#and spends a couple seconds going 'does anyone know what the cavalry captain IS?'
dandelion-wings · 3 years
Okay I went to bed thinking about Fischl’s Daryl-style Ordeal, but I woke up thinking about Lisa’s Nita-style one. And also about prices for power, and Lisa’s trepidation about that re: her Vision, and how that might interplay with how much clearer wizardry is on the subject and how wizards have to be willing. This steals very heavily from SYWTBAW, both the whole plot/Ordeal segment and Nita changing the Lone Power’s name, but I’m not trying to be original here, I’m just being recklessly self-indulgent.
(For clarity, Lisa is probably 13-14 here and more idealistic than her adult version, because both of those are kind of requirements for taking up wizardry!)
The pages of the Book of the Abyss are like thin steel, so cold that they burn her hands as Lisa turns them. Letters are scorched into them, etched with fire and lighting; in the Speech, but they seem to twist and turn on the page, symbols and syllables that she's only seen before as beautiful distorting into ugly, jagged lines that hurt her eyes to look at. A headache grows in her skull as she skims the pages.
Any minute now, the Abyss Mages will be here. They'll read the book and re-stabilize the Abyss with it, the same way that the most senior wizards keep Teyvat stable by reading the Book of the Petrified Tree. If it was that alone, Lisa would wonder the point of keeping it away from them. The Abyss isn't in the Book of the Petrified Tree, isn't part of the Powers' creation. She understands the appeal of letting it fall apart and dissolve away, but... that's still entropy, isn't it?  There's life in the Abyss, whatever awful forms it takes. That's what she's signed herself up to fight *against*.
Unless it's meant to be read by someone else. By her, by a wizard, the way the Book of the Petrified Tree is. But Lisa doesn't understand why it would be any better if a wizard reads it. What's described here is terrible, twisted, horrible and horrifying, the ongoing torture and transformation of a whole people that Celestia so cruelly condemned with their masters. It's not something that Lisa wants to have any part of speaking into being. Especially with the way it ends, the tight knot of Speech winding into a curling closed circle of something that cannot be, can never be, undone.
*"Condemned, forever, unredeemable and unredeemed."*
It isn't fair, Lisa thinks, with the furious conviction that her parents and teachers are already trying to beat out of her, the conviction that they sigh and attribute to her youth. It's just like her Vision--they didn't ask for this, are paying a price they never agreed to and were never even told would have to be paid. She won't read those words. And she won't let anyone else read them either. Her manual is clear: she can't destroy this Book without destroying the other. But the Book of the Petrified Tree changes, sometimes, as Teyvat changes. Why can't this one?
The words are etched into the pages. With fire and lightning, she thinks again, and reaches for her Vision. This will take precision and control, but Lisa is very good at those. With one hand at her throat, she holds the other over the cold-steel page and lets a tiny lance of lighting crackle from it, scraping at the twisted symbols of the Speech, etching them into new forms, new shapes. The glow of it nearly blinds her, leaves spots in her eyes when she's finished that are slow to blink away.
But that's only the first half of this. The Books are only real, truly real, when read aloud. Lisa flips back to the beginning of the relevant section, puts her hands on either side of the burning-cold book, and begins to read. The manual has told her what happens to those who read the Book of the Abyss. But at least she knows the price she'll be paying.
Immediately, she can feel that burning seep through her, into her, from her hands and her eyes and her mouth into her blood and her flesh and her bones. It tears at her, rushes painfully through her, saps her breath as if fire is filling her limbs and frost biting at her tongue. The headache grows stronger, her temples pounding, her eyes watering until she can barely see the page. Her life is being torn away from her in strips, if the manual is right, and the manual is always correct. Hours, days, years of her life with every line and every page.
A thought occurs to her, dark and seductive, curling like a cool breeze through the burning. She doesn't have to do this. She can stop any time, and the loss will stop, too. She doesn't have to give herself up to the whims of the Powers, doesn't have to pay this price for people who don't deserve it, who she's never seen, who will never even know to be grateful for it. She can close the book and go home and continue her studies, qualify for the Sumeru Academia like she's always intended, become a renowned scholar, teach generations more....
