#and porter would be the one who guides her rage and be a good guy
personal-ly · 5 months
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This smug little shit!!! I gasped so loud people around me got scared
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sylnyexne · 5 years
Blood in Roses 『KTH』
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❁ Genre ➢ Supernatural au, romance
❁ Pairing ➢ Taehyung x Reader (feat. Jimin)
❁ Count ➢ 3.3K
❁ Warnings ➢ None
❁ Chapter ➢ Prologue | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
“Wake… Wake up…” the whispering sound seem to wake me up.
“Hmm…?” I feel something soft rubbing against my cheek, and slowly open my eyes. Whose voice was that? sitting up in a bed I was laying on, I look around. An unfamiliar ceiling…an unfamiliar room…and a cat? But…nobody is in the room except me.
“Good, you can move your body”
I thought I heard someone talking to me, I’ve just made sure that no one is in the room though. I look in the direction where the voice came from. There is the cat sitting in my sight.
“You’re right”
“A cat…?” I must have been crazy. Is the cat really the one who is talking earlier?
“I am a cat living in this castle. Some people call me Spade” I hear the same exact voice from the spot where the cat is sitting. It really is talking… I feel like I’ve gone through so much that I’m not surprised by a cat speaking.
“I’ve never met a cat who can speak the human language before—”
“We can talk about my language ability later. The problem here is you.”
“Me? What do you mean me?”
“Do you remember you were sucked your blood by the vampire brothers?”
“Y-yeah…” oh how I wished it was all a dream. The pain of the fangs sticking into my skin, and the indescribable weird sensation. How can I forget about that?
“They tried to dominate you”
“Yes I know. So…” does that mean I’m a vampire now? Or what do they call it? Belonging? Does that mean I’m their slave? I get depressed all of the sudden to face reality.
“Keep your head up, you haven’t become their belonging.”
I stayed silent. Still understanding every word Spade says. So there’s still a chance?
“You are still human, but—” I take Spade up in my arms as I’m overwhelmed by happiness. “So, I’m not a vampire yet!” moving my body left to right as I hugged him to my chest “Hey hey! Don’t start celebrating yet. Hear me out” I put him down on the floor as he struggles in my arms.
“Here, you have to know that, you are now in between a human and a vampire. Seems like you are descended from a special blood line.”
I feel like my body were shaken a bit. I feel like shivering “Wait, does it mean I will eventually turn into a vampire?” Spade confirms my question with a nod, and stares at me in a serious manner.
“You have ten days left. Find out the Rose Garden somewhere in this castle within those ten days. Roses blooming in this castle have a mystical power. Drinking the evening dew will purify you from the vampire curse”
Find the Rose Garden in ten days…  Overwhelmed by the new information i just realized if i should trust this cat or not.
“Why are you so nice to me…?”
“Because you are not supposed to become a vampire. I don’t know how helpful I can be, but I will support you if you wish”
“Thank you, Spade” I have no idea why Spade knows those kinds of things, but it still relieves me to find out that there is someone in this vampire castle to help me. I’ll find the garden and leave this castle as a human.
As soon as I make the resolve, a knocking sound resonates from the door. As I haven’t answered, the knocking sound gets raged as if someone wants to destroy it. The knocking sound echoes through the room. The person doing this must have a short temper. I look for Spade to tell me what to do but the next thing he did is curling up on the bed. I have a bad feeling about this…
“…I’ll open the door now” as I’m about to hold the doorknob.
“You’re late! Don’t make me wait” his voice scolds me before I even open the door completely.
“Taehyung…” he has no intention of hiding his irritation as he glares at me.
“What do you think about me? Say it!”
“Huh…?” what does he mean by that? Is he talking about his look? Or my first impression about him?
“All it takes is saying that you love me. Do it. Now”
“But why?” his low tempered attitude is starting to make me really mad. “Why the hell do I have to say that to you?” his eyes are wide open in surprise as I glare at him.
“What? why is she like this?” he mumbles the last sentence but loud enough to be heard and I’m the one who want to ask him the same question, but I stay silent and keep glaring.
“Look at me in the eyes” he reach his hands towards me and grab my chin up for me to get a closer look on his eyes.
