junkrat coughs.
“Not much, apparently.” Roadhog sighs, sits next to him and puts an arm around his shoulders, drawing him close.
Junkrat leans into his warmth, his solidity. “Didn’t want to piss him off,” he says. “Just took the necklace without thinkin’. An’ maybe I was trying to get out of trouble - don’t like to have him mad at me.”
“Not the one who needs your apology, Rat. He’s in his room.” Roadhog squeezes his shoulders once, presses a kiss to the top of his head and stands up.
Junkrat sighs and looks wistfully at the bed. Absolutely bloody knackered, but knows he won’t be able to sleep with Lúcio angry. With one last longing sigh, he heads across the Watchpoint to find Lúcio.
At first there’s no response to his knock. The ache in his stomach’s back, and he clears his throat nervously. Pitches his voice loud enough to carry through the door, but hopefully not loud enough for Mei to hear him. “Oi, Lúcio? Open up, mate.”
Still nothing. Jesus, had he really fucked it up this badly, that he won’t even answer the door? Knocks again, louder. “Come on, Lú, least let me apologize.” Shoulda brought tissues, he realizes as his nose runs. He sniffles, and as he does the door finally slides back.
To Rat’s surprise, Lúcio can pull off a look almost as forbidding as Roadhog. Might be a good bit shorter, and half Roadie’s weight, but he’s channeling the largeness of his stage presence and it sends Rat back a step.
“What do you want?” No welcome in his voice or his posture. He stands in the center of the doorway and crosses his arms.
“Said I wanted to apologize,” Junkrat says, biting off the words. Then reconsiders. “Wait, no. Ain’t how I mean it.” He tries to collect his thoughts, to say the right thing for once. “I am sorry, Lú. For stealin’ the necklace. An’ for tryin’ to take advantage of a situation…” to his utter dismay he realizes he needs to sneeze again. This time he’s got enough advanced warning to actually step back away from the doorway and turn fully away.
Starts slow, just a weirdly spaced out triple. “Huhtshh!... Tssh!.. Huh… ihhh... Tshhhuh!” They do nothing to clear the tickle, he just keeps sneezing. He loses count after nine and by the end of it his throat’s gone raw.
“Saúde, Rat, Jesus. You okay?” Lúcio’s resting a hand in the center of his back, warmth radiates out from the touch, and it steadies him. Luckily Lúcio’s also more prepared, passing tissues over his shoulder.
Junkrat blows his nose, tries to clean up a bit. “Been better. Really am crook. Ain’t makin’ that up.”
Lúcio pulls him into a hug. “Yeah, no shit. I’m sorry for saying that, I know you wouldn’t. I was just so pissed. Come on, come inside. I felt like I got hit by a truck when I was down with the cold.” Draws him into the room. The lights are dimmed, soft music playing, and when Lúcio urges him to lay down in his bed he has to resist the urge to immediately curl up and sleep.
To his surprise, Lúcio lays next to him. They both stare at the ceiling, rather than at each other.
“You lied to me, Junkrat,” Lúcio says quietly. His voice is firm. Won’t take no shit.
“I didn’t…”
“You said she dropped the necklace.”
Fuck. He did. “Just… didn’t want ya lookin’ at me like that. Like you was disappointed in me. Like you was judging me. For takin’ something from a suit. A suit who has more than enough and…” “You have more than enough now, don’t you?”
The question stops him cold.
“You work for Overwatch, you get paid, you get room and board. You aren’t in Junkertown. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to do that anymore.”
For a minute wishes he’d sneeze again, just to have something to break the silence. “And when Overwatch is done with me,” he asks, just above a whisper, “what then?”
Lúcio pauses before he answers. “That’s up to you, isn’t it? Up to you how much you change, and how real that change is.”
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Dragon Dancer IV: The Shrine
From the front seat of the sports car, Lu Mingfei tucked his hands behind his head. “They’re not even following us. They must really think I’m going to kill you. You’re that valuable huh?”
I stared silently out the window, heartache roiling in my chest. Ru’Yi lay against me, eyes closed, drooling into my shirt.
Crow had painted me as a valuable hostage used as a bargaining chip to prompt the surrender of Lu Mingfei into the hands of Hydra to be turned over to Cassell College as traitors to the cause of dragonslaying.
