#and samoa joe. samoe joe is here.
kitwilsonsass · 1 year
Watching Twisted Metal out of morbid curiosity because every time I heard about it I repressed it immediately and I.....
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mayhemproduces · 1 month
Oh, It’s True
The entire Boardwalk Beach resort is ON THEIR FEET, as an entrance theme that hasn’t been heard in years blares through the speaker. This isn’t a mirage, this isn’t an illusion, it’s true, it’s damn true, the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Angle is HERE. 
And standing in the ring- who else. Who better to be waiting for Kurt Angle here in the Clusterfuck than his long time rival, Samoa Joe. Joe hasn’t taken his eyes off Angle, and Angle slides into the ring, as Joe and Angle come forehead to forehead, nose to nose. Everyone else in the Clusterfuck has almost stopped, just watching curiously, standing in awe of what’s going to happen. 
Kurt Angle draws first blood, literally, as he nails Samoa Joe with a headbutt, that sends Joe stumbling back! Kurt, wasting little time, grabs Joe, picks him up, and drives him to the mat with an Angle Slam! Holy shit! 
Kurt gets back up, absolutely fired up, already pulling down the straps of his singlet, the man still looks great despite not being in the ring for a couple years now. While Kurt’s fired up though, he doesn’t realize Samoe Joe is already getting up behind him! A cut over Joe’s right eye as blood streams down, but Joe doesn’t seem to care much, he’s instead waiting on Angle. Angle turns around, and gets dropped by a leaping Enziguri from Samoa Joe! Angle gets dropped, and suddenly, Joe gets blindsided from behind, as Dyln Blaine and Eric Taylor are all over the Samoan Submission Machine, trapping him in the corner and beating him down 2 on 1, as Atticus Cogar mounts and downed Angle, and starts laying the fists, it just goes to show, you need to keep your head on a swivel in the Clusterfuck, you never know what’s going to happen out there! 
There’s that time again, it’s already time for our next competitor! 
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wwelivestream247 · 6 years
WWE Smackdown 22 January 2019 FULL SHOW WWE Smackdown 1 22 19 FULL SHOW
WWE Smackdown 22 January 2019 FULL SHOW WWE Smackdown 1 22 19 FULL SHOW
Click Here to See WWE Live Stream Event (SmackDown) WWE Smackdown 22 January 2019 FULL SHOW WWE Smackdown 1 22 19 FULL SHOW
WWE SmackDown Live results, recap, reactions (Jan. 22, 2019): Champion of the Planet
Wwe Smackdown Live Result & Winner 22 January 2019:
1)Becky Lynch and Asuka brawl
2)Mandy Rose def. Naomi
3)Cesaro def. The Miz
4)Samoa Joe def. Mustafa Ali
5)Randy ortan attack samoe…
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junker-town · 7 years
WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: Full rundown and why you should care
WWE’s excuse to say “balls” on television every week for a month is here, and it is stacked.
RAW’s Great Balls of Fire is here, thanks to Jerry Lee Lewis deciding not to sue WWE so long as they used his song of the same name as the theme for the new July pay per view. And while the name might be goofy as heck, the card is loaded. There are ways it could all go wrong, of course — this is wrestling we’re talking about — but if this show goes off like it could, Great Balls of Fire might be one of the better pay-per-views of the year.
The show begins at 7:30 p.m. ET on the WWE Network with a kickoff that will include analysis as well as Cruiserweight Champion Neville defending his title against Akira Tozawa. That match should be better than its placement suggests, so if you don’t want to wait until 8 to see wrasslin or just want to see a lot of hard suplexes, tune in to Great Balls of Fire early.
As for the rest of the show...
Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass
What am I looking at here? Enzo Amore is the little dude with the strange haircut and the boundless energy. That energy and the checks his mouth writes that his fists can’t cash is what got him here, in a match against his former best friend Big Cass. Cass turned on Enzo as the little guy was holding him back, and then made it clear their partnership was over by faking Enzo out and turning on him once more.
Why you should care: WWE took one of their most popular tag teams and split them up, in large part due to Cass’ ceiling as a main eventer. This shouldn’t be a Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty situation, though, as Cass is great but no HBK, and Enzo should have a lengthy WWE career ahead of him even without the big man backing him up — look at how he’s handled the betrayal of his buddy, doing some growing up and realizing he is, in part, at fault for this dissolution. Enzo has layers.
