#and so i'm going to imagine all the healing and catharsis scenes that we were robbed of in season 3
Headcanon "deleted scene" from the Bad Batch finale because this is how I'm coping... Not my best writing but I'm still trying to get back into my best headspace so this is what I've got at the moment
Hunter: "Now we get to choose who we want to be."
Omega: "Like what?"
Hunter: "Whatever we want, kid. Whatever we want."
Omega [now leaning on Hunter's shoulder]: "I wish... I wish Tech could be here with us too."
Wrecker [glancing back at Omega as he tears up]: "Me too."
Hunter [with a small sigh]: "We all do."
Crosshair looks down, saying nothing - but if they could have seen his eyes, the regret would have said it all for him.
Omega [voice full of tears but still strong]: "But... it's like you said before, Hunter: Tech sacrificed himself, he gave us a chance, and we didn't waste it. And... he's happy for us. He knows we're all safe, and he's happy for us."
Hunter [hugging Omega]: "You've got that right."
Wrecker pats Batcher as the tears slide down his cheeks, but Omega's statement has brought a small smile to his face. Crosshair doesn't look up for a long time; Hunter notices, but knows it's not the right time to say anything - Crosshair will decide what he needs to do on his own.
Later, Crosshair goes to the archium. He can't cry - the aching emptiness is still far too deep for tears - and he momentarily thinks that facing Tantiss again was easier than this.
But Omega's words have finally started breaking down the near-impenetrable wall of guilt and regret.
Tech had given him a chance.
He will never, ever waste it.
He will not only stay with what remains of his family, but he will find a new purpose.
He reaches out to touch Tech's goggles - really acknowledging them and what they represent for the first time - and even though he finds he can't even speak, his mind and heart are full of just one feeling: "Thank you."
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