#and other chapters opened with 'during this year henry's sheets were likely literally soaked with precum.'
fideidefenswhore · 10 months
the not directly articulated thesis of hunting the falcon is that while catherine of aragon took henry's literal virginity, anne boleyn took his emotional virginity.
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 19: Debridement
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, Shane Benton (OFC), various other original supporting/secondary characters
Summary: Shane begins to process life after her trauma, and Sy delivers the news of her safety to the people that matter most to her…but there is pushback on a few aspects of his report.
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but with mention of Shane’s trauma in the cellar. Not graphic. 
Author’s Note: My darling readers! Thank you so much for your patience as I deal with seasonal stress, fatigue, anxiety, and some depression. It was my goal to have all chapters of this story done by the end of this year. I don’t think I’ll accomplish it, but I’ll do my very best to get at least one more chapter up by the 31st. 2020 has been a totally shit year, but I will forever owe it some remarkable things. This story, which has been an amazing escape from real life, the friends I’ve made from all over my country and the world, many of them because of this story, and a long overdue shift in my work hours starting next week. I’ll be glad to see the back of it, but the year has really opened me up to new ideas and some major soul-searching. I think, mentally, I’m actually more myself than I’ve ever been, despite some blue times. You can all take some credit for that improvement, because many of my moments of clarity have arisen from brilliant and profound posts here.
The title of this chapter seemed appropriate for a few reasons. Wounds are cleaned and cleared of damaged tissue during debridement. This is one of the steps usually required for a large and/or traumatic wound to heal. We see Shane beginning this process here in this chapter, and in a sense, Sy, as well. The cleansing of Shane in both the literal and figurative sense was so interesting and satisfying to write. And Sy’s bit at the end was a fun puzzle in which I had to figure out how to have Sy give the same news to four different recipients without sounding repetitive. I hope that landed, and if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
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Shane still felt as if her head was floating above her body, like a balloon on a long string. The combination of meds in her system had helped many of her symptoms. The pain she felt, the physical pain, had been alleviated. Her troubled mind had been put at ease, more or less. But that was a long time ago. And unfortunately, the side effects weren't wearing off at the rapid rate of the intended ones.
As she sat in the SUV--the escape vehicle-- parked outside a large building the size of a small airplane hangar, she tried not to think about what Sy and his pals were discussing just outside the vehicle. She tried not to reflect on the past few days that she had convinced herself would be her last. She tried not to think about what -- or, really, who -- was inside that building.
She thought about seeing Elliott again. The man who had planned to kill her, and almost succeeded. A part of her wished he had, because she wasn't sure she knew who she was anymore. She was a stranger to herself. And living like this seemed so much more difficult than a quick painless death. She couldn't bear the thought of being in view of him.
But another part of her wanted to go in there and end his life herself. That part of her could pull the trigger on a gun aimed at his head. That part of her could bury a knife in his kidney, or sever an artery. Her anatomy and physiology courses could serve her well here. She had dangerous knowledge. Maybe that's why doctors often seem so full of themselves. They possess the knowledge to end life, and yet they choose to save it. It sort of puts things into perspective. Maybe they're justified in their hubris.
Still one more part simply wanted to go home, clean up, and lay naked in her soft sheets with Sy wrapped around her. Warmer and more comforting than any blanket had ever been. She had remembered missing him so much. She thought now about his gentle, loving hands on her, his mouth tasting her so delicately, his…
But then her mind was ripped from the sensual thoughts of Sy and back to her horrific memories from that cellar. The hands of strangers, rough and hateful, their mouths full of words like bile or the grunts of their own violent fulfillment.
Her nightmare of a daydream was abruptly interrupted by the opening of the back passenger door. She jumped, and looked at the source of the noise with wide-eyed terror. It was only Sy, but she couldn't school her face into a softer expression, even after realizing she was safe.
"Oh, Sunshine, I'm so sorry I startled ya! You okay?"
She said nothing, just let out her held breath woefully.
"Let's head home. I'll get your purse and bag of clothes here."
"I don't want those clothes. Throw them away. And these shoes are going in the trash as soon as possible, too."
"Okay. I'll toss it. You sure?"
"I never want to see that bag again. I'm positive."
He nodded, grabbed her purse, and went around to help her out of the vehicle.
One of Sy's friends approached them from the building.
"You guys okay? You'll make it home alright?"
"Yeah, Matt, we'll be okay. I'll be in touch soon about next steps."
"You got it, Captain. Anything you need, let us know."
"Will do. Thanks for everything you've already done. I owe ya."
"You don't owe me a thing, brother. You don't owe any of us. Not after everything you've done for all of us…for everyone."
Sy just nodded at Matt, and turned toward his truck, steadying Shane all the way to the passenger door.
The drive to Shane's house was quiet. Sy kept one hand on the wheel, holding hers in the other. She felt safe, but she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling inside her. Like the other shoe would soon drop, and her love would be taken away again.
