#and she always ends up buying some little knick knack cause she feels bad that no one is going to that table
pineappleciders · 2 years
Omori rw gang x s/o on their period comforting headcanons? (I’m only asking cause I’m on mine and it’s hell 😭)
A/N: sorry if it sucks i tried to get it done before yours finished so u wouldn't have to wait a month to relate to this. sorry if im late LMFAOO
OMORI RW GANG with an S/O on their period headcanons | includes: SUNNY, AUBREY, KEL, HERO, MARI, and BASIL
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headcanon that SUNNY doesn't know shit about periods
he'll definitely be incredibly sympathetic, especially if you're cramping up
if you need pain relief meds or a heating pad, he'll have it in an instant
he likes to stay inside anyways so he doesn't mind if you don't feel like going places. you two often end up snuggling together on the couch watching movies with hot chocolate or tea
he really tries to make you feel better as best as he can, by drawing with you, playing your favorite music, getting whatever you want
he tries his best to comfort you with words but he really can't so he gives up and just,, shows his affection by doing things for you or cuddling
(pre-incident he'd probably ask MARI for advice or something)
he rips off pieces of sketchbook paper with a shit ton of doodles of random stuff. characters he/you like, animals, flowers, people, whatever. he might even throw in a couple words too
she's definitely quick to get you anything you need or want
you guys spend a lot of time in your bed just chilling
if you're in public and you're acting funny or something, she'll immediately know that you bled through your pants or need to change a pad or something
she's quick to make an excuse and pull you off to the side or to the bathroom
i mean this literally when i say she would steal money from people to buy you a craving food or medicine
surprises you with little comic books from hobbeez or other knick-knacks she knows you like
lots of hand holding and talking about whatever in your bed. she's sleeping over at yours every night no matter what and you guys always end up staying up all night just talking. she really enjoys your company but she eventually makes you go to sleep because you need rest
he kinda doesn't wanna get in your business so he doesn't mention or ask about it unless you say something first
he understands though, he'll kind of be softer just so he doesn't annoy you or anything
HERO taught him that liquids help cure sickness and he probably thinks it works for period pains or something
if you ask for a certain medicine from the cabinet he'll come back with like. vitamin gummies
he gets it the second time though
he feels pretty bad knowing you're in pain so he'll be quick to help you out with anything that you need,, (he always is quick to help you but more on your period)
lots of sleepovers
tucks u into bed every night. don't ask why
he also does your laundry. nothing else like cleaning or work or anything he just really likes doing laundry for some reason
his first instincts would probably be to leave you alone or give you space. but if you want him to stay with you he absolutely will
you need comfort?? food or medicine?? heating pad????? to be left alone????? he's on it faster than you finish the sentence
he doesn't know a lot about periods but he's definitely super respectful of it and tries his best
gives you the best medicine combos to combat cramps
cleans all ur shit and does all of your chores and cooks you breakfast in bed every day. he may as well be your fucking butler
brings you hot chocolate with marshmallows in bed and tucks you in with a big fluffly blanket
lots of watching shows together and snuggling
he the type of guy to go "just found out people have periods dhmu" on his story or somethign /j
if you ask him to buy pads or tampons or something he will buy the highest quality, 24-hour overnight max flow fucking gold plated pads you've ever seen
not to spoil you, he just imagines periods as the most hellish flesh-ripping experience someone can go through
he's not far off tbh
strange headcanon but i think she has the most horrific and painful cramps of all time when she has her period
so she is incredibly soft and sympathetic with you on yours because she understands too well
if you're rotting on the floor in pain she'll snap at anyone that comes in to get out
she's quick to hold you tight, get you pain medicine, water, food, whatever you need and she'll get it
she's anxious to leave your side. she always is, but more than usual
she cleans your room, tidies up around your house and does your chores every time you're on your period. even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself she feels obligated to
feeling cold? gives you all of her blankets, her pillows, turns the temperature up, brings you hot herbal tea, and cuddles you and MEWO
feeling warm? takes your overcoat off and hangs it neatly and gives you shorts, turns on all the fans and gets you nice cold water or lemonade
and not to mention the COMFORT. she's always talking to you and holding your hand squeezing it and speaking softly,, holding your head in her lap and giving you words of encouragement
similar to KEL, he immediately thinks you want to be left alone and gives you space
but if you don't, then he's always there for you when you need him
he gives you little notes with drawings on them of flowers and whatnot, encouraging you and building you up (he loves praising you)
speaking of flowers, he probably shows up with a bouquet of flowers he grew himself that remind him of you. no special occasion, no date, he just wants to make you as happy as possible
i don't think he's big on physical touch, but he'll definitely stay the night or read you a story before bed to help you relax
he likes hand holding though. he'll probably sweat and run off anyways
he goes to the drug store at midnight to get whatever you want. be it menstrual products, craving foods, supplies literally anything you need he'll get it
hc that he knitted you a blanket and you cuddle it all the time but esp during this time of the month
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
hii, i wanted to do a ship!! my names mattie, i’m straight and i have brown hair, hazel eyes, and i’m 4’11. i’m really shy when i first meet people, but after that i’m super outgoing. my friends always say i’m really funny and my favorite thing to do is to make people laugh. i’m super good at giving advice. im not really open about my own feelings, but i love helping other people. i LOVE music and im constantly listening to something. i’m also super strong in my views and will always voice them.
