#higher power but idk if theres enough evidence for it
wraith-caller · 4 months
Never been a fan of people trying to shape the Golden Order into conservative Christianity. Reading fics where they talk about women needing to be "traditional" or seen but not heard, when the figurehead of the Order is a woman who has waged loads of wars, had two husbands, makes a point of examining her faith rather than submissively accepting it. Seeing posts that seem to say the GO is villainizing the use of sorcery, a way of deriding the carians, when one of the greatest champions of the Order himself studied sorcery of his own volition, and married perhaps the greatest sorceress ever known. There's nothing to indicate the GO ever had a beef with the practice of sorcery, and it's not like they shuttered Raya Lucaria after the union of the Moon and Erdtree. Cringing every time someone describes Fundamentalism as the "thoughtless extremist" wing of the Order when it's supposed to be about taking a scholarly approach to the examination of the laws of causality and regression.
Idk. It's just, there's so many reasons to be skeeved out by the GO, and it exists within a fantasy with a totally distinct history from our own world. While there are obviously influences from a wide variety of real-world sources on the mythology and world of the game, it's not a direct copy of reality. It's lame to see sth so full of opportunity for interesting world building from fans just turned into a watered down copy of what they despise in reality.
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madara-fate · 8 years
lalody replied to your post “Do you think that the sns fans who are anti-ending, have more Problems...”
As an SNS shipper I want to say that theres a huge difference between fighting to kill someone that is in your way and actually about to do it to fighting someone because theyre trying to stop you from chasing power and not be able to kill them (see end of Part One) and fighting that person again later because you have to lose what is most precious to you in order to have enough anguish to unlock the next stage of the sharingan. IDK how you can compare them...
Why do so many people keep on regurgitating this tired notion of Sasuke “not being able to kill Naruto”, as if it’s even a valid point? Sasuke explicitly clarifies his reasons for sparing Naruto’s life while he was making his way to Orochimaru’s hideout. It wasn’t because Naruto was too special to Sasuke for him to kill. No, it was because Sasuke simply didn’t want to gain power in the same way that Itachi had done.
He remembered Itachi’s words about the importance of killing your best friend:
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And Sasuke deemed that he wouldn’t allow himself to become Itachi’s puppet; he wouldn’t give Itachi the satisfaction of doing as he said:
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Sasuke was determined to follow his own path and to gain power in his own way. Thus, when he eventually would defeat Itachi, the victory would be completely of Sasuke’s own making. That’s what he yearned for:
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And that’s why Sasuke spared Naruto’s life. He says it himself during their first reunion, that he spared Naruto’s life “on a whim”, not due to some profound reason of Naruto being too precious.
As if that wasn’t evidence enough, those claims that constantly try to dismiss SS by saying that Sasuke always had a deep and profound reason for wanting to kill Naruto (as if that makes it any better), whereas he wanted to kill Sakura simply because she was a nuisance - are again rendered completely null and void by this one panel:
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Sasuke clearly states here that he intended to kill Naruto simply on a whim, simply because he felt like it. There was no elaborate reason behind his murder attempt here. In this instance, Naruto was simply a nuisance, just like Sakura apparently was during the Land of Iron arc. And he was only stopped by Sai, the person least likely out of all of them to have prevented his attack.
Sasuke was more than willing to take Naruto’s life when he impaled him with the Chidori during their first fight, and again when he tried to stab him during their first reunion, and again when he tried to use Kirin on the lot of them, and again during their second fight when he was about to use the Chidori on him, but Naruto countered. So can people please stop saying that Sasuke couldn’t bring himself to kill Naruto? Because that’s simply not true; it’s just that something stopped him from doing so each time.
Lastly, Sasuke didn’t fight Naruto again in Part 2 in order to lose what was most precious to him so he could unlock a higher power. He fought Naruto again because he was in his way. Fighting Naruto wasn’t Sasuke’s goal, it was never his goal. In fact, if it were up to Sasuke, he would have just wanted Naruto to simply leave him alone, because he clearly grew to be very frustrated since Naruto just kept on interfering with his affairs:
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And so they fought because Naruto wouldn’t stop getting in his way. It wasn’t about Sasuke trying to rid himself of his most precious person, it was about ridding himself of the last person who stood in his way.
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oflgtfol · 8 years
the only thing i ever openly argue about with my mom like politics wise is global warming (im too scared to argue like everything else). shes all like "you're free to your opinion" global warming isnt an opinion!!!!!! its a Fucking fact!! when the ONLY people arguing scientific fact are people who are NOT SCIENTISTS, then i think we should accept what the scientists say because! im sorry! science is about conducting experiments and gathering evidence! which ultimately makes their argument better than anyone who just says "global warming is fake" with ZERO evidence!!! during the industrial revolution we began burning fossil fuels at huge rates!! this makes sense because everybody should know about coal mines! or how we used coal in trains! coal powered everything! this is different from anythinf seen before. burning fossil fuels releases CO2, or carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, meaning it absorbs heat from the sun and doesn't cool down easily, much like how a greenhouse works (how it got that name). carbon dioxide is naturally released through normal earth events like volcanic eruptions, but this is at natural rates. once humans started releasing it, especially at such high rates to fuel industrialization, the rate at which CO2 entered the atmosphere DRASTICALLY increased, much more than it ever had from natural events! and because its a greenhouse gas, higher amounts of CO2 will trap more heat, and lead to, you guessed it! global warming and the whole ice age thing doesn't matter!! an ice age is when there are polar ice caps, thats literally it. but because of global warming, the ice caps are melting, so hey we're actually leaving an ice age right now because of it and yes, the earth does naturally fluctuate in global temperature. yes, we have been warmer than we are now. but the fluctuations have always been gradual. because of human activity, the earth is warming much too quickly to be natural! life as we know it cannot adapt well enough in such a short amount of time. like industrialization began only in like the 1700s? thats only a couple hundred years. normally it would take like, thousands of years. this isnt normal climate change. its only abnormal because of us, so therefore we have the power to stop it!!! we have so many methods of clean energy!!! we have hydroelectricity, we have wind energy, we have solar energy. i dont CARE if wind turbines are ugly! (personally i think they actually look kinda cool but to each their own) i dont CARE because we have oceans on either side of this country! stick some out to float on the ocean! theres strong winds out there and like, nobody lives there, so nobody's gonna complain about how ""ugly"" they are. and the sun, the sun is free energy! it will never run out anywhere near our lifetime (and by the time it does run out our main problem is escaping the planet, not carbon emissions). we have deserts in this country, stick some solar panels over in the deserts! encourage everyone who's able to to get solar panels on their homes! if its not already invented yet, make solar panels able to be put over windows without blocking them (i feel like this is a thing but im not entirely sure). put solar panels on cars to power them instead of gasoline!! if some technologies dont work yet, INVEST IN DEVELOPING THEM. and the fact that companies insist on using fossil fuels still just proves to you that they are more concerned about fucking profit instead of the wellbeing of our planet, and thus the generations to come!! life as we KNOW it!! dont make global warming become so bad that whether or not we use clean energy becomes a life or death situation, and then we have to develop them then and there. you'd have to drop all your profit into developing these technologies. doing it now in the long run when the danger still isnt immediate, but certainly there, will prove to be idk less harmful to your stupid profit !! TL;DR global warming is real and we have ways to stop it but capitalism is filthy
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