When they were safely parked in her driveway, Sy took her keys out of his pocket, apparently having gotten them from his friend who'd drove her car from Elliott's to the airplane hangar place. He walked around to get her, and helped her to her door. She kicked off her shoes immediately when she stepped inside her shadowy living room. She had left the same lamp on that she always did, but it was dimmer now, having been on almost a whole week.
"Bath?" Sy asked. Shane nodded slowly. She would need a long soak to erase this feeling.
Sy got the bath water ready while she found some clothes to put on after. She laid her comfiest lounge pants and her favorite sweat shirt on the bed and walked toward the bathroom. She was soon hit with the comforting aroma of lavender, chamomile, and vanilla as soon as she stepped through the doorway. He had used her favorite bubble bath and salts.
"Check that water temp. I think it's about right." he requested. It was perfect. She started to peel off the stiff paper scrubs she was still wearing, but he insisted on helping her. As she stood before him, even though he'd seen every inch of her body before, she felt more naked and exposed than ever. She looked at him, noticed tears welling in his eyes, and dropped her gaze to the bath mat under her feet. Her skin, typically immaculately clear, olive perfection, was now peppered with dozens of bruises. She felt like a dalmatian, covered in spots. She chuckled inside herself at the thought of one of her favorite Disney films featuring the breed most heavily.
Sy's strong, but gentle hands landed softly on her upper arms. His lips lit tenderly on her forehead. "Ready?" he asked. She nodded and stepped into the large, garden tub full of steaming water. It stung her feet, ankles, and calves, but she still bent to sit, wincing as her tender petals and behind met the medicinal broth. Sy held her hand as she stepped in and guided her down. She closed her eyes at the soothing pain of the hot water and did not open them until she felt the water level rise. Sy had stepped in with her, wearing just his boxer-briefs, and was sitting on the side of the tub. He reached for the hand shower, and turned the water back on, slightly less warm, but still soothing and soaked her hair, directing the water away from her face. He had thought to grab her shampoo from the shower, as well, and was lathering some up in his hands to apply to her wet strands. It felt like heaven to have his fingers in her hair like this. Relaxing and soporific. He kept at it until she was certain he must be getting pruney, not to mention tired.
After carefully rinsing her hair of the coconut-scented lather, he grabbed the lavender foam bath she loved, and worked it up in one of the wash cloths he'd brought from the linen caddy between the sink and shower. He massaged the suds into her tired and injured skin over her back, then requested each leg in turn, kneading her calves and feet as she took another of the cloths and washed her face with the rich cleanser she kept by the bath, typically using it only on her "spa days" but feeling that it would nourish her battered cheeks and nose better than anything else. Sy's ministrations filled her with a kind of blissful contentment. She couldn't help but wonder if she deserved him. She always had thought she deserved the best things in life, even though her romantic past didn't tend to pan out that way. She'd worked very hard and often allowed herself to invest in quality. But now…she felt broken, in spite of herself. She'd have to tell Sy all that happened to her one day, and when that day came, he'd probably realize how damaged she really was, and he'd leave. Just like everyone else always did. She knew the conversation needed to come sooner rather than later, but couldn't bring herself to break the spell yet.
Sy let her soak for as long as she was comfortable until the water grew tepid. She looked up to him, sitting on the side of the tub, legs now outside, his gaze like twin seas met hers. He had been watching her, it seemed. As if worried that she would dematerialize if he looked away. Her bath robe was draped across his lap, as was a large bath towel. She moved to stand from the now chilled bath water, and Sy was immediately up to aid her rising. He held her hand as she stepped out of the tub and dried her top half before helping her don the robe, then continued to dry her bottom half.
"Go on in there and get comfortable, Sunshine. I have a few phone calls to make. I wanna let your folks know you're okay and I wanna tell Detective Clarkson you've been found. Anyone else you want me to get in touch with?"
"Umm, do you know if my brother and sister know what's happened to me?"
"They do. They should both be at your parent's house by now from what I gathered when I visited."
"Okay, so mom or dad will let them know. I guess you should call Susan, and let her know that I'm alive but won't be in this week. On my fridge, there's a phone directory for everyone in my department. But first, call Heather. I don't want her to worry any longer. Call her right after mom and dad. And tell them all I'll have them over tomorrow, but I can't tonight. I'm…"
She didn't even know what she was. Tired, sore, depressed, hopeless, and angry. A combination of so many feelings and emotions coursed through her.
"I'll work it out. You get in bed, and I'll be back in when I'm done with these calls, okay?" she nodded. He continued, "I love you, darlin.'" and wrapped his arms around her, making her feel almost whole again.
"I love you." she replied. Holding back tears until he had left the room.
Shane realized she hadn't brushed her teeth in…far too long. She donned her sleeping clothes and went into the bathroom again to complete a comprehensive oral hygiene routine.  Sy had been gone for about a half hour, during which time, his absence felt like a noose around her neck. Or an anvil on her chest. It made it feel like hours had passed rather than mere minutes. She was fidgety. When he finally re-entered, she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Do you need anything, sweet pea?"
