#and people keep asking me ‘do u wanna do this do u wann go to this restaurant or this pub or come round for tea’
my-creative-hell · 4 years
Sick (Normal au)
Waking up slowly, Grave frowns and hums in concern as she notices Scarlet beside her. Though that wasn’t what was concerning, they had gone to sleep in the same bed. But Scarlet, someone Grave knew to always be cold, was now very warm, her skin pallid as she sleeps beside Grave.
Glowing in worry, Grave moves in the bed, shaking Scarlet gently in an attempt to wake her up, though Scarlet doesn’t stir, body heavy and limp in a deep sleep.
Feeling more worry flood through her, Grave shakes Scarlet more, starting to panic as Scarlet stirs slightly, a hushed whine escaping her, sounding groggy and disorientated.
Buzzing quietly, Grave continues to shake Scarlet gently, wanting to be able to help her as Scarlet seems to stir, weakly lifting one of her arms to cover her eyes, the world scorching itself into her sensitive retinas.
Opening her mouth, Grave quickly shuts it again as she realises she doesn’t know what to say to eased the situation, her worry making it impossible to form a coherent thought as Scarlet groans, trembling slightly.
Frowning, Grave kisses Scarlet gently, in hopes of healing whatever’s wrong. But Scarlet groans again, moving slightly as she shakes, her skin still pale and covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
Feeling confused, Grave gives her another kiss, glowing more as Scarlet coughs quietly, her eyes forcing themselves open sluggishly to look at Grave.
“But??? Why?” Grave questions softly, kissing Scarlet repeatedly in hoped something will work, not wanting her to be in pain any more. But Scarlet scrunches her face, whining in confusion as she stirs more, feeling groggy.
Frowning more, Grave thinks as she curls herself into a ball, feeling scared as Scarlet reaches for her weakly. She attempts to sit up, but her body seems too tired to even do that, leaving Scarlet to sink back down to the bed.
Grave pulls Scarlet into a hug, holding her gently as she shakes, feeling Scarlet lean into her as she struggles to keep herself awake, feeling groggy and disoriented.
Trying to comfort her, Grave strokes her hair softly, hearing Scarlet hum as she dozes slightly, her body not wanting to deal with the illness as Grave presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, some small tears forming in her eyes.
Interrupting them slightly, someone knocks quietly on the door to the room, forcing Grave to get up from the bed to answer it.
“Hello?” She questions, her voice quiet as she pulls the door open slightly, enough to see Lola standing outside of it.
“Oh good I am at the right place.” She comments, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently. Deciding against letting her in, Grave immediately closes the door in Lola’s face.
“Don’t you think that was a little rude?” Lola questions, scoffing softly as she continues to knock on the door.
“That’s a compliment compared to the way you treat me, dickhead.” Grave insults her in return, keeping the door closed.
“Look I’m not here to play catfight with you, alright?” Sighing, Lola lowers her voice as she speaks again.
“Mhm, s u r e you aren’t, Lola.” Grave responds, sounding sarcastic as she snorts in dull amusement.
“I’m really not. I heard Scarlet got sick.” Lola explains, her voice turning serious as she speaks now, making Grave hesitate.
“Come in.” She gives in, opening the door for Lola, despite not liking that she has to let her inside.
“Thank you.” Lola moves inside the room to sit beside Scarlet on the bed. “When did this happen?” She questions, looking to Grave for an answer.
“Today…” Grave explains, sitting down on the floor as she closes the door behind them, feeling more worried by the second.
Frowning, Lola moves to check Scarlet’s temperature, who has already fallen back asleep on the bed as Grave watches, curling into a ball as she fiddles with her fingers, unsure of what she could say.
“Well, the good news is it can be fixed.” Lola explains, sighing as she stands up from the bed.
“Really?” Lifting her head to look at Lola, Grave feels some excitement build at the idea that Scarlet can be helped, a tiny smile spreading on her face.
