#and pls don't come at me with 'this idiot hasn't seen x-files' or something
prowerprojects · 1 year
It's interesting to see that people think that Amy had given up on Sonic, or even stopped having such strong feelings for for Sonic at all, but I actually have a completely opposite view on this. (Especially since rewatching that Sonic Station Live bit with Amy and after seeing something that made me recontextualize her (Japanese) arc in Frontiers. And I have to stress that it's about the way her arc plays out, not the way she and Sonic interact)
I actually think nowadays Amy acts as if she and Sonic are already together. She's more chill not because she's given up, but because she's already got what she wanted, and now she's content. (Maybe what she wanted changed overtime though, I'll give that) There's always been this bit of mystery in Sonic and Amy's relationship – does Sonic like Amy back? It's always written deliberately in a way that Sonic doesn't give a straight answer when confronted with it outright, to keep this mystery going. And now it also has a bit of a "What are they already together or something?" on top of it.
I actually enjoy this kind of dynamic a lot. And I think it's especially interesting with Sonic and Amy being (in canon) a mlw couple. Because usually this type of dynamic I associate with same gender relationships that are only coded as romantic, and the writers wanted to write them this way (romantically, I mean), but couldn't due to censorship.
Though I will admit it's not like this dynamic doesn't exist in mlw relationships (and it's probably more prominent in shonen too), but it is more likely that they will eventually end up together and go full romo with all the kisses and dates and possible plans for a white picket fence, and lose their interesting dynamic to "well they're dating now". And even with a same gender relationship you know writers would make them outright romantic if they only could. (Which is great, it's always nice to have more open and undeniable representation) But also it lowkey makes me feel weird for enjoying this type of dynamic with those, because I know this is not the kind of relationship the writers wanted to portray, they just didn't have a lot of alternatives.
Which is why I really like the fact that Sonic and Amy's relationship is written this way deliberately, this tethering on the verge of romantic and non-romantic is very appealing to me.
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