Lisa has never heard this voice before, the voice that comes so close to being her own, sounding like her own thoughts in her own head. But she isn't such a fool that she can't recognize the Lone Power speaking to her. And if it's paying her its personal attention--that means what she's doing is threatening it. Even with her eyes blurred and aching, her head pounding like a drum, her breath wheezing in her chest with every word, Lisa smiles in sharp satisfaction. She continues to read.
This is a price greater than even what she's come to suspect her Vision may cost her, and she knows that. But it's a price she knew upfront. The Powers never misled her about what they wanted, never pretended that they were giving her a gift when they were actually striking a deal. She made it for the knowledge they offered, for the ability to understand the world; she cared more about being able to hear the trees speak and the rocks sigh and the winds whisper, to hear their names in the Speech and sense in every syllable what they were made of, than she did about the power to change the words and change the world's nature with them. But one comes with the other. She can't understand the world and leave it untouched.
Cackling surrounds her as the Abyss Mages come upon her at last. Cackling that turns to cries of dismay as they hear the words falling from her lips, the whole world leaning in around her to hear itself described. They're too late to stop her from reading out the last sentence, the single line she changed in the short time she had, the only one she needed to: *"Condemned but not lost, to be someday redeemed."*
Any more is beyond the power of any one wizard, even at the height of their power, in the blossom of their Ordeal. Lisa had understood that the moment she started skimming through the Book. It will take many more wizards many more long years to effect any change. But she has made it *possible*.
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genshinwritings · 4 years
Pregnancy Headcanons || Zhongli & Diluc
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Thank you guys a lot for loving the other pregnancy headcanons ♥ I hope this satisfies your needs, haha~ 
 Zhongli knew that there was something wrong with you. You were avoiding him almost strategically. Whenever you had to meet up with him you made sure that another person was around so you would not have to talk to him about private things. He often pretended that everything was fine in front of other people but deep inside he was longing to know what was wrong with you. Usually you would come around in the morning or in the evening to visit him but within the blink of an eye everything had changed. He didn’t see you daily anymore, whenever he came you left right away. He didn’t know what he had done or said to you that made you react like that but he surely knew that his heart shattered whenever a day passed where he did not talk to you.
 He had thought about the circumstances of your relationship and the possibility of anyone threatening you to stay away, yet he could not think about anyone who would profit from keeping you away from him. He felt devastated and he did not know what to do, he had handled a lot of situations with women before but never in his life had his partner avoided him without having an obvious reason to do so.
 It was late at night when you returned home, a small shock running down your spine as you felt another presence in your flat. You knew that it was him right away. You sighed defeated as you stepped into the living room, Zhongli neatly seated in the arm chair while sipping on a cup of earl grey. “Guess you’ve been expecting me..” You mumbled as you kicked off your shoes, an uneasy feeling tumbling in your stomach.  Zhongli’s eyes focused on yours as you nervously fumbled with your fingers, knowing that he was going to confront you now about the way you behaved the last couple days.
 “Would you mind sharing your knowledge with me as of why you are avoiding me?” He spoke low and calmly before blowing cold air to his tea, taking a sip while his eyes never left yours. You had been trying to avoid this conversation with him rather than you had tried to avoid him in general, yet you knew that you had to talk to him about what was going on. “I’m sorry when I hurt you with ignoring you.” You started to whisper, your gaze falling to the ground. “I did a mistake, a pretty big one and I did not want to bother you with it. I’m stupid and you’re going to hate me for it.”
Zhongli raised an eyebrow at your words, placing the cup of tea down on the wooden table in front of him before standing up. He had to admit that he was severely confused upon hearing your words, not being able to think about anything you could have done wrong.  Nevertheless, a mistake that would make him hate you. The thought of you being unfaithful crossed his mind, yet he knew that you would never do that, he trusted you too much. “Hey..” He whispered softly, firm hands placing on your shoulders as he leaned down to press a loving kiss to your forehead. “I can’t think of any reason that would possibly make me hate you and I’m sure whatever you have done is neither worse than the things I did in the past..” His voice was calm and soothing your nerves, a small relieved sigh slipping past your lips as your arms wrapped loosely around his middle, leaning your forehead against his chest.
“I’m pregnant..” You whispered into the fabric of his coat, your arms around him tightening as the fear of him pushing you away spread in your stomach. You could feel your heart clench as seconds of utter silence passed, almost feeling like an eternity. You had been more than afraid to see his reaction when you told him, after all he had been with several other partners before who did not let a mistake like that happen.
