#and reki frames every picture of Langa
reki-of-the-valley · 2 years
Why do I feel Langa modeled in his youth as a little extra cash grab and got pretty popular but quit that world before he could "make something out of himself"?
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sisterofsomeone · 3 years
Hi! I saw that you had your requests open and I wanted to make one! I was wondering if you'd be up for making a part 2 of the matcha blossom x gnreader angst!
Where it still ends up being angst in the end, or fluff, whichever you prefer! But I'd love for it to be that Joe finally realized that the reader loved him for all those years and felt guilty and all that.
If you could, if the ending you choose to be fluff could you possibly make it a poly relationship between the three! If angst then you could choose!
I'm sorry if this is a bad req. Or sum, it's my first time! And you dont have to of course! But I'd love for a part 2
Hey, thank you so much for the request! It’s a fantastic one, no need to apologise, you’re always welcome to request stuff! I’ve been thinking of doing a part 2 for Alone, like always for a while now so this was perfect timing! I think the poly idea is so cute, but like the evil bitch I am there will be a little angst beforehand hehe... I hope you enjoy it anon! :) 
Requests are open!
Part 1 here!
Alone, no more.
- Poly!Matchablossom with gender-neutral!reader
- Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy
- Summary: After years of one-sided love you decide to give up on Joe, leaving him and Kaoru alone. 
Hours had passed, by now the boys might be worried about you, but you doubted it. You played with the stone in your hand, one of the hundreds you'd been trying to skim across the surface of the lake. They all kept falling to the bottom. The air was colder now, the night closing in quickly as the dusting of stars scattered themselves across the sky. It would be a perfect night if he were there with you, but he never was, and you’d come to terms with that. 
You wandered aimlessly through the streets, hands tucked deep into your pockets and your hoodie covering your head so no one could see the tears staining your face. You tried to make it home, but your body seemed on autopilot as you approached the gates to S. You cursed yourself, knowing Joe and Kaoru would both be there tonight. You turned to leave, but your body collided with someone much bigger than you. 
“Y/n? Where have you been all day?” You fidgeted in front of him, feeling his gaze burning into you. 
“Just got caught up with some old friends.” You managed out, voice wobbling. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, his voice soft. You didn’t notice the movement until your eyes were locked on his. Joe had placed his hand beneath your chin and moved your face so he could see you more clearly. That meant your puffy eyes, the tears threatening to spill and the stains from tears already shed were all now in perfect view for the man. You pushed him away, Joe losing balance and falling into Kaoru’s waiting arms. You heard his shouts as you ran, but you couldn’t stop your legs as they pushed you further away. 
Two months had passed since that night, and the missed calls were adding up. It wasn’t just Joe now, Kaoru, Mia, Reki, Langa and Shadow were all trying to contact you. You’d blocked Joe’s number at least, and sent the others a short message just saying that you wanted to stay alone, like always. It was petty sure, but a part of you wanted them to understand your pain, even if you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them the whole truth. 
Joe had tried to speak to you in person, coming to your work and asking the manager for a moment of your time. But your manager had sensed the way you tensed up after spotting him walking into the store and turned him away. He looked hurt, his chest falling and him giving a silent nod in response. You hated seeing him like that, but you couldn’t be near him now. 
The night was cold as you made your way out of the house and towards the skate park. You and Joe used to go there together for years before Kaoru convinced him that it wasn’t cool enough. You hated those memories, the pain attached to them still raw as you pictured Kaoru’s smile as he dragged Joe away from you. It was childish sure, but you hated how Joe just went along with whatever the pink-haired boy said. You settled yourself on the top of the bowl, legs swinging underneath you as the breeze danced across your face. The loneliness wasn’t any less painful now, but more familiar. You stood, dropping into the bowl and skating for a while. This feeling was nice, the natural movement of you and the board, almost as if it was just an extension of your own body. You got cocky, doing some tricks here and there and eventually grew tired of playing around. You climbed out, making your way towards the halfpipe that stood tall above the rest of the skate park. It was quiet and peaceful, the perfect opportunity to just let your feelings out. You cried there, sitting upon the halfpipe like some child but you didn’t care. Your body shook with the ragged sobs ripped from your chest and as much as you wiped your eyes, you could still feel the cold tears rolling down your face. 