hi i love u i’m sorry this took so long but i hope i like it anyway hehe :)
i ship you with jj!! (honorary mention: best friends with pope before meeting jj and john b and kie ft a sweet lil friends to lovers moment w jj aw)
you and jj’s relationship would be a lot of teasing (in the non-unholy way. holy teasing, if u will. innocent teasing only in this household bc i’m a lil virgin who can’t write unholy things for lack of experience). in my head, i see you being bffs w pope first, and then he introduces you to kie before the other boys, partially because he trusts you and wants to know what you think of the girl he’s totally in love with, and partially because he knows how well you and kie would get along. so one night when jj and john b are out surfing (pope skipped with the excuse that he had to study so the boys wouldn’t try to barge in on your plans), pope walks over to your house to pick you up, and then you both head to The Wreck to visit kie as her shift ends. once introductions had been made, the three of you would just click, and that’d be when pope realizes-- oh shit... i might’ve just brought in our fifth pogue. the rest of your story seemed too good to be true-- written in the stars, almost. things would grow from you being friends with pope to you being friends with pope and kie, together and separately. you wouldn’t meet john b until one day when you stopped in to drop off some little cheap knick knack that had reminded you of the girl so much you had to buy it for her. when you walked into The Wreck, it was basically empty. there was an elderly couple in the corner, two workers hanging out by the windows, and kie and john b both leaning against the counter as they chatted. the bell on the door would chime when you walked in, causing kie to look up and beam when she realized you were the one coming in. you’d wave the unidentified gift in the air with a smile, glancing to see john b also throwing a little grin in your direction. “hi! i just saw this and knew you needed to own it.” kie would be ecstatic, immediately making introductions between you and jb before admiring the little souvenir you’d given her.
jj would be the last pogue that you met, and it would be the absolute strangest meeting. you’d be out on heyward’s boat with pope, having agreed to help him with an afternoon of deliveries in exchange for his attendance at a kegger on a night that pope knew he should’ve spent studying. regardless, it would’ve taken him all day to do all those deliveries alone, and he trusted your kook skills enough to have faith that you could get shit done quicker than any of his other friends. (in his head, pope also knew that having your help would give him time to study and party, something he decided not to share with you for fear that you’d abandon him after realizing.) so when you get to the heart of kooklandia, you and pope both grab a couple of orders and head separate ways, agreeing to meet back at the boat when you’d both finished. when you got back to the boat, though, pope wasn’t on it, but someone else was. you’d recognize him from funny snapchat videos and social media posts, but that wouldn’t stop the blush from creeping up on your face when you realized you and jj maybank were alone on a boat right now. “hey, there, pretty lady! you on the right boat?” he’d ask pleasantly, flipping his lighter in his hands as he spoke with a smile. you both knew who the other was, so his question was a little odd. you’d laugh at his easygoing tone, sitting across from him and glancing over your shoulder to see if you could spot pope. you didn’t see him anywhere. when you turned back around, jj would have a joint between his lips, lighting it and taking a drag before offering it to you. you’d laugh again, shaking your head. “do you offer drugs to all the strangers who you end up alone on a boat with? or just the lucky ones?” his eyebrows would raise at the taunting ring to your words. “ah, c’mon, mattie,” he’d say pointedly, causing your eyes to widen in surprise at his outward confession of knowing your name. “we’re not strangers!” 
you’d scoff at that, shaking your head at him. as you opened your mouth to respond, you were cut off by a weight moving the boat, and when you look up you found pope turning the key in the boat’s ignition. “why the hell are you here, jj? and smoking again? i thought we talked about keeping the signal clear.” he’d look at jj as he spoke, then glanced to you. “you’re not terrifying mattie, are you? this is why i didn’t introduce you guys yet. i was building up to it.” the amusement on your face seemed to calm him a little, but he was still waiting for jj to respond. “pope, man, take it easy. you told me you wanted some company for a day of deliveries, so i came. kinda fucked of you to first replace me with a pretty girl, and then leave us alone on this boat without introducing us. don’t you have manners?” pope tried to interrupt, but jj continued to speak over him, his eyes flickering to you every few seconds to watch your reactions to his words. “anyway, i had to light up a little bit. you know, pretty girls make me nervous, man, and nothing takes the edge off like a little joint on the water.” pope rolled his eyes at this, shaking his head as he started driving back toward the docks, since you two had finished all the deliveries for the day. “don’t worry, pope. i’m not terrified yet, even though i do see the potential for terror. joint in the middle of the day is a little out of pocket, but, honestly,” you’d trail off, looking from pope to jj before continuing. “i’m kind of interested to find out what it’s like to be friends with all of the pogues, instead of just the socially contained ones.” jj would let out a high pitched guffaw at the admission, pointing at pope enthusiastically. “boom! there it is! she wants to be my friend! i win, fuck you, pope! ha!” “wow, jj. for a big, bad pogue you really are excited to make new friends,” you’d taunt again, causing him to smile brightly as he threw up the middle finger at you. you gave it right back to him, smile and all. “so, mattie. newest pogue on the scene. my new friend who pope is hoping ends up hating me. you going to the boneyard tonight?” and that was the beginning of mattie and jj.
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puckinghell · 5 years
The Moment You Know | Gabe Landeskog
Summary: Based on “The Moment I Knew” by Taylor Swift. Words: 3337 Note: Angst angst angst I’m sorry. In fact, I wasn’t planning on ever posting this cause I usually don’t do angst. But it’s summer and nobody is here so. Why not. 
You’ve never been a big fan of going out, not one to hang around in bars or get smashed in clubs. You much prefer getting drunk in your friend’s backyard or watching Netflix series until your eyes close on their own, but tonight, your friend hadn’t put up with it.
“Come on, Y/N, you’ve had a shitty week, let’s just get shitfaced and dance, maybe meet some cute guys.”
It was true that your week hasn’t been the best. Your boss was an asshole, always making little comments about your appearance, and on Tuesday, you’d finally snapped, telling him that the way you curled your hair really was none of his business.
The good thing was that he’d not made another comment again. The bad thing was that now, you didn’t have a job anymore.
On Wednesday, your car broke down, and you didn’t have the money to get it fixed now that you were unemployed. On Thursday, you ran into your ex at the grocery store, where he was flaunting his much prettier, much skinnier new girlfriend in your face. And on Friday, this morning, you’d dropped your cereal all over the kitchen floor.