“Yup. Just gotta get some shit and find the dick who did this.” Lola explains, moving away from the bed.
“Yaaay.” Grave smiles, but its less happy as anger rises within her, making her glow in response.
“Pretty much. Coming with to catch em?” Lola questions, huffing quietly as she looks down at Scarlet.
“Of course, the fuck type of question is that?” Grave asks, standing up from the floor quickly.
“Just askin. Scarlet should be fine for a while so we can get it done and over with.” Lola explains, leading Grave outside with her.
“Gonna fight some assholes!” Grave exclaims softly, a small smile on her face as she follows Lola.
“Kill em maybe, depends on how much they annoy me.” Lola explains. “My cars outside.” She continues.
“Oh… we’re taking a car… c o o l.” Grave looks at Lola in confusion before noticing the car parked outside.
“Quicker than walking, and I’m sure you can agree we want to get this sorted as quick as we can.” Lola explains, unlocking the car for them both.
“I wasn’t talking about walking either, but this is cool too.” Grave explains, playing with her hands as she gets inside the car.
“Either way, we don’t wanna be too noticeable. The dudes who did this don’t play nice.” Lola explains, getting inside the car and placing the keys in the ignition.
“Oh really? I never knew.” Grave’s voice is dripping with sarcasm as she curls into herself.
“Look, I know you’re stressed and all but you don’t gotta lash out at me. I’m stressed too.” Lola counters, staring the car as Grave sighs, nodding
“Alright, sorry.” She apologises, half meaning it as Lola huffs quietly, starting to drive away.
“I know we don’t get along but I’ve been trying to lay off recently.” Lola explains, able to see Grave rocking gently in the corner of her eyes.
“T-That’s good…” Grave comments, her feet tapping carefully against the floor as Lola looks at her for a moment.
“Well it just makes sense given the… situation.” She explains, driving down the road quietly.
“Yeah… it sucks ass!” Grave explains, glowing in both good and bad energy as she watches the world go past them.
“Well yeah, there’s this… and you also are kind of dating my family.” Lola explains quietly, focusing her eyes on the road.
“Cuz we h o m e o f s e x u a l s.” Grave explains, feeling confused by Lola’s words, but not willing to question her on it.
“She really didn’t tell you anything, did she?” Lola questions, frowning as she looks to Grave.
“Nah… its fine though.” Grave explains, shaking her head as she looks out of the window, away from Lola.
“Well there’s some things you should know, and I can only assume Scarlet kept them from you for fear of being left.” Lola explains, sighing quietly as she focuses back onto the road.
“O-Okay…” Grave comments, biting on the string of her hoodie nervously, fiddling with her hands.
“Its only her being paranoid since she likes you so much…” Lola continues, huffing quietly. “Well I guess you should at least know my relationship with her.”
“I… sure, why not.” Grave agrees, trying to smile as Lola sighs, focusing on driving to their destination.
“I’m Scarlet’s sister. Twin sister, to be more precise about it.” She explains, sounding calm.
“T-That’s cool…” Grave comments, nodding as she prevents herself from asking questions, fearing being yelled at.
“I know it’s probably a lot to process, feel free to ask things.” Lola explains, flicking her eyes to glance at Grave quickly.
“A-Are you sure? I don’t wanna ask to many and bother you…” Grave argues softly, feeling confused.
“Nah, I don’t mind. We normally get questions so it’s not new.” Lola explains, snorting indifferently.
“That’s not related at all…” Grave argues, frowning as she shakes her head, thinking it through.
“Look, it wont bug me so go for it.” Lola continues, a small smile on her face as she looks to Grave.
“Why were you so mean to me most of the time? A-And why arte you even being nice to me?” Grave questions, frowning.
