#and said jodie is a great actress but chibnall kinda sucked (paraphrasing here lol)
hubrishazard · 10 months
I'm overhearing some middle aged person in a coffee shop talking about the latest doctor who episode, and saying exactly the same thing we've all been saying 😭 they brought it up and I was like "oh here we go" and then they were like "I wish they hadn't said that stuff about the doctor not being able to understand due to being male presenting, that just reinforces the binary theyre trying to break out of" and "I wish Rose hadn't called out the doctor for assuming the meep's pronouns, the doctor should've just asked for the meep's pronouns without needing to be prompted to" and "I really agree with what they're trying to do, I just wish they'd handled it better" and then after complaining about it all they were like "idk... maybe some people do need to be hit upside the head with it". Like. I know this is just one stranger but it feels so heartening. They didn't see One (1) heavy handed episode and decide to be mad about the trans representation. Like maybe things really will be alright
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