What’s going to be fascinating is how this all plays out: is Cass just going to murk his former friend and force Enzo to find a representative to fight on his behalf? Will Enzo surprise Cass by putting on the fight of his life and stealing a victory? Where does Enzo go once this is all over? We won’t find out all of these answers on Sunday, but Sunday is where we’ll start to see them.
The Miz (c) vs. Dean Ambrose in an Intercontinental Championship match
What am I looking at here? Miz took the title from Dean Ambrose at Extreme Rules because Ambrose was a dummy who let himself get distracted with mind games, and now in order to keep said title, Miz has enlisted a couple of buddies who co-starred in The Marine 5 with him. Not like, random actors or stunt doubles or something — this isn’t Roddy Piper’s WCW run, you know — but wrestlers Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas.
Ambrose is outnumbered, easily distracted, and probably going to lose so he can move on to something else. Right?
Why you should care: Miz is always good television, even when WWE is forcing him to host segments with LaVar Ball and his sons and the whacky version of Dean Ambrose, and he managed to form a stable around himself and his title at a time when his wife, Maryse, doesn’t seem too keen on helping him. He and Ambrose can put on an entertaining match, as they did at Extreme Rules, and as this could be the one that ends the feud, it’s going to be worth watching.
RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The Hardy Boyz in a 30-minute Iron Man Tag Match
What am I looking at here? That’s the question, isn’t it? Sheamus and Cesaro have lost basically every interaction with the Hardy Boyz, except for when they won the RAW Tag Team titles on a technicality in a cage match at Extreme Rules. Now we get an Iron Man match between the two teams, where whichever side picks up the most victories in 30 minutes is the winner. Sheamus and Cesaro are going to need to pick up more Ws in 30 minutes than they have in 30 days against the Hardyz in order to retain the tag titles.
Why you should care: Well, Sheamus and Cesaro are going to need to pick up more Ws in 30 minutes than they have in 30 days against the Hardyz in order to retain the tag titles, and seeing how they do that should be worth the price of admission. The cage match was not good for a number of reasons, but Sheamus and Cesaro are wonderful, intimidating baddies, and seeing them methodically beat down the Hardyz for 30 minutes to finally achieve a victory that puts an end to this feud is a reason to care about this showdown.
The Hardyz could win the titles back, sure, but come on. It’s time for them to move on to something else, too, whether it’s each other or something in a non-fratricide vein.
Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt
What am I looking at here? Man I don’t know I’m checked out on Bray Wyatt, sorry Seth I still love you.
Why you should care: Maybe the match will be good and Rollins will move on to something else for SummerSlam and we won’t have these two facing off again? idk.
Here’s Brandon Stroud perfectly and succinctly explaining why it’s hard to care about this:
Every single Bray Wyatt angle http://pic.twitter.com/hTdJ5I2VZl
— Brandon Stroud (@MrBrandonStroud) May 30, 2017
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Sasha Banks for the RAW Women’s Championship
What am I looking at here? Sasha Banks won a Gauntlet Match for the number one contendership, so now she’s set to take on Alexa Bliss at the first major pay-per-view since then. Bliss has held the belt since winning it from Bayley following the Superstar Shakeup. Normally, Alexa Bliss is dealing with being the smaller performer in a match, and tends to focus on how she can outsmart her larger opponent, but Sasha is the next-smallest women’s wrestler on the RAW roster.
Why you should care: Alexa and Sasha are both wonderful performers, albeit for different reasons, and we didn’t get to this feud through some dumb setup: that Gauntlet Match was legit, putting over both Nia Jax and Sasha Banks in the process, and now we’ve got a fresh matchup for the RAW Women’s title that doesn’t involve Bayley, who needs to step aside from the main event for a bit while she finds herself.
Really the only downside to this is that it’s once again a RAW pay-per-view with just the one women’s match, but that doesn’t take away from this event. Well, besides putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on this one fight both in terms of quality and how much time it gets, but RAW did that to themselves.
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in an Ambulance Match
What am I looking at here? Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns has been the feud of the year on RAW, and now that Strowman is healthy once again, it’s back on. The two were probably going to have this Ambulance Match at Extreme Rules, but so long as they’re having it, we’re in for a treat.
Ambulance Matches can be stupid, for sure, but everything these two have done together — matches, backstage segments, brawls — has been wonderful. So, let’s give them a chance here.
Why you should care: Hmm idk maybe because
BRAUN is doing BRAUN things! http://pic.twitter.com/MFK4B0m8et
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) June 27, 2017
and also
.@BraunStrowman is the greatest of all living human beings. http://pic.twitter.com/56S557iD2Y
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) April 11, 2017
It barely matters who wins, though, we’ll get pretty different outcomes depending on who does. Let’s enjoy the match in the moment before we get to discussing what could come of it.