"Just you."
Sy crawled under the covers with Shane to spoon her, arm laying over her rib cage. She winced, as the bruises on her torso were disturbed at the contact, but she didn't ask him to adjust. Despite the dull pain, this was what she needed. Sy's protecting arm around her.
"Did you get a hold of everyone?" She asked, sleepily.
"I did. Your family are eager to see you, but they understand your need for rest. Heather says that you better let her come over soon, because she's holding your phone hostage until you pay her in hugs. They all send their love."
"And Susan?"
"Yeah, that woman is a piece of work, I know, but I think she's going to come through for you. She's going to have them hold off on scheduling patients with you until you're better, and put both weeks in as vacation. She said you have plenty of it. But also, if you need more time, she can work out some…family medical leave…thing? She said she'd get the ball rolling on that, and will let you know what you need to do on your end."
"Oh, good. Yeah, she can be an asshole, but sometimes she does right by her employees. What about the detective?"
Sy paused there. "I, uh, I talked to him for quite a while and he said a lot of things. Let's go over the finer points tomorrow at breakfast. Or, rather, today." He said, looking at the blue numbers on the glowing digital clock on Shane's nightstand that indicated the wee hours of the morning were running out. "I'm sure we're both tired enough to grab a few winks, ain't we?" He asked, and she hummed her ascent as she tucked herself closer to his warm, monolithic chest.
As Shane drifted off, she thought she felt a warm kiss, and a whisper at her temple. It sounded like a tearful prayer. She was too far into her sleep to comprehend the words being said.
"Thank you God," Sy whispered. "I know I'm not your most faithful servant, but I am truly grateful that you've kept this treasure of mine alive and brought her back to me. Thank you for reuniting me with the woman I mean to spend the rest of my days with, if she'll agree to it. Thank you."
About Thirty Minutes Ago-
Sy left the bedroom and began scrolling through his phone for the Benton's number. He pressed the call button with joy.
"Sy?" John answered frantically, just as he did the first time Sy spoke to him.
"John, is everyone there?"
"Yeah, we're all just watching a movie in the family room. Do you have news?"
"I do. You may want to put me on speaker, because everybody's going to want to hear this."
"Okay." and after a brief struggle with the speaker button and help from two younger people Sy presumed were Ethan and Gabby, John was back with the whole family. "Okay, Sy, we can all hear you. What's the word?"
"Oh, it's a very good word, guys. I found Shane and she is alive, and now safe." Cheering from what sounded like a stadium full of fanatics resounded from the ear piece of his cell phone.
"Sy, this is Gabby, Shane's sister. Can we come see her now?" Gabby's tears were evident in her voice. He wished he could tell them yes. But Shane needed her rest.
"I know she would love to see you, Gabby, she'd love to see all of you, but I think what she needs right now is rest. She's been through…a terrible ordeal. I took her to the Emergency Room to get checked out, and she just had a bath and is about to go to bed. She'll want to see you all tomorrow, though. Maybe around lunch time?"
"That sounds good, Sy. We'll bring some of this food over." John said.
"Are you sure we can't come over tonight? I…I want to see my daughter with my own eyes." Margaret said, weepily.
"I truly wish I could tell you yes, Peg, but she's hardly slept the last week, and just had her first full meal since she was taken this evening at the hospital. I really think it's best for everyone if you guys wait until tomorrow when she's more herself and rested." Sy reiterated.
"What about the people who did this to her?" a male voice he didn't recognize asked, assured to be Ethan. "Any leads on them?" He wanted to tell them that most of the men had been dealt with using lethal or nearly lethal force, and that the perpetrator of Shane's misery was locked up in Matt's shop bathroom until they decided just how to take care of him. But he needed to disclose what he knew to as few people as possible.
"The less y'all know, the better. For your own good. At least right now. Just know that whatever justice has not yet been served, it will be very soon."
"That's good enough for me." John offered, in an apparent attempt to bring Ethan on side.
"Thanks, John. I'll take care of her tonight. I won't leave her side. I promise."
"Thank you, son." John replied. Sy appreciated the tender address, but wondered how Ethan felt about his father referring to someone else as his son. Probably not that great. He couldn't worry about that now.
"It's my sincerest pleasure. I want you to know that. She's my world now. I won't let anything else happen to her."
"We know, dear." Peg added.
"Good night. And we'll see y'all tomorrow."
Four incoherent replies rang out before he ended the call. Next was Heather.
"Hello?" she answered in sleepy confusion.
"It's Logan Syverson. Sy? From PT. Shane's boyfriend."
"Sy! Oh, it's good to hear from you! Any news?"
"The best news, darlin.' Our girl is alive, and home safe." he smiled ear to ear saying the words, but it quickly turned into a wince when Heather shouted for joy in his ear. It was fine. Not like he didn't already have mild tinnitus.