Zhongli was shocked by your words to say the least, never in his life had he expected this to be the reason why you had avoided him for days. He had prepared himself for the worst already but this was far from what he had expected.
 “First off..” He spoke calmly while his arms wrapped around your body to pull you close, one of his hands finding its way to the back of your head to reassuringly caress you hair. “The amount of love I carry in my heart for you makes it impossible for me to hate you. Whereas secondly, there’s always two people involved when it comes to this..” He leaned down to press a small kiss to the side of your head, his strong hand running over your back. He felt your body shivering and trembling in his arms, pulling slightly away from the hug before lifting up your chin between his thumb and index finger to look at you. He saw the sorrows in your eyes along with the fear of rejection, his heart craving for you to understand that he was not mad at all. “I love you, I really do. How could I ever thank you for a surprise as magnificent as this one?”
He smiled softly as he leaned in to catch your lips in a gentle but firm kiss. Even though he had never thought about becoming a father himself, the idea of it sounded more than tempting, especially with you as the mother. He could feel the warmth in his heart again as you relaxed into his touch, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you parted. “I know you’re far from being overly excited but- I love you too and I hope you know that I’m more than happy.” You hummed sweetly, pressing another kiss to his lips.
 Zhongli is going to spend all the free time he has to be by your side, always making sure that you’ve got everything you needed. Whenever he can’t come around or has to stay away from you for a while, he will tell the old people in the village to come and look after you. He does not trust a lot of people when it comes to knowing about your pregnancy, he does not want you or your unborn child to be exposed to unknown danger, trying to keep the possibility of anything happening to you as small as possible.
With time he will slowly get used to the thought of becoming a father, often talking to you about the things he’s going to do when your baby was finally born. He bought a lot of children’s books, telling you that he’s planning to read them a bedtime story every night so they might become as interested in books as he is. He will tell you how he’s going to teach them about the culture in Liyue and how he can’t wait to take them out, to show them the most beautiful places. Whenever he is talking about the future and about your baby, you can see a sparkle of happiness in his eyes and you can hear how proud he is from the way he speaks.
 Everyone knew that Diluc was not the most sincere person when it came to talking, especially not when they were involved with the Knights of Favonius. With you it had always been a different thing, you had gotten to know him when you first arrived in Mondstadt, even before you had made up the thought of joining the Knights. It was a quiet evening when you sat at the bar of Mondstadt’s tavern, Diluc casually working while he was, of course, not the best partner for a conversation. He had told you about some of the people in the city and recommended who you could talk to and who you should avoid if possible. You noticed his disliking for the Knights of Favonius right away, yet you did not dare to ask him about it back then. You visited him frequently at the tavern, pretending to be there for personal reasons rather than only to talk to him. Even after you had joined the Knights, Diluc still treated you the same as before. He told you that he did not like your decision but he somehow found a liking to talk to you which was the reason why he would ignore that small fact about you. After meeting up in the tavern for weeks, he had invited you to go on a date with him or asked you whether you wanted to at least meet him somewhere more private.
 You had spent a lot of time with Diluc over the next few months, always making sure that you would stop by at the winery when you were around or him visiting you in town when you returned from a mission. You never needed words to describe your relationship, the both of you just knew that you belonged together. Whenever you were around Diluc was happy, outgoing and almost a man with a soft side. He made sure to never show this side of himself to anyone but you though, always making you laugh when he switched from being soft to being a meanie.
Diluc noticed it quickly when your behavior around him changed. You weren’t as outgoing anymore, often canceling your missions shortly before departing or asking someone else to go for you. It got to the point where even Kaeya asked him what had happened to you that you were often trying to avoid your responsibilities as a Knight. It was slowly getting to Diluc’s nerves, you suddenly changing this much and more than that, you not being around as much as you were before.
He had told his brother that he wanted to talk to you at the winery, for once finding it okay to ask Kaeya for a favor, something he would never usually do. You were surprised as the Cavalry Captain told you about his brothers message for you, a small shock running down your spine. You had tried to avoid to talk to Diluc for a while, yet you knew that he was far from being stupid and that he would see through your act right away.
Diluc was relieved to see you when you arrived at the winery in the evening, a soft smile planted on his lips as he welcomed you at the door before taking you up to his private apartment. You could feel your heart jump with joy upon seeing Diluc’s smile, the last few days had been unbearable as you had tried to stay away from him. Being able to look at him again, to feel his rough hand in yours as he led you through the building, it all made you feel utterly happy.
