#and takumi/sakura are just 'the others'. lmfao. lmao.
moe-broey · 5 months
Also just such a small thing but like. In the F!Lumera FBs when Henriette and Ashe are waiting on backup from Alfonse, and Alfonse is the only one she mentions by name. Like yeah I could be reading into that, maybe he's on his own, maybe it's just shorthand like "Eh they come in twos no need to mention them both it's unspoken/expected that if Alfonse is here, Sharena is close behind him" like. Idk idk that barely tracks for me actually cause personally unless if I'm speaking about a specific sister, I'm always saying "my sisters" or saying both of their names. And esp before getting their own places, the two of them v much felt like a set.
Idk idk just weird to me. I think we should blow her up with our minds
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magnasy · 7 years
Tell me more about your character Lis! Do you have headcannons for her? If so what are they like? Sad? Happy? Dark?
its not often I get Lis questions anymore omg???
To answer all of it, yes. That’s the simple answer lmao
(Under a read more bc I don’t know how long this is going to be ahahah and I get SUPER EMBARRASSED)
See, I rewrote a lot of fates in my head so that’s a small disclaimer. if anything doesn’t match the game I 1) don’t care and 2) as stated before, rewrote it. ahaha
anyway, I’ll try to keep some order!! (and mosly abt Lis and not whats happening around her ahaha):
-Is not at all related to the Nohrian royals, and is *never* treated as such. 
-Why would she care about them in conquest? Because while she was treated more as a bargaining chip/prisoner, Gunter would sneak up Xander so she would have someone to talk to, and then she would meet Cami, Leo, and Elise.
-No matter what path she chooses, exluding rev, she would rather die than know she ruined the others’ lives. Knowing what she knew afterward was enough to just...ruin her mental state. Ryoma taking his own life? Watching Takumi jump from the wall and then be used as a puppet? Xander not fighting her back because he wants to die??? Witnessing all tht just fucks up her head
-speaking of all this, in conq: Lis keeps her distance from Sakura n Hinoka. She’s apologized several times but she feels its not enough. Hinoka can’t completely forgive her either, but years later (old & grey if you will) is when they all finally reconnect. In BR: I.....really changed br in my head so bear with me lmfao. Leo hates her. She’s the reason Xander and Elise are dead, and that’s enough to put her on a list, if you will. She won’t return to Nohr knowing he would want her dead for her crimes. She never returns, even for Cami despite wanting to see her.
-Silas remains her best friend and p much stays by her for the rest of her days (only in the BR Universe ahaha) but neither of them marry anyone. 
-She keeps her memories from previous paths.
-Emotional. Doesn’t think much of herself but tries to succeed anyway. A not-so-secret romantic. Her dream as a child was to be able to wear a ballgown. Not talented with magic at all. 
-BR is the first path she chooses. Takumi teaches her how to use a bow, and because she has all her memories, she remembers all of what he taught her. 
-Loves little itty bitty children, cannot stop herself from gushing over them, esp when her siblings and friends start having children. Aunt Lissy absolutely SPOILS THEM.
-SPEAKING OF CHILDREN, She makes sure lil Sieg never feels along like she did as a child. The same obv goes for lil Kana. She never limited their imaginations and dreams. 
-When she was little, Gunter gave her a small stuffed rabbit that she later would give to Siegbert. 
uuuuuhhhh that’s all I can think of atm !!! but thank you I love talking abt my pink haired child!!
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crimeamarches · 8 years
Hal’s hopeful but also realistic Emblem Warriors roster
I want to believe in Koei Tecmo and Emblem Warriors.  After all, Hyrule Warriors included some awfully obscure characters!  I don’t hate 3DS FE, but as a fan of the series as a whole I will be disappointed if that’s all we see. Hence the “hopeful but also realistic” part.
Now, the trailer more or less confirmed a few characters, so I’m going to start from there and list the characters I think will most likely be in at some point or another, using Hyrule Warriors 45-character (including DLC) roster as a framework.