When we came out of the internet café where he and Nono had been hanging out, Crow looked badly beaten, I was limp in the arms of a third unknown person, and Nono was waving a submachine gun around while carrying my baby.
Crow decided to add even more drama, desperately calling out for his snipers to open fire on him to keep from being taken captive, but the bewildered and concerned Hydra Crane group were reluctant to do so. A bold and stupid move on his part, but it showed how much he knew his people.
Once I was in the car, Lu Mingfei shocked me again. He stood up straight and ordered all the people in the street into a windowless room of the Internet Cafe where Nono trapped them all inside.
When he came back, I was staring at him in open-mouthed shock. Who was this Mingfei? Since when did he have this much of a take charge attitude? I knew he had training for a year in South Korea, but this was nothing like the Mingfei I recalled returning from there.
What had happened to make him like this?
Crow answered Mingfei’s question with proud gusto. “Yes, I’m no longer the simple lackey Crow. Look at my clothes! They’re designed by one of the best clothiers in Tokyo! Look at this car! Do you think a low-level has stuff like this? don’t call me Crow any more. I’m Saeki Ryuuji!”
I turned to where Johann Chu was sitting. He was leaning against the window, deeply asleep. The Johann Chu I knew wouldn’t be sleeping right now or if he was, I imagined him sitting up, one eye open and ready for anything.
I turned to Nono who was staring at me. “You really are in love with him. You know for a while, I thought Lu Mingfei was schizophrenic myself I hadn’t seen too much evidence of Johann Chu. Not even my profiling ability led anywhere.”
“Where have you guys been?” I asked.
“Johann and I grew up together in the same hometown and went to the same school. We figured that was the best place to find any remaining clues about his disappearance. Instead, when I went to my school, I found out that there was never any Johann there and that I was the top student at Shilan High. I was even the captain of the basketball team.”
I laughed. “But that’s impossible.”
“Girls were falling all over him.” Nono smirked, waggling her eyebrows.. 
I looked between Mingfei and Nono in disbelief. “But that’s... that can’t be right...”
Mingfei lifted his eyes to the rearview mirror. “What do you mean?”
"How does Johann disappearing make you suddenly great at basketball? That is not how things work! If Nono disappears does that mean I get to marry Caesar? Or that I’d even want to?”
Nono poked me sharply, making me yelp. “Or that he would want to marry you?” She shot back. She folded her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “I could actually see that happening, given your S-rank. But I see your point. You’d still have to agree with it. My not being there wouldn’t play a factor.”
Mingfei became quiet and pensive. “Let’s talk about this later, Carli.”
We arrived in the mountains outside Tokyo. Drizzle shrouded the dark ancient buildings, but I knew where I was. This was the shrine where Chisei had given away his rights as patriarch and where he had hidden Chime and Erii before they were sent to South Korea.
A young man in priestly robes led us from the car through the wooden corridors of the complex with Crow hanging back behind us. I glanced at him. “Hey, where are Chime and Erii right now?” I asked quietly.
He looked down at me. “I can’t tell you that. I can only assure you that they are alright.”
I nodded twice and faced forward.
Moss covered the stone ground. A large lamp lit up an ancient buddha statue that was worn and blackened by age. The priest stopped, lit a match and put the flame to a kerosene lamp on the wall before opening a hidden door there. Behind the door was an open walled in courtyard that hid a small Japanese style cottage. 
“You guys can stay here.” Crow took the key from the priest and tossed to Mingfei.
“What is this place?”
“White Feather Shrine. It’s the Hydra Cemetery.”
The priest left us while we entered. Furniture was limited to a table and three chairs but Crow went to a closet to pull out a few mattresses.
“You’ll be safe here. The Family business doesn’t extend to the cemetery. This is not a place we keep monitored. We don’t even direct the priests. It’s a sacred space. Plus, they liked Chisei here.” Crow glanced at me. “No place is one hundred percent secure, but this is far better than Tokyo.”
“There’s no cell signal here. When Chisei was around, he would come here to hide from his responsibilities. Not even Tachibana could locate him here.”
Mingfei chuckled at that.
Nono mumbled, looking around, no doubt using her profiling skill to verify his claims. “Are you telling me that you prepared a safe house just for us?”
He chuckled. “You’re always doubting me! Anyway, Carli, I’ll have the priests bring the rest of your supplies here.” 