“I was almost afraid that I did something wrong that you weren’t visiting me anymore.” He spoke lowly before chuckling softly, squeezing your hand in his. “Would you like to drink anything?” He asked you as he let go of your hand, a small smile on your lips as you followed him through the apartment to the kitchen, your arms crossing in front of your chest. “I’ll be fine with grape juice.” You spoke as you leaned in the doorframe, Diluc stopping in his steps upon hearing your words. He looked at you confused and raised an eyebrow, tilting his head lightly to the side. “You sure you want no wine? It’s unsual for you to be satisfied with only juice..” He laughed shortly. Whenever you two met, wine was your usual go to drink but right now you didn’t think of it as properly and appropriate for your situation.
“Well, it’s not allowed to drink any alcohol when you’re pregnant, so I guess.. I have to go with grape juice.” You shrugged your shoulders playfully before taking the glass from his hand, his eyes growing big. He stood there dumbfounded, not knowing whether you were joking or not, stupidly both suited the situation. “Are you joking right now?” He almost whispered, his eyes focusing on yours as a bright smirk formed on your lips. Diluc could feel himself growing mad on the inside because you were playing with him but at the same time he felt a deep hope in his heart that you would tell him that you were not joking.
“I’m not joking, you’re going to be a father..” You mumbled, the smile never vanishing from your lips. You knew everything about Diluc’s complicated past but you also knew that he was going to be an excellent father no matter what. Adding to that he had often fantasized about becoming a father since your relationship had become more serious. He could feel his heart skip a beat as he listened to your words, placing down his glass before cupping your face in his hands, leaning in to quickly press a kiss to your lips. “I love you.” He whispered softly in between multiple small kisses, one of his arms wrapping around your hips to hold you close. “Thank you so much, my love. For everything. For coming into my life and changing everything to the better.”
 Diluc is going to be as caring as he always is when it comes to you. Always making sure that he was around when you woke up and when you fell asleep. During the day he was often occupied with his own work but whenever you felt bad or asked him to stay with you, he did as you wished. He was more than happy about your pregnancy, the proud feeling of soon becoming a father storming through his veins. Whenever someone asked him about your pregnancy there was always warm smile on his lips as he stayed silent about the circumstances. He had no problem with letting anyone know about it as long as it did not put you into danger somehow. 
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the-angels-share · 3 years
Three Truths and a Lie
Summary: He's getting married in the morning and it's not to you. Pairing: Diluc x Reader Part 1
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“Just tell him.”
You turn to look at your companion. Under the soft glow of the moon, Kaeya Alberich looked like the perfect prince—tall, dark, and handsome, surrounded by an air of mystery that only serves to amplify his charm.
You weren’t the best of friends, but the past couple of nights have found the two of you sharing a bottle of cheap wine by the cliff overlooking the Dawn Winery. Neither of you really talk, so for him to break the silence to say that of all things is unexpected.
You humor him anyway. “He’s getting married tomorrow.”
Kaeya hums, reaches for the long neck in your hand, and takes a generous swig of the bitter alcohol. You wonder how he can drink it so easily, so smoothly, like it’s sweet spring water in the bottle instead of the poison his brother brews. Your eyes travel down to the knob on his throat, and for a brief second, you wish that you had fallen for him instead.
“Well, he’s not married yet,” he retorts, setting the bottle down. “You still have time.”
You look down at your knees. This is the first time you two have broached the subject, and yet, you can’t help but feel tired of the conversation already. “I’m not going to ruin someone’s relationship, Kaeya.”
Your voice is weak, exhausted. Like you’ve had this conversation a hundred times before. Like the whirlwind event that is the last two months have finally taken its toll on you.
“What is there to ruin?” He asks. “Everyone knows this is a business arrangement.”
You smile bitterly. “Not everyone.”
Kaeya gives you a look and you tell him about the visit you received from his brother’s fiancée two days ago. Your heart sinks every second that you spend recounting your story—how she showed off her ring, how she looked so happy... and how she thanked you, because even if Diluc doesn’t know, she does and what you did couldn’t have been easy.
“She loves him, Kaeya,” you say. “She told me so.”