You had experienced heartbreak before, but nothing like this. You had years of pining over Joe and getting your heart broken hundreds of times along the way, but none of them felt like this. The piercing finality of it all. This wasn’t something you could ever come back from, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, a part of you, deep deep down, knew there was nothing you could do to get him to notice you like you noticed him. That was it. Joe was out of your reach and you needed to get over a man you loved, but who never loved you in return. That is the hardest heartbreak to heal, the mourning of a relationship that never even existed. The death of what-ifs and maybes. 
You heard his voice quietly at first, a whispered, tentative call of your name danced in the wind and you could have sworn he was there beside you. But your mind must have been playing tricks on you. 
“Y/n?” It was louder this time.
“Is that you?” You were shaking even harder now, you hadn’t realised your imagination could be so spiteful.
“Please, don’t cry.” 
“Oh fuck off brain! I’m already hurting enough! Just... just stop...” You screamed into the wind, your tears falling freely now. 
“Y/n? What happened?” You opened your eyes, heart racing as you followed the voice. There stood Joe, all alone and looking so desperately scared. It wasn’t in your mind. He had come to you.
“A-are you...?” Your voice drifted off, the trembling betraying you as you scrambled the wipe the tears from your eyes. 
“Am I what Y/n?” Joe said, moving towards you. You flinched backwards in response, so scared that if he touched you the illusion would disappear and you'd be left with an even bigger hole in your heart.
“Real?” It came out as a whisper, nearly too quiet to hear, but Joe got it. 
“I’m real. I promise.” He said stretching out a hand for you to hold. You pushed him away, but the pain in his eyes made you want to take the action back instantly. 
“What happened? Please tell me. I know you’ve blocked me, told your manager not to let me in. Even your mother hung up on me, and she’s never done that before.” Joe sat beside you now, and on instinct, you pushed your body away from him. He didn’t make a move to follow you, allowing the gap between the two of you to grow. 
“Nothing happened.” He sighed at this, running a hand through his hair. 
“I promise you nothing-”
“Cut the bullshit Y/n. The last time I saw you, you were covered in tears, and now you’re avoiding me and crying alone at midnight in a skate park. Something happened.” His eyes met yours, the tears in his own threatening to spill.
“I can’t lose you. You’re my best friend.” There it was, all hope gone in a second. You felt your heart shatter again, your tears spilling over and the air sucked out of your lungs. 
“I don’t want to be your friend.” You said it before you even thought, the words tumbling out now. 
“I don’t want to be your fucking friend! All these years I’ve been so desperately in love with you, watching you break and cry over Kaoru and Adam, but the second he snaps his fingers you’re all puppy eyes and I can’t take it!” He was silent, staring at you in pure bewilderment. 
“I’ve been here for so long, so utterly in love with you but you didn’t even notice. Too wrapped up in your own mess that you left me high and dry. Don’t want to lose your best friend? You lost me years ago when you chose to chase him rather than stand by my side. I could have done it you know, been quietly in love with you and been happy, but you just left me alone all the time. Every chance you got, it was him over me and I can’t take it anymore. I don’t care how selfish I sound, I don’t care if you hate me now. But seeing the two of you together? It hurts more than anything else.”  You were quiet now, but the silence between the two of you was deafening. 
“You...” Joe began, the trembling in his own voice growing louder as he suppressed his tears. 
“You love me?” You knew he couldn’t see you, but all you could muster was a pitiful nod. 
“All this time? Really?” You nodded again and he turned his gaze to you. Heat rushed to your cheeks, the flush paired with your thumping heart. 
“I’m so sorry. I’ve got to go.” He pushed himself up, and with one last look, he left you alone. Why should I expect anything different at this point? You let out a shaky sigh, the tears beginning again. 
You spent the next few days wrapped up in your bedsheets, calling in sick to work. Your mother visited your house, seeing you miserable and tried her best to cheer you up, but nothing worked. She could tell something was up with you and Joe, worried that the torch you’d carried for him throughout the years had burnt you out. She tried, she really did, but you were so broken. 
Eventually, you pulled yourself away from the pile of quilts and blankets, making your way towards the bathroom to shower. You noticed the photos of you, Joe and Kaoru as kids that used to hang upon your wall were taken down, probably your mother’s doing. You didn't really mind. Your reflection caught you off guard, the dark circles and sickly looking frame sticking out from the clothes you'd been sleeping in. The shower was warm enough for you to get lost in thought, your mind racing back to the argument. No, it wasn’t really an argument, more you just screaming at him, letting out all of your pain. You winced, embarrassment bubbling in your stomach and chest. But you pushed it down, you couldn’t allow yourself to wallow on this anymore. You needed to move on. 