He walked over to me, leaning over the sleeping Ru’Yi. “I just want a picture of her! But right now its too risky!” He sighed wistfully.
“Well, hopefully when all this is over...” 
He gave me a smile and a thumbs up before turning and walking out of the building. As soon as he got outside, he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, taking a long draw. I watched him go, unaware that he smoked.
Without a doubt, he held back from smoking around me and the baby.
Nono finished patrolling all the rooms. She still looked dissatisfied, pursing her lips. “I guess it’s safe, we should rest for now.”
“Alright, you and Carli get the left bedroom. Zihang and I will stay in the right.” Mingfei reached over for Chu Zihang, whose eyes widened as he backed away.
“Chu Zihang stays with me.” Nono said.
“I don’t think so!” My hackles immediately rose on the back of my neck.
“Yeah... he’s a ... he’s a man...” Mingfei trailed off, not wanting to so openly state the obvious.
“First of all, not in his mind he’s not and second of all, he doesn’t remember marrying you, Carli.” She crossed her arms and smirked. “So please don’t get jealous.”
My jaw dropped. “Excuse me! That doesn’t me you c-”
“Thirdly, his mental state is unstable and I don’t want you two freaking him out with your memories of the other Chu Zihang!” She snapped at me.
I watched, heartbroken, as Zihang quickly moved to stand behind Nono. He looked at me, eyes wide and shook his head.
I thought I had endured pain up until now. However, this simple, silent rejection cut deeper than a sword. I turned my back and walked away, face frozen, breathing shallow. 
The cottage had a wrap around porch. I sat on the steps facing the back garden, staring out into the dark, shivering in the chilly damp air.
Footsteps came behind me and stopped. I was aware of Lu Mingfei standing at the corner of the porch. Was he surprised I wasn’t crying? It hurt to much to cry.
Ru’Yi stirred in my arms, seeking comfort from the chill. Mingfei approached and wrapped a blanket over my shoulders, settling next to me.
“I’m sorry. I was going to get this figured out before you two met each other again. I didn’t want you to see him like this.” He said quietly.
The house was old and the soundproofing wasn’t very good. I could hear Nono instructing Johann. “The shampoo and the shower gel and in this wooden bucket. I put your clothes next to the door.”
Ru’Yi was pulling at my shirt. I sighed deeply. “I have to feed her.” I said.
Lu Mingfei looked away when I lifted my shirt and pulled my bra down. Ru’Yi latched on immediately and I covered her with a blanket.
“Did Johann ever tell you about Odin?” He asked.
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HanGuang-Jun's Heroism (part 3)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
In the present timeline, 13 years after all of the past events, Lan Wangji continues to be called Hanguang-jun and to be “wherever the chaos is”. In fact, the first time he appears in the novel, he is doing just that: appearing where he is needed. With one signal from the Lan disciples, he arrives at Mo Village to subdue the arm, which he later on takes back to the Cloud Recesses to be examined. At Dafan mountain, he destroys 400 deity-binding nets — all set up just for Jin Ling to capture a prey — allowing other less-privileged cultivators to participate in the nighthunt. Note that Lan WangJi starts to protect Wei Wuxian when he still thought he was Mo Xuanyu, as he defends him from Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling’s attacks. Not too long after, when he had already discovered Wei Wuxian’s true identity, he also helps him escape Jiang Cheng’s attempt to drag him back to Lotus Pier, given Jiang Cheng’s reputation of torturing demonic cultivators. Flash forward Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi's investigation, at the Chang clan residence, Lan WangJi immediately acts upon seeing the grave robber, which makes him retreat. When the mysterious man appears again in Yi City, Lan WangJi fights him off once more — allowing Wei WuXian and the juniors to find a place to hide and to heal those who were poisoned — and retrieves one of the missing body parts. He also defeats more than three hundred corpses on his own, and goes to fight Xue Yang while still fighting off more corpses. Lan WangJi succeeds in defeating Xue Yang, despite his disadvantageous situation, with A-Qing’s help.
Mo Village
Watching as the Mo family grew closer to defeat, Wei WuXian prepared to blow the whistle that he suppressed under his tongue. At the same time, the echoes of two strums on a stringed instrument came from far away.
The sound seemed to have been played by a human. The timbre was ethereal and clear, carrying the bleak chills of windswept pines. The creatures battling in the courtyard all stiffened as they heard the sound.