The cavalry captain’s face morphs into an expression that you are all too familiar with—pity. The two of you may not be close, but he knows you well enough to know that the brave face you have on is merely a façade. You shift your gaze away, choosing instead to look at the big red building at the distance.
“But you love him too.” It isn’t a question.
“I do.”
And it’s true. You have never met anyone else who made you feel like Diluc Ragnvindr did. Every look he sends your way has your heart racing a hundred miles per hour. In the two months that you have spent in his home, you have gotten to know the young master far more intimately than you ever thought you would. Every minute spent in his presence is a minute spent developing a feeling much deeper and fuller than simple admiration for him.
And yet, love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.
When you chose to love Diluc, you had made a commitment to seek his highest good. But the thing is, you know in your heart that you, yourself, are not good for him.
You love Diluc, and it is precisely because of that love that you are giving him up.
As a child, you were told that love often requires sacrifice. The two are directly related, and the greater you love the greater you sacrifice. With how much you love Diluc, it only follows that your sacrifice will be great too.
And so you will step back and you will love him quietly from a distance. Even if it kills you to do so.
“I see the way he looks at you, you know?” Kaeya says after some time. The bottle of wine sits empty on the space between you.
A fissure forms in your already fragile heart, and in the quiet of the night, you swear you hear it break.
“Stop,” you whisper. “Don’t make this harder on me.”
Kaeya frowns. He doesn't understand what you're doing at all. If you truly love Diluc, and it's obvious that Diluc feels something for you too, then why won't you fight for him? Why do you insist on keeping your feelings to yourself when it's painfully clear that doing so hurts you? Call him brutal, but he's not making anything harder for you. You're the one who's making everything hard for yourself.
“So you’re just gonna give up?” He asks.
His question makes your throat close up, makes your chest feel tight. You try for a smile. “That has always been the plan.”
“Look,” you cut him off. “I know what you’re going to say. I’ve heard it all before. It’s all that I tell myself every single day since I heard of his engagement. And-”
Your voice hitches and you feel your eyes well with tears. This is what you were hoping to avoid. You had wanted for this conversation to end before it got to the point where you could no longer hold it in anymore, but nothing ever really goes your way. It’s your own fault too for humoring Kaeya in the first place.
You rub at your eyes in an attempt to keep your tears from falling. It doesn’t work.
“And I love him,” you finally continue. “I love him and I want him, and I want to be the one who gets to meet him at the altar instead of her, and—and, it hurts. It hurts so bad, Kaeya. But I can’t- I can’t ruin this for him.”
The mask that you had tried your best to keep on finally breaks with your confession. For the first time in weeks, you let yourself cry.
Kaeya pulls you close.
“It hurts,” you sob.
“I know,” he murmurs. “I know.”
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Part 2
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
you know how it’s kaeyas birthday? can I request gender neutral s/o and kaeya celebrating
Ooh HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAEYAAAA🥺🥺💖 This was sent in yesterday so if it was the 30th for you yesterday, I’m sorry I’m late! I didn’t even think about that until now! T^T Length: 1.1k
Birthday Gift
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Kaeya… where to start with this man? Well, he was the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. He wasn’t the most serious guy around, but he does take his job seriously. He’s pretty kind, has a bit of a teasing personality, and he doesn’t take things to heart.
You admired him, always looking up to him and being inspired by him all the time. He was a friend of yours, someone you cherished and often spent most of your days with.
Inevitably, you developed feelings for the Captain. He was… sweet and caring, charismatic and charming, it wasn’t a surprise you fell for him.
But as far as you were concerned, he wasn’t into anyone. He didn’t show signs for being attracted to anyone, talk about it, or even look at someone like he was into them.
It hurt, to say the least. Kaeya opted to spend most of his time with you and sometimes, it seemed like he was flirting. But then again, he just had that type of personality.
“(f/n)! Hey, (f/n)!” You jumped a little, seeing Kaeya only inches away from you. You backed up so far in your chair, you almost fell over.
“I-I’m sorry. What?” You muttered, careful moving back forward.
“I said are you busy the day after tomorrow?” Kaeya inquired, moving back and resting his chin on his hand.
“No. I’m not. Why?”
“I wanna go somewhere, so be ready.” You nodded as Kaeya stood up. He waved and disappeared through the doors making you sigh and put your head on the table.