Work was hard, seeing the happy couples coming into the bakery to order wedding cakes or baby shower treats. It was sickening. Your manager seemed to notice you weren’t yourself and allowed you to just focus on baking, instead of piping sickeningly sweet love notes onto cakes or moulding tiny prams out of fondant. It was a nice rest bite, all you had to do was follow a recipe and mix some batter. 
Life became easier after a while, and the love you had for baking came back. You felt comfortable decorating again, your manager thankful you’d come out of whatever it was okay. You agreed, feeling okay for the first time in a long time. Life was getting its shine back, the colour returning. But then it all came to a halt again. 
It was raining heavily as you rushed home from work, the store closing later than usual so you could finish a delivery for tomorrow. But as you approached your house there were two familiar figures blocking your doorway. You didn't want to see them, not again. Not now you were finally starting to feel better. It was Kaoru who spoke first. 
“Could we please come in?” 
“S-sure.” You stammered, your hand shaking as you tried to unlock the door. Finally, you pushed the door open and stood aside to welcome the men in. They stepped out of their shoes and padded towards your living room. You squeaked something out about towels and rushed off, locking yourself in your bathroom. Your breathing was getting erratic, your body shaking. Why were they here?
You calmed yourself after a while, gathering some towels and joining them in your living room. It was surreal, watching the two men dry themselves off as you wrapped the plush blue fabric around yourself. You sat across from the both of them, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights before a crash. 
“I want to go first if that’s okay.” Joe said breaking the silence. You nodded in response and Kaoru quipped something about him, but you took no notice. 
“I’m sorry. To be honest, I wasn’t sure at first if I understood where you were coming from. You sounded so jealous and I instinctively got defensive, that’s why I left. But now I see that I played out exactly what you were miserable about, I chose my feelings for Kaoru over listening to your pain and I’m so sorry.” He cleared his throat and Kaoru placed a hand on his shoulder for support. 
“I’m sorry as well Y/n. I knew about your feelings for Joe years ago, but I childishly tried to break that bond between the two of you out of spite.” Kaoru said, dropping his gaze to the floor. “I feel like such a fool, and after what happened with Adam I got some perspective. I realised how much I must have hurt you, but I selfishly didn’t apologise, thinking just trying to be your friend was good enough. But I realise now it wasn’t” 
“It’s okay. I mean, I understand. You don’t know how many times I tried to do the same thing to you and Joe.” You played with the fabric in your fingers. “I hated seeing him cry over you, but it was even worse seeing you two falling in love.” The air was heavy now, the tension thick.
“Y/n. We’ve spent the past few weeks trying to figure out what to do because you mean a lot to the both of us.” You met Kaoru’s eyes as a blush rose on his cheeks. “I came to terms with my feelings on the matter.” He said, breaking away from your gaze. 
“Y/n I care about you, more than a friend, honestly? I think I love you too.” Joe said smiling softly at you. 
“Y/n, I was always jealous of not only you but Joe too. I wanted your attention as much as I wanted his.” Kaoru joined in. “I didn’t understand it myself at first, but after talking it through with Joe, I realised that I care about you both deeply.” He stammered out, the blush burning brighter now. 
“I-I don’t...” You said, mouth agape. 
“We’re not totally sure about any of this either. But we realised that just us being together wasn’t gonna make all of us happy, and we were done leaving you all alone.” Joe said, moving around the table between you all and coming to sit beside you. He took your hands in his, as delicately as you had imagined that day. 
“Y/n, we want to be with you too. We won’t be happy if you’re not with us, and I can’t stand seeing you hurting because of us anymore.” He said kissing the knuckles on your hand. 
“What are you saying?” You stammered out, blushing almost as furiously as Kaoru across from you. 
“We want you to be a part of this.” Kaoru motioned between the two men in front of you and your blush burned even brighter, feeling it spread down to your chest. 
“We don’t want to ever leave you alone again.” 
You spent that night figuring out your feelings for the two men, laughter slowly creeping its way back into your life. With them, it felt easy, and the soft kisses shared between the three of you had your head reeling. It was nice like this, no more jealousy ripping the three of you apart, just love. Or at least, it felt like love between the three of you, you were happy just being here with them, three bodies curled up together in your bed, legs intertwined and breathing calm. This was how you all spent your nights now, skating with friends and sharing soft kisses and not-so-subtle glances, then returning home together, content. You were alone no more. 
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