“…It’s a defence mechanism. Me and Scarlet… don’t have the safest life.” Lola begins, frowning as she stares out the windshield. “I don’t wanna bring people into it. If I’m a bitch, no one will ever like me. I’ll never make friends; never have anyone close enough to get hurt. But now… Scarlet’s in danger and… I don’t know what to do.” She admits, sighing softly.
“Oh…” Grave trails off, fiddling with her hands. “I-I’m sorry for asking.” She apologises.
“Its fine.” Lola reassures her, a small smile on her face. “It doesn’t really matter.” She continues.
“It does though!” Grave exclaims, frowning as she shakes her head in concern, watching as Lola sighs.
“Grave, look, once this is over I can go back to being hated and you can go back to hating me. It’s a win win.” Lola explains.
“Do you want that?” Grave questions, frowning more as she wraps herself into a ball, watching Lola shrug.
“Want or not, it doesn’t matter. Its what I know. Our mother hated us and left, and father is busy most of the time. Am I just supposed to let people get close?” Lola vents quietly.
“You could try it…” Grave explains, trying to smile as she thinks, glowing softly as Lola frowns.
“And if they get hurt? Then it’s my fault.” Lola frets, turning to look at Grave, slowing the car more.
“Nope! Its not your fault unless you hurt them yourself.” Grave explains, tapping her feet against the floor as Lola stops the car.
“Won’t I mess it up? I’m not good at this shit…” Lola continues, Grave seeing a genuinely distressed expression on her face for the first time in knowing her.
“I could help you!” Grave exclaims, holding herself back from holding Lola’s hand, unsure if she would want that.
“Why help me? Haven’t I kinda fucked this up already?” Lola questions, a sad smile on her face.
“W-We could always… try again? Only if you want to tho.” Grave offers, frowning as she looks away from Lola.
“I-I wouldn’t hate it…” Lola admits, looking at Grave slightly as she processes her words.
“Good!!! You wanna start now?” Grave questions, smiling sweetly at Lola as she parks the car,
“Lets start with getting the fix for Scarlet.” Lola explains, flashing Grave a genuine smile.
“Yeah, the sooner the better.” Agreeing, Grave clips outside of the car, glowing softly as Lola follows her, locking the car behind them. Stretching silently, Lola pulls out a gun from a hidden pocket in her clothes.
“Oh, shooty shooty.” Grave comments, wiggling as she looks at the building in front of them.
“Yup. I’m gonna shoot at the fuckers while you grab the antidote to the poison they managed to slip Scarlet.” Lola explains, smiling.
“I thought we were gonna yoink the antidote and then blow the whole place up but that’s easier.” Grave smiles in amusement as Lola points to a door in the building.
“The antidote is in the locked office pas that door in a safe, though I doubt that’ll be an issue for you.” Lola explains the route quickly.
“Good!!” Ceasing her glowing, Grave cuts the conversation short, running to the door as Lola snorts, firing a bullet upwards to gain the attention of the people inside.
“Its… an office. Totally unexpected.” Grave speaks sarcastically as she clips through the door, looking around the office as she notices a safe in the corner, faint sounds of shooting coming from outside.
Moving over to the safe, Grave quickly clips her hand inside, a loud shot sounding off outside before things go quiet.
Feeling worried, Grave quickly grabs the cylinder inside of the safe, clipping outside to see what is happening. As she gets outside, she can see bodies of some men strewn about, riddled with holes, though one seems to be holding a shotgun.
Frowning in concern, Grave hides the vial quickly, ceasing her glow as she looks around, seeing Lola’s feet from behind the car.
Deciding quickly, Grave runs over to the car, revealing Lola lying near it, turned away from Grave.
Moving to her, Grave shakes her gently, a worried frown on her face as Lola remains unconscious, the wound in her abdomen bleeding profusely.
“Oh yeah, that’s kinda really fucking bad.” Grave frets, glowing in concern as she notices Lola’s pale skin from all the lost blood.
Not hesitating, Grave presses a gentle healing kiss to the wound, hoping to help at least a little, watching in relief as the wound closes itself up, some life returning to Lola’s skin.