That honestly might’ve been the worst of all.
So, no, Lacey wasn’t wrong about this being a bad week for you, and she was also not wrong about you needing to get your mind off of it. In fact, you were pretty sure if you spent one more night alone with all these thoughts in your mind, you’d actually be ready for an asylum, so you’d agreed.
That’s how you currently find yourself sitting on a barstool, leaning over the bar, tipping back your fourth – or fifth? – gin and tonic, complaining about your life to Lacey. You’re pretty sure she’s not been listening to you for at least 10 minutes, but the alcohol has loosened your tongue and you’re not sure you could stop talking even if you tried.
“I just want one good thing to happen to me,” you whine, resting your chin in your hands. “One! Just, let me find some money in a coat pocket, or some nice stranger buys me a coffee. Just a little pick me up, you know?”
You go to take a sip of your drink, but at the exact moment you do, someone steps back and bumps into you, sending your glass flying out of your hand and the drink spilling down your chest.
A curse escapes your lips and the person who bumped into you yelps. He turns around with lightning speed, grabbing your arm and stopping you from falling off the barstool.
Maybe five drinks was closer to the real amount than four after all.
“I’m so sorry,” the stranger says, and the first thing you notice is that he looks genuinely remorseful.  The second thing you notice is that he’s really hot.
If you’d not been so miserable, maybe you would’ve thought it a happy accident.
“Of course,” you groan, steadying yourself on the barstool and slamming down your – now empty – glass on the counter. “Of course! Couldn’t let me have this one night, could you, universe!”
It’s dramatic and way too much of a reaction but you can’t help but feel like the world is crashing down on you. Instead of running away screaming, like he probably ought to have, the stranger raises an eyebrow.
“I can just buy you a new drink, you know,” he says dryly, and you shoot him a dirty look.
“Can you just buy me a dry shirt, as well?” you bite, but to your surprise, he doesn’t look feigned at all. No, instead, he laughs.
“You can have mine?” he offers, and that’s when you pause your anger at the world to actually take a look at him.
The guy in front of you is tall and muscular, a dark button up stretching around his arm muscles. He’s blonde, with a little scruff – but not so much that it makes him look scrappy – and he has the most amazing, kind blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He has one eyebrow raised and his lips are curled up slightly at the ends, like he’s trying to fight off a smile.
He looks yum, and you almost take him up on his offer to give you his shirt.
But that wouldn’t be classy and you’re nothing if not classy, so you sigh. “No, it’s fine, it’ll dry.”
That’s when Lacey pipes up. “But definitely buy her a new drink. She’s had a week.” Ever the wingwoman, she’s noticed the way the guy’s eyes raked over your body, and your own inspection of him hasn’t gone unnoticed either.
“Oh, well, in that case.” The guy grins at you now, before turning to the bar and ordering another gin and tonic. He gets himself a beer, and situates his body between you and Lacey, leaning against the bar. “You wanna tell me about your week?”
“Do I look like the type to vent all my problems to a complete stranger?” you tell him, even though at the moment, you probably kinda do look like that type.
You kinda are that type, when said stranger looks like this one.
The guy laughs lightly and extends his hand, shaking yours. His grip is firm but not overpowering, and, somehow, it’s actually kinda hot when his fingers brush across your knuckles.
“I’m Gabe,” he says. “26, from Sweden originally, but now living here in Denver, I have a dog called Zoey and my favorite food is mac and cheese.” He looks proud of himself as he continues. “See, not a total stranger anymore. You basically know as much about me as my friends.”
You quickly tell him some facts about you, then go off on a rant, about your job and your stupid ex boyfriend and your damn car and your cereal, to which he laughs.
“Really?” he hums. “All that and it’s the breakfast food that gets you?”
You glare at him. “I take my breakfast very seriously, I’ll have you know.”
He rolls his eyes at you, then rests his hand on your arm. Spikes of electricity seem to shoot up your skin where he touches you and his little eyeroll makes you laugh, and suddenly, the rest of your week doesn’t seem like such a disaster anymore.
And that’s the moment you know you want him to take you home.
Gabe went home with you that night, and you might’ve thought it would just be a one time thing, but somehow you find yourself going back to him night after night. In the beginning, it’s just because you’re lonely and he doesn’t really have anything going on with anyone either, and, well, it’s like you complete each other, at least in the bedroom.
He knows how to push all your buttons and you know exactly how to get him there, and when his lips are pressing featherlight kisses into your hips, or his teeth are nipping at your thighs, you completely forget all your insecurities about the stretchmarks and the extra meat there and just exist, there with him, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced with someone else.
Usually, you wake up earlier than him; despite you not having a job, you’re used to wake up early from your previous one, and your body clock simply refuses to reset. Gabe, however, is used to late nights, performing at night, and sleeping in a little longer, which means that you’re always up and out of his house before he’s even wake.
One morning, however, you wake up and he’s not there. It annoys you slightly, because your favorite thing to do when you wake up is to just lay there for a few minutes and watch him sleep. It sounds creepy, but it’s not really; he just looks so peaceful and comfortable like that, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and his chest rising and falling steadily with every breath.
You can hear the shower running, however, and the thought of a potential repeat of last night gets rid of that annoyance quickly.
“Goodmorning,” Gabe’s raspy morning voice sounds, when you close the bathroom door behind you.
“Want company?” you respond, and when he hums in affirmation, you slip into the shower with him, wrapping your arms around his waist and letting him kiss the top of your head. It’s innocent enough, at first, with him shampooing your hair and you simply kissing his chest, and it’s almost too domestic, makes you wonder if you’re crossing some kind of line you’re not sure either of you has actually set in place. So you press your ass against his crotch and the innocence wears off quite quickly after that, leaving you a moaning mess pressed against the cold hard tiles of the bathroom wall.
