#and tbh the actor probably just put it over the wrong shoulder but i choose to believe it's bc at the start of that number
slasherscream · 5 years
Oh lord that last ask with the horror movie actress was so good, is it possible to ask for a continuation, if not thats all good. Also huge fan of your work!
A/N: thank you!! if it’s a continuation you want it’s a continuation you’ll get (glad you liked it enough to ask tbh cause it’s a fun one to write). here’s a link back to part one if you missed it.
     billy loomis x reader x stu macher ft. fem!reader who is a horror movie star …. part two
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The very first thing Billy and Stu do once they leave school that day is go and do some research on you. How did they not know who you are? They know Randy wasn’t joking because of #1. your intense reaction and #2. they bullied him for a little more information.
Billy’s first assumption since he (the self-proclaimed master of the horror genre) doesn’t know anything about you is to assume you’re either a very shitty actress or been in really shitty movies. He’s mean so he’s leaning more towards you being a really shitty actress.
Stu’s kinda just excited to have met a “super hot babe” who is famous. Although the horror movie part of that is what double peaked his interest. 
They stop by the video store and Randy’s on shift. Sure enough there are a couple of your movies in stock and he obviously hands them over (even though he wanted to binge them all tonight… #Poor Randy).
They get their snacks and head to Stu’s house ready to be judgmental assholes of course. Billy’s probably already imagining killing you because one of the movie covers is super lame and if this is a total waste of his time someone is gonna pay for it. Stu is the type to watch crappy movies on purpose, however, so he’s fucking ready for anything.
They. Are. So. Fucking. Shocked.
Billy eat your fucking heart out. 
The first movie they pick is super shitty. It’s the very first one where you’re not a kid actually (yeah you’re a regular pro and have been in the game that long) but you        you’re a shining fucking star in it. Everything else about it is shit. The aesthetic. The score. The other actors. The villain. But you’re incredible. Its one saving grace.
If it had been anyone else’s debut movie it would’ve ended their career before it began. Instead it made you shine even brighter.
Every movie they watch after that gets better and better. You’re clearly now able to pick and choose your projects and you’re picking the cream of the fucking crop. 
In almost every movie you’re the final girl, the star of the show, and they absolutely think you deserve it. They’ve never been so into a movie marathon in their fucking lives. Excited screams. Cheering! Actually rooting for you and not whatever monster or deranged killer is after you. 
Then they get to the very last movie you made. It’s recent. Came out within the year, actually, and they both realize the reason they missed it coming out (and all its stellar reviews as it’s your most popular one yet) is because they’d just begun plotting the ghostface killings at the time. They were busy okay!
And yes they did have a small, totally pointless argument over whose fault it is that they missed out on all your fucking movies.
stu: how did you not see these, man? i thought you watched cult classics too!billy: shut the fuck up she’s baCK ON SCREEN - 
They lose their fucking minds when they read the summary for this movie. Because this time Hollywood’s favorite “fresh-blood sweetheart of horror” isn’t playing the helpless heroine. This time she’s the fucking killer. 
Stu physically screams out loud because he knows it’s about to go down and Billy is playing it cool even though “I’m the only other person here, Billy who the fuck are you pretending for?”
Stu won’t stop fucking hitting Billy’s shoulder like an excited teenage girl watching Twilight for the first time. You’re his fucking Edward Cullen and Jacob Black combined. He’s going to pass out if he gets any more excited and if Billy has a bruise on his arm he’s gonna “beat the shit out of you, Stu, swear to god-”
The look on your face during the movie sometimes when you’re covered in the blood of your victims from head-to-toe? Billy has fucking chills. He’s never been more in love or turned on in his life. He’s not ever gonna get scared by a horror movie at this point but if he was         yours would be the one to scare him. Holy fUCK he’s in love.
Every-time you get a brutal kill in Stu starts screaming, “That’s our girl! That’s our fucking girl!” He has already made up his mind on this subject, clearly.
There’s popcorn everywhere because Stu keeps spilling the bowl but Billy isn’t making him make anymore because neither of them are fucking eating at this point let’s get real. They’re fucking transfixed. 
When it’s all over           and that includes watching behind the scenes shit and the gag reels for every fucking movie           they turn to each other and they just start grinning.
Killing the horror movie actress that just moved to town? Ugh, that would be so predictable! Cliche, really! Do they look unoriginal to you? 
hONESTLY they and by that I mean Billy can’t even lie to themselves about why they’re not gonna kill or hurt you. This is love at first fucking scream, baby!
If there was a song playing during this fucking moment it’d be “One Way Or Another” because they’re definitely gonna fucking get ya’. 
The next day you walk into school and it’s a fucking circus. Someone heard Randy of course and now everyone wants to get close to the Hollywood Actress among them. You can see your dreams of a little normalcy slipping down the drain and even though everyone is being oooooh so nice to you (including people who before the reveal had been acting like you hadn’t existed or even been mean to you) you feel close to tears with frustration.
Then you’re yanked into an empty classroom by two sets of hands. You’re about to lose your fucking mind honestly and you turn around swinging your heavy ass math book without a second thought. You’re out for blood.
“Whoa! Put down the weapon of mass destruction, babe!” Stu, you recognize him and do stop swinging because you know these two are friends of Tatum and Sidney. 
As soon as you stop swinging the anger fades too and you’re left with nothing but that bitter feeling of disappointment. You start crying right then and there and it’s a special kind of humiliation. At least you can experience the shame of crying at school like a normal girl.
Both the boys are panicking although Billy is better at hiding it. He’s not even putting on a sympathetic face when he puts an arm around you, he’s actually very upset that you’re upset,  “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing! It’s dumb! I’m dumb!” Your attempted brush off does not make them go away like you wanted.
In fact now Stu is pulling your hands away from your face and staring down at you like a kicked puppy. He doesn’t let go of your hands and you don’t pull them away. As much as he’s a stranger you don’t have many friends and you do actually want comfort, “You’re not dumb. Why are you crying? If you’re crying over something it can’t be dumb!”
“I’m gonna sound like such a spoiled brat.”
“Try us.” Goes Billy wearing the most intense stare he’s ever had in his life (and that’s saying something).
“It’s just that …. It’s just that I moved all the way out here to get away from all the bullshit! I just wanted to try being normal for awhile! Go to school! Have normal friends! Be a normal teen! And now because of one dumb kid that’s all gone down the drain!" 
More waterworks are happening even as Stu’s trying frantically to wipe them away while absolutely refusing to let go of your hands.
They both kinda wanna kill Randy now since he’s kinda the reason you’re crying. But if he hadn’t been such a spaz they wouldn’t know how fucking incredible you are so they kinda owe him at the moment. The dork lives to see another day, they guess.
What’s really important to them right now is you, and making you feel better as soon as possible. You’re really breaking their hearts here. 
"Why don’t we get out of here?” Billy suggests smoothly, never one to waste time or a good opportunity. 
“What?” The tears come to a slow and it’s only now you start taking note of just how much these two strange boys are touching you. Billy is behind you, one arm around your