#and paige is like just this and pulls out the baby blanket and piper all but keels over
phoebehalliwell · 4 years
a couple weeks after Morality Bites, a portal opens up in the attic and out stumbles a fatally-injured woman holding Piper's future daughter in her arms. "This is the only way she'll be safe," the woman says before dying, and Piper s left with the kid she knew for less than an hour. But this is still her child, and she's here in their time, so Piper ends up adopting her own daughter and in the process meets social worker Paige Matthews who is identical to the woman who brought Melinda to her
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa i love it. i think obvi there’d be like A really weird adjustment period bc melinda just got thrown ten years back in time so a) the way you thought the world was is super weird, tech’s not the same, school’s not the same, and all your friends are gone and b) your parents aren’t divorced bc they aren’t ever married yet they’re just like,, dating & everyones a decade younger and aunt prue isn’t blonde and we still talk to aunt phoebe like what?? and then on top of that piper’s what like 26?? with like an eight year old daughter?? so the energy with which piper and melinda’s relationship is regarded by the outside world has also shifted, which is probs not something an eight year old can vocalize but def something they’d notice. so that’s trippy for melinda. what’s trippy for the sisters is a) raising a daughter with magic. (we have no idea what melinda’s powers are in canon but as the eldest of the charmed next gen and the daughter of two powerful magical beings, we can assume she packs quite the punch) and b) finding the woman who would evidently die for them. bc like. why??? what was their relationship????? they literally held her in her arms as she died and they know nothing about her and now here she is again?? is she fated to die? is this their next innocent? okay, whatever, we’ll answer these question as they arise right now let’s just get her back to the manor where she’ll be safe woah What The Fuck is going on with the chandelier. 
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
AU, where Prue's alive. She and Piper found Paige after Phoebe had become evil to save her sisters.
Piper swore she Phoebe would come back. She had to. There was no way she would just leave her family. She would come back. 
That got harder to believe after the first month. Prue and Piper were left near powerless to the multitude of demon attacks that had occured. The amount of times Leo had to save them from the brink of death... Piper grew cold just thinking about it. But a part of her still believed that her sister would come back. She wouldn’t abandon the power of three like that.
Prue chose to be angry over sad. What was the point in wishing? Phoebe was evil now. That was that. It was better to shut down, to lock her out of their lives, than to beg her to come back. She was called superwitch, so superwitch she would be. Nothing was going to kill her.
Paige couldn’t explain the things that kept happening to her. Small things, irrelevant things, but weird. Unexplainable. First, there was a napkin from that club she kept going to, P3, that appeared in the center of her kitchen table. Then a missing dog sign for some Siberian Husky. An old, worn baby blanket with a simple “P” stitched onto the corner. And finally, a large map of the city with a crystal laying on it. Paige tried to lift the crystal, pulling it by the cord it was attached to, but it wouldn’t budge from the location it marked: 1329 Prescott St.
It was Prue who answered the door. She wasn’t much in the mood for visitors that day. Or any day really.
Paige didn’t know where to start. She stood there uncomfortably for about a minute, until prompted by Prue.
“Well?” “Um... hi. My name’s Paige, Paige Matthews, I... uh...” “Look, whatever you’re selling, I really don’t want it, so-” “No, I’m not- I’m not selling anything, I just... wanted to meet you?” “Okay, bye.”
Prue closed the door in Paige’s face, but Paige didn’t budge. She knocked again, cheeks burning red.
“What?!” Paige procured the baby blanket out of her purse. “Is this yours?”
Paige was ushered into the kitchen where she promptly faced an interrogation by both Prue and Piper on who she was and how she got a hand on their old baby blanket. Paige explained that she didn’t know how these things were happening, but items were just arriving in her house, as if by magic. She pulled out the napkin, missing dog flyer, and the map and scrying crystal, and set them all on the kitchen counter.
Prue picked up the crystal and studied it before promptly turning her anger on Piper.
“What have you been doing?” “Nothing!” “Nothing? Oh, well, it sure doesn’t look like nothing to me!” “Okay, well I haven’t been doing nothing, but nothing has been happening, so does it really matter?” “What spells did you cast, Piper?”
Spells? Paige didn’t know what she had just walked into, but she felt it was time to leave. She quietly excused herself (not that Prue or Piper noticed over their arguing) and began to slink out of the Manor
Piper explains that the spells she cast were to find Phoebe; they were to bring Phoebe back. To Call a Lost Witch, To Scry for a Family Member, To Find a Lost Sister.
The realization hits them at the same time.
Prue and Piper chase after Paige, catching her on her way down the front steps.
Paige doesn’t want anything to do with them. They’re clearly insane and honestly, a little bit too rude. It was something Piper said that made her stop.
“We’ve got the answer you’ve been looking for.”
“Oh, yeah? And what would that be?” “Who you are. Who your family is. Who you’re destined to be.” Paige rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t deny her interest. “Alright. Who am I?”
Prue smiled. “A Charmed One.”
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