You take a bit longer than Gabe to get dressed and ready after that, and when you finally get downstairs, the apartment smells like pancakes and you see Gabe behind the stove, whistling along to a country song that’s on the radio. When he sees you, he smiles, and before you realize what’s happening, he’s dramatically lipsinging to Simple by Florida Georgia Line, and then you’re dancing, he’s spinning you under his arm in the kitchen and you’re both laughing when he burns the pancakes, and as you watch him throw the pit black pancakes in the trash, realization hits you like a truck.
That’s the moment you know you’re in love with him.  
Gabe likes your apartment better than his own, because his is big and empty and yours is filled with little knick knacks and feels like home, so one day he brings Zoey over and from that point on neither of them really ever leave.
You don’t mind; you found a new job and coming home to a dog wagging her tail and Gabe in the kitchen or on the couch, makes the apartment feel more like home than it probably ever has before. When Gabe goes on road trips, Zoey stays with you, and you’re happy she does because it feels like a piece of Gabe gets left behind.
You miss him when he’s not there. That realization hits you one night when you’re laying in bed wearing one of his hoodies, Zoey curled up at your side while you’re watching a Netflix movie about… well, you don’t really know, because all you’ve been doing is scrolling through Twitter, looking at what people are saying about the Avs.
Their fans are great, but some of hockey Twitter isn’t a fan, and they’re louder; there’s criticism that’s fair and balanced, but mostly it’s just completely ridiculous, rude takes that include yells like “they suck” “why are they even a hockey team” “trade them all”, and the worst one, “Landeskog isn’t even a good captain”.
The words ignite a fire in your bones and you’re burning with anger. You know how hard Gabe is working to get this team back on track and you know he’s the only reason the locker room is as tight as it is, and most importantly, you’ve seen the toll this is taking on him, seen the exhaustion set in his features and felt the tiredness in his limbs.
You want nothing more than to throw your phone against the wall but you know that won’t help you much, so instead you throw it on the floor and turn around to bury your face in your pillow so you can scream without the neighbors thinking you’re getting murdered. Zoey barely looks up, simply accepting that you’re a bit dramatic sometimes.
That’s when you hear the door click into the lock downstairs and now Zoey reacts, jumping up and running downstairs.
“Hey, baby,” you hear Gabe’s tired voice echo through the hallway, and you wait for his heavy footsteps up the stairs. He walks into the bedroom with Zoey on his heels, smiles at you before dumping his bag on the floor and then he flops onto the bed face first. He’s still wearing his suit and his dress shoes, but he’s just lying there limply, letting out a soft puff of air as he pushes his face closer to you, resting his head against your thigh. You reach out and thread your fingers through his blond locks, and he hums appreciatively.
“Rough trip,” you declare more than asks, and he nods with a sigh.
“When is it not, lately,” he growls softly, and you watch as he closes his eyes and leans into your hand like a cat looking for a scratch. “Let’s just not talk about it.”
You want to be there for whatever he needs, want to let it go if that’s what he wants, but you’re genuinely not sure if you can, not when the anger is still vile in your throat and you feel something burning behind your eyes.
You sink down, slowly moving down the bed until your face is at the same height as his, your noses almost touching. He smiles.
“Hi,” you hum back, pressing your lips against his. “I’m really proud of you, you know.”
Something softens in his eyes and you can tell he’s being 100% truthful when he says: “That’s really all that matters to me, anyway.”
That’s when you know this could really be a once in a lifetime love.  
The only sound that can be heard is the clicking of your nails against your phone screen, and then the noise your phone makes to tell you your message has been send.
Hey, you, I’m just now leaving, can I come around later?
You leave work and go home, take a shower and get dressed, then sit on the couch and with a deep breath, pick up your phone.
No messages. No missed calls.
It’s been like this for a while now; Gabe is not staying over nearly as often and never seems to answer your texts the same day, and although you still have Zoey with you, it’s starting to eat at you from the inside.
You know its playoff hockey and he’s busy, but he’s not even bothered to react to any of the good luck texts you’ve been sending, and you know he’s in Denver today cause they’re playing at home tomorrow, and you just really hoped you’d see him tonight.
You’re not even sure you can remember the last time you saw him. Last week? Two weeks ago? Times goes fast when it goes by in a daze, and you feel like you’ve been sleepwalking for weeks.
Another morning, another text.
Good morning, are you busy?
Of course he’s busy, he’s always busy, but what you’re really asking is are you too busy for me. Cause when you started dating, the first few months, the answer to that question was always no. It didn’t matter if he had a game or practice, if there was a media scrum or if he had plans with the team. He might not respond right away, but he’d always respond, always make time for you at some point of the day, and even if it was past midnight when he got home, he always got home.
It had started to feel like your apartment was his home. But clearly, it’s not like that anymore.
You walk Zoey and buy groceries, then you vacuum your apartment before you allow yourself to check your phone again.
A message.
But not the kind you hoped.
Yeah, really busy babe. You okay? Talk to you tomorrow alright?
Tomorrow, always tomorrow. But tomorrow hasn’t come for a few weeks now and you’re starting to think it’ll never come.
I’m fine.
Normally, Gabe looks straight through you. It’s one of the things you love about him, how you can’t bullshit him, how he knows you without you even trying, how he’s just simply always there when you need him. How, when you say you’re fine, even though you’re not, he simply scoffs and takes you in his arms and kisses you and makes it feel like it won’t be long before you’re fine again.
But this time he doesn’t answer, and you’re not fine.
That’s the moment you know it’s not going to be fine in a while.
“Hey girl! How are you doing?” Lacey has you wrapped up in a hug before you’ve even fully opened the door and you laugh as you hug her back.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” you tell her honestly, and she laughs.
