#and sweet old granddad cries bc he loves them So Much
sednonamoris · 10 months
annual reminder that price and hound celebrate christmas with hound’s granddad as often as leave allows and bake really ugly cookies in matching ugly sweaters 🫵🎄
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soupsysoup · 5 months
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Kwazii Head canons!! Not the best drawing, but the one I was gonna use originally looked like a fucking cheeto and did not look like Kwazii, sooo-, yeah.
-Trans Aro/Ace
-Has ADHD and Dyslexia. I mean, look at him, I doubt I need to say more
-The hole in his ear is a ripped piercing
-Him and Inkling like to place random bets during their ping pong matches. Like trading out chores or taking over the other's chore as well as their own.
-Gup B is his comfort gup and misses it quite a bit when he's out and about with his Grand-dad
-Like Cali, his eye has a light sensitivity. It's genetic. It's not bc of the eye patch. Other than that, his eye works fine, however, his vision is getting worse in that eye, so-
-Sings sea shanties with Captain Barnacles. Him and Barnacles listen to Fish in a Birdcage. One album in particular that I haven't rlly bothered to find the name of, lol
-Has tried to learn an instrument, but fails every time, and gives up too easily
-Him and Barnacles actually bumped heads a few times when he was training to be an Octonaut (Yes, there's training to be one, and he just barely passed, it's a fucking miracle)
-In his Pirate days, the only he was widely known for was that he was Calico's grandson, so that put a huge target on his back.
-His parents died, but he was raised by Calico Jack when he was just a kitten, but after Cali left, the crew raised him.
-the crew that raised him told him so many stories abt Calico's daring feats and what not. As well as "monster" stories
-Very active imagination. Gives him anxiety
-Amazing artist. Him and Shellington draw together and Barnacles joins sometimes. It's just a quiet thing that they all do together. Tweak also joins in on occasion. They're just sitting in silence, drawing, maybe listening to music. It's one of the only times you'll ever see Kwazii focus so hard for so long
-If he's ever focused on something and you disrupt him, he isn't rlly happy abt it bc him focusing on something is abt as rare as a blue moon
-Bounces his leg and swishes his tail when fidgeting
-Is never truly still, even when he's asleep, he's always moving around.
-Boops the crew on occasion for no real reason (Especially Peso, Barnacles, and Shellington. Emphasis on Peso and Barnacles. Extra emphasis on Peso)
-Protective over Peso
-Yeow is 100% a vocal stim that he's been using since he was just a kitten. He got it from his grand dad
-Prior to adventuring to the Amazon, he was 99% sure his granddad was dead, but he somehow felt, deep in his bones, that Cali was still alive somewhere.
-Cried while holding a picture of Calico Jack after the Amazon episode. He actually started writing to him as much as he could.
-Got his sword skills (and possibly drawing skills) from his grand dad
-Used to follow Cali around, mimicking everything he did/said. Annoyed him at first, but grew to actually love him for it bc he realized that he was this kid's role model and I think that's sweet as hell
-After he decided to get his own ship, he realized how lonely he was. He discovered that Cali's old crew disbanded after he left, and would love to find them, but there's no traces of them left...maybe they're dead...or alive...we may never know...
-Gold tooth, like his grand dad. He probably got into a fight with someone and got the tooth punched right out of his mouth.
-Didn't get a proper gold tooth, till Peso gave him one, when he first joined.
-Last one to join the Octonauts
-Like his grand dad, he likes to curl up into a ball when sleeping
-Cuddle bug for life
-Has an older brother bond to Peso and uses the stories to scare him
-Him and Peso occasionally fight like actual siblings, but get along most of the time
-Was not the most cooperative person when he first joined. In fact, he was a little on edge and hostile to the group, but now, they're literally his family
-He cusses like crazy, but stopped bc Peso doesn't like cussing and Barnacles says it's kind of important to stay at least somewhat professional at all times
-Cannot handle any type of cold, what so ever. His room is a fucking Sauna, it's crazy
-Calico Jack was his ultimate transition goal when he was first transitioning.
-He's actually quite strong and it is totally bc of all the swimming he does on the job
-Part Carribean and Part Asian, but he grew up all over the place
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