#and please check out sophinisba's supreme back catalogue
thepolomonkey · 6 years
Merlin Writer Appreciation Month: Rare Gems
I’m late but I’m heeeereee this week has been ridic let’s do this
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It's the End of the World (As We Know It) by schweet_heart
Arthur is travelling north when he meets Merlin, looking small and battered by the side of the road. 
Extremely extremely good Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine porn with feels. Seriously accomplished world building for such a wee fic too.
The Line Dividing by Woldy
Morgana dreams of a woman in the darkness. 
A canon au where Morgana dreams of Nimueh and a new kingdom and then makes it happen, powerfully and beautifully.
We were only playing by Roobs_teacup
Basically Arthur's afraid of water and it comes out in a dramatic way when he goes on holiday with his boyfriend for the first time and meets a whole lot of people.
Just a lovely characterisation of Arthur here, in all his insecurities, and Mordred is also wonderfully drawn.
My general author rec is @sophinisba who has written so many beautiful rare gems with as many pairings and aus as you can dream of - and always does so with lyrical, graceful skill, never shying away from difficult subject matter or being afraid to stray off the beaten fandom path.
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