#and safe. and they're best friends. and close. and. HHHH
gregoftom · 10 months
"and hey they’ve been basically getting each other hard by proxy of dirty talking about women and probably saying what they’d do, mostly tom bc greg doesn’t know shit about it, and getting off on it so… that’s Kinda fucking lol"
oh god now you're making me think about -- and I can't believe I haven't thought about it before -- them having phone sex. like still in the era where it's like. just talking dirty about what they've done or would do with women. like 4x1. but with the barrier of the phone and being in different places (but the intimacy of having their voice right at their ear) they could and would actually touch themselves about it. and I don't think they'd let on they knew that was happening even if they did pick up on the other doing it, the hitched breaths, the breathy words, the loss of coherent sentences, the 'yeah's and 'mhm's and silences but staying on the line because they're getting off. (and maybe tom would call greg a dirty boy, say 'did you just get off on that, gregory?' ...maybe he would play into it in person. the little horny power trip that it is. but maybe he'd be too scared to if he got off on it as well, and just leave it unsaid, like so much of their sexual attraction is unsaid and done through proxy. another line crossed that can't be mentioned. that just adds to the frustration.)
anyway they could really learn a thing or two from roman and gerri lmao. or just exchange notes
SHAJDHAJSH omg yesss god listen. i'm not Wildly into phone sex in general but oh my God it works for them soooo well in multiple circumstances. they absolutely Would do that and technicaaaalllly that's stiiiiill not reaaaaally doing it, bc they're not touching each other. so the post first time sleeping together would still be in play. in fact it would make it all the more intense, the desperation and pure want for one another, to be so close yet so far. and we know tom feels safer to be more honest on the phone with greg, like when after logan died. so he would. do that. i think. hhhhhh. and they would. play it out i think and then act like nothing's happened. they would just... yeah exactly. greg would definitely get off, clinging the phone tightly with a trembling hand to his ear, and tom might palm himself, but lose the nerve or the feeling of wanting to go for it, because of the shame. but maybe once. or twice. or more. times. he would, and greg would be so awkward but that just turns tom on all the more.
like, they could dance around it so easily. "did you just get off on that gregory?" "y.. yeah hah, the um, the situation, like with a girl that you were saying, man that'd be so hot... and like what if, you know, you were there too, and you took a turn right after me?" "don't be disgusting. you think i'm putting my dick anywhere you've had yours?" "mmh. oh, yeah that's, that's pretty nasty huh? but like, that's us right? we're nasty aren't we? you're disgusting with me, aren't you, tommy?" "fuck."
LITERALLY. AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasalsklsdksldklskdlskds hate they ass.
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boreal-sea · 1 year
Finally got around to watching Train To Busan on Thursday. So good!!
Spoiler-free summary: I loved this movie to bits. SO good! I loved the slowly building drama in the first bit, I loved the characters, I loved the ending.
Hhhh I'm such a fan of slowly building dread
Oh shoot there's the zomb
Fuck this is so scary XD
Kudos to the steward being like "EVERYONE RUN"
Oh - that's why they didn't stop in the first city.
His daughter is so sweet!
I would not get off the train there. That's just me.
This COO is trying to be helpful, I hope everyone listens to him. He seems to know what's up.
I feel like this "quarantine" is just gonna be murder.
Old dude knows what's up.
Aw she cares so much.
Oop, old dude, that's a zom.
Ah, yeah. Not sure if they MEANT to just have the whole train get killed or if there was a real quarantine there at all.
Oh yeah, seems there might've been... But there sure isn't now lol.
Ah COO, the moral lesson of this movie is to be nice to people. Like, you're safe on the train, you can afford to wait.
I feel like one of those sisters got bit.
Oh no baseball kids, I was just gonna say how much I love you.
Nooo husband you must make it - ok good.
So terrifying to be in a state of limbo like that.
Rescue time!
I feel like you should probably still have your coats on for more bite protection, humans can't bite hard. That said, this is still very badass, 10/10.
Husband is like the hulk or something.
Oh no baseball friends! Come on, you can do it, they're depending on you!
Oh tunnel, the zoms can't see.
Ok, now hurry, gotta go, no time for reunions - ah stuck in the bathroom.
I'm loving the exploration of what it means to be a man/husband.
Hey COO, you jerk. You're justifiably concerned they might be infected but I think you have someone infected in there with you.
Mm, climbing in the luggage rack would be hard to do silently. Nice, nice, distract them. Is some gonna cough? We haven't had that trope yet. Ah, slip of the foot, close enough.
Who even is this old guy?
Oh, the can, lol. That counts.
Oooh evil.
Oh no! Husband!
Why are they still silencing the girl?
Sister! Save you sister!
Ah ha, you see small child COO, surely that will change your heart.
Husband, you are a true hero. Best husband, 10/10.
HAH he deserved to be punched (the COO).
Yeah girl I wouldn't want to stay with those assholes either.
Aw sisterly love. Wait. No. Nooo sister.
Well that's what you get for being assholes. True they weren't ALL assholes but still.
I still wanna know who the old guy is and if he's like, relevant.
Aww. His daughter is so sweet.
Ah, your company is implicit in this, that sucks. It's nice he lets his buddy of the hook.
Literal blood on your hands huh.
Uh, there's no getting into Busan, huh.
Ew, the COO is still alive.
I also love the conductor. He's like a superhero too.
Ew. COO. You suck, I hate you so much. Now there's zombs everywhere.
Holy shit literal zombie train.
COO you continue to be just The Worst.
Wow that's a hell of a shot, love it.
Oh good he broke his ankle - noooo conductor my love.
Noo old guy my love.
I kinda love how the zoms move like water.
There's no conductor, hope you can figure it out!
