#and sadly the death of the merc fc
wxndswept · 7 months
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"Yuuki?" The adventurer stopped and turned to see the AI just behind her. "Before you jump... again, I just want you to know that I've been on this world for a long time. I've both met and have memories of a lot of humans, before and after you found me but you are my favorite by far. I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, I will always be proud of you. Not because of who you were, but who you are."
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"Wh-where the heck is this coming from? It's almost like you're confessing to me, Moon. Or saying-" A sudden shudder ran through Yuuki as a dark purple portal opened up behind Moon and the Origin Wing. "Wha-" Running over to grab the sword, she pointed it at the familiar young man who stepped forward.
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"The mountain of Lingmeng! What a coincidence, did you come here because you remember it?"
Stepping forward, he flicked the tip of her sword, looking into her eyes. "No. No, you are still Yuuki." Taking a step back, the young man crouched slightly into a combat stance. "As I thought, you did in fact steal their power. This means that yet again, this iteration is a failure. And that means, once again, I must take my Origin Wing back. It doesn't belong to you."
"I don't have time to deal with you and your nonsense." Yuuki raised her arm to swing her sword, a smirk coming to her face as he jumped back out of reach of a standard strike. Twisting the handle a bit, she swung, expecting the blade to extend as it usually did, striking him dead on. But it didn't. "Wha-" Before she could finish her sentence, he moved in the blink of an eye right in front of her while she was vulnerable. Unlike before, he was unarmed, using his fist to hit her square in the gut. There was no time to move, Yuuki knew that, but her attempt to warp out of the way had failed. She had taken the full force of the blow and was sent flying to the edge of the mountain.
Coughing, Yuuki sat up and attempted to stand, but she was too slow. He had stepped over, pushing her back on the ground with his foot on her chest. "Get back down, imposter." The usual playful smile on the young man's face was gone even as Yuuki struggled to get back up.
"What did you do..." She grabbed at his ankle only for him to swat it away. "to my sword?! It won't..."
"What did I do?" He chuckled dryly. "Hah. So much overreliance on it, and you don't even understand this. My sword is only doing what its master says." Kicking the sword from her hand, he picked it up, sidestepping Yuuki's grab at it and kicking her again. "I said down."
"Don't! Give it back!" Yuuki scrambled to her feet and lunged for the sword again. Once more she was knocked to the ground, this time by a strike to her back by its pommel. "You... you can't take that! It was entrusted to me by-" Once again she was kicked in the stomach.
"Hmph." The young man's voice became noticeably more feminine and familiar as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Entrusted?" I've done no such thing. I let you use this sword, in the hopes my beloved would appear. Perhaps you were their reincarnation, but once again my hopes were foiled." Yuuki's eyes widened in horror as she took note of his chest. An entire pectoral was missing and in its place was machinery. And in the center was a piece of the Origin Wing's core, the third fragment.
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"No way..." Yuuki stood as he removed the piece from his chest and slid it with the other two already on the sword. "You're... you're Eitri!" Holding her stomach, Yuuki stood up fully with a wince, watching a digital representation of Moon overlay herself over the young mercenary. "But how?! What happened to Moon?! And what happened to him?!"
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"I cannot believe it took you this long to figure it out. The body that I'm using is long dead, just a host for me to siphon off. But that doesn't matter. With you not being my beloved, none of it matters. I have no need for it soon, as I have no need for you now. And as for 'Moon', all I needed was the data those fragments had accused." She pointed the Origin Wing at Yuuki, the blade now glowing its usual orange. "Hmm~" She walked toward Yuuki, lowering the blade as she forced her against the cliff's edge. With a sweet smile, she placed her hand on her shoulder.
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"I don't... understand. Moon, or, Eitri... why would..." Yuuki suddenly gasped, looking down to see the Origin Wing buried in her side. Shaking, she looked back at Moon, sobbing quietly as she struggled to speak.
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"What did she call you? Master? Yes, that was it. So. How does it feel, Master? To be pierced by the blade that can cut through anything? My sword, their wing, the thing to destroy the boundaries between worlds? Aah, if only you knew. The fact that you don't means you were never truly deserving of it. Such a shame, you had great potential too." Pulling the sword out, Eitri pushed Yuuki off the cliff and into the water below. Looking down, her smile turned to a frown. "Goodbye, my dear Aethernus. I'd kill you now, but someone is curious to see if this is your end." In a flash of purple stars, the woman disappeared.
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kissofthemuses · 1 year
New Muse: Gabriella
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Name: Gabriella O'Hara
Nicknames: Gabi
Alias: Spider-Woman 2099
Age: 20
FC: Lindsey Morgan
Younger: Isabela Merced
Sexuality: bisexual
Gabriella is her unviverse's Spider-Woman. She inherited her spider powers from her father, Miguel, who was Spider-Man. She took on the mantel of spider-woman to fight crime along side her father. He was initially reluctant to allow her to do it, but she was insistent, and he eventually caved. For some time, the two worked together as a team, despite the dangers.
Sadly, that wasn't to last. During a solo fight with their universe's Sinister Six, Gabriella, still much younger and less experienced than her father, was captured by the villains and tortured. The group used her as a hostage, as bait for Miguel. Despite her desperate pleas for him to stay away, there was no way Miguel was going to abandon his daughter. When he showed up to rescue her, he was able to free her and they made a desperate bid to fight, to escape. But, in the end, Miguel sacrificed himself to save her, sending Gabriella's world crashing down around her.
The weight of what happend very nearly crushed her and, for a time, she hung up her suit, tried to ignore the fact that Nueva York only got worse and locked herself away in her depression.
But, she couldn't ignore the pain of i nocent people for long. And more than that, she grew angry. The villains would pay for the death of Spider-Man. First the Sinister Six. And then the rest of them. She didn't know if she could carry on her father's legacy, but she would certainly avenge him.
Spider powers:
Organic webbing
Enhanced strength, speed, vision
Excellerated healing
Talons that come from the pads of her fingers
Venomous bite- the venom has similar effects as that of the hobo spider
Villian verse:
When Miguel was killed by the Sinister Six, Gabriella was left broken and alone. Instead of honoring her father by following in his footsteps, by devoting her life to bringing his murderers to justice, Gabriella's depression turned to rage.
She stewed in her anger, in her hatred, and eventually decided that she'd had enough of these criminals doing what they wanted. Gabriella started hunting them down one by one to get her revenge.
In doing so, Gabriella became the very thing she so resented. She became a villian just like them, spurning do-gooders because she knew where that led to: pain and suffering.
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