“What are you—” he holds my chin more forcefully. Taehyung’s eyes are gradually turning into blood-stain red. These crimson eyes are familiar to me. When he sucked my blood, he had the same crimson eyes. No…not again… Thinking that he would suck my blood again, I stand ready, but what he does is repeating the same phrase while putting his evil smile.
“Say…that you love me”
Is he serious? While staring deeply into his eyes, I reply “I can’t say ‘I love you’ to someone I don’t even love” I’m guessing he tried to hypnotize me?
“This is absurd! Have a good look at my eyes!”
“Hey! T-taehyung!” his face approaches towards me as it’s distorted in frustration, I desperately try to avoid his face as he closes in more. But as he hold my chin firmly, I can’t move an inch. He licks his lip before staring at me with his blood-red eye.
“Taehyung, you can’t force an unwilling lady. She doesn’t look happy”
With that, Jimin pushes Taehyung away.
“It seems like you didn’t become Taehyung’s belonging. His power seems to have no effect on you” Jimin slowly comes closer to me, I take a step back, he’s a little bit too close. “How about me? You became my belonging then, that’s why Taehyung’s power doesn’t affect you” 
“I’m not anyone’s belonging! Get out of my way!” I pushed Jimin aside and walks towards the door. Suddenly he grabbed my left arm and pull me to his side, looking at me amusingly.
“Well I must verify this then. Would you kiss me, ____?”
“Jimin, what the hell are you doing?”
Jimin’s face approaches me “Now…let’s—” Stating my feeling as clear as possible, I step on his foot as hard as I can “No way! I can’t kiss someone I don’t even like!” “Ahh…” he groans while jumping in pain. Jimin frowns for a moment, but his familiar gentle smile soon appears again. His eyes, Oh no... Jimin’s eyes are as red as those of Taehyung’s just a moment ago.
“Let me tell you again. ____, kiss me”
“As many times you ask me, it’ll always be the same answer. No and never” Jimin shrugs as I refuse his request.
“How disappointing. She hasn’t become my belonging either”
“Our power doesn’t work on her, is that even possible?”
“Right, she is hard to deal with…”
“Huh, you’re giving up already? She’s mine then”
“You wish”
What are they talking about? Staring at them as I’m confused, I see Jimin stretching his hands towards me.
“Well… for now…” my body starts to get chills as he holds my hand.
“What are you doing!? Let go!”
“Alarmed to the point you’re shaking eh? Oh well, it can’t be helped” he releases me then, I rub my arm to where he was holding. “I’ll show you around the castle. Come with me, ____” show me around the castle? I am surprised by his sudden offer, but I could wish for nothing better to look for the Rose Garden. But I can’t follow him straight away off guard, thinking that there may be a catch to it.
Running after Jimin, he stops to look back at Taehyung.
“Wait Taehyung! You come with us now”
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I recognize the place where they have taken me to. It seems better to be careful, and I start to walk a few steps behind them. Though I was so scared yesterday because nobody was here.
“This is the hotel lobby where we welcome out guests” Jimin guide me towards the center of the lobby. It’s lively with people today.
“This place is a hotel?”
“This is Hotel Libra Sincera, This hotel has remodeled from a castle, so it’s called both ‘hotel’ and ‘castle’”
“If it’s a hotel, how come nobody was around yesterday?” I look around to see porters attending hotel guests.
“We were having a ceremony for the first time in a long while yesterday, so people in the hotel stayed in their rooms. I’ll tell you about the ceremony later. Let us get back to business with this hotel” Taehyung said.
“Right, this place function as an intersection of humans and non-humans” Jimin continues to guide us to walk around.
“I can go visit places where other non-human races live from here?” though I’m a bit scared, but my curiosity about these ‘non-human’ beside the vampires keep bothering me.
“You are right. However, you have to pay a considerable price in exchange. Not everyone can go”
“But then, why are you guys here?”
“Ones chosen from all vampires are put in charge of this hotel. There are three types of workers in this hotel. The owner, the person to ascertain the considerable price needed in exchange to visit other worlds.” Having walked ahead, Jimin stops at the uppermost landing of the staircase. “The introduction of the lobby is about it. Next, I’ll introduce you our great origin” there’s a big portrait on the wall.
“Who is he?”