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Universal Championship
What am I looking at here? Brock Lesnar hasn’t wrestled since WrestleMania 33, when he defeated Goldberg to win the Universal title. RAW’s top title hasn’t been defended since, but now Samoa Joe is here to try to wrest it from Brock. Besides Goldberg, we usually see that no one is a threat to Lesnar -- even Undertaker only defeated Brock once during their feud, and that wasn’t a clean finish.
Joe, though, has continually shown that he’s capable of not only hurting Lesnar, but taking him down. Will he be able to do that in the match itself? Or will Joe’s obsession with proving he can down Brock take him out of his game long enough for Lesnar to recover and successfully defend his title?
Why you should care: It’s two of the baddest dudes in wrestling trying to destroy each other, and it’s likely the match that makes Samoe Joe a main event mainstay in WWE whether he wins or not. What’s not to love?
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mayhemproduces · 6 months
Samoa Joe vs Swerve Strickland
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Joe presses his nose right up against Strickland’s as they stare each other down. These two clearly didn’t like each other, and had a lot of history between the two of them, despite never touching here in MPW. Joe shoved Strickland back and patted his own chest, telling Strickland to bring it, and Strickland gave Joe exactly what he wanted, rearing back and blasting Joe with a chop to the chest! Joe stumbled back, but didn’t back down, meeting Strickland with a chop of his own, as the two men began to trade chops in the middle of the ring!
Very quickly, both men’s chests seemed to be turning red, and Swerve Strickland quickly switched up his approach, instead grabbing Joe and tossing him overhead with a Release T-Bone suplex! Joe crashed down to the mat and quickly got back up, however, grabbing Strickland and throwing him overhead with a T-Bone of his own! Strickland quickly got back to his feet, and grabbed Joe again, tossing him overhead with another T-Bone! Joe quickly gets up, but instead of continuing to the cycle of T-Bone suplexes, he catches Strickland with an eye poke, stunning Swerve before sending Strickland into the ropes, and on the rebound popping Swerve up into the air and blasting him with a stiff headbutt, knocking Swerve Strickland down, with Strickland rolling to the outside to regain himself. Joe followed him out there, however, and quickly went under the ring, grabbing a chair to aid him in his mission of causing even more punishment. Joe swung the chair, connecting with Swerve’s back, sending the sound of steel smacking on flesh echoing throughout The Franklin Music Hall
Strickland ate another chair shot from Joe, causing him a great deal of pain, before Strickland caught Joe with a shot to the gut with his knee, before ripping the chair from Joe’s hands, and nailing Joe in the ribs with it. Then Strickland opened the chair up and placed it around Joe’s neck, pulling back on it and essentially using the chair to choke Samoe Joe on the outside! This one was breaking down quick!
Joe managed to escape the chair, and collapse to his knees, holding his throat, but Strickland followed up his assault by catching Joe with a kick to the back, the thud of Strickland’s boot on Joe’s body able to be heard quite audibly. Joe fell down to his hands, clutching at his back, as Strickland began to march around the ringside area, digging around for weapons. “You wanna play this hardcore bullshit?” Swerve asked as he pulled a couple of chairs and doors out from under the ring, tossing them inside. “I’m better than you at that shit too.” Swerve tossed the rest of the weapons into the ring, before going back and grabbing Joe, catching him with another forearm, before throwing him into the steel guardrail, full force! Joe collapsed to his knees again, clutching at his back, motherfuckin’ and sumbitchin’ in a great deal of pain. Swerve hopped up onto the ring apron as he waited for Joe to get up, leading the crowd in his signature clapping cadence, before charging Joe and leaping off the apron, crashing down onto the Samoan Submission Machine with a Rolling Senton! 
Strickland pops back to his feet, clearly fired up, as he grabs Joe again and tosses him back into the ring. Joe crawled towards the middle of the ring, but he’s stopped by Strickland, who traps him in a waist lock, trying to lift him up into a German Suplex, but Joe manages to fight out of it, before sliding out behind Strickland, and grabbing one of the steel chairs. Joe tosses the chair, connecting with Strickland in the head as Strickland turns around, staggering the champion! Joe quickly grabs another chair, setting it up, before charging at Strickland, jumping up onto him, and driving Strickland’s head into the chair with a leaping DDT! Joe makes the cover!
