#and overall I haven't drawn /so little/ in the past 3 or 4 years
hoozoo · 6 years
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Oof, guys this was so much fun. And it was really, really nice to just sketch and add crazy colors. I need to do that more often and stop worrying about perfect, cleaned up illustrations.
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
1. Favorite drawing from this year? Probably this one
2. least favorite drawing from this year? I think I've made some of the best drawings I've ever done just this year and have noticed an immense improvement even just over last year but that doesn't mean I haven't had a few blunders.
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From a distance, it looks alright (since it was my prof pic, it was fine) but man is that rough up close. I wanted it to look metallic but it just...isn't.
3. first drawing from this year? It's tough because it's not the first one I posted here. I actually had the sketch done for a long time but only finished it this January. Here>
4. favorite character you've drawn? Strelitzia
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did? I added an Easter egg from every world that appears in the first KH. I might not be proud of the drawing but I'm proud of that.
6. longest a drawing has taken to finish? Idk, I have no proof. I know that one took a while though ^^^
7. most popular drawing? Of this year, it's this
8. underrated drawing you did? It's actually this most recent one that sticks out in my mind. I think it's mainly because of the tumblr messing up the tags thing though (that and I posted it on an odd date but I couldn't wait!)
9. any new art mediums you've tried (or overall styles if you haven't tried new mediums)? Yes actually, I hate doing black and white for inktober but I started doing a little bit of a greyscale and it turned out decent. (Here's an ex.!) that stemmed from seeing how good chachacharlieco's art turned out even when in that form.
10. favorite art medium? Don't have one, I explore a lot.
11. artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style? Already mentioned Charlie, but I think a lot of my stuff varies because I never stick to one thing
12. fandom you've drawn the most for? Kingdom Hearts, I don't even have to look.
13. favorite fandom to make fanart of? ^^^^
14. how many drawings did you complete this year? 55? That's how many jpegs I counted in my folder but there're definitely more somewhere.
15. any upcoming planned drawings? I always have WIPs which is part of why that number above is so low, so of course but it's just a matter of whether I finish them or not...
16. favorite piece of art from someone else (if you have one)? There's an old painting that I saw that I've been searching for but can't find again but as for this year, I'll give you three: One, Two-hoo, Three
17. favorite oc/sona drawing? my favorite new OC this year is probably my lightbulb man. I want to make a figure of him so much!
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18. any art events you've participated in? Not recently, though I was apart of Heroes of Dragonstone a few years ago
19. any collabs you've done/would want to do? I'm down for any collabs. This is the most recent one. Which isn't great but I made in on a time limit so...
20. what do you think you've improved on the most over the past year? This bleeds into last year but I've been getting more ambitious with posing. I'd do a lot of putting hands behind backs and cropping out legs but I made an a sort of animatic video that worked well as training. I did a lot of tracing for it in order to get everything down.
21. what do you want to work on the most next? I kind of take it as I go. I suppose backgrounds are a current weakspot.
22. what are you best at drawing/doing (ex: you're good at lineart, or drawings hands, etc.)? I think I do good with pencil drawing but then gets too easy to muck it up when I try to get detailed. I do A LOT of monkey sketches to warm up, (I don't normally show them though) it's a lot of fun though just to see how varied I can make their designs.
23. favorite pose you've drawn? Maybe-
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24. what do you like most about your art style? It's Cartoony. I excel in animals but when I want it to be anime inspired, it's difficult to overcome.
25. best advice you've received this year or something new you learned about art. When I learn something, I usually do it over and over again in all my drawings so I saw this video of someone showing how you use the watercolor tool and paint and then color over then blend then do it all over again, can't find the video again for some reason though.
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redpapercranes · 3 years
85 Days Left of 2021.. What I've learned so far.
12:20PM Friday, October 8, 2021
Hello Tumblr,
So I've been trying to become "That Girl" or maybe I should say "That Woman" this past week. I can't say I've fully succeeded and made all the changes I would like, but I've definitely did better myself overall and will continue to do so.
I've been keeping my area tidy. It's not like anyone will ever see my hard work of maintaining a clean area but its the consistency that is not broadcasted that gives a person character. In addition to cleaning, I've successfully meal prepped my dinner for the entire week. It may not be the most healthiest meal, but I did receive compliments from my co workers every time I reheated my food. I'm also glad it helped me save some money. Thanksgiving meal, I'll revisit you when the holiday comes around.
I've been waking up early as well. Not very consistent but it's a start. The cough has been such a nuisance towards my progress. With that being said, several doctors appointments have been scheduled. This Wednesday I went to my new primary, got a physical and drawn up some additional bloodwork. He sounds like a promising doctor... we shall see since I will have an addition telehealth appointment to review my results with him next week. The week following I'm going to see my OBGYN to further discuss everything down there. I haven't seen her in a while, which means pap smear. The last thing I have to do is schedule a dentist appointment.
Besides doctors appointments, receiving my flu shot, and getting sick... I've been walking outdoors since I can't really go to the gym. I've been walking 3miles a day or been doing yoga. I would either listen to a podcast and switch it up to listening to some of my favorite jams. The podcast I'm currently listening to is the Hubermanlab. There was an episode that talks about dopamine levels; I've probably will have to re-listen to it carefully but it discusses how relying on addition resources to enhance our dopamine levels may be hinderance instead of benefit. These "enhancers" such as music, sex, Adderall, energy drinks or even working out can drop our baseline level for dopamine. Caffeine in coffee which is known to be dopamine stimulate is much safer in moderation since it allows the increase formation of g coupling receptors. Again, the information in this podcast is taken with a little grain of salt. I myself am curious on this study and have taken the information into consideration. So today during my walk, I decided to listen to music and a podcast for a bit, but towards the end I gave myself a break from listening to anything and just listen to the sound around me. Why do this? So then I can allow myself to enjoy the act of exercising without depending heavily on music.
This past week I've decreased the amount I've spent on my phone. Been refocusing that time on other things. Like making my bed, cleaning my room, practicing self love, etc... I've been practicing a lot of self love... this includes mindful eating, painting my nails, applying lotion, doing my skin care routine, shaving all areas ;), and attempting to drink more water. Self love... Self care.
Lastly, I've been studying here and there but I still haven't formulated a consistent schedule. I'm hoping next week, I can commit to studying more. Progress is progress, but I don't want leave any excuses and still would like to improve. So here are things I would still like to work on. 1. Drinking more water this coming week. 2. Taking my vitamins daily. 3. Formulating an entire week schedule and committing to it. 4. Exercising daily if not vigorously for 3/5 working days. 5. Read a chapter of a book. 6. Completing 4 Chapters of a MCAT book 7. 3 consecutive days of Anki Review 8. Make a list of my expenses. 9. Write out my two weeks 10. Treat others with kindness.
I would like to add how much I love and care for Nicholas. As always I hope I make him proud. I love you.
I just want to be a better person and end this year with a better version of myself. Depression, PTSD and Anxiety are things I battle with strongly. I'd like to take control of things that I can in life and for the things I am unable to control be able to handle with grace and integrity.
I am who I am.
With Great Love
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