#and still morgott crawls back to do the order's bidding
wraith-caller · 4 months
Never been a fan of people trying to shape the Golden Order into conservative Christianity. Reading fics where they talk about women needing to be "traditional" or seen but not heard, when the figurehead of the Order is a woman who has waged loads of wars, had two husbands, makes a point of examining her faith rather than submissively accepting it. Seeing posts that seem to say the GO is villainizing the use of sorcery, a way of deriding the carians, when one of the greatest champions of the Order himself studied sorcery of his own volition, and married perhaps the greatest sorceress ever known. There's nothing to indicate the GO ever had a beef with the practice of sorcery, and it's not like they shuttered Raya Lucaria after the union of the Moon and Erdtree. Cringing every time someone describes Fundamentalism as the "thoughtless extremist" wing of the Order when it's supposed to be about taking a scholarly approach to the examination of the laws of causality and regression.
Idk. It's just, there's so many reasons to be skeeved out by the GO, and it exists within a fantasy with a totally distinct history from our own world. While there are obviously influences from a wide variety of real-world sources on the mythology and world of the game, it's not a direct copy of reality. It's lame to see sth so full of opportunity for interesting world building from fans just turned into a watered down copy of what they despise in reality.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
Spinning Gold
Elden Ring fic
Morgott/female tarnished
Part 6
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, handjobs, cumshots, begging, femdom, light mentions of gore/death
Summary: Morgott and the Lady Tarnished enjoy a bath together after the dragon attack
Feedback appreciated, 18+. This is a spicy one.
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They made sure things were in order, taking account of any casualties and starting preparations for repairs.
They graciously declined joining in the festivities, instead asking for privacy to clean and unwind. Thankfully their presence wasn’t needed any longer, allowing the Tarnished and her consort to retire to a royal bath chamber.
It was one of the few with a tub big enough for Morgott’s size. The center of the room was a large pool surrounded by marble tiles, the servants already had it filled with hot water.
The tarnished herself was fairly clean, given that she rose anew just hours prior. But Morgott was a sight, fur matted with blood and sweat, grime knotted into his tail.
He watched as the tarnished gathered up some soaps and stood by the edge of the tub.
“I can cleanse mine own self well, I assureth thee.” He frowned down at her.
“I’ll clean your tail as you bathe, it will save time.” She insisted.
He gave a deep sigh, not in the mood to argue. Stripping away his robes, he slowly lowered himself into the hot water, hissing as it bit his flesh before becoming a soothing sting.
He got comfortable, leaning against the far wall. His tail draped out the far side, laying across the floor.
He watched as the tarnished removed her own clothes, cheeks reddening as his eyes followed her curves. She saw his starring, flashing him a cheeky smile.
His face reddened further, looking away. Morgott grabbed a sponge in an effort to distract himself.
The tarnished sat alongside his tail, soaping down the fur and taking a stiff brush to the horns that grew from it. She made a sound of distaste, seeing knots of brambles and dirt caught between the more interwoven horns.
“I thought his Lordship said he knew how to properly clean?” Her voice accusing, turning just enough to give him a sharp gaze.
He paled a bit under her ire but shot back, “Given enough time.”
“Some of these burs are from the Weeping Peninsula!” She chided, standing.
He chuckled a bit, watching her stomp across the washroom, her bare feet smacking the wet floor as she went.
She returned with a bone tooth comb, pointing a finger at his smile, “You better clean between your head horns well, I’ll check after I’m done here.”
Morgott raised his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll do mine own best, I assureth thee.”
She gave a tiny nod, sitting back on the tile to begin carefully working the burs loose from his fur. She was very diligent, Morgott deciding it would be discerning to do her bidding and busied himself scrubbing all the nooks between his tangled mass of horns.
It was odd, to be bathed. Such a gentle act of affection made his chest hurt as he watched her. She had nothing to gain, yet she was there.
“Come here, let us savor the remaining water's warmth.” Morgott lay back against the wall of the tub, draping one arm over the lip while motioning her closer with his other.
The tarnished lowered herself fully into the water, having to wade over to him. He patted his chest as if inviting a feline, the tarnished responding without pause, crawling up onto him.
There was a rush of water as she spread herself comfortably over his abdomen, plush chest pressed against his own more lean one.
From this position she could rest her cheek near his collar bone, face above water and easy to breath.
Once she was situated, Morgott shifted his free hand to cradle her a bit to him, sighing deeply.
For once she wasn’t full of wide eyed questions, lids heavy as she melted into his embrace. The water was still plenty hot to seep into their aching bones.
Morgott realized, with a pain in his chest, how tired his little tarnished must be. The image of her flesh melting from her bones in an azure flame flashed across his mind, the sound of her death cries and the smell of burning meat a poison now. How much she had to suffer, and yet she was here. Not allowing herself to rest until the capital was safe and her consort cleaned up to her standards.
He held her ever closer; mouth a thin line as he realized how much losing her, even for a few fleeting hours, felt horrible.
She gave a little relaxed huff, his wet fur sticking to her skin.
“I thought I hath lost thee…to the dragon.” His voice was low, gravely with emotion. His other hand moved to entangle around her body, his words bubbling up earlier emotions.
“I always come back.” The tarnished soothed, leaning up, searching over his face worriedly.
It was uncommon to see such deep emotions from the man, him long since trained to be composed.