Strickland gets the shoulder up, retaining his title for the moment. Joe gets himself back to his feet and grabs at his kneepad, perching himself in the corner and waiting for Strickland to start to stir. Once Strickland gets himself up on his hands and knees, Joe charges at Strickland, looking for the knee, but Strickland dodges it, slips behind Joe, locks his hands around his waist, and sends Joe overhead with a huge German Suplex! Joe crashes right down on his neck and shoulders, as Strickland quickly scrambles to Joe, trying to lock in a sleeper before Joe can even get situated. Joe manages to block it but Strickland gets a headcrank on instead, directly putting pressure right on Joe’s skull and jaw. A hold like this can dislocate your jaw, and is extremely painful when applied by someone as powerful and as adept at submissions as Strickland, and Joe was to quickly find a way out of it, or he could find himself out of this match in a hurry. Joe begins raining down fists on Strickland’s kidneys, forcing Strickland to break the hold, and allowing Joe to roll out of the ring, trying to stretch out his jaw as he does. Strickland is quick to shake off the shots and follow Joe outside the ring, but as Strickland goes after Joe, suddenly, Joe turns around and blasts Strickland with a headbutt, staggering his opponent! 
Swerve takes a couple of steps back, but when Joe tries to go after him again, Swerve goes low and hits Joe below the belt! Right in front of the referee, the bell is called for, this match has been thrown out!
Joe drops to a knee as Swerve stands over him, looking down at his opponent…
“Mahtab is wasting her time looking up to you. She should be looking up to ME.” 
All the sudden, Joe gets right up, and in a rage, goes right after Swerve! We don’t know the significance of what Swerve just said, but it just threw Joe into a blind rage! Joe going after Swerve as security & and other referees rush the ring to try and break this thing up! Swerve manages to slip away, and hightail it to the back, as Joe fights off security and referees to chase him down!
We’re not sure what exactly set Joe off, but something Swerve said sent Joe nuclear! We’ll provide updates as we have them…
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mayhemproduces · 6 months
Samoe Joe vs SDL
It was SDL who ready for Joe trying to crowd him and keep the big man from breathing. Fists coming down Joe’s back, Steph was vicious tonight, but Joe stood up to his full height to face Steph. Words six months ago echoing in Steph’s head that Joe was one of those men who judged him in the indies as he lights Joe up with a chop, but Joe takes it. His shoulder drives into Steph to take her off balance and give him the space he needs.
Joe turns the tides on Steph and brings her into the corner with a series of punches, Joe gearing up for his back heel kick but Steph ducks under and Joe eats the canvas. This is costly for someone like Joe, grabbing the ropes to reclaim balance and get himself back on his feet De Lander attacks Joe’s well protected knee. Kicking at it viciously, trying to keep the big man off his feet before grabbing his skull and biting Joe. Shoving De Lander away is blindly and Steph is still on her feet, stalking Joe around the ring. Steph knows Joe’s weakness in his knees, and she will not stop targeting them. Joe against the ropes it is clear why everything thinks this match is in the bag for Steph. Joe can get De Lander away from him, but it is only for a moment or two with a stray punch here for there, there is no real offense on Joe’s part.
Steph coming off the ropes does not see Joe has gotten his wits about him and she walks right into Joe’s shoulder this time the force was enough to flip Steph nearly backwards forcing SDL to land hard. Regaining his own composure Joe grabs Steph by the back of the neck forcing her to her feet and lifting her before dropping her down on his knee with an atomic drop with De Lander back on the mat Joe takes to the air dropping all his weight down on Steph’s chest and hooking the leg.
Joe was trying to rattle Steph. Coming to his feet Joe again grabs De Lander and brings her back to her feet. SDL’s fight is not something anyone would ever question and to see her trying to land some blows on Joe was not something Joe did not expect. Even trying to hoist Joe up on her shoulders was something that did not shock the veteran. Joe not allowing Steph to take him off his feet again Joe slips down and lands a hard blow to Steph’s back, switching to knees and then finishing him off with a series of chops. Knocking Steph off her feet again and going to cover her again.
De Lander kicks out and she’s scrambling to get away from Joe who simply watches. In the corner De Lander finds refuge but it’s a mistake as Joe tries to maneuver Steph up to the top rope, he’s looking for the Muscle Buster, but De Lander is able to slide through and land on her feet. Joe going for a ride as Steph can force the Samoan off his feet dropping him with a Suplex. Steph quick to cover the Champion, hooking the leg.
