#and since Isabella did love flowers... welp
officersnickers · 10 months
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katzuyas · 7 years
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I was tagged by my darling @tetsya, bless ur sweet heart alex //smothers u in smooches
I’m a fic writer, nothing new here (not my pic but I’ve had it for ages so I’m not even sure where I got it from tbh)
a slytherin through and through, even tho recently my tests all say ravenclaw but tbh?? I’m still a proud slytherin deep in my heart bc as they say the hat always takes ur opinion into consideration ;3c (the gif does not belong to me but I couldn’t find the original post anymore orz)
welp that me hi uwu
my beloved ships: kurohina, miyusawa and victuuri ♥
I love dogs, especially my floofy baby hina ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I actually like taking pics of pretty flowers when I find some...
...and other pretty things like this little waterfall in the japanese gardens I went to when I was in chicago last year
I actually love watermelon, especially when it comes in a drink and looks as pretty as that one uwu
this was a lot of fun so I’m gonna tag @saniika, @mooksmookin, @softeviktor, @horns-of-diamond and @miyukei! do it if you feel like it, no pressure!
tagged by @story-kat & @miyukei, thanks so much lovelies ♥♥
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
       haikyuu!! | ace of diamond | yuri on Ice
The first character you loved:
        hinata shouyou | miyuki kazuya | victor nikiforov
The character you never expected to love so much:
        matsukawa issei | sanada shunpei | christophe giacometti
The character you relate to most:
        oikawa tooru | 
The character you’d slap: (not really slap bc I don’t hate any of them THAT much but I’d surely pitch some snide comments at them bc boooy do they need to fix things)
         tsukishima kei | furuya satoru | yuri plisetsky
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
           hinata, kuroo, oikawa
           eijun, miyuki, mei
           victor, yuuri, chris
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
          kageyama tobio | kataoka | I honestly don’t think one exists???
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
         terushima | kanemaru | jj
3 OTPs:
          kurohina, oihina, bokuhina
          miyusawa, sanasawa, kuraryou
          victuuri, phichris, jj/isabella bc gdi they deserve this let them be
tagging: @maniacani, @wamuura, @airisu7425, @ladyseara, and @sleep-furiously, hope you have fun guys~
tagged by @aphhun thanks so much sami~
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better!
a - age: 25
b - birthplace: poland tho it could’ve been us lol
c - current time: 10:47am
d - drink you last had: the republic of tea’s get gorgeous red tea
e - easiest person to talk to: definitely my daiya peeps on twitter
f - favourite song: currently camila cabello’s crying in the club
g - grossest memory: I don’t think I have any?? I usually just throw gross shit out of my mind asap
h - horror yes or horror no: no thank you
i - in love?: I wonder
j - jealous of people?: oh yea
k - killed someone?: lol no
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: with fictional charas? hell yes; real people? nah I’ll pass and if u walk by again I’ll pass a second time unless u talk sports anime to me
m - middle name: magdalena ;3c
n - number of siblings: 0
o - one wish: not be so tired all the time
p - person you called last: mom
r - reason to smile: vitya nikiforov //heart eyes&smile
s - song you sang last: there’s nothing holding me back - shawn mendes
u - underwear color: gray
v - vacation: home alone with no one interrupting me, bless
x - x-rays: got my jaw done for braces
y - your favourite food: pizza!!!
z- zodiac sign: gemini
tagging: yo okay since my sister in angst has come back to the land of nerd you go get this one @fuckgrimm ;3c
tagged by @matsinko thanks you so much for the tag, I love writer memes <3
Cite the final lines of five of your fics – your favourites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.
(I’m gonna go with my personal favs bc they usually end up with few notes so pls check them out if ur reading this?)
to keep you warm - victuuri
The sky around the faraway glaciers was greying and soon the sun would peek from behind them to drown the world with light. Standing at his side, Yuuri pressed their shoulders together. His warmth seeped into Victor, slow and careful, mindful of his melting, and Victor in turn pulled the winds closer around them, locking them in a cold whirl of crisp air.
Together, they watched the new day rise.
oh ye of so little faith - miyusawa
He'd never thought this was possible, he'd never believed. But Eijun... He always knew. He always knew that one day, that this day would come.
Still smiling, Kazuya allowed Eijun to lean in and press a kiss to his lips this time. And happiness never tasted sweeter.
One shot - miyusawa
Eijun pulled the trigger.
The gun recoiled, numbing his hand... and his heart.
You could have loved me when you had the chance - oihina
"Goodbye, Tooru."
He picked his bags and walked away, leaving the man he loved behind on the platform. He didn't look back, and there was no need to. Because this time Tooru didn't come after him either.
And as the wide doors slid shut behind him, the train starting to move and slowly gaining speed, he sagged against the wall, the sobs wrecking his body, and Shouyou was sure that he would never come after him again.
Dressed like a daydream - bokuhina
He scooped up Hinata into his arms, held him close, and while they were still both breathless, pressed a thousand kisses to Hinata's face.
The forehead, temple, brow. Nose and eyelids, cheeks and jaw, chin and lips. And then again. Until Hinata's warm laughter, tired but satiated, filled the air and Bokuto's heart.
Hinata was magic, madness, heaven, sin. But to Bokuto, he wasn't just that.
To him, Hinata was everything.
tagging: @aphhun, @shslshortie, @amaanogawa, @iwritevictuuri and @sagechan, have fun if u wanna do it but no pressure~
tagged by @softeviktor thanks, sweets //sends smooches
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: kat Nickname(s) : kat lol Gender: female Star sign: gemini  Height: 5′7″ish Favourite colour: literally any pastels Favourite animal: dogs <3 Average hours of sleep: 5-6 tho I always try for 8 and fail rip Cat or dog: lmao see above DOGS FOR LIFE Favourite fictional characters: victor nikiforov, kuroo tetsurou, hinata shouyou, miyuki kazuya, sawamura eijun, christophe giacometti Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, sometimes 3 in winter Favourite singer/artist: singer would no doubt be sam tsui, the band is harder but hmmm I guess I’ll say one ok rock Dream trip: japan, anything japan Dream job: writer When was this blog created: somewhere in 2011 I believe?? Current number of followers: huh idek lemme check... almost 6.5k ;3c
skipping the tags on this one, sorry ;u;
Task: answer questions with the initial of your first name and what comes to mind 
Four letter word: kick Something you shout: kurwa (it’s polish for ‘whore’ lol) A boy’s name: kristoff  An occupation: kitchen help Something you wear: knee-highs A colour: khaki A food: kiwi A drink: kinky witch A place: kraków Movie title: kung fu panda Animal: kitten Title of a song: keep holding on - avril lavigne 
(ngl I had to google some of these holy sheet it was hard)
I’ll tag @story-kat and @matsinko and @tetsya for this bc it was super fun!
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