“Aye…” he nodded, pain shadowing his next words, “However,…seeing thee felled,” he swallowed thickly, looking away, “So closely now that I…I..” the words caught like thorns in his throat, dry and scratching.
The tarnished shifted further, propping herself up by her hands upon his chest. He almost shuttered at the feeling of her skin sliding against the fur of his abdomen, eyes flicking to watch the water stream from her form.
“Morgott?” She chirped, voice like the sweetest cream but heavy with concern. It was rare to hear his true name, especially spoken with such empathy.
He choked a bit, scooping her up closer as words tumbled out his lips, “I am quite fond of thee.” He swallowed thickly before adding, “More than I thought was possible.”
The look of concern melted from the Lady tarnished face, replaced with an emotion he’d never seen offered to him in the past. It was one of warmth, something deeper still swirling in her bright eyes.
She smiled, reaching up to cup his face. Morgott bent forward to press his face into her offered hands, squeezing his good eye shut as he tried to collect himself in some manner.
“I’m very fond of you too!” She spoke, voice genuine. She pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his lips. He welcomed it, melting into the act.
His hands explored down her body, kiss deepening. When she finally pulled away, falling into the water a bit more, she felt something bluntly poke at her ass.
She twisted around to find his hard cock fully from its sheath.
Morgott instantly started asking for pardons, “Mine apologies, my Lady.” His voice was tight.
She turned back towards him, cheeks rosy, “Don’t apologize for being attracted to your wife.”
He gave a nervous chuckle, attempting levity, “Is that an order?”
She flashed a cheeky smile, taking his chin in her hand, “Would that excite you?”
He flushed further, admitting, “Thee dost not have to try in that regard, I assureth thee.”
“And where is the fun in that?” Bright eyes flashing mischievously.
Her challenge sent a shiver down his spine, but he could not deny how his cock jumped at her sultry tone.
The tarnished moved down his body, fingers dancing over exposed skin. She was teasing in her wandering, touching him just enough to leave him hungry, leave him wanting. She could feel his breath hitch as she bent down, kissing his abdomen as her hands dipped below the water. The heat and steam fogged his head and made everything more sensitive.
As she slid off of him he raised his hips so more of his manhood was exposed above the water.
The tarnished took him in her hands, eyes full of curiosity as she bent forward.
Morgott hissed as the tarnished ran the flat of her tongue along the underside of his cock.
The little sound made her gaze flick up to meet his, looking like a cat that got the cream.
“Thy touch is intoxicating…have mercy on me, I can scarcely compose myself under thee.” He swallowed, “I am undeserving of such pampering."
She flashed him an almost innocent smile, a stark contradiction to her current actions.
“His Lordship begs so sweetly but says he is undeserving?” The words fanned over his straining cock, “Most curious.”
She could see his mental struggles, feel his need with every pulse. But she would give no mercy yet.
The tarnished scratched softly up his inner thigh, lips curling at the way the muscles trembled.
Despite his self-deprecating nature he was a proud creature, not one to easily grovel or beg. Unfortunately for him, that’s exactly what his tarnished wanted. She sought to have him spill all the ways he wanted her, all his carnal cravings and deep sinful musings.
His lips shadowed the please she desired, mind still struggling to let go. He fought internally against the need for her, as her fingers touched him everywhere except where he ached the most.
Finally she found his cock, only giving it feather light teasing. He sucked in a breath through clenched teeth as she gently squeezed the head, circling the pad of her thumb slowly on the underside.
The tarnished pulled away, the way he lifted his hips towards her leaving touch bringing a smirk to her face. She snaked up his body, wet skin pressed invitingly against fur. The way Morgott gripped the tub lip with whitening knuckles in an effort to compose himself was not lost on her, though he was rapidly losing the battle.
She pulled him into another inviting kiss.
The kiss was hungry, heavy and feral as he forced his tongue into her mouth. The tarnished made a little sound of surprise but didn’t shrink from his storm, grabbing at his horns for leverage.
He broke the kiss, pulling back enough to bite at her throat, hearing her mewl made him growl. “Please…” his voice was a gravely rasp.
She met his gaze, biting her lip as she teased, “Please what?”
Annoyance flitted across his feature for a moment before he finally gave in, pleading with her, “Alloweth me release, by thy hands. I beg of thee, my Lady.”
The tarnished shifted, reaching over to a small basket near the tub. She pulled a flask of oil free.
Morgott watched as she poured oil into her palms, moving back to straddle one of his thighs to stay above water. She slicked down his cock, wrapping her hands around it best she could before pumping with fervor.
His face was crimson, breathes coming in ragged huff, body tight with a mixture of desperation and self-consciousness.
The tarnished felt him pulse under her fingers, going from tip to knot, squeezing down on the pound of flesh. That was it, Morgott’s hips bucked up in her hold, giving a shameful cry.
A thick rope of release shot into the air, splashing back into the now tepid water.
“By the Erdtree…” he rubbed his face, hiding from the Lady’s gaze.
The tarnished was quite preoccupied, amazed by the height his release arched. She gave his knot a second squeeze, flashing her teeth excitedly as more cum pulsed out the swollen tip.
Morgott placed a hand on her head in an effort to stop her curiosities. He smoothed his wet hair back from his face to see the tarnished beaming up at him. He gave a nervous chuckle, pulling her closer to hold her.
“Thee shall be the end of me…” he murmured into the crown of her head.
“An enjoyable death I hope?” She giggled.
“Mhm.” He cracked a smile, “Every moment.”
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