#and show support for the cowardly genociders taking over someone else’s land as if they’re entitled to it.
samuraisharkie · 11 months
I don’t think I’m going to be able to convince my parents that Palestine is the victim. My Dad is so aggressively for them every since he heard the propaganda about Hamas “killing thousands of children”, and nothing I could say sounded like it was getting through. He’s a republican so i guess it was kind of fucked from the start. It fucking sucks I had to go to a doctor’s appointment and the tv in the waiting room was just. full blown Israeli propaganda and support and when I tried to ease into a discussion he started acting like I was being tricked and brainwashed and that he was the only one who knew how to find correct sources (his source is Fox News so. and he doesn’t believe in researching both sides, he pretends he does but he doesn’t) I had to leave bc I got called in and pretend I wasn’t shaking with rage and fear. It’s terrifying to see what my Dad has become in recent years. He falls for it every time there’s a “rage bait” propaganda bc he gets so mad he refuses to even entertain that it’s not true. He also refuses to entertain that he could be wrong about anything he believes. It’s fucking mortifying to witness all of this and then watch my family align themselves with such fucking abhorrent evil people. colonizers naturally align with colonizers I guess. I wish I could show them how wrong they are and peel the film off their eyes. I wish I could do something more to make up for their heartless, callous cruelty.
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