"Oh my GOD! I'm coming over right now!"
"No, Heather, she's resting. She told me she'll see people tomorrow, but I don't think anyone but you and her family should be allowed in right now. She's…well, she's been through seven levels of Hell, and when I look into her eyes, I can still see the fire."
"Shit. Anything I can do?"
"She'll be thrilled to see ya. But tomorrow."
"She better. I have her phone and the ransom is a thousand hugs."
"That's a steep debt." Sy chuckled.
"She can owe me for a while." Heather laughed. "Is she okay?"
What a loaded question. Physically, she was injured, but would heal. Emotionally, that would be more of a journey.
"Honestly, Heather? Not really. The physical stuff is more or less superficial, but…I'm worried about her mental state."
"Poor thing. Please let me know if I can do anything. Anything at all. She's like a sister to me."
"I will. For now, keep the news and the details quiet. I'm gonna call Susan next, and I don't think she'll like it if you know before she does. Just a hunch."
"An accurate one. She'd be furious. I'll keep mum. Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease, Sy. Take care of her."
"I'll do my best. See ya."
He was dreading talking to Susan the most. More than Clarkson. He couldn't quite pinpoint why, but she'd really pissed him off every other time he'd talked to her, and he really didn't think too much of her.
"Hello, this is Susan."
"Hey, Susan, it's Logan Syverson. Shane's boyfriend." He made sure to put the label in there. Remind her that her policy had not been enough to keep them apart.
"Mr. Syverson. Hello. What can I do for you?" her haughty tone was softened a measure with concern for her employee. Even though she didn't ask about her in so many words, he knew that she was wondering.
"Nothing. I just wanted to let ya know, Shane's okay. She's been hurt, and won't be in this coming week, at least. She's in some pain right now, of both a physical and emotional nature."
"What happened?"
"She, uh, hasn't given me a lot of details." Not a lie. "She just escaped from her captor and we found each other." Misleading, but mostly true. "We just got home from the ER." Perhaps a lie by omission of the stop off at Matt's. "They said she'd be okay, but to follow up with her primary for more tests."
"Okay, I'll make sure her schedule is cleared. She has plenty of PTO for these two weeks, but I'll call the FMLA office in charge of family medical leave and short term disability and let them know she'll need some more time off, and see if we can get that going. I'll get with her about the details, and what she'll need to do. I'll text her sometime this week. How's she doing?" Sy thought he heard genuine concern from this dragon woman.
"About as well as someone who's been kidnapped, tortured, and assaulted for a straight week can possibly be, I'd say." Sy's words were civil, but tinged with venom. Even though she was being decent right now, he knew the kind of person she could be.
"Dear God." Susan gasped, shocked at the statement, and Sy wasn't sure whether it was due to the events themselves, or the blunt way he'd told her about them. "Well, I'll do anything I can to help her though this on my end. She's one of my best. I can't…I really don't think I could replace her."
"I'm glad you don't have to try, Susan. Have a nice evenin.'"
"Thanks, Sy, you too."
Sy took a deep breath as he pulled up Clarkson's number and called him. He honestly wasn't completely certain how he was going to explain things, but he'd figure it out. He was good at flyin' by the seat of his pants.
A gruff voice came from the ear piece. "Clarkson."
"Detective, this is Captain Syverson. We spoke about the Benton case a few days ago?"
"I remember you, Sy. What's up?"
"Oh, uh, well, wanted to tell ya you could close the case. I found her." It was the coming conversation in which he would really have to bend the truth or lie altogether.
"Really?! Oh, that's great, man. Where'd ya find 'er."
"I's drivin' 'round, hopin' to come across some lead or sign of her. I was a few miles down highway 100 when I saw a slumped form in one of the ditches. I pulled off at the next drive and went back to check, and it was her. She was hurt, but once she recognized me…I dunno, everything's kind of a blur after that. But I got her checked out at the ER, and brought her home now." Most of that statement was false…but not the recount of them seeing each other for the first time. That was a very real and true fact.
"Highway 100?"
"That's right. Why do you ask?"
"Well, I heard about a terrible, two-vehicle accident on Highway D tonight. No survivors."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He wasn't. "I hope there weren't any kids involved." He knew there weren't.
"Nope. All adult males, aged 30-40. Couple of SUVs. One ran off the road, and another…well, it's almost like it was blown up on purpose. Happened just a few miles from town."
"That sounds horrible, but what does an accident on Highway E--"
"It was D. Highway D." Sy knew it was, and had said the wrong thing on purpose.
"My mistake. My question though, is what does that…tragedy have to do with my finding Shane on Highway 100?"
"That's what I'm wondering, myself, Syverson. See, there was some…evidence that suggests military involvement in this incident."
"Well, I'm retired."
"Are you though?  Is anyone ever really retired from the armed forces. No veteran I've ever talked to can seem to shake off the war shackles."