“Aelfric. The old man who made a nuisance of himself and only left us trouble”
“Watch your tongue, Taehyung. He’s the father of vampires. We should respect him”
“Taehyung, what do you mean by trouble—” My question is drowned out in mid-sentence by the shout and footsteps of a girl.
“Taeehyuung!!” I turn around to see a girl with big blue eyes and her wavy blonde hair dashing towards us.
“Our first-class guest seems to have found you, Taehyung” Jimin said as he giggles. Taehyung puts up a cold face and roll his eyes.
“Taehyungie, I’ve been looking for you! You have no idea how much I missed you!” Taehyung gently smiles and crouches down to meet her eyes.
“I am deeply sorry about your trouble, Lady Chaeyeon” what? I never knew he have this polite manner of his, it’s kind of surprising actually. The girl called Chaeyeon glares at me fiercely, and then holds Taehyung’s hand. “Come have a cup of tea with me! You wouldn’t say no, would you?”
“Of course not, young lady”
“I’m not asking you sir Jimin, you’re not gorgeous enough to flirt with me”
“…I’ll be back soon” a heavy sigh was left from Taehyung’s mouth but he quickly puts up his ‘smile’ again towards Chaeyeon. Taehyung goes back down the stairs with Chaeyeon. I also go down the stairs to stand in front of the big entrance door. I came from this door. I wonder if I can go in and out freely. I quietly place my hand on the door. The door is so heavy and doesn’t budge an inch.
“It’s...quite heavy...” I breathed after putting my effort on opening the door.
“Only few people authorized by the hotel owners can open this door” I spin around to find a man wearing hood over his head standing behind me. He has the hood pulled over his eyes, but the shadow of the hood has failed to hide the big scar on his face.
“Oh... and who are you? What do you mean by authorized people?”
“Mr. Jungkook” Jimin interrupts my question before I get an answer. “I have something to discuss with her. Please excuse us, Mr. Jungkook” he bows down and grab my arm. “____, come this way” as I follows, I take a last glance at the man before, he stand still looking right back at me. I have to meet him again later…
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We arrived at a small room. There’s Taehyung inside the room, who seems to have waited for us. Jimin keeps quiet the whole time since we enter the room. “Did you get a permission to leave her?”
“Leave her? Shut up, Jimin” Taehyung answers in a grouchy tone and take a glance at me “I’m not going to let her leave. She’s working here” 
“Excuse me?” work? Do you think I’m your slave or something?  “The only position available now is maid though” surprised by the sudden order I stare at Taehyung. “A…maid?” 
“The hooded man told you a little while ago” Jimin puts his hand by my shoulder then proceed to stand beside Taehyung.
“You can only leave this castle with the hotel owners’ permission, that is, our permission” Taehyung stated. I knew it, they’re the hotel owners. I never thought that I’d be working as a maid in a place like this. But it’ll be easier for me to search for the Rose Garden then...
“As long as you’re forced to stay here, you’ll have nothing to do anyways. You’d better to work yourself to labor” His arrogant attitude gets on my nerve, but I should obey him for now.
“Alright…I guess I have no choice then” I need more information to find the Rose Garden on order to turn back into pure human.
“She seems too gentle for me… Oh well, Hey, Namjoon!” After giving me a suspicious look, Jimin shows his usual smile. Corresponding to Jimin’s call, a man shows up. “This is Namjoon, he is the general manager of the hotel” I have to admit that his manly figure scares me a bit. Is he one of the vampire brothers too?
“Namjoon, she’s a new worker. Show her what to do”
“What a troublesome…but I have no choice” Namjoon is very reluctant, but he starts to explain about my work. So, him being the general manager means… He is the keeper of the door to my homeland… Suddenly, Namjoon scolds me as I got lost in my thought. “Do you hear me?” uh-uhh he told me to…uh oh! 
“O-of course I do. My job is cleaning up the guest room, right?”
“Hm right. Come on, I’ll show you. Follow me please” 
“Ah!” Just when I follow Namjoon to leave the room—everything turns white before my eyes in a flash. A vision of a woman emerges far away. She looks into a man laying himself down to the ground. After the exchange a few words, their lips slowly meet. What…did I just see? As soon as the vision fades away, everything turns completely black. I try to hold still my trembling feet firmly on the floor, not to let myself break down.