Joe kicks out! And the crowd collectively gasps that Steph couldn’t put Joe away. Joe is back to his feet as Steph is pacing around the ring in sheer denial that Joe could kick out or that he would kick out. Joe rearing back turns on Steph again peppering him with his volley of punches and slaps forcing Steph into the corner. Well Steph had figured out that Joe’s knees were a weakness everyone knew about how Steph’s inexperience and ego will be her downfall, he waited until Steph thought it had it before she would rally.
And rally he did, bringing Steph into the corner, Steph covering her head thinking that Joe’s heel kick was coming next but Joe forces Steph to the top rope with more speed than he’d used the entire match up. Joe bending Steph in half and forcing her onto his shoulder. With a running head start Joe slams De Lander down on the mat with a powerful Muscle Buster, hooking both legs.
Here is your winner—SAMOA JOE!
0 notes
mayhemproduces · 1 year
Alex Shelley vs Samoa Joe
Joe presses his nose right up against Shelley’s as they stare each other down. These two clearly didn’t like each other, and had a lot of history between the two of them, despite never touching here in MPW. Joe shoved Shelley back and patted his own chest, telling Shelley to bring it, and Shelley gave Joe exactly what he wanted, rearing back and blasting Joe with a chop to the chest! Joe stumbled back, but didn’t back down, meeting Shelley with a chop of his own, as the two men began to trade chops in the middle of the ring!
Very quickly, both men’s chests seemed to be turning red, and Alex Shelley quickly switched up his approach, instead grabbing Joe and tossing him overhead with a Release T-Bone suplex! Joe crashed down to the mat and quickly got back up, however, grabbing Shelley and throwing him overhead with a T-Bone of his own! Shelley quickly got back to his feet, and grabbed Joe again, tossing him overhead with another T-Bone! Joe quickly gets up, but instead of continuing to the cycle of T-Bone suplexes, he catches Shelley with an eye poke, stunning Alex before sending Shelley into the ropes, and on the rebound popping Alex up into the air and blasting him with a stiff headbutt, knocking Alex Shelley down, with Shelley rolling to the outside to regain himself. Joe followed him out there, however, and quickly went under the ring, grabbing a chair to aid him in his mission of causing even more punishment. Joe swung the chair, connecting with Alex’s back, sending the sound of steel smacking on flesh echoing throughout The Pittsburgh Grande Hall!
Shelley ate another chair shot from Joe, causing him a great deal of pain, before Shelley caught Joe with a shot to the gut with his knee, before ripping the chair from Joe’s hands, and nailing Joe in the ribs with it. Then Shelley opened the chair up and placed it around Joe’s neck, pulling back on it and essentially using the chair to choke Samoe Joe on the outside! This one was breaking down quick!
Joe managed to escape the chair, and collapse to his knees, holding his throat, but Shelley followed up his assault by catching Joe with a kick to the back, the thud of Shelley’s boot on Joe’s body able to be heard quite audibly. Joe fell down to his hands, clutching at his back, as Shelley began to march around the ringside area, digging around for weapons. “You wanna play this hardcore bullshit?” Alex asked as he pulled a couple of chairs and doors out from under the ring, tossing them inside. “I’m better than you at that shit too.” Alex tossed the rest of the weapons into the ring, before going back and grabbing Joe, catching him with another forearm, before throwing him into the steel guardrail, full force! Joe collapsed to his knees again, clutching at his back, motherfuckin’ and sumbitchin’ in a great deal of pain. Alex hopped up onto the ring apron as he waited for Joe to get up, leading the crowd in his signature clapping cadence, before charging Joe and leaping off the apron, crashing down onto the Samoan Submission Machine with a Rolling Senton!
Shelley pops back to his feet, clearly fired up, as he grabs Joe again and tosses him back into the ring. Joe crawled towards the middle of the ring, but he’s stopped by Shelley, who traps him in a waist lock, trying to lift him up into a German Suplex, but Joe manages to fight out of it, before sliding out behind Shelley, and grabbing one of the steel chairs. Joe tosses the chair, connecting with Shelley in the head as Shelley turns around, staggering the champion! Joe quickly grabs another chair, setting it up, before charging at Shelley, jumping up onto him, and driving Shelley’s head into the chair with a leaping DDT! Joe makes the cover!