“Are you serious, your birthday party? I wouldn’t miss that for the world, you know that!”
An uneasy feeling creeps up on you, but you push it away.
Gabe said he’d be here. He’ll be here. You just need to give him a little time.
You open a bottle of wine, get drinks for all your friends and family. Everyone is around, everyone you love is there to celebrate your birthday, and yet, you can’t let yourself be happy. Every time one of your friends asks you about Gabe, your heart sinks a little further into your stomach.
“Where is he, Zoey?” you whisper to the dog, scratching her ear.
The hours pass by, and fear is creeping into your veins. All you’ve been picturing, all night, is the front door bursting open, Gabe coming in with that “baby I’m right here, everything’s fine” smile of his, the one you love so much that calms your heartbeat and feels like coming home, but so far, the door has remained shut. So now you’re standing there, in your new dress, with absolutely nobody to impress, and you can’t help that the tears that have been burning behind your eyes for weeks are finally starting to push their way through.
You would’ve been so happy.
You can feel yourself breaking, can feel your defenses crumbling and your hope crashing, and you just wanna be alone. But no sooner have you sank down onto the bathroom floor, and Lacey is there, wrapping her arms around you and whispering soft words into your ear as you cry, sobs seemingly tearing your body apart from the inside out.
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry,” she says miserably, because a best friend always knows when there’s something really wrong, and she knows exactly what’s hurting you.
“He said he’d be here,” you bring out, but Lacey doesn’t react, because what are you supposed to say to that? What are you supposed to do when the one person that means the most to you doesn’t show up?
You don’t know how long you sit there, but finally there’s no more tears to cry, no more energy left into your body.
“We’re not gonna let him ruin this for you, baby,” Lacey says, her voice kind but determined. She grabs a make up wipe and starts cleaning up your face. “We’re gonna go out there and they’re gonna sing happy birthday to you and you’re gonna get drunk and forget all about his dumb ass, okay? Look, we’ve got the best Landeskog here.”
You release a breathy laugh when you notice that Zoey has come waggling into the bathroom, releasing a long sigh when she lays down with her head on your thigh, and you somehow manage to pick yourself up and force yourself back inside, back to your party, with all the people that love you.
And without the one person that’s supposed to love you the most.
They sing you happy birthday and you try to keep up a conversation with your relatives and all your friends seem to notice something’s up, but none of them mention it, instead making silly jokes to try and get you to laugh, and more often than not, you actually do. But when everyone’s left, you sink into the couch, no more power or energy in your bones, your mind dull and dark.
He calls you later, says “I’m sorry I didn’t make it.” And you tell him that you’re sorry too.
But that is the moment you know.
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ashadeofpemberley · 7 years
The Perfect Christmas
For @anneelliotscat my dear giftee!
Prompt: “Well, that wasn’t so bad.”
Rating: G (Literally this might give you a cavity)
Summary: A super short and sweet ficlet about Gideon’s first Christmas. 
AN: Sorry for any mistakes, I procrastinated to the max and didn’t have time to send it off to a beta! Hope you enjoy anyway!
Rumpelstiltskin slumped back in his chair with his sleeping son resting in his lap. Having never really been a fan of the holidays either in Storybrroke of the Enchanted Forest, he still couldn’t wrap his head how in a matter of two weeks his wife had managed to turn their home from a cluttered mess of Gideon’s ever-present toys and magical antiquities into a cosy Christmas wonderland that would have made even Martha Stewart turn positively green.
This was Gideon’s first Christmas and as far as Belle Gold was concerned, it was to be the grandest affair since the invention of glitter. The library had been ransacked for information about what would constitute the perfect family Christmas. Luckily for them, family was something they had in abundance. The whole clan had been enlisted to help with preparations right down to the former Evil Queen, who had been charged with bringing an assortment of apple-flavored pastries to dinner. Despite her recent good behavior, most of the guests, save Henry, opted for the pumpkin pie Ruby had brought with her from Granny’s.
Baelfire and Emma had been put in charge of finding a tree for the family room, and in hindsight Gold could admit that it might have been a mistake to give his daughter-in-law an axe, sheriff or not. For not having had very many family Christmases, both of them had very, very strong opinions about what constituted a good tree.  
“Are you insane?! This one looks like someone you’d see in a Peanuts special!”
“Well at least mine will fit through the door! Yours needs its own zip code!”
After six hours of heated debate and threats of frostbite, the couple returned to the house hauling in what could quite possibly have been the largest pine tree ever created along with a three foot sapling that had lost a fair amount of its needles on the drive back. It had taken several mugs of hot chocolate with cinnamon and a promise to simply buy a plastic one for next year from Belle to get the two back on to speaking terms long enough to do some light trimming. Gideon even participated as he “helped” put the stars on top with a little assistance from his older brother Bae, who was by far the tallest of the Gold men (though Henry was giving him a run for his money.)
After the trees had been suitably drowned in tinsel, various holiday knick knacks they all had found in the attic from his days spent as Mr. Gold, pawnbroker, curse victim, and apparent reindeer enthusiast, Rumple thought the worst was over.
Then came the food.
Now, Rumpelstiltskin was no stranger to a good feast. He had seen plenty in his time as the Dark One, and plenty more after whatever curse they were under currently was broken, but nothing could have prepared him for the absolute sugar-coated insanity that had descended upon his kitchen for the last two weeks. One thing he had always admired about Belle was her tenacious spirit. If she wanted something, she would go after it whatever it took. Unfortunately, that spirit was the same one that told her that making enough food to feed Storybrooke and a good portion of Maine was an excellent idea. If the oven could speak, it probably would have asked for an attorney or a therapist by the end of the first week. By the end of the second week of marathon type cooking, Rumplestiltskin could confidently say that a grand total of two pigs, three lambs, four turkeys, seven Cornish hens, and one terribly unlucky duck had all met an untimely end in his kitchen. Normally, Belle was an incredibly gentle person, but she had tenderized that duck like it owed her money.