“What’s the matter?”
“N-nothing…” I managed to squeeze out the reply, but the vision I just had stays in my head. Why on earth would I kiss Taehyung… the couple I just saw… that was Taehyung and I…?
“____, are you sick?”
“No, I’m fine…” I answer as though to persuade myself, then I start walk behind Namjoon. I should just try not to think about it. The more I try not to, the more I think about that scene with Taehyung. I’m totally blanked out and Namjoon’s instructions go into one ear and out from the other for a while.
He stops and turned around to look at me.
“Obviously, this is the kitchen. Humans have to eat, correct? We vampires don’t have a habit of eating like humans. Sucking blood once a year would actually be enough for us. Although there are some who would hold a feast to flaunt their wealth in public. Tell the chef when you’re hungry. He would make you something. Hey, is Seokjin there?”
Seokjin calls out to the back of the kitchen.
“Did someone call me?” wait a second... somehow, I have a feeling that I’ve met him before.
“She’s a new worker here, ____”
“Woahh! Your name is ____. I’m Seokjin the chef. Nice to meet you, let’s shake hands!” Seokjin delightedly shakes my hand.
“Yesterday…in the dark? You must be…”
“I was standing behind you, so I couldn’t see you well in the dark last night… but here you are! I thought you smelled like a flower. Ah…such a beauty!” he doesn’t seem so bad.
“Oh, you remember this feeling on your neck, don’t you?” with those words, Seokjin shows me a knife. “That is…” the cold blade laid on my neck yesterday. I knew it was a knife. Remembering the cold touch and the terror in the dark sends a chill down my spine.
“Are you trembling? What? Scared of me?” he started to walk closer towards me. “Erm… But, having just a little bite won’t hurt, will it?” He then crouches down to meet me in the eye “Don’t worry! I won’t eat you right away. I told you yesterday right? ” Seokjin smiles widely. Looking at his overly joyed look, unlike others, I start to lose fear towards him. Don’t want to hear his creepy talk anymore, I try to change the topic.
“Anyways, why are you wearing a ribbon on your wrist?”
“Hm? Are you interested in me? Oh my… if you want to know about my ribbon, have a cup of tea with me!”
“…Cut it out already, idiot”
“Eyy, Mr. Manager is frightening. I’m sorry, that was just a joke though… See ya later, ____!” he then runs straight away out of the kitchen.
“…Don’t deal with him more than necessary. Now, let’s call it a day. Start your work tomorrow. I’ll have someone take you back to your room”
“Okay. Thank you…” as Namjoon calls out, a human doll figure appears in front of me quietly.
“Um…who are you?” it’s a beautiful woman, but she has strings tied to her body just like a puppet. I talk to her, but there is no response. I followed her in silence. As soon as we get to my room, she is already on the way to leave. “Thank you for taking me here” I thank her hurriedly, but she just nods without saying anything back.
Seeing her from behind, I find two small bite marks on the neck. That can’t be true… the bite marks, her unclear blank eyes, she must’ve been bitten by the brothers… at this moment I’m going to be…no…I’m going to find the Rose Garden within ten days and leave here as a human.
When I got into my room, Spade is there for me.
“You look awfully tired”
“So many things happened…” I told him what was happened today in chronological order starting from the morning. But first of all, I’ve got to tell him that I’ll work here.
“A hotel maid, huh? That’s what you wish for”
“That’s exactly what I thought. I have an excuse to enter all rooms for cleaning up. That way, it’ll make it easier for me to look for Rose Garden, and…”
“What’s wrong?”
I lose my word as I notice something important is missing around my neck.
“I think, I lost my pendant somewhere…I must find it”
“A pendant?”
“It has been handed down for generations in my family. I remember I was wearing it before entering the castle though…” when did I lose it? When I was shown around the castle, it was already gone.
“Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for it”
“It’s really important so I have to find it, anyways thank you”
“So, what happened?”
When I’m thinking about what I should tell Spade next, I hear a knock on the door. In no time, I heard another knocking.
“It’s him again… listen. Don’t be tricked by the brothers”
“Of course, I know that” I agree to spade with a nod, and open the door. I see Taehyung with an explicitly unpleasant look. What is he gonna do this late…
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