Instantaneously, the boys from the GusuLan clan started beaming, as if they were born again. Lan SiZhui wiped the blood off his face and raised his head, happily exclaiming, “HanGuang-Jun!”
As soon as he heard the two faraway strums of the zither, Wei WuXian turned around and began to leave.
The sound of another strum came. This time, the pitch was higher, piercing through the sky with a few degrees of bitterness. The three cruel corpses backed off and covered one ear with their right hands. However, it was impossible to block out the Eradication Tone of the GusuLan clan by means such as this. They had just retreated a few steps, and slight bursting sounds came from within their skulls.
Because the arm had just endured a tough fight, after hearing the sound of the strings again, it instantly fell onto the ground. Although the fingers were still flinching, the arm was unable to move. (Chapter 5)
Destroying 400 deity binding nets, allowing other cultivators, less privileged ones, to participate in the night-hunt
To go up the mountain, one had to hike up trail that started in the town. Wei WuXian sat on his donkey and rode up the hill slowly. After a while, a few people walked down with ominous expressions on their faces.
Some of them had scars on their faces, and they were talking all at once. With the darkening sky, they all jumped as they saw a person who looked like a hanged ghost approaching them. After cursing, they walked around him quickly. Wei WuXian turned his head around and thought, maybe they were frustrated because it was a strong prey? He didn’t think too much about it and slapped the donkey’s buttocks, making it jog faster up the mountain.
Coincidentally, he missed the group’s whining, which happened shortly afterward.
“I haven’t seen anyone like this!”
“Would the leader of a big clan like that need to fight over a soul-consuming spirit with us? He probably killed tons of them when he was young.”
“What can we do? He’s a sect leader. No matter which clan you choose to offend, you shouldn’t offend the Jiang clan, and no matter which person you choose to offend, you shouldn’t offend Jiang Cheng. Let’s just pack up, leave, and feel sorry for ourselves!” (Chapter 6)
The young master already had an arrow on his bow and was preparing to shoot it, when he realized that the deity-binding nets only caught humans. After an initial moment of disappointment, he quickly became annoyed, “I find you idiots every single time. There are more than four hundred deity-binding nets in the mountain, but you guys have already broken ten or so, and I haven’t even seen the prey yet!”
(...) Wasting deity-binding webs like this and not caring about what they caught shouldn’t be considered night-hunting at all. In fact, it was almost as if they were chasing people away, not allowing others the chance of contributing to the process. It seemed that the cultivators who retreated earlier didn’t do it because the prey was difficult, but rather because this sect was one that shouldn’t be angered.
Lan WangJi seemed as if he didn’t want to engage in conversation, throwing Lan SiZhui a look. The latter understood and told the juniors to speak among themselves. Afterward, he spoke to Jin Ling, “Young Master Jin, night-hunts have always been fair competitions amongst the different clans and sects. However, to set up nets all over Dafan Mountain is clearly hindering the cultivators, causing them to fall into the traps. Is this or is this not against the rules of night-hunting?”
Jin Ling’s grim expression was exactly the same as his uncle’s, “What can I do? It was their own fault for stepping into the traps. I’ll solve everything after I finish capturing the prey.”
Lan WangJi frowned. Jin Ling was about to speak again, but he suddenly realized that, shockingly, he could neither open his mouth nor make any sounds.
Before Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to speak, a purple-clothed man in the Jiang Sect’s uniform ran toward them from within the forest. He shouted, “Sect Leader!”
However, after seeing Lan WangJi’s presence, he hesitated. Jiang Cheng spoke satirically, “Talk. Is there more bad news?”
The man spoke in a low voice, “Not long ago, a blue sword flew over and destroyed the deity-binding nets that you had set up.”
Jiang Cheng glanced at Lan WangJi harshly, his displease plastered all over his face, “How many were broken?”
The man replied carefully, “… All of them…”
That’s more than four hundred! (Chapter 7)
Lan SiZhui spoke, “Sect Leader Jiang, the GusuLan Sect will return the exact number of spirit-binding nets that had been destroyed.”
(...) After the four-hundred-or-so spirit-binding nets were destroyed by Lan WangJi’s sword, the hesitant cultivators in Buddha’s Feet all rushed up again.