Of course, that only covered the main courses. His wife had outsourced several side dishes to various guests since her kitchen was currently serving as the clove-scented hell of the animal kingdom. Snow White had graciously taken up the task of making the potatoes…all eight variations of them. Potatoes had been scalloped, baked, roasted, mashed, smashed (“Yes there’s a difference, Rumple!”), fried, shredded, and covered with cheese. At promptly five o’clock this morning Mr. Gold watched as a seemingly endless parade of dwarves marched dutifully to his kitchen, each of them armed with an aluminum pan fill to the brim with some combination of starch, butter, and salt. Looking back, he really shouldn't have been surprised. The Nolan’s and their dwarfish friends personally catered Emma and Baelfire’s wedding reception in a matter of two days, it was a wonder that hadn’t caused another famine with two weeks to work.
Henry had volunteered to make the gravy and stuffing (with the supervision of Regina), Leroy offered to bring drinks (including non-alcoholic options for those who were still breastfeeding), and Mulan had kindly brought in an assortment of fruit from her latest travels. Ariel and her husband had been sent an invitation but unfortunately had to decline due to a recent hurricane, they did however send a lovely (albeit a little soggy) fruitcake as an apology and a promise to visit at New Year’s.
That left the cookies. Although Regina was taking care of the rest of the desserts, Belle has insisted that she be the one to make and decorate cookies. He had to admit, the spool-shaped ones were certainly clever, and Henry adored the book-shaped ones, Belle had even managed a batch of swans for Emma, but it was Gideon who had been positively delirious with excitement as he mounted an ungodly amount of frosting and sprinkles onto each of his wizard hat cookies. He was certainly his father’s son. Rumple hadn’t bothered trying to count the number of cookies that had been made, consumed, and then remade within the last two weeks, if for no other reason than he was convinced they were spawning when he wasn’t looking.
All in all it was a party to rival even the grandest event in the Enchanted Forest, let alone Storybrooke.
Guests had started to trickle in right after lunch. Bad and Emma were the first to arrive, but only because they were each trying to ensure that the other wasn’t planning on sabotaging their respective trees. Ruby had brought along Dr. Hopper as her guest, to absolutely no one’s surprise. Those two had been dancing around each other long before the first curse took place, though being no stranger to silent pining, Gold supposed he should keep that little observation to himself. Mulan had carpooled with the dwarves, seeing as she didn’t have a car in this world and there were no appropriate places to park a horse in the Gold’s driveway. The Nolan/Mills clan had arrived last seeing as there was some debate about how best to transport five dozen apple turnovers with three gallons of gravy.  
If you were to tell Rumpelstiltskin a year ago, that he would be having Christmas dinner with the Charmings, the former Evil Queen, a Chinese warrior, a werewolf, a former cricket, several dwarves, the Savior, the son he’d lost, his grandson, his True Love and his newborn son he probably would have asked what curse they would be under and how much alcohol there was in this new curse.
After dinner was over and everyone was properly comatose with food, they all adjourned to the living room to watch the children open their gifts. Gideon had received several new books from his mama and papa along with a small cape that was a gift from his big brother (“You know, so he can practice that dramatic woosh thing,”) and a tiny dreamcatcher from Emma and Henry.
The festivities continued on long into the night. Stories were shared, jokes were told, and a few even decided to dance (that might have been due to Leroy’s special eggnog though).
The last of the guests had finally left just as Gideon settled himself into a deep sleep on his papa’s lap.
Looking around all he could see was colorful paper, stray cups and plates, and the odd scarf left behind. And strangely it didn’t bother him at all. Seeing his wife so content surrounded by family and friends was more than he could have ever wished for her.
There was only one thing left.
“Rumple, look it’s snowing!!”
Gently removing himself from his son’s sleeping form, Gold smiled as he walked over to where Belle had been collecting the last of the plates by the bay window.
She looked at him quizzically, “I thought it wasn’t supposed to snow until next week?”
He shrugged, “Well, I was put in charge of exterior decoration.”
“Rumple, you didn’t use magic did you? You know how I feel about altering weather patterns…”
“Sweetheart, I promise I didn’t use a single drop of magic on this.”
“Then how,”
“Let’s just say,” Rumple cut her off with a quick kiss to her lips, “I called in a favor from a certain Snow Queen who happened to be in town recently.”
Belle only smiled as she shook her head.
“This wasn’t so bad, was it Rumple?” She asked resting her head on his shoulder as they both looked out at the softly falling flakes. His only reply was another kiss to the side of her head.
If having their home be covered in tinsel and obscure family members for one day a year made his family this happy then, well, that wasn’t so bad at all.
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cantolopejeevas · 7 years
For the ask meme: Fragrance for Anthea and Mortar. Poison for Lucas. Parachute for Avery and Daniyal. Hobby for all of them (or whoever you choose if that's too much!!!) and compass and lightning~ I'm sorry there's so many I gotta know!!!
Hehehe, this is quite a bit, but I had fun answering all of these! Thank you for sending this in, darling~
Fragrance:  What do your OCs smell like? (Anthea and Mortar)
Anthea smells like the forest- like a combination of wood and grass. In her snek form, though, she low-key smells like cement, but you’d have to get really, really close to be able to tell that.
Mortar smells like whatever expensive bullshit cologne he’s wearing at the time, haha. It’s not too strong, thankfully. But he also sometimes smells like blood and gore, thanks to his business. That’s partially why he wears cologne in the first place.
Poison:  Vices/bad habits? What are they? How do they affect your OC? (Lucas)
His biggest bad habit (in his mind) would probably be taking naps all the time. I mean, he’s Actual Satan, so he’s got all the time in the world, but he does complain about all the stuff he doesn’t get to do because he’s too busy snoozing. Just. Get up and do the things, you lazy prick.