“Fuck yeah!” Smiling softly in relief, Grave keeps herself quiet as Lola shifts slightly, not yet waking up as a small frown appears on Grave’s face, gone as soon as it appeared.
“That’s fine, that’s great.” Reassuring herself, Grave opens the car door as Lola stirs slightly, seeming very groggy and disorientated. Unsure of whether to wait for Lola to wake up or just move now, Grave watches as Lola opens her eyes slightly.
“Uh… hi.” Grave waves quietly as Lola groans, feeling out of it as she struggles to focus.
“Grave?…” She questions, voice hushed and unsure as Grave nods in response, wanting to calm her.
“Yeah, you passed out. It wasn’t good.” Grave explains, trying to reassure Lola calmly.
“Did you get it?” Lola questions, whining as she attempts to sit herself up on the floor.
“You mean this? I dunno, maybe.” Grave pulls out the vial, holding it up for Lola to see and confirm.
“Then it’s worth it. That’ll help Scarlet.” Lola relaxes at the sight of the vial, nodding to confirm it is the correct one.
“Good! Do you think you can stand up or do you want me to carry you?” Grave questions, smiling gently.
“I think the second I try and get up I’m gonna pass out again.” Lola admits, a soft sigh escaping her.
“I’ll carry you then!” Grave exclaims, carefully picking Lola up, watching her close her eyes as she relaxes into her.
“I would ask you if we should just n y o o m back but… car.” Grave explains, putting Lola in the seat gently before getting in beside her.
“Can you drive?” Lola questions. “I’m still n the verge of passing out again.” She explains quietly.
“I can drive very well!!!” Grave reassures her, nodding as a soft glow spreads over her.
“Good…” Smiling, Lola leans into her seat in the car comfortably as Grave starts it up.
“Ssseatbelt…” Grave remembers, doing Lola’s for her as she starts to drive, speeding a reasonable amount as Lola struggles to stay awake in her seat.
Grave increases the speed slightly, but not too much for fear of hurting Lola, who is half asleep as she shifts in her seat to get comfortable. Giving up on being reasonable, Grave speeds faster, too worried about Scarlet’s health. Lola winces as the car moves quicker, but she soon relaxes back into the seat, dozing quietly.
“Sorry, Lola…” Apologising, Grave frowns softly, keeping her voice quiet as Lola hums in response, calming as she slips in and out of consciousness.
“We h e r e!” Grave exclaims, pulling up in front of the house and clipping outside of the car excitedly, Lola stirring slightly, though her movements seem sluggish.
Thinking, Grave carefully picks Lola up out of the car, carrying her inside as Lola curls into herself, eyes opening slightly to watch Grave.
“Hi…” Smiling softly, Grave glows as Lola wakes up more, a small smile of her own gracing her face.
“Hey…” She answers quietly, still sounding slightly groggy as she speaks, voice low and tired.
“I’m gonna give Scarlet the antidote, you still want me to carry you?” Grave questions, giggling softly.
“You can leave me down here, Scarlet’s the priority.” Lola explains, smiling up at Grave as she speaks.
“O-Okay…” Grave agrees, placing Lola down carefully as she moves upstairs to Scarlet, feeling nervous as she glows.
Opening Scarlet’s room, Grave can see that she is still asleep in her bed, her skin pale and sickly as she trembles.
“She’s gonna be fine soon, its okay.” Grave reassures herself, keeping quiet as she administers the vial of antidote to Scarlet, watching some colour return to her face as she relaxes into the bed.
Grave glows happily, wanting to give Scarlet kisses as she waits for her to wake up, Scarlet shifting slightly in the bed as she stirs from sleep.
Squeaking happily, Grave’s feet tap against the floor as Scarlet scrunches her face up, her eyes opening a tiny bit as she starts to wake up more.