Shelley gets the shoulder up, retaining his title for the moment. Joe gets himself back to his feet and grabs at his kneepad, perching himself in the corner and waiting for Shelley to start to stir. Once Shelley gets himself up on his hands and knees, Joe charges at Shelley, looking for the knee, but Shelley dodges it, slips behind Joe, locks his hands around his waist, and sends Joe overhead with a huge German Suplex! Joe crashes right down on his neck and shoulders, as Shelley quickly scrambles to Joe, trying to lock in a sleeper before Joe can even get situated. Joe manages to block it but Shelley gets a headcrank on instead, directly putting pressure right on Joe’s skull and jaw. A hold like this can dislocate your jaw, and is extremely painful when applied by someone as powerful and as adept at submissions as Shelley, and Joe was to quickly find a way out of it, or he could find himself out of this match in a hurry. Joe begins raining down fists on Shelley’s kidneys, forcing Shelley to break the hold, and allowing Joe to roll out of the ring, trying to stretch out his jaw as he does. Shelley is quick to shake off the shots and follow Joe outside the ring, but as Shelley goes after Joe, suddenly, Joe turns around and blasts Shelley with a headbutt, staggering the former NJPW Strong Champion!
As Shelley staggered backwards, Joe charged at him, but Shelley, thinking quickly, caught Joe on the approach, before sending Joe overhead with an exploder suplex, right into the steel guardrail! Joe crashes right into the steel!
Shelley rolls Joe back into the ring, looking for the cover, looking to retain his title!
1….2… Kickout!
This time it’s Samoa Joe who stays alive, and Alex Shelley huffs in a bit of frustration. Alex quickly got back to his feet and stays on the offensive, waiting for Joe to start to get up. As Joe pulled himself up to his knees, Alex blasted him in the chest with a stiff kick, the thud of which echoing throughout NOW Arena. Joe grimaced in pain, before spitting in Alex’s direction, telling him to “Bring it on, Motherfucker!” and in response, Alex caught him with another kick, which caused him to fall down to his hands, and press his forehead into the mat from the pain. Alex was known as a vicious striker, with perhaps some of the hardest kicks and chops in all of professional wrestling. Alex slipped behind Joe as he was still recovering, and lifted him up, before tossing him overhead with a deadlift German Suplex! Alex made another cover on Joe, bridging over!
1….2…. Kickout!
Joe manages to stay alive again, and Alex curses under his breath, wondering just what it was gonna take to put Joe away this evening. Joe was one of the toughest competitors in MPW, his championship resume along with the wars he’d been in spoke for themselves, and Shelley would have to get creative if he wanted to put away The Samoan Submission Machine. Shelley gets back to his feet, and goes to grab at Joe again, when Joe starts to battle back with a series of shots to the gut of Shelley. Joe manages to fight up back to his feet, and catch Shelley with a few stiff shots to the head, staggering Alex as Joe sends him off the ropes, and on the rebound catches Alex in the gut with a Kitchen Sink, sending Alex head over heels and down to the mat, clutching his gut! Joe forgoes the theatrics this time, instead just charging right at Shelley, blasting Alex in the head with a stiff knee shot right to the head! Joe floats over into the cover on Shelley!
1….2… Kickout!
Alex just BARELY got the shoulder up there, still fighting. Joe was quick to get back to his feet, knowing he had to work quickly if he wanted to keep Shelley down. Joe grabbed two of the chairs and set them up, before placing a door between them, creating a makeshift table. Joe then grabs Shelley, dragging him into the corner, and up onto the top rope, before beginning to climb up himself. Shelley suddenly comes to life, and tries to fight back, and the two begin to exchange strikes on the ropes, with the outcome of this strike exchange perhaps the most pivotal in deciding who would end up winning this match. Eventually, Joe begins trading in his fists for his own skull, bashing Shelley with a series of headbutts, staggering Alex just enough to finish climbing up the ropes, lifting Alex, and putting Alex through the door with a massive top rope DDT! Joe shoves the pieces of door away, making the cover on Shelley! This one might be over!
1…..2…. Kickout!
Shelley kicks out, and as he does, he grabs Joe, locking him right into a rear naked choke! Shelley caught Joe! Shelley locked in the choke tight, trying to put Joe’s lights out!
Shelley kept the hold on for a few moments, before releasing it and quickly transitioning to a standing position, lifting Joe up by his arms and catching him with several brutal, repeated knees to the head, wearing Joe down, before Shelley lifts him all the way up and onto his shoulder, in shoulder breaker position. Samoa Joe manages to slip out the back, and lock in a rear naked clutch in on Shelley! Shelley is struggling, but fading quickly, but Joe’s got him locked in tight! Shelley is out!
“Here is your winner, by Submission, Samoa Joe!”
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