“Speaking of it, today, if it wasn’t for HanGuang-Jun…” (Chapter 8)
Saving “MXY” from Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng 
With someone backing him up, Jin Ling’s attacks became more aggressive. Wei WuXian slid two fingers into the spirit-locking bag, about to take something out, when suddenly, the blue glare of a sword slashed out like lightning. It collided with Jin Ling’s sword, breaking the powerful sword’s golden rays in an instant.
It wasn’t because of the quality of the swords, but rather the great disparity in the strengths of the persons using the swords. Wei WuXian had originally calculated the timing, but his movements were suddenly interrupted by the sword’s glare, causing him to trip. He fell toward the ground, right on top of a pair of snow-white boots. After pausing for a moment, he slowly lifted his head. (Chapter 7)
Protecting Wei WuXian from Jiang Cheng dragging him back to Lotus Pier to be tortured and disappearing
Before Wei WuXian moved, Lan WangJi had already placed his zither in front of him. With an assured stroke, it was as if a rock had created thousands of waves in water. The sound of the zither had created countless ripples in the air, colliding with Zidian. The latter waned, and the former waxed.
A moment ago, Jiang Cheng was certain that this person was Wei WuXian, and all of the blood in his body started to boil. Yet, now, Zidian was clearly telling him that he wasn’t. Zidian definitely wouldn’t deceive him or make a mistake, so he quickly calmed himself and thought, this doesn’t mean anything. I should first find an excuse to take him back and use every possible method to get information out of him. It’s impossible for him to not confess anything or give himself away. I’ve done things like this in the past anyways. After thinking it through, he made a gesture. The disciples understood his intention and came over.
Wei WuXian spoke (to Jiang Cheng), “Thank you for being so enthusiastic. However, your thoughts are quite off. Even if I am attracted to men, I don’t like just any type of man, much less follow anyone who waves at me. For example, I’m not interested in ones like you. 
(...) "Well, I am very much attracted to people like HanGuang-Jun.”
Lan WangJi could not tolerate this sort of frivolous and foolish joke at all. If he felt disgusted, he would definitely draw a line between them and keep his distance. Disgusting two people at once—this was killing two birds with one stone!
However, as Lan WangJi heard this, he turned around.
His face was emotionless, “Mark your words.”
Wei WuXian, “Hmm?”
Lan WangJi turned back, speaking in a mannerly yet resolute way, “I will take this person back to the Lan Sect.” (Chapter 10)
Lan SiZhui tried to reason with him, “Young Master Mo, it was for your sake that HanGuang-Jun brought you here. If you do not follow us, Sect Leader Jiang will not be willing to let the matter go. During these years, there were countless people whom he caught and took back to Lotus Pier, and none of those people were ever let out.”
Lan JingYi spoke, “That is right. You have seen Sect Leader Jiang’s methods, have you not? They are quite cruel…” (Chapter 11)
Chang Clan’s Residence; Vs. Grave Robber
When both Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi noticed the gravedigger and were spotted by him, Lan WangJi reacted fast.
Lan WangJi had already unsheathed Bichen, darted into the cemetery, and started the fight. 
Lan WangJi said nothing. Bichen’s attacks were deeper and deeper, attacking with tremendous force. The gravedigger fell back a few times. As if he knew that, with a dead person on his back, he wouldn’t be able to win against Lan WangJi and, if they continued to fight, he’d be captured alive, he suddenly fished out a dark-blue talisman from his waist. 
Wei WuXian laughed uncontrollably as he smacked the tombstone, while Lan WangJi caught the flaccid corpse with one hand and attacked with Bichen using the other. Seeing that what he had just dug out had been snatched away, that he couldn’t even win solo against Lan WangJi, let alone the mischief of another person, he didn’t dare to stay any longer. (Chapter 30)
Yi City Vs. Su She
Wei WuXian thought to himself, So he really is someone with a high level of cultivation. He immediately shouted, “HanGuang-Jun, the gravedigger’s here!”
Without needing the reminder, Lan WangJi knew that something had happened just by listening. He stayed silent. Bichen’s swift, fierce sweep served as response.