Trailer basically confirmed:
1.      Corrin
2.      Ryoma
3.      Xander
Because the 3DS FEs are bound to make up the brunt of the characters, here are my other predicted Fates reps:
4.       Azura (basically a shoe-in)
5.       Takumi (has both possessed and non-possessed forms)
6.       Leo (less likely than Takumi but still likely imo)
7.       Elise and/or Sakura (more likely than the older sisters, but I’m not confident)
8.       Jakob and/or Felicia
9.       Kaze
Something in me doubts that they’ll include all eight siblings in favor of a more diverse roster.  I could see Camilla or Rinkah getting in as well; we’ll give them Honorable Mentions.  Sadly, i think Hinoka is least likely.
Trailer basically confirmed:
10.   Chrom
And with Chrom along, there’s no way the game won’t also feature:
11.   Robin
12.   Lucina
Other likely candidates:
13.   Tharja (please don’t koei I’m literally on my knees and begging)(but let’s face reality here)
14.   Owain and/or Gaius
15.   Severa and/or Cordelia
16.   Inigo (These three slots are because if it’s driven by popularity polls again they’re the likely winners)(plus tharja but…she’s a bit more of a guarantee…*weeps*)
17.   Gangrel or Grima
18.   Sumia
19.   Anna (not solely an Awakening character, but Awakening is what brought her to the fore)
20.   Basilio (wildcard suggestion)
21.   Emmeryn (maybe?)
Priam, just to fucks with me personally
ARCHANEA SAGA (Marth Game/FE 1, 3, 11, and 12)
Trailer basically confirmed this as well.  I think it’ll have less reps than 3DS FE, but it’ll be there.
22.   Marth
23.   Caeda
24.   Gharnef/Medeus
25.   Minerva
26.   Merric (maybe)
27.   Tiki
Honorable Mentions:  Linde, Gotoh, Navarre, Lena, and Julien.  There’s a lot to choose from with Marthgame and i didn’t even put any fe 3/12 important guys because i’m not familiar with them.      
ELIBE (FE 6 and 7)
This is where we get into the realm of those banished to DLC.  I think there’s a good chance some will be featured in the main game:
28.   Eliwood and/or Roy (I’m not sure they’d bother doing both)
29.   Hector
30.   Lyn
And maybe a few more reps might happen if it is DLC:
31.   Lilina
32.   Merlinus
33.   Nergal
Honorable Mentions:  Matthew, Marcus, Nino, Nils, Idunn
TELLIUS (Ike game/FE 9 and 10)
Please, Koei.  Please treat my children well.  
Ok, even if it’s just Amiibo support, we’re bound to get
34.   Ike
Then, much like with Elibe, other reps are DLC-bound and increasingly unlikely.
35.   Micaiah
36.   Black Knight
37.   Soren
38.   Ranulf
39.   Ashnard and/or Ashera
40.   Elincia
Honorable Mentions:  Lethe, Sothe, Sanaki, A Bird Laguz, Oliver
JUGDRAL (FE 4 and 5)
Slim little chance we get some Jugdral DLC.  Hey, Awakening SpotPass included them, at least!
41.   Sigurd and/or Seliph
42.   Leif
And maaaaaaaybe
43.   Arvis and/or Julius
Honorable Mentions:  Finn, Julia, Lewyn
Lmao @ someone remembering Magvel exists *sob*
44.   Eirika (a Real Eirika in all her glory  not awakening’s Bride shit please koei im begging you--)
45.   Ephraim
46.   Lyon (maybe)
Honorable Mentions (me getting my hopes up Really Really High):  Saleh, Joshua, Myrrh, L’arachel, Innes
47.   Alm
48.   Celica
(even that much is a bit of a stretch)
Anyway!  This is just my projection.  I went a little over the 45-character limit but some of these are conditional picks.  I can see it going either way, honestly—either I’m pretty right, or I’m totally wrong and it’s going to be nothing but 3DS and my heart will shatter into teeny tiny pieces. I could also see them going in a different direction entirely but hey! it’s two AM at the time of writing this and im just trying to contain my excitement
Feel free to drop me a line to talk about your own predictions or to talk about fire emblem in general!
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