#and retcons that Nocturn died offscreen just so that we could have somebody who actually has a set there
downtofragglerock · 10 months
My biggest problem with the Red Star reveal actually isn’t the “oh it makes death meaningless” bit, but rather how greg made the requirements for getting revived on it so inanely pedantic. It’s like “Oh, Sidorak got crushed by Keetongu so badly that he couldn’t be revived” or “Oh, the Toa Mangai got killed by Eliminator, who I just retconned to be able to kill people so hard that they can’t be revived” or “Oh the Makuta were made from antidermis so they can’t be revived” or “Oops, this character died outside the giant robot so they’re out of range of being revived”. 
Like seriously greg, you already opened the “characters can get brought back from the dead” floodgate, now you’re just being an “um actually” guy
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