He also likes to damn people to hell for all eternity by making them shitty deals with tons of loopholes for him to use (because “mortals are dumb”). He doesn’t even need that many souls, they’re just like trophies to him. But it’s one of the few things he’ll forgo napping for, so there’s that.
Parachute: Who does your OC(s) trust the most? Who makes them feel safe? Who would they do absolutely anything for? (Avery and Daniyal)
Well... Avery unfortunately trusts Lucas the most. Mostly because he’s their best (and kinda only) friend. He makes them feel safe, mostly because he’s contractually obligated to do that. They probably wouldn’t do absolutely anything for him, but there’s very little they wouldn’t do.
Daniyal probably trusts his beloved GF Andy (I’mma just link to your blog right here so people can find them~) the most, out of everyone he knows. It was Daniel before then, but he was easy to replace because he’s a prick that’ll let Daniyal believe whatever about scary technology for his own amusement. But Daniyal probably feels more safe with Daniel because he’s still low-key terrified of robots, although he’s trying his best to overcome that. In the end, though, he’ll do anything for both of them (for all his friends, really) if the situation is dire enough.
Hobby: What do they love? What captivates them? What are their passions? (Everyone!!!)
Shian loves appreciating art and music. She’s definitely the type of person to go out in a fancy dress and drink wine all while looking at paintings and sculptures. And she’ll buy whatever pieces she really likes~ Also she uses her royal status to help out struggling artists.
Anthea’s pretty simple- she just loves taking care of her little snake friends and making wood carvings of them! Both are a bit difficult due to the whole blindfold thing, but she tries her hardest, and she succeeds pretty well!
Mortar loves frivolous, expensive bullshit- especially if it’s a gift. He’ll decorate his whole house with everything he gets, because he wants to show off his wealth. But he also has a hidden collection of handmade wooden toys and knick-knacks that he’s a huge sucker for.
Lucas likes to watch trashy reality shows while snoozing. He says it’s just so he can catch up on mortal culture, but he’s way more invested than that. He has a checklist of all the people he knows are going to Hell, and which would make for great potential deals. 
Avery is a major history buff. They like learning about the past, and if in the right mindset will spout on and on about whatever historical thing they want to talk about. Also, they’re a memelord, and totally spend half their time on Tumblr,
Shiloh loves SCIENCE and teaching others about all its wonders. He keeps tabs on all the biggest breakthroughs and advancements in technology- and goes out to try new gadgets as soon as possible. Also, experiments are always fun, even if they’re just little useless ones that serve no purpose.
Daniel’s biggest hobby is playing videogames. But that’s already well-known, so let’s talk about his passion for tea. He’s pretty much addicted to it, and very few things can calm him down more than a steaming fresh cup of it. I’m also pretty sure he’s subscribed to a “Tea of the Month” thing.
Daniyal is a farmboy through and through. He likes keeping gardens and harvesting fresh veggies that he can cook into delicious meals. He knows the tricks for growing the best corn and tomatoes, even if his logic/reasoning for it’s a little off.
Aurel likes doing things that remind of him of “the good old days”. Ballroom dancing, going to opera houses. If your grandparents are into it, he’s probably into it too (even if he’s older than them). And classic Victorian era literature is his jam.
Hadrian’s a fiesty bunny boi that likes adventure. He gets captivated by stories of brave knights defeating dragons and rescuing damsels in distress, and he wants to do all those things one day. One might even catch him playing pretend when he’s all alone.
Solace doesn’t have much in the way of hobbies. She likes to visit graveyards and talk to the dead people there, or visit dying patients in hospitals to soothe them a bit as they pass on. Of course, there’s also her darkest passion, which is low-key hypnotizing loved ones into killing each other. But she has good intentions, at least???
Compass: Who's the moral compass? In general: what are your OCs' morality like? Do they have high morals, or not? Are their morals self imposed, or do they base their morals on religion/family/influence of others?
I feel like the "moral compass” out of all my OCs would be one of my three Soft Babs, as I like to call them: Daniyal, Anthea, or Avery. All three of them have such big hearts and they care so much about others, that they can’t even begin to think of doing anything immoral.
All of my OCs have some morals to a point, even Lucas and Mortar- who are both the lowest morality-wise. Lucas won’t break promises/contracts, and Mortar won’t harvest organs from certain kinds of people (children/the particularly innocent).
For the most part my OCs develop their morals from personal experiences, and not much from outside influence like family or religion. I feel like it’s more organic and true to them that way? I don’t know, haha.
Lightning: Who's the most impulsive character? And who is their impulse control?
Hmmmm, this is a tough one. Anthea’s pretty impulsive ‘cause she’s not much of a thinker. She’ll just try to make friends with everyone, and usually Shian has to be like, “Bad idea.”
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theacrobrat-blog · 7 years
A Change of Scenery.
Now Playing: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran
‘You need to focus on yourself, Dina. You like to say you don’t need anyone, that you can do it all by yourself, you don't need help but you can’t and you will quickly burn yourself out. You need to do something for yourself. Not to mention I think seeing constant reminders of your time in the cabin isn’t helping so a change of scenery might be good for you.’
These were the words that bounced around Dina’s head as she stood in her bedroom with her violet headphones blaring in her ear, hips swinging to the beat of the music and hands folding the mountain of clean clothes resting in the middle of her bed.
How was she to get a change of scenery without leaving Gotham? Everything here reminded her of something. This was her home. Her place of birth and she loved this city with all of her heart but it was most definitely not a place one would typically think about when it came to raising children.
She imagined tiny redheaded people with a ton of freckles running around a house but was that house in Gotham? She also saw those same tiny people running around Paris, Italy and Russia. She had never even had the thought that she would be living in a single place her entire life. She was born to travel otherwise why learn all these different languages?