The current situation was far from optimistic. A black mist covered the gravedigger’s sword, making it so that the sword glare didn’t come through and allowing it to hide perfectly within the white fog. On the other hand, the sword glare from Lan WangJi’s Bichen couldn’t be concealed at all. He was out in the open while the enemy was hidden in the dark. Also, the enemy was not only highly skilled in terms of cultivation, but he was also familiar with the GusuLan Sect’s sword moves. And, although both of them were fighting blindly in the fog, he could do whatever he wanted, yet Lan WangJi had to be careful so that he didn’t accidentally injure anyone on his own side. Seeing from all of this, Lan WangJi was really at a disadvantage. Having heard a few clashes of the blades, Wei WuXian’s heart suddenly tightened. He blurted out, “Lan Zhan? Are you hurt?!”
From afar, there came a muffled grunt, as if someone had received a critical injury. It clearly wasn’t Lan WangJi’s voice, though.
Lan WangJi, “Of course not.”
Wei WuXian grinned, “So it seems!”
It sounded as if the other person laughed bitterly. He attacked again. The clashing sounds of Bichen’s glare and the other sword were farther and farther away. Wei WuXian knew that Lan WangJi didn’t want to accidentally hurt them and purposely drew the battle away to deal with the gravedigger on his own. Of course, the rest was up to Wei WuXian. He turned around, “How are the ones who inhaled the powder? (Chapter 34)
Lan WangJi nodded slightly, “I gave the gravedigger three blows. As he was close to being captured, a group of walking corpses attacked and allowed him the opportunity to escape.”
Suddenly, with a light toss, Lan WangJi passed something to him.
Wei WuXian caught it perfectly, “What is it?”
Lan WangJi, “The right hand.”
He had tossed over a new Qiankun Pouch. Having finally remembered why they had came to Yi City at the first place, Wei WuXian brightened up, “The right hand of our dear friend?”
Lan WangJi, “Mnn.”
Under the obstructions of the gravedigger, the groups of walking corpses, and the thick fog, Lan WangJi still managed to successfully find the right hand of the corpse. Wei WuXian was more than pleased. He praised, “I expected no less from HanGuang-Jun! Now, we’re one step ahead of them again. What a pity that it’s not the head. I wanted to see what our dear friend looks like. Well, I guess it’d happen soon enough… (Chapter 42)
Yi City Vs. Xue Yang + hundreds of corpses
Wei WuXian had finally met someone more shameless than him. He returned the smile, “It’d be better for one to upset a hero than to upset a rogue, which is you, in this case. I’m not dealing with you any longer. Let’s have someone else.”
Xue Yang grinned, “Who else? That HanGuang-Jun? I got more than three hundred walking corpses to gang up on him. He…”
Before he finished his sentence, a white-robed figure descended from the sky. Bichen’s icy blue glare swept at him. (Chapter 37)
Surrounded by an ambience of frost and ice, Lan WangJi stood in front of Wei WuXian.
Lan WangJi,  “Step back. You are not needed here.”
Just as he left, Bichen’s sword glare brightened tenfold. With a brief slip of the hand, Shuanghua flew out of Xue Yang’s grip. Lan WangJi conveniently caught the sword. Seeing that Shuanghua was in someone else’s hands, Xue Yang had Jiangzai slash directly at the left arm that Lan WangJi used to grab the sword. As the attack was dodged, a chilling rage flashed within Xue Yang’s eyes. He demanded coldly,  “Give me the sword back.” 
Lan WangJi,  “You do not deserve this sword.”
Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps came from all around them. Shadows had already begun to emerge from the end of the street. Lan WangJi heard the sound as well. With a wave of his sleeve, he took out his guqin, Wangji.
The body of the guqin was horizontally slammed onto the table. Lan WangJi tossed Bichen to his left hand and continued to fight with Xue Yang, his attacks remaining strong. At the same time, without even turning his head, he raised his right hand and strummed across the strings. 
The chord was loud and clear. It resonated all the way to the end of the street. What came back was the strange yet familiar noises of the corpses’ heads bursting. Lan WangJi continued to fight Xue Yang with one hand and play the guqin with the other. He’d glance across the scene as if it was only a simple matter, then nonchalantly curve his fingers to strum again. Working with both of his hands, he somehow still seemed calm and unhurried. (Chapter 38)
The sword glares of Bichen and Jiangzai clashed—the fight was at a critical moment. Bichen was calm and unhurried, gaining the upper hand, while Jiangzai lashed out as though it was a rabid dog, somehow managing to keep up. However, within the dreadful white fog, Lan WangJi had difficulties with vision, yet since Xue Yang had lived so many years in the city like A-Qing, he was able to know where he was even if he closed his eyes. Thus, the fight was in a deadlock. Notes of the guqin sometimes thundered through the fog, preventing the groups of walking corpses that wanted to approach. (Chapter 41)
Lan WangJi’s sword had slashed across Xue Yang’s chest. Not only did he bleed, the Spirit-trapping Pouch that he hid in his lapels had been taken out by Bichen’s tip as well.
