#and so the cycle of people forgetting and then remembering childe's status as Annihilation god would repeat all over again
trashcanwithsprinkles · 5 months
The idea of people having so many theories about it amuses me to no end. Over the years the speculation could probably get really intense too- maybe people even write speculative fiction about it.
As for the mystery finally being solved like. One that’s hilarious. Two- would it be a whole event? Not just the fact there’s finally a building there and the whole process of it- but maybe Wanmin has the craziest opening ever with how much is going on in there Akskdkkfkf.
(And I love the idea of childe going from terrifying god warrior who beat down celestia to. Local mischievous cryptid. It reminds me of the bake danuki in Inazuma. He’s just a little guy your honor. Just a little fox.
foreigners: yeah they say liyue has this like- ultra-powerful god of destruction that put celestia in its place like thousands of years ago. how scary. i've heard that he also has an intelligence network of spies across the entirety of teyvat. i know it sounds so fake and tinfoil-hat conspiracty but i've heard it everywhere! and he's just there chilling? how do they not have a heart attack everytime he does anything...
liyue natives: yeah this is master childe. yeah he's a bit stupid. yeah he could kill us all if he wanted. yeah we love him. what do you mean he could cause armaggeddon? god forbid gingers do anything. how old is master childe-? too old for you AND he's married. stay away from our god, foreigners.
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