You were daydreaming about Kaeya AGAIN. As you wallowed in your self pity, you heard someone sit down beside you.
“Hey, (f/n)! What’s up?” You looked up at the girl and gave her a weak smile.
“Just tired. What’s up, Amber?”
“So! As you know tomorrow is Kaeya’s birthday! We’re gonna have a party, will you join us?” You nodded immediately, already having a present picked out for him.
“Yeah, totally! I already have my gift ready.”
“Great! It’s just a small party and we’re holding it at Headquarters! It’ll be at 1pm so don’t be late!” You giggled and nodded.
“I won’t.”
Kaeya didn’t really care much for his birthday, it was another day for him. But his friends did, so you all held a small party for him. A little cake, some gifts, and a little gathering. Nothing too bad.
You had gotten ready a little bit too early, in fear of being either late or not looking the best. Today was the day you confessed to him. You see, you were an adventurer and you were quite the busy one. Now, you’d gotten a request that would keep you in Liyue for a while and so you decided you were going to confess to Kaeya today and if it didn’t work out, it’s ok because you wouldn’t have to see him for a couple of months at least.
The thing was, you barely thought about what would happen if it did work out. You had little to no hope when it came to the confession. There’s no way Kaeya would ever love you, but you still wanted to tell him the truth. You know… in case you didn’t make it back or something.
“(f/n)! Welcome!” Lisa chirped as she opened the door. You smiled at her and walked inside, seeing everyone there, including the birthday boy- well man.
You placed your gift in the pile and walked toward Kaeya, ready to greet him. You had been preparing for today all week and you weren’t going to mess it up. It would be ok, even if he didn’t feel the same-
“(f/n)! Hey, glad you could make it.” Kaeya said with a smile as he gave you a quick hug. The warmth lasted only a second but it meant so much to you.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Happy birthday, Kaeya.” He gave you a smile, but there was something… different about it. His eyes seemed to shine brighter and his smile was bigger than usual. “You seem happy today.”
“Oh? Yeah, well… I saw something I liked.”
“What’s that? Was a gift you wanted?” His smile seemed to widen a little before he nodded.
“Yeah, it’s something I really, really want.” Oh damn, well you hoped your present would suffice because you weren’t entirely sure what to get him. You ended up getting him (present).
“Hmm, now I’m curious. What is it that you wanted.” He leaned down and shook his head.
“Sorry, can’t tell you. It’s a secret.”
“Wh-what? Hey wait, if you already got it and are going to open it later, what’s the point in keeping it a secret.”
“Open it? Yes, I hope so.” You followed Kaeya as he walked towards the small bar that had been set up.
“Now you’re being even more cryptic. It’s not MY birthday.” Kaeya turned around and you almost ran into him, quickly apologizing for it.
“Now you’re being impatient (n/n). You’ll find out soon enough.” You pouted as he patted your head and left. Your gift was better…
The party was a success and all of you had enjoyed yourself. However, as everyone was leaving, you walked to Kaeya and held your present out to him.
“I… wanted to give this to you in person. I-I hope you like it.” You murmured as he took your gift.
“Aw you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know… but… j-just open it.” He did and smiled at the contents.
“This is amazing, thank you so much, (f/n).” He said, giving you a hug. You held him tightly, breathing his scent in.
“Hey… uh Kaeya?” He looked down at you, still holding you against him.
“Well… ok, so-” You awkwardly fumbled around with your words before you abruptly stopped. You took a deep breath, shut your eyes tightly and- “I really, really like you! Well, like is an understatement. I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long it hurts sometimes. But I can’t keep it hidden anymore.” Finally, you opened your eyes and looked at him with determination. “I hope this doesn’t ruin what we have between us, but I’m so madly in love with you. If you don't feel the same, that’s perfectly fine. But if you do feel the same, then…” You trailed off, realizing everything you’d said.
Kaeya’s shocked expression melted into...adoration? He was smiling but it wasn’t an amused smile… it seemed like…
“Oh good.” Kaeya put the gift down on a nearby table and took your face in his hands. You barely had a second to register what was happening before his lips were on yours. You stiffened, but slowly returned to the kiss weakly. His arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. The kiss wasn’t very long, but it wasn’t short either. Kaeya pulled away, giving you a cheerful smile.
“Now I have exactly what I wanted for my birthday.”
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