#and stargazer will be compared so much to megatronus bc the blue optics but will have blue highlights instead of the red/purple we see
I think for Bayverse hatchlings, if you go with MegOP being their parents, I really think the hatchlings should somehow be randomised. So not a bunch of silver trucks, lol.
That would be because you're correct! I'm a fan of mixing up the colors and patterns bunch (hell even playing with recessive genes some, as you might be able to tell with Fiasco having teal biolights) Plus, shapes wise, there's so much variety to be had as they grow up and change. I feel like most bayverse sparklings start out as silvery and roughly a similar build but as they grow up they start to gain their colors and diversify— plus you've gotta remember how in bayverse we see them scanning different altmodes (remember bumblee in the first movie) so they honestly could probably choose anything.
So while one out of the clutch might end up a blue and red jet, another could be a flat out gray sports car with blue stripes. Another could be a semi truck that's somehow purple with silver stripes. Yet another can straight up not have an altmode and be pure damn red.
I've played around with the idea of their optics changing color with age. in the tfp au I chose white, but I've thought about around red optics working a lot like blue eyes in humans meaning sparklings are born with them and usually they change with age. Plus, I saw in a fic that red optic glass was considered cheaper in general so if you were having your optics repaired or replaced chances are it'll be red— I've thought about this being the reason we see tfp Megatronus have blue optics in the flashbacks but red ones in the present— something happened and they had to be replaced (fun fact! This is actually why Dissent has one red optic but purple everything else! There was an injury to that optic that either needed the glass replaced or the entire thing, and fortunately they were able to get the shanix together to repair it! But not enough that they were able to color match it) and I think this would be the situation in bayverse as iicr we see no sparklings, not the Allspark babies or the hatchlings, with any optics but red
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