Grave opts to sit beside Scarlet on the bed, giving her space as she smiles, fiddling with her hands as Scarlet opens her eyes more to look around, feeling groggy and weak.
“H-Hi…” Waving, Grave gently pokes Scarlet’s nose in greeting as she hushes her voice, watching Scarlet smile.
“Hiya…” She responds quietly, leaning into the gentle touch as Grave pulls her into a hug, littering her face with love filled kisses.
“Are you okay?” Scarlet questions happily, a light giggle coming from her at the affection, giving Grave a gentle kiss of her own.
“Of course I am! A-Are you okay?” Grave squeaks as she returns the question, giving Scarlet a gentle kiss.
“I’m still tired and weak, but I think I’ll be okay…” Scarlet explains, smiling tiredly as she leans into Grave.
“Good! I like it when you’re okay.” Grave explains, smiling as she presses a soft kiss to Scarlet’s forehead, hearing her hum as she closes her eyes, hiding in Grave comfortably.
“I love you…” Grave comments, holding Scarlet in her arms, glowing softly in happiness as she speaks.
“I love you too…” Scarlet returns the sentiment quietly, nuzzling into Grave’s warm body as she grows sleepy.
“Wanna pretend all this never happened and we just hung out all day?” Grave offers, feeling Scarlet nod as she pulls her in to cuddle.
Returning the cuddle, Grave presses one more gentle kiss to Scarlet’s forehead as she falls asleep in her arms, following behind swiftly.
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shipping info!
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answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER?: - uhhh.. i think it would be reiritsu?
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: - Pretty much anything. I can go from dark and gritty to soft and fluffy. passing through pretty much anything in the spectrum lmao. ntr? sure. soft diabetes-inducing fluff? sure thing. naughty fucking nsfw that you’d be ashamed of showing your mother? HELL YEAH. half of the ship is gonna die and the other is gonna suffer in horrible pain? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: - He’s a vampire so //shrug. I also really like age gaps so. . . 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: - Not really? If you’re my friend and you wanna try a ship? I’m down for it. I’m a big crossover and rarepair shipper so im happy to try many different interactions~
WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?: - Uhhh... Mizumachi, komui, kajika, Rei, Izumi, Koga, Chiaki, Shinobu, Ravein, Tsumugi, Ruka, Tsukasa, Leo, Mika, Fenrir, Hajime, Ruby, Eichi, Yuzuru, Misaki...... probably a lot more I can’t remember right now? 
- Yeah. there’s 99.9% i’m gonna say yes so it shouldn’t be scary, but i like to plot my ships? so just writing something shippy without telling me would be bothersome and annoying.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: - uhh... all the time? lmao, jk but not really. I love shipping so im like... always looking for new ships haha
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE - OR - LESS?: - I’m ship obsessed all day everyday.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: - yup! but i like keeping each ship separate....unless we’re writing ntr or unrequited love which is also :ok_hand:
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: - Reiritsu, RitIzu, Ritsukoga and ritsushino in that order lmao. -Unless you mean not only with Ritsu but in general in which case i ChiaKaoIzu takes the pie.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: - You.talk to me about it. - That’s it, just tell me ‘hey i wanna ship x’ and we can brainstorm from there. - I love long and overcomplicated plotting so be ready for that. - If you find things that reminds you of our ships throw them at me and I’ll happily eat them like the starved fucker i am.
Tagged by: @toneofdarkness Tagging: huh, @queenharumiura @yoroshiiku @modestlyricist @windsofwish @huntingroses @friendlyneighbourhoodscientist and anyone else that wanna do it (like always u don’t have to do it if you don’t wann! I just think it’d be fun to see y’alls responses)
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holanads · 7 years
Mengosongkan Hati
today, i met my one of fave person. he got brown eyes, it shines as the sun passes on em. i was sitting alone with my all black clothes, bag and even my pencil case, the only thing their eyes going through at is my shoes haha. eye catchy.
so, i was alone and enjoying the weather, hot they said but i was cold, i got fever so i need sun for my vampire-skinned. then suddenly he showed up, his face gazed as he wanted to make sure that it was me.
