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That moment when you realize you have no idea who you’re actually talking to on the intermanet.
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Can’t tell whether I’m being effed with or shit’s serious.  Time to build a wall around my heart only this time I’ll add a second level...with a moat.
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eight or eighty. hibernating in a cave or living in space.  what matters is now and since I perceive every moment as now and real then I don't give a shit about anything else. allow us.
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No Tears for Fears
Wasn’t the first time I went down that road but it will be my last.  Back in 2000 one person made copies of our VHS instructional video and sold them on the street well before selling online became a thing.  Hahahahaha, think that didn’t already go through my head months ago?  no worries at all. I truly don't give a rats asshole what anyone thinks. what can I say? “I'm a dirty bitch.”
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please tell me what I read is true  tell me this is happening tell me all our numbers were correct and we won the lottery." asked Daniel
powerball at peacock farms by jean jackknife
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I may have given up on the how but never on the who. :)
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how will you know if i’m in love?  you wont. :)
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We hear you. Make it happen here!
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Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.
Mark Twain
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Do what you young people do to unwind.  Take a joy ride in your jalopy.  Wear a tee-shirt and eat a fish stick. GO!
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Little Kid Surprises Famous Book Author
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That’s a sweet, sweet sentiment, don’t get me wrong but I don’t think he’s ever had his PC hacked remotely.
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While at Work Last Week...
A single man walked up to the counter to place a to-go order with the other server I work with.  After totaling my table’s bill I looked up and for a split second I thought it was you.  For a split second I stood frozen while my heart rate quickly picked up the pace. Only it wasn’t you.  He wasn’t even close to resembling you.  My joy was followed immediately with disappointment and a brief feeling of sadness.  Though he wasn’t you, I was at least fortunate enough to experience what it would feel like having you close to me.  Even if it was for a split second.
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