"Well, I ain't shackeled, detective. I'm proud of my time serving my country, but I got no cause to relive it or hang on to it. Especially now that I have Shane. She's my life now. That part of it’s over."
"I guess I have to take you at your word, captain. Got no evidence so far that ties you to the scene. Just…be careful. If you do anything retaliatory to Miss Benton's captor or captors, I won't be able to protect you, no matter how I feel about your actions. Or how justified they might be."
"Understood. I will keep that in mind should I decide to take matters into my own hands." he tried not to let the smile on his face show in his voice.
"Right, well…is she okay?"
"I, uh…I think she will be…eventually. She hasn't said much to me about what happened, but I know it was torture, or akin to it. "
"Well, I hope she recovers quickly. I'll want a statement from her before I close the case."
"Sure thing. As soon as she's ready to talk."
"Great. Thanks for the call, Sy. I'm glad she's safe now. That's all that matters, really."
"Agree. Have a good night, Clarkson."
He ended the call and rubbed his face as head in frustration with his free hand. They'd have to come up with a story. A good one. Close enough to the truth that Shane could feel comfortable telling it, but far enough of a departure that they weren't incriminated in any kidnapping, murder, or manslaughter charges.
But for tonight, they’d rest. And just be glad to be together again.
Up Next: Chapter 20-Second Assist
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residentanchor · 6 years
The Seeds We Sow Ch. 10
<<Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Summary:  Everyone meets up and tries to get all their stories straight to figure out exactly what’s going on. Word Count: 3915 Warning: Minor mention of death (tell me if I missed anything)
Roman was frozen in place before a shock ran up his spine, feeling a growing rage in his veins. With a flourish of his sword, Roman stomped through the room and held it up to the servant’s neck. “The hell do you think you’re doing?!”
Henry kept looking down at the king before turning toward the prince. Roman tensed as his eyes were gray and cold as they stared back. Henry’s breathing was shallow as he was nearly gasping for breath but made no move to acknowledge what he had done or the sword held to his throat.
Thundering footsteps approached and entered the room, the sight of Roman holding a sword to someone’s neck causing them all to jump into action. Two guards jumped at the servant as Roman pulled his sword back slowly. They disarmed him, the bloody knife finally falling to the ground as they pushed the man down to his knees. Roman watched curiously as he didn’t even struggle.
“Roman…” The prince looked over at one of the royal guards as he inspected the man in the bed. He looked down at his father, still in the bed and blood on his neck soaking the sheets. “I’m sorry.”
Roman’s breath stuttered out as he looked back at the man who had apparently killed his father. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Henry shook as a few coughs racked through his body but otherwise remained silent.
“Uh, your majesty.” One of the guards holding the man down spoke up. “It’s almost like he’s possessed or something.”
Overcome with too many emotions, Roman took a step back as he watched the man struggle to breath more and more, unsure of what to do.
Logan was rubbing his eyes before fixing his glasses as he took a seat on the side of the infirmary. “Let me see if I understand you correctly.” He looked over to Virgil sitting on the cot as Patton inspected his ankle he had injured in his run away from the witch in the woods. “You knew this servant you were training had magic.”
Virgil nodded and looked away. “She came to me and said she had gotten a job here after hearing a witch was going to attack the castle. She wanted to stop it before it happened and Henry had bypassed her test and approved her without my knowledge. I guess he thought I wouldn’t mind she knew magic, he was one of the few people in the castle that knew my background.”
Patton rubbed a healing salve into Virgil’s ankle as he spoke. “So, a few days back she tried helping Roman out and placed a charm on him but it backfired?”
Virgil sighed and shook his head. “Yeah, I guess she wanted to give him good luck but managed to do the opposite. That was the day everything kept falling and breaking around him. It should have worn off by now, though.”
“Wait.” Logan looked up from his seat in bewilderment. “That day in the library when the books fell. Then the curtains caught fire, my door falling off its hinges, those are all the cause of some backfired charm?”
Patton turned and smiled over at Logan as he pulled away from wrapping Virgil’s injury. “Magic isn’t a one-all thing. I know more helpful tips and how to heal people. Morgan seemed like she may have been raised to defend herself if ever needed. It makes sense she wouldn’t know much about placing charms or anything like that. It’s completely different.”
“So she gets a job at the castle and tried helping Roman and it backfired. Then the castle gets attacked and she does what she knows but then is arrested for her use of magic.” Logan nodded to himself before his face scrunched up into confusion once more. “Then she knew the witch was going to attack, but how? Also, why? Who is this witch? This seems too personal for just some random attack, it seems well thought out. Also, how did she get to Henry and how does he play a part in any of this?”
“I dunno, but it sounded like she was planning on him either getting caught or killed.” Patton pulled away from Virgil’s leg after successfully taking care of it. He looked down and inspected it before pulling himself back onto the bed. “Outwardly admitting she needed a new scapegoat and going after me doesn’t settle right with me, especially after I managed to escape.”