Immediately after the split second of distraction, following A-Qing’s bone-chilling screech, Bichen pierced through his chest!
Although A-Qing’s ghost had already been destroyed by Xue Yang’s talisman and there ceased to be any noise that revealed where he was, the attack was vital. Xue Yang couldn’t continue to be as unpredictable as before! 
Bichen’s blue light split through the air. Lan WangJi cleanly severed off one of his arms. (Chapter 42)
Part 4
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coughscent1-blog · 6 years
Colony @ Eco City tour!
Hello everyone!
So the launch of Colony @ Eco City has come and gone (two weeks ago) and I’m finally getting around to blogging about it! T____T  I haven’t really been writing much about it so this post is gonna be it ok hold on to your seats wtf.
We’ve been working on this since last December so it’s been like 7 months in the coming!
This project was quite different from our first one, when honestly I had no idea what I was doing.  I thought this would be easier, having gone through it once before.  As usual I was wrong. Lol.
The first Colony used to be a serviced office before we took it over.  All we had to do really, was renovate and furnish it.  Sure, we added facilities and equipment, upgraded the Internet and things like that, but everything was mostly set up already.
For Eco City, we had a completely blank space.  Only concrete walls and floor and exposed piping.  So we got to work.  We first submitted our plans for approval from DBKL and Bomba (City Council and Fire Department)… but first I had to go talk to engineers too for drawing up the plans.  My first time dealing with anything like this, but the engineer was so nice he walked me through the entire process, step by step.  I understood then, but my sieve-like memory has forgotten some of it now. -_-
After that came the electrical drawings, the plumbing drawings, fire safety drawings, data points, airconditioning, flooring, furnishing….
All these came from our awesome design team ok.  I merely nodded and trusted Buddha WTF.
Then came the fun part – design.
When we first secured the space, we were ecstatic – huge floor to ceiling windows, tons of natural light, nice spacious square shape.  It even faced a hill which had a river running towards us. #goodfengshui  It’s also bigger than our KLCC location and Fatty and I imagined it would be our flagship location.
So since it’s Colony… what theme would be better than a (British) Colonial theme?  I have no idea how other designers work but for me, it really helps if I have a strong theme in mind to allude to.  Because I like a lot of things wtf and I don’t want to stray off track hahaha.  A theme helps remind me and keep me focused I guess.
I usually try to strike a balance between ‘homey’ and ‘comfortable’ and ‘luxurious’ for Colony so I felt this theme matched the purpose as well.  Colonial style decoration would be grand enough, yet toned down enough for people to relax in it.
This was our first artist’s impression.
*poker face*
It’s nice! But it looks like The Majestic.  Or Fullerton in Singapore.  When I thought colonial, I totally forgot that it’s a popular theme for hotels in this region hahaha.
I thought it needed a bit more character, or something to change it up a bit.  Working on Colony, I learned that I like contrasts in design, and this design was too straight in getting to its destination.  Does that make sense?
I asked, how about adding some unexpected colors?  Like pink?
*more poker face*
*puts saline drops in eyes*
I removed the fuchsia and replaced it with pastel pink.  And eliminated the Buncho yellow.
Results were much better!  We also added a whole bunch of elements traditionally associated with colonial style: a lot of greenery in the form of big leafed plants like banana and palm, blue and white Chinese porcelain, brass fixtures, beautiful old books, and rattan.
And here’s the final result! 🙂
Here’s the cafe area.  The cafe in Eco City is run by The Embassy, who have an outlet in Starling Mall too.
We chose a gorgeous dull mint color for the cafe which contrasts so well with the pink!  ID was skeptical about too many colors but I love itttttt.
We did marble topped tables for the old school charm and rattan backed chairs.
The lounge area where people can chill, have discussions or hot desk.
The day beds on the right are my pride and joy. T___T I kept thinking in the initial design drafts that the ‘colonialism’ wasn’t coming out strong enough.  I’m so glad I saw these canopy beds on Pinterest hahahaha. Cos they really make the space! This pic was taken before the canopies arrived so I might update this later.
