#and so naturally I broke the brainy character's brain
zinnathe · 2 years
If I don't finish and post a oneshot today you have permission to snipe me
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shatterpath · 5 years
Crisis of Infinite Earths speculations from a fan fic writer
(Technically contains spoilers of the first 3 episodes!)
 So, because my brain is a perverse place… it started asking the 'what if' questions. I'm VERY sure I'm not the only one. :) 
Back in 2003, the short-lived Birds of Prey was a huge favorite. Seeing it all these years later, no matter how brief and brutal, was stunning. And got me thinking. 
We know the universe is going to be saved in some manner. Duh. We're here for the details. Here was my brain's take on that while going about my morning. Welcome to my chaotic creativity, people.
With Earth One being the epicenter or reality, it makes sense that it comes back the most intact. But even it shows permanent alteration. Subtle, but it's there. Two is a maybe, as its destruction was so different, but that doesn't really play out in this idea. The further we the 'camera' get, the more changes are obvious.
People and places and stories have been jumbled up, like scrabble tiles thrown into a bag, in the rebuilding, the inaccuracies start to pile up. Cities are different, national borders change, import historical figures made different choices, natural disasters played out their influence on history to different effects. Oh, maybe not so far as a world where the dinosaurs weren't wiped out, and they already touched on the World Wars.
So now we come to Earth 38, the furthers away from center in the Arrowverse. Imagine the chaos that could be wrought. Entirely wrong versions of people have been sent there, potentially even doubles! Kara and Alex and company find themselves in a National City that had been nearly razed to the ground a generation ago by a cataclysmic earthquake. All the old skyscrapers are gone and in their place grew different ones. The Channel Islands are gone, or half again their size. California broke away from the USA, The alien population was either more accepted or nearly wiped out. The possibilities are endless.
But, we're really here for the people. Not that TV or movies seem to remember that often, but I digress. So, what if the people were mixed up? Kelly came to NC earlier and she liked Alex just fine, but she was still with Maggie. What if Alex finds herself in a life where she and Maggie were NEVER a thing? What if Krypto the superdog had been in the pod instead of Man-Hell? And because it would thrill me, what if one of the Birds found herself on Earth 38? Helena seems the logical one. Now, some of these idea work for any displaced character, but I'll use Helena as an example. From her brief cameo, we know she still runs the rooftops, still on comms with Oracle, with whom she's still close too, Dinah and Alfred are still in the inner circle. But the clock tower is no longer their headquarters, but some modern geometric monolith. Helena looked devastated as that building turned to dust, far more than when she herself went.
What if the rest of her reality (203) is still gone? The comic Scrabble game plucked her out, couldn't figure out where she went and just tossed her out there willy-nilly. In my scenario, she ends up on Supergirl's world, utterly out of place. Her whole family, her reason for being, is gone. She is in a world with no metahumans and is now an anomaly that is unexplainable. (Metahumans in the 2003 Birds of Prey were implied to be mutants, ala Marvel, with random superpowers: telepathy, fire hands, the canary scream, enhances physicality, body morphing, etc.) Kara and the superfriends have access to an older superhero, jaded and in agony for all she's lost.
And that's not even speculating on our familiar characters! What if there had never been a Brainy on Earth? And Winn stayed? What if James had been killed as Guardian? What if our Alex, Director Danvers is suddenly on the wrong Earth? Suddenly, SHE'S the one lost far from home, not her sister. Imagine the story of her trying to find a way to contact Sara and the Waverider (who are gonna be busy as HELL in this scenario, fixing what they can) and not get attached to anyone in this wrong world. She might find herself having to work with those that are enemies in her world, friends could be evil, hell, she herself on that Earth, could have died years ago. And she had no idea, heads for Midvale to get help and info from her mother… Ouch.
I know I'm going FAR more galaxy-brain on this than CW will, but the infinite possibilities make my storyteller heart all giddy. And I got to touch on an old friend. Thanks, Helena, I'll never forgot you and your messy little family. <3
  PS: On a more random note, my Roomie's wish is that Lena gets to see just what depths her brother will really sink to, and that's she's letting herself skirt too close to a similar path. I don't want her to suddenly go The Full Luthor. Not because I like the character, but because it negates literally years of character development. Someone just smack some sense into her, have her pay the consequences and grow, dammit.  (TPTB seriously missed the opportunity for Alex to chew her out over Myriad? Seriously????)
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