“So we’re not quite done.” Patton stood up and placed the bandages back on the table full of supplies. “Now we need to figure out who she is, what exactly she’s planning, where Henry is and how to keep you safe.” Patton looked over at Virgil once more. “She’ll attack you now that you know she’s out there. Your safest bet is to pretend like you didn’t speak a word and if she manages a way in, tell her you told no one. We don’t want to make her any angrier if she’s already managed to get this many people killed.”
“You’re that sure she’s going to be able to get in during lockdown?” Virgil frowned at the thought and turned away from the other two.
Logan huffed out a short sigh. “We need to be prepared for all possible outcomes. We just need to tell Roman and prepare for the worst.” Logan looked over at Virgil curiously. “Would you know anything about how she’s using Henry?”
Virgil snorted out a quick laugh and shook his head. “Look, I was raised by witches but the only magical thing about me are my headaches.”
“Speaking on that really quickly, Virgil.” Patton turned serious as he glared at the other man. “You are not taking that dragon’s claw or whatever you call it tomorrow either. You need to rest and heal up.”
“No, and that’s final!” Patton put his foot down as he spoke. “You are quite literally poisoning yourself and not possibly in danger and injured! You can manage one more day.”
“I am rather curious as to how you came across such a plant in the first place,” Logan asked silently.
“I didn’t.” Virgil lay back on the cot as he spoke. “When the guards found the witches in the woods all those years ago, someone pulled me to the side and showed me the plant. She made me hide a bunch of the roots on me and told me to replant it when I was somewhere safe. Then she showed me what to do with it.” He rolled over onto his side facing the room as he stared off in a haze. “It was when I was drinking it that the guards found us. They thought she was poisoning me, which I guess she was. They pulled me out of there and took me in. I had nowhere else to go so I started doing odd jobs here until they officially hired me on.”
Logan was shocked at the story. “You started working for the people who killed your family?”
“I mean, yeah?” Virgil shifted uncomfortably as he talked. “I was just a kid. My real parents abandoned me and my second family was slaughtered, but the king promised me a bed and food and safety. I never was given the option of all three so I took it.” Virgil started picking at a string on the bed as he tried to distract himself. “Honestly, he really isn’t bad in comparison. It’s not like I had a choice in my magic and as long as he doesn’t know then we’re fine.”
Patton exhaled from his nose before turning back to his table covered in various plants he had worked with. “I just need to get back out there and get more of that flower. If I do that, then I’m sure I can help the king and this guard.” He pushed a few objects around and organized his mess. “The second the king is awake, then I can start worrying about everything else.”
“The second the king is awake, we are heading home.” Logan was watching Patton shuffle things around. “This isn’t something we can really help with without being in the way more. The deal was to help the king and you’ve done that.”
“The deal was to get the king at least somewhat conscious, which I have yet to do.” Patton looked over at him and stared him down while looking determined as ever. “As far as I’m concerned, Morgan and I are still in danger until I can get the king awake. So! I need that flower and I need it as soon as Roman gets here and gets me an escort into the forest.”
A sudden knock at the door halted their conversation. A guard stood with a frown, watching Patton closely. “Prince Roman requires your presence.”
Logan stood up from his chair and faced the guard. “If you are escorting us, there will need to be a guard stationed in this room while we are gone.”
The guard shook his head. “No one is available, they’ll be fine. Come.”
Logan took a few large strides closer and held his arm out to Patton, signaling him to stay put. “Patton does not leave my side. If you are to take him without me then I will need protection. You will need to bring a guard.”
The guard turned to Logan and nodded, turning around and running off. It was silent the few minutes they were left alone before he returned with another guard in tow. “Here you are, Prince Logan.”
“Excellent, I’m glad to see you found someone available.” The prince walked up to the doorway and nodded his head in respect. “Then one of you can stay and make sure these two are fine while Patton and I go see what Roman requires of us.”
The first guard opened his mouth to protest but remained quiet at Logan’s heated glare he shot his way. Nodding, the second guard walked into the room and nodded toward Virgil while Logan waved Patton over and they headed out of the infirmary.
After a few twists Logan hadn’t recognized, he realized they were in part of the castle neither of them had seen. “Where exactly is Prince Roman having us taken?”
“He is in the prison cells currently and required just Patton’s presence.”
Logan huffed at the guard. “He should know by now I do not let Patton out of my sight. He should have warned you of that.” The guard did not answer as they walked down a few flights of stairs, torches lighting the way as the sun could no longer reach where they were headed. The stairway finally lets out into an open room where two guards were stationed. As they walked by, Logan noted a few more guards loitering around and turning to them.
Logan turned back and saw Roman standing there, arms crossed as he stared blankly into a cell. His foot tapped impatiently on the floor as he watched whoever was inside. He waited until they were close before turning and looking over at them. “Ah, Patton. How are your two patients holding up?”