Designer customized the beds for seating; I imagined full on beds but these are much better cos I don’t want people to have to put their feet up when they sit down la hahaha can’t be too comfortable wtf.
Details: we put in standing louvers, painted black.  When I was Fighter’s age, I lived in my grandparents’ Colonial terrace house in Penang which had louvered windows so this is so nostalgic for me. 🙂
Our throws are cased in mostly botanical prints or animal skin prints.  For rugs we used handwoven rattan-like rugs.
Spin behind the cafe a bit.  Lockers for our Reserved Desk guests (who don’t have locked drawers for their belongings) are on the left.  Straight in front is the kids’ playroom.
The kids’ room includes a nursing room!  The cushion is so apt ok. When your nips are bleeding and you’re putting cabbage leaves on your boobs to stop the clog, remember what the cushion says wtf.
Anyway yellow armchair for momma to sit, next to it are appropriate baby supplies – diapers, wet wipes and even nursing pads thoughtfully provided by Applecrumby and Fish.  And changing table on the left!
Here’s the playroom!  Walls are done in customized wallpaper.  Picket fence is there to corrall off screaming and running lolol.
Inside we have a slide, a dolls’ house, and a city scape set up…
And a toy kitchen on the other side.  All from Taobao LOL GOOD BUYS LEH.  Sorry I don’t know where to get it cos ID got everything.
The highlight is this wtf.  There was a little bit of space under the stairs outside so we broke it in and created this little nook.  Then Katrine created a house facade around it and filled it with beds, cushions and lots of stuffed animals.  I think it’s the critters’ favorite part of Colony actually.
Back out again.  Another view of the lounge and Reserved Desks area.
Phone booths are done up in pink!  One of my favorite details here.
What a phone booth at Colony @ Eco City looks like.
Inside we have an old fashioned writing desk and chair, with a Persian style rug on hardwood floor.  We filled it with cushions, throw blankets and furry to reduce any echoing that could come from phone calls or video conferences. ^^
This nook is our Instagram corner. Hahahah.  The pink is a print we got from Shutterstock and blew up LOL.  Cos customizing a wallpaper was too expensive wtf.  #renohacks
Our conference room.  Fits 14 people!  Our meeting rooms are always named after famous explorers or trailblazers, so for this Colony, our conference room is called Battuta, for Ibn Battuta.
People who studied sejarah should know la ok hahahaha.  One other meeting room is called Murasaki for Lady Murasaki Shikibu, who was a lady in waiting in Japan, and wrote The Tale of Genji, considered the first ever novel in the world! *nerd*  And the third is called Armstrong for Neil Armstrong, who was the first man on the moon.
This is our event space.  When there are no events, this area will be used for just hanging out or hot desking.
When there are events though, the furniture can be moved around to accommodate the style of event.  I tried to choose lighter, individual pieces for easier shifting.
Ooh one of my favorite spots too!  We ordered these steamer trunk tables from China and they got lost at sea FML.  I was going crazy cos I thought we were gonna launch with no tables but luckily they came in time!  I love them so much I got two smaller ones for our bedside tables at home.
Ordered this chair cos I thought it was really unique but now I suddenly see it everywhere. -_-
Here’s the entrance to our private office suites!
Flooring is in black and white tile for a retro feel.
The pictures I chose all also got colonial theme one!  We have a lot of old maps, tropical animal portraits and vintage photos of British colonial scenes.
This is a special room, called the Jamestown Suite.  Named after one of the first British colonies, it’s a glammed up luxe version of a normal Colony office.
We outfitted it with wallpaper, hardwood floors, a Chesterfield couch, TV screen…
A Marshall speaker, and smart home capabilities.  You can basically control the curtains, music, TV and lights with Google Home. ^^ For special clients only hehehe.
Here’s Murasaki.
I added this pug which is damn random but damn cute ok hahahaha.  Apt cos Murasaki in Japanese means purple and his shades got purple there wtf.
The pantry (and a mop).
Nap room which you can book to take a quick break.
I also made a video tour!  I shot it while some of our furniture wasn’t even in yet though but just to give you a guys a sense of the place.  Also includes Fighter and Penny’s reaction to the kids’ playroom hahaha.
Source: https://fourfeetnine.com/2018/07/31/colony-eco-city-tour/
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