#and one speaker going on a tirade before RoevWade was officially disolved
void-tiger · 4 months
…wonder if being silly and trying to coax someone else to be silly is what makes me attractive? (Even when it’s honestly a defense mechanism on my part… thumbing my nose. Being belligerent to norms. Norms have always made itchy and depressed and anxious so I Ain’t Doin’ That Anymore, Deal With It.)
#tiger’s musings#…I sent a hellmo burnaway cake reel that was actually a rickroll#got a ‘gosh I love elmo’#’cause well. a rickroll’s a rickroll. but also they made a hellmo jackolantern so…2for1??#and…I swear it was right about when I just went. FUCK THIS. wore jewelry and converse and my denim jacket over the ghibli or flower print#because I had finally had ENOUGH!! of church being not just Don’t Say Liberal/Gay/Feminism#but outright a Free Platform for Right Wing Politics#and one speaker going on a tirade before RoevWade was officially disolved#about how evil and selfish women are. how ‘freewill’ in general doesn’t exist and is Sin Actually#and No One spoke up against it quietly in private or otherwise#I…yeah. I had enough#amped up my Manic Pixie more than ever#I will ONLY be ‘liked’ for my singing and because I’m a worker and generally kind#but nothing will ever be real. so I am DONE playing by THEIR ‘stumbling block’ rules and being socially controlled to ‘keep peace’#and yeah. became Marginally less anxious and depressed as a result of FUCK. THIS.#and…I swear that’s when I finally became noticed#because while I Can’t Dare to openly talk about MY values and what me and my friends are Actually#I CAN become Ms Frizzle and silently DARE someone to protest it or swallow a sour grape#and…y’know. gain actual confidence vs bravado#by laughing when someone else is Silly Too.#and looks so damn pleased they made me laugh without feeling selfconcious for laughing and laughing ‘too loud’#because…yeah. I Have been scolded. SO MUCH. for ALL my emotions being Too Intense Too Loud.#INCLUDING laughter.#but…Silly is my rebellion.
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