“The guard is stable for now until I can get back out into the forest. Virgil is fine, but his attacker wasn’t random.” Patton leaned in closer and looked into the cell while his eyes adjusted. “Is everything okay here?”
“Wasn’t random?” Roman turned curiously to the other two. “He was targeted?”
Patton jumped and grabbed the bars of the cell in front of him. “Are they okay?” The person in the cell seemed to be on the ground, groaning in pain as they held themselves close. “What’s going on?”
Roman sighed and looked back into the cell. “That’s Henry.”
“What happened?” Patton could only whisper as he watched the man roll around in pain.
“That is what happens when you have magic and take that test of ours. It’s tearing him apart from the inside. The only thing is, Henry never had magic so why it’s doing it now is quite curious. It’s a severe case, there’s a lot of it in him.”
Patton took a slow step back while keeping his eyes on the cell. “It’s not his magic.”
Logan took this moment to step forward. “Virgil was attacked by a witch claiming to have been the one who orchestrated the attack on the castle. She said she had a so-called puppet on the inside and had been looking to replace them.” Logan motioned to the cell. “Based on what we’ve managed to learn, Henry was probably the unwilling victim to her attack.”
Patton finally managed to turn his eyes away from the cell and to Roman. “If she has her magic controlling him, then that’s what’s attacking him.”
Roman groaned and shook his head. “So that’s fantastic. I have all these suspects and none of them is the person that is after me.” Roman looked back into the cell and sighed as he frowned. “I’m so sorry, Henry. You didn’t deserve this.”
“We can save him, right?” Patton looked over his shoulder at Logan before spinning back around at Roman. “He can be saved. Right?”
Roman sighed and shook his head. “Even if we gave him anything, it’s in his system. He will just have to fight it to survive. In any case, he’s not leaving that cell until this witch is taken care of. I can’t be sure he’ll still be compromised.”
“Then let me go to the forest!” Patton looked almost desperate as he spoke. “If I can’t help him then let me help your father at least!” Roman didn’t react as he looked at Patton silently. “Roman, please, I can’t just sit here and not help!”
“My father’s dead.”
Patton froze and took a step back, nearly bumping into Logan. “W-what?”
Logan took Patton’s place as he stepped forward. “What are you talking about? What happened?”
Roman remained emotionless as he turned to look at the man in the prison cell. “Henry killed him. Through the heart then across his throat. A guard commented on how he seemed to be almost possessed or something when we found him. Hasn’t said a word since.”
Patton gasped and shook his head in disbelief. “I… I’m sorry.”
“You are not at fault here, Patton.” Roman turned and looked at the physician as he seemed to shake. “You did all you could.”
Patton shook his head and looked up at Roman. “I’m so sorry.”
Logan turned and looked at him curiously. “Patton?”
“L-Logan… I’m so sorry. I promised…” Patton’s eyes widened as he took a few steps back. “I’m…”
Logan started to panic as he placed his hands on Patton’s shoulders, preventing him from retreating further. “Patton, it’s alright. You did your best and you helped him. This wasn’t your fault.”
Patton’s panicked eyes looked from Logan to Roman as he shook his head. “I p-promised I would… I would get the king conscious enough t-to…”
Roman suddenly realized why Patton was panicking. “The deal was to get my father awake, which didn’t happen.”
Logan turned around and placed Patton behind him protectively almost as if on instinct. “The deal should be off since there was interference-”
Roman raised a hand and Logan grew silent. “I’m not an idiot, Logan.” Roman’s hand fell as he walked closer, looking over at Patton who had hidden out of sight as much as he could. “As I see it, you would have succeeded. It would also be stupid to force this since it was an unofficial agreement that would only upset my strongest ally.” Roman smiled sadly up at Logan. “I’m sure you’d fight a war for him.”
Patton placed a hand on Logan’s arm and peered over at them. “What will happen to Morgan?” He whispered.
“Well, she still must face the punishment for her crimes which I will have to determine myself now, I suppose.” Roman placed a hand to his head and rubbed it a bit. “I’m not really up for worrying about that right now.” His hand fell to the side as he turned to Logan. “Tell me everything about Virgil’s attacker.”
They weren’t finished with the story before Roman had marched off and to the infirmary. He knew his actual head physician was still in the ballroom they had the ‘test’ being taken and helping out everyone else so the infirmary would be a quiet place to talk. He entered and saw a guard standing watch nod over to him as Roman marched through. It took no time before he jogged across the room to Virgil who lay on the bed facing the wall, rolling over as he heard someone approach.
“P-prince Roman?” Virgil sat up and looked at the worried prince as he kneeled down next to the bed. “Is everything alright?”
Patton kept to the side and checked on the guard, keeping quiet and not saying a word. Logan stood by worried but kept an eye on Patton, glancing over to the other two periodically.
“Are you alright? I was told you were attacked by a witch and she may come after you.”  Roman reached forward and grabbed one of Virgil’s hands. “I’ll make sure you are either by my side or you have someone with you at all costs.”