Oh no, what if a lot of them slow it down?
Lol did the imaginary cameraman get hit?
Oh hi COO. Hey wait, how'd you open that door? Oh, you're still a bit alive.
Nooooo dad - I guess it IS all about sacrifice, huh? So heroic in your last same moments.
Aww sweetie it's not your fault, but he really does have to go.
I'm not crying you're crying.
(I'm definitely crying)
This tunnel seems like a bad idea.
Oh no, the woman is gonna look infected...
Aw, she's singing. And it let them know they're ok!
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escape-cube5 · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 425 times in 2022
That's 425 more posts than 2021!
137 posts created (32%)
288 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 263 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#g/t - 38 posts
#ask - 35 posts
#soft vore - 29 posts
#cube has a thought - 27 posts
#v0re - 24 posts
#safe vore - 24 posts
#monster pred - 14 posts
#open ended vore - 12 posts
#naga pred - 12 posts
#naga - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#and i'm not against people messaging me or anything i just always feel bad because i can never manage to keep up a conversation
My Top Posts in 2022:
Nagas are superior preds because two tummies for two friends instead of one
123 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Hhhh my brain is thinking about monsters again so here's some thoughts I'm having about Nagas
Courting! Nagas have strong courting rituals. To show someone they're interested, they would bring them best of their hunt. (Now, I suppose for humans that don't know this, waking up to find dead animals on your bed wouldn't be very charming.) When things get more serious, Nagas would start to gift their partner with jewelry instead.
For marriage, Nagas exchange their most precious item with their partner whether it's an old toy, blanket, book, whatever. Whatever has the most emotional value to them. If they decide to break off for whatever reason, they would take their item back.
Most Nagas are very devoted and caring partners. They're clingy as well. Constantly cuddling, kissing, and hugging. Bathing is also a kind of very sacred and personal thing. It's very intimate for Nagas to bath eachother or be bathed by someone else.
The only time they aren't so affectionate is during shedding. They're blind and at their most vulnerable state for about a week. Most of them close themselves off and only let very trusted individuals in to help with their shed. Generally only their partner(s).
133 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Do you think in a universe where borrowers/tinies exist, giants just have wild misconceptions about them. Like, they're immune to fall damage. They're invisible because no one ever sees/has proof of their existence. They just multiply. They're hyper intelligent. They're dumb as rocks. They're venomous. They have rabies.
I think some giants would be afraid of them.
134 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
whoever decided to write preds purring after eating someone deserves a gold medal
136 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Miscellaneous vore ask meme because I don't think there's enough in the community.
Willing or unwilling?
Pred, prey, or switch?
Size difference or same size?
Colored tums?
Glowing saliva or internals or plain?
Cruel pred or kind pred?
Stomach mouths?
Multiple stomachs?
Safe or fatal?
Inhuman or human?
Object vore?
Possessive pred or prey?
Soul vore?
Male, female, or gender ambiguous?
Multiple prey?
Existential crisis over their desires to eat or be eaten?
Clean full tour?
182 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gureshinlover · 4 months
Rhkebssk bro, same
I think I went through puberty late lmao
I also feel like I’m destroying (some) relationships (mainly my “main” friend group).
It’s alright to express your thoughts, likes or dislikes. For all my life I’ve been going along with the flow, doing things even if I don’t like it only because I was asked to do it, changing the way I speak, changing my whole attitude when outside the house, and etc
Rn, I say if I dislike a certain thing, I use vocabulary that makes me feel free and completely expresses what I want to say, I’m starting to act like how I want to around friends and family, and not being so closed off bc I might say the wrong thing
Sure, half of my friends are surprised at the way I suddenly act now but they’re accepting it and not questioning me or alienating me bc I’m suddenly not who I was before (Even though I know how they actually talk behind my back abt how much I’ve suddenly changed lmao but that’s just how they are. It’s a toxic group where everyone keeps being plastics but remain friends for the benefits)
And the other half (which are new friends) aren’t surprised at all bc they know the “real” me and not the front I’ve been putting up in front of, quite literally, everyone
Oh gosh, this is sooo long rhekshskaj and kind of like a rant too??? But yea,
TLDR; just be yourself. If they can’t accept you for you truly are then maybe they just aren’t the right people for you
Oh thank you for sharing your experiences on this! Nice to know I'm not alone, also your "friends" talking behind your back must be annoying but I hope you'll have more fun with your new friends!!
It's exactly the same for me, I'm always easygoing and always change the way I speak and act between different people. I always play it safe with everyone, especially my family. It feels weird when I see other people being able to talk to their parents like they're friends or are able to express their real thoughts even if they're not close with their parents. I don't think I'll ever be able to do that, they will never know what my thoughts are, or my life and who I really am (I cringe when I write it like this hhhh I guess this is why I never went through puberty, always felt it was too cringe LOL)
It's like that with my friends too, I don't think I was like this when I was little but as I grew up (and mostly after the pandemic??) I became more closed-off and avoided any talk that could cause conflict. There are countless times that I was hurt when I noticed some friends' behaviour against me but I almost never said I was hurt, at most I tried to say how I felt through jokes,,
One time, when my ex-friend-group did something that hurt me badly I never said anything to them, but I don't like playing friends with people I don't like so I stopped seeing them. And I was ready for conflict that time, I was ready tell them that I was angry if they asked me and explain why I didn't want to see them anymore. But they never asked. I even had dreams once or twice about me being able to get angry at them, just because I wasn't able to do it in real life lmao I'm giving this example to show how much I bottle things up 😭
I wanna be like you and open up more about my thoughts and feelings and be myself, if I can find myself first tho haha But really thanks for talking to me, I wish you the best of luck with your new life after "puberty"✨✨✨
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