#and politely showing me graphs on my call-times and my lunch breaks and shit
eats-the-stars · 6 months
recently at work my coworkers have been complaining about one of our supervisors and I simply can't relate. sorry but i used to work in a family restaurant. this man is like a big puppy-dog to me. i've had supervisors that would eat him up, spit his bones on the floor, and then make me clean them up while apologizing profusely to any nearby customers for the bones being there.
#work#sorry but my new workplace has basically no drama and the supervisors are all super chill#there is literally one snappy/stressed supervisor so he gets all the flack/venting#but he's honestly just like...mildly irritable#i think he's chewed me out for mistakes i've made in the past#but i honestly consider those to be 'gentle but stern lectures' compared to the chew-outs i'm used to#like i'm sorry but between the kinds of supervisors u tend to get in the family restaurant scene#and then working at a call center where they were like hyper-surveilling us at all times#like to the point where i was told very super politely by my supervisor#that my lunch breaks were running between 15-30 SECONDS over my allotted fifteen minutes...#like i just cannot consider this work environment or the supervisors to be any kind of intimidating#i'm sorry but nobody here is pulling up a detailed log of my movements from clock-in to clock out down to the SECONDS#and politely showing me graphs on my call-times and my lunch breaks and shit#honestly tho i just think my coworkers are starved for drama because this place is so tame#like there is no way to compare this to the kind of drama u get in a restaurant environment#that stuff is INTENSE#which is also why i love my new workplace and coworkers. the work thing i have to worry about is Mr. Grumpy#and if a chew-out does not contain swearing/shouting/threats/serious insults/actual shitty punishments#then i do not honestly consider that a chew-out. that's a lecture my friends. u fucked up some part of the job#and now Mr. Grumpy is going to somewhat irritably show u the right way to do it#it is not the end of the world. please chill
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wormdebut · 1 year
Part One | Part Two | Part Four -
Steve had been popular in high school, he never asked for it. He didn’t really want it, but he was the captain of the Swim Team and the Basketball team, he had happily coasted through the Hawkins High Show Choir Revolutionaires. (Blame Robin for that one, he didn’t know he would have to dance, which he did not like to do but he sang like a song bird thank you very much.)
Popularity just kind of came to him. He was in the GSA, which Robin had been the president of (she was also the choir president) and when he came out as bisexual his senior year, that kind of solidified his King of Hawkins throne. He and Robin had been Prom King and Queen of the class of 2019.
Robin thrived with it, but honestly? It burnt Steve out. So when he and Rob moved to Chicago to “expand their homosexual horizons”, thought courtesy of one Robin Buckley, Steve was happy to take a back seat and let her be the social butterfly she loved to be. Steve was happy just taking things a step and breath at a time. High school and the years following had moved so fast, it was nice to just listen to people and see things that he may not have had an opportunity to before.
Ever the codependent pair, they had gotten jobs together at an insurance office in the city. It was graphs, phone calls, and paper work but Steve didn’t mind it temporarily. They both had accepted the job with the intention of getting to their destination, neither Steve nor Robin were intending to keep the position with Murdock Insurance Agency.
It had been a few days since Steve had had his absolute shit rocked by the hot as fuck barista at the coffee shop he and Robin had decided to try,
“Steve, he liked you and their lattes were delicious can we please go back? You’re being just a little teensy bit irrational with this.”
“Robin he’s just so—he—oh my god, I can’t talk to him again.”
‘Talk? That’s a little generous Steve, I’m pretty sure you like, heavy breathed at him like Ghostface does on the phone in the Scream movies.”
“Oh come on Rob! He had just gotten through a super hot, sweaty, ridiculously sexy fi—“
“Steven Richard Harrington I am begging you to shut the hell up and go get us coffee on your lunch break, please. If not out of love, then due to the fact that you owe me for listening to whatever the fuck that just was.”