Virgil looked shocked before tugging his hand away from Roman. “You shouldn’t worry about me, you have bigger issues to deal with.”
“To be quite honest, Virgil, a lot of people around me that I care about have died the past day or so and I do not want you added to that list.” Roman looked almost heartbroken at his own words. “For my own peace of mind, please.”
Virgil tensed up and shifted on the cot, looking at the prince more. “If it makes you more at ease, then I will do whatever you need, your majesty. That is why you pay me.”
Roman chuckled and shook his head, pulling back away a bit to give Virgil his space. “I told you, just call me Roman.”
Virgil nodded and looked over at Patton and Logan across the room. “Was everything okay?” He turned back to Roman. “Did you find Henry? How is he?”
“Dying.” Roman frowned as he spoke.
“W-what? How?” Virgil looked around for an answer but everyone in the room remained silent. “How about the king?”
Virgil grew silent and finally understood the uneasy feeling that had entered the room with the others. He looked at Roman who had seemed all to calm for someone who had just mentioned his father had died. “I’m sorry,” Virgil whispered, at a loss for words to say anything else.
Roman looked up at him, not bothering to smile this time. “Thank you.”
The remainder of the day had Roman running to and fro keeping the news of his father’s death quiet. He had things to sort and settle and amped up security throughout the castle. No one was to be anywhere without someone accompanying them as they all paired up. At the end of the night, Logan had urged Patton to sleep in his room on a cot to be safe while they slept. Patton was too tired to disagree and nodded at the request. Similarly, Roman informed Virgil that his night in the infirmary would be his last. A guard kept watch while he and their unconscious patient lay quietly in the room. Roman told Virgil that come sunrise, they would be stuck together the entire day with no exceptions.
Virgil didn’t take his request too seriously but after hardly any sleep, he was shaken awake by a guard and brought to Roman’s room. The healing salve on his ankle did wonders and it only ached at this point. He made his way to Roman’s room trailing behind a guard and mentally groaning as he had seen the sun barely peeking over the horizon.
Virgil entered the room and found a tray of food had been brought in set to the nightstand. Roman sat on his bed dressed as he stared at it before looking up at Virgil. “Ah, how did you sleep last night?”
Virgil shrugged and slowly made his way over, picking up the tray. It held a small kettle of hot water and Virgil immediately set it on the table as he began preparing the prince a cup of tea with his breakfast.
“Woah, hey, you are still healing.” Roman got up and walked over as Virgil set the kettle back down. “Let me take care of this.”
Virgil looked up at the prince and raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Do you know how to prepare tea?” Roman looked down and inspected the tray while Virgil chuckled to himself. “I didn’t think so. Let me do my job, Roman.”
With a sigh, the prince sat down at the table and motioned to the other chair. “At least sit down. Have you eaten yet today?” Virgil shook his head as he placed the plate in front of the other. “Then you will share mine with me.”
“Roman, it was made for a prince, I can’t-”
“Humor me.” Roman looked at Virgil with a silently pleading look. Virgil immediately gave in and sat down. “Thank you.”
“Is this how your mornings usually go?”
Roman smirked and placed his napkin in his lap. “Depending on his mood, Reggie, or Scott I guess, would either tell me to feed myself or tell me I was so useless he had to feed me. It was usually the first option.” Virgil let out a laugh at that as Roman’s eyes lit up. “Sometimes he would sit and we would talk, but he usually didn’t have anything new to talk about.” Roman poked at his food a bit before looking over at Virgil. “I’m sure there are a few things we could talk about if you wanted.”
“I don’t think my life story is a conversation for today. It’s not a particularly happy one.” Roman pushed his plate over and Virgil watching him carefully before pulling a piece of ham off of it. “Thank you.”
Roman went back to poking at his breakfast. “I wouldn’t mind listening to it. Why did you start working here, then?”
Virgil chewed on the piece of meat and kept quiet. After a moment of silence, Virgil sighed to himself. “I was living with a coven of witches in the woods when the guards brought me in. Despite everything, the king offered me odd jobs for some money and a place to sleep. Eventually I just never left.”
Roman swallowed his bite of food and kept his eyes on his plate. “Were they nice? The witches?” Virgil looked at the prince and nodded. “My father had them all killed. Your family.”
“Family comes and goes.” Virgil took another bite of his breakfast before wiping his hands on a spare napkin. “Family is who you want it to be. My parents didn’t want me and the witches didn’t want me. They just ended up with me, just like the king was.”
“Your parents?” Roman looked intrigued at this point. “Why didn’t they want you? How did you end up with witches?”
Virgil was surprised he felt himself almost wanting to answer before he shook his head. “Finish your breakfast, your highness. We have a long day ahead of us.” Taglist: @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic @2coolturtle General: @tatergator27 @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstonefox12 @rampantlesbian @echomist13 @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singjoanna Chapter 11>> 
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