#and shout out to the nolofinweans for just being uniformly excellent
thelordofgifs · 2 years
A non-exhaustive list of Finwëans I simply do not find interesting:
The man himself, the OG, the very much not-legend, Finwë. Like thanks for failing through life, emotionally fucking up every single person you remotely interacted with, and then dying to catalyse the plot. What was even the point.
Findis. Ok this one upsets me because I’m sure she COULD be interesting but like… what does she do? How is she involved?? You might say “oh she’s smart and doesn’t participate in the toxic family drama” but?? I’m reading the book because I’m invested in the toxic family drama?? The sane and normal one is not going to interest me??
Amras. Why are you here? Your twin was literally burned to death and somehow you aren’t even in the RUNNING for Saddest Fëanorian. Smh do better. (In a non-crispy Amrod canon, all this is doubly so and Amrod also becomes uninteresting.)
Angrod. Again, who even is this guy. Caranthir yelled at him once for visiting Thingol, which was a stupid reason. He should have yelled at him for having no plot relevance and not even the excuse of an interesting and tragic romance.
Orodreth. Oooh he annoys me because I don’t know who his father is. Also despite his non-negligible role in two of the Great Tales, he just… doesn’t intrigue me at all. I don’t know what his deal is and I Don’t Care.
Gil-galad. The parentage debate is funny but I am simply not invested in him as a person. He just strikes me as the Voice of Authority in the background of all the Second Age drama where Elrond, Celebrimbor and Galadriel are far more interesting players.
Ok now come out of the woodworks and defend your blorbos!!
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