“Fine, okay, but if he’s there and I embarrass myself, you’re going to miss that experience, so sucks to suck.”
Robin laughed and waved as Steve made his way through the office floor, taking the elevator the few floors down to get to the exit in the lobby. It was nice weather, a little chilly, but nothing Steve wasn’t used to from Indiana. He would’ve put in effort if he knew he was potentially seeing Eddie the sexy ass barista today, but alas, all he could hope for was that his khaki pants and the olive green windbreaker on his back made him look decent enough.
The Daily Grind was surprisingly quieter than it had been the morning Steve and Robin met Eddie. He stepped inside and vaguely recognized the curly headed kid that had been with Eddie last.
The kid popped his head up from the register at the tingling sound of the bell above Steve’s head, “Welcome to—“ curly head cut himself off and his eyes doubled in size, “Oh my god you’re the guy! MAX” he yelled towards the back of the store, “Max! Eddie’s guy is here, right now! Oh my god he’s gonna be so mad.”
Eddie’s what? Steve blushed, and he wasn’t able to hide it, he was kind of overstimulated by the very loud greeting from this kid and was suddenly very confused by whatever was happening here, “Um hi?” Steve questioned more the greeted walking up to the register.
The kid smiled a toothy grin at Steve and stuck his hand out for him to shake, Steve didn't necessarily want to shake this strange little mans hand, but it was the polite thing to do, “I’m Dustin and this—MAX,” Dustin yelled again. Steve politely pulled his hand away, Dustin was so loud. Steve turned his head the direction Dustin had yelled and saw a red head pop her head out through the door.
“Christ Dustin What—“ Max turned her eyes to Steve and gave him the full once over. What was with kids these days? Were they all so loud and unapologetic? Jesus, Steve was clearly older than this girl and she was just full on ogling, “Well hello. I’m Max, it looks like you’ve met Dustin, you are?”
Steve went to speak, hoping the heat he felt on his cheeks wasn’t painfully present and showing his embarrassment on his face. He left Hawkins to get away from the spotlight, he wasn’t fond of having it forced upon him these days. “I-I’m—“
“Hes the guy that Eddie was telling you about? You know the dude he met after he cussed out Cappuccino Brenda?”
Steve really didn’t have much choice but to watch the exchange, no one had come in after him and these two seemed very distracted by Steve being here, so he just waited for them to finish talking…about him apparently.
Max’s eyes went wide “Oooh, Oh! Yes! Hi, what’s your name?”
She looked at him expectantly and Steve was so confused about this whole situation. His fairly impenetrable fortress of wall that he had built up over the King Steve of high school cracked just a little, and while King Steve loved most everybody, King Steve was also a bit of a bitch, “Oh do I get to speak now, instead of being spoken over?” He looked to the two baristas with a smirk and his hands found their way to his hips.
They both looked at him with eyes wide, out of the corner of her mouth Max said, “I thought you said he was shy?”
Dustin broke out in a goofy grin, “I like him.”
Steve huffed, “I’m seriously right here, what is even happening right now?” Steve dropped his hands from his hips and tried to rear in whatever pieces of him that had come lose, “I’m Steve, so what do I gotta do to get a couple medium lavender oat milk lattes?”
Dustin went to speak, but Max cut him off before he could, “Y’know what? They are totally on us, as long as you just give us your number for our new loyalty program.” Dustin looked at Max with an eyebrow raised.
Steve watched her wave him off toward the machines, and shrugged, “Okay? Sure.” Max tossed him a sticky note pad and a pen, he scribbled his number down, “Uh—Thanks Max, this has been great.”
She grabbed the notepad and hopped to the back with a two finger salute, “Catch ya later Pretty Boy.”
Steve gave a brief wave and shuffled over to Dustin, who smiled as he handed off the lattes, “Nice to officially meet you Steve! See you around.”
Steve offered a small smile and a brief thanks, before stepping back out onto the street, god. The Daily Grind was trip, every time.
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