As she steadily folded clothes she was placing them in various piles; underwear, tights, dance attire, shirts, pants, clothes that needed to be hung up were being placed on hangers and things that needed to be ironed were being thrown onto the back of her computer chair. The song changed to something classical and Dina began to hum along to the music while she continued her task.
‘Are you happy Dina?’
‘You don’t seem happy. Does Jasper make you happy? What about this other boy, you still haven’t told me his name.’
“You don’t need to know his name.”
‘Does he make you happy?’
“I’m happy. Leave it be.”
‘Okay, Dina. I won’t push you to talk about it but you deserve to be happy. You know that, right? Nothing you have ever done warrants you to live in misery you may or may not be subconsciously bringing upon yourself.’
Happy. In truth Dina rarely felt happy anymore but she desperately longed to just feel normal and Jasper didn’t provide that. Things continued to feel weird around him to this day and she had no clue why. The adult thing would be to just try and talk to him about everything but she’s tried that a few times already and she either gets distracted or she just doesn’t manage to get the words out and so they simply slip back into old habits.
Old habits were comfortable and came naturally. It’s been Jasper and Dina for what...it’s been like three years now? She could remember everything that happened when she first met the pink haired teen but she couldn’t seem to ever remember when it had happened. It honestly feels like she’s always just been with him and there’s never been anyone else.
But there has. In more ways than one.
Was that the problem? Was she simply too used? What exactly did Jasper think when he looked at her because she knew what she thought about herself and it wasn’t very nice. Even before she had been tainted she had a nasty habit of demeaning herself. She felt this unnatural desire to be perfect and she was so far from it but she couldn’t help but strive to be and there was the possibility that when Jasper looked at her all he saw was this fractured thing.
She finished folding the last article of clothing and began moving around the room putting everything in its appropriate spots and then she dropped a box onto the now vacant bed and began packing the little knick-knack things all over her room. It was as if she were a robot and she was just doing what she was supposed to do.
They lived together and yet they seemed so far away from one another they might as well not be. There was no way she could deny being happy when she was with Jasper but she simply wasn’t happy and maybe a change of scenery would be nice. Just a few months. Like a trial run. There was a lingering thought in the back of her head of how she really should be discussing these things with him but he was her boyfriend not her husband and she hadn’t discussed Russia with him and that was just as big a decision as moving out of the loft completely.
Should she be wary of Mason’s intentions? Perhaps but in Dina’s mind he was her friend, quite possibly her closest friend now that Jasper had moved on to being her boyfriend and one of the few people who she was completely herself with. If what happened to her bothered him he didn’t really show it around her or interacting with her and she was eternally grateful for that. What harm could be done with moving in with a friend? It was no different than her moving in with Cienn or Eve if she was still alive.
The picture frame held in her grasp slipped free and bounced off the edge of the box onto the bed, “Crap.”
Thinking about Eve made her angry and she tried not to do it often, same with thinking about Mitchell. It was amazing how two people that were dead and buried could haunt her so badly but they did.
‘Caring about people is not a bad thing, Dina. Caring about other people more than yourself is though and you have a severe case of it. You are the type of person to jump in front of a bullet for the people you’ve allowed to get close to you and after everything that’s happened to you that circle has grown quite small, hasn’t it? You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.’
She wasn’t doing this with the intention of hurting Jasper, not at all, she never wanted to hurt him again. Dina could remember the way he looked at her after she snapped at him all those times while he was off with the Owls and it still crushed her heart to this day.
That was another thing she was wishing would go away. She still didn’t know what the Court wanted but it couldn’t be good and despite the fact she knew Jasper had trained with them, joined them, she still felt a need to protect him. Just like her therapist had said, when she cares she was willing to sacrifice herself for those people in a heartbeat and at the moment those people were her family, Jasper and Mason.
Once the box was full she grabbed the packing tape off her desk and taped the cardboard shut nice and tight before placing the box in the bottom of her closet and moving on to her books. They were stacked neatly and alphabetically and soon enough she had blown through the five boxes she had brought into her bedroom to start off with and they were all stacked neatly one top of each other in the closet.
The thought that all these people didn’t need her protection never even crossed her mind but even if it had it was such a compulsive need she couldn’t help but simply do it. The thought of something bad happening to any of them caused her chest to tighten to the point she thought she would stop breathing and keel over. The medicine helps with keeping her calm but it knocked her out so she started taking it at night and as needed. She kept it in the bag she never went anywhere without just on the off chance she would need it while out and about.
It was such a difference from a few months ago when she was yelling at Tim and refusing to even talk to the woman being paid to listen to her ridiculous problems. Why anyone wanted to listen to her teenage angst she didn’t know but she was kind of glad they were seeing as it seemed to be helping.
She sat on the edge of her bed and fell back onto her back to stare up at the glow in the dark stars she had arranged on her ceiling in the shapes of her favorite constellations because she couldn’t sleep in complete darkness anymore and buying a nightlight just seemed too childish. Plus she didn’t want to admit that she was terrified of the dark. She kept thinking she could see him in the darkness waiting for her to be alone so he could hurt her some more.
Dina didn’t know what to do with her life let alone her love life. The more time that went on the more distance seemed to be placed between her and Jasper and the thought that it couldn’t be closed made her pulse quicken and her chest tighten. Rolling onto her side she gripped the comforter and drew it to her chest like she was three years old and holding onto her favorite blanket for comfort. Tears filled her eyes so she instantly closed them tightly to prevent any from escaping and tried her hardest to switch her brain off.
She stayed like that for so long she ended up falling asleep but her grip on the blanket never let up and she didn’t move a muscle. Dina was curled up in the fetal position at the bottom of her bed and she stayed like that, headphones on and her Spotify playlist playing on a loop as she slept the day and possibly the night away.
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