“Hey!” “Hey you” “alone? what u doing?” “this” *i showed him a blue-covered book off and i answered him concisely* “ah, that’s my favorite!” *my finger pointed at a bottle he held on* “wanna try?” *i shook my head as a no, i didn’t talk much*
i missed him, this friend of mine who always have interesting stuff to be discussed. he is different. he respects me, when i say no, then he takes it as a no.
“now i know, you never write about me. but i enter as me on someone else’s story hmmm.” *he congested and looked at me deep* “hehehe, at least i wrote and mentioned you” he smiled, i read his face trying to figure what he was thinking about out. “what do u want me to write about you?” he laughed. i felt awkward.  “nothing hmm..” he tried to say something. i know him. i probably should ask him. i wondered, does he really want me to write about him?
we muted because i muted (?) the weather oooohhh…
“soo are u still….” *stop! cant tell you gengs about this scene, skip this* i muted. “nad, have you ever fallen in love?” “hm excuse me?” i heard his question but his voice was blur. “you love someone?” “i dunno” “why u dunno?” “i want to empty my heart” “what? how?” “i dunno hoq, im still figuring it out. i wanna find way to emptying my heart, and fulfill it with Allah only” “why you should?” “because, when i find someone, i know he is the best that Allah gives to me. and when my heart belongs no one but Allah, it will be easier for me to love Him completely. deeper, purer, more sincere and idk i want Him alone, all my life and till i die. i sometime think how i’d love my future husband. i dun wanna love him because he is handsome or wealth or smart or something like that. i keep thinking what if the thing that makes me fall in love with him disappear? would i still love him the same? i dun wanna love someone like that. i want someone whom i have no reason to not love him.” 
*it seemed complicated for another people, but i hope he understand it*
“so what if you someday fall in love, how u handle that?” “commitment… i have to promise to Allah and myself to not let anybody in. and i need a wall, like i wanna block any guy before i actually fall. anticipation! i wont let it happen” “aahh i see” *he shook his head up and down, seemed like my answer nailed it.* “i wanna do that too hehe.” “just do it!” “ya i will, i will try. nad, how did you do hijrah? tell me” 
i muted again. my lips dried. i needed oxygen, i was so tired. but actually it wasnt my reason to not answer him. its just because i dunno, i didnt wanna share that, not today. so, i skipped it and stayed mute.
“i wanna be better person. i wanna do hijrah, i wanna do as you are doing right now” “alhamdulillah, do then” *i was getting excited, my exhausted gone as tons of energy came to me in* “ya, i tried so hard. but i passed it, i missed it” “its because you never catch it immediately” “yaaaa.” he looked at me again and lowed his gaze. and i was so happy for that, he was really respectful.  “its not isbal. its sunnah hehe.” “its not isbal? hehehe” “yaa. you will be rewarded” “just do something like this, this small thing? and get reward from Allah?” “ya, beautiful, isnt it?”
“hehe yeah it is.”
it was a very lil of our convos today. my friend, he is amazing. he has a lot of topics. he told me he moved out and rent a house with other boys, they are my friends too. and he said he is so addicted to mobile legend, it makes him stay awake. and he turns to be a lazy person, he tries to change that bad habit, step by step. we discussed about a ghost user of grab and gojek, and he asked me if its haram or not, and i said of course it is. 
he is different. i feel comfort talking to him. he never, not even once to hurt me. he is funny, he deserve the girl that Allah loves. he deserve that chance, i wann see him in jannah with his wife and their children again.
that moment when i felt another moments were flooding my brain. couldnt stop it. it made me feel, i am not alone.
to my brown eyes friend, sigit.
hey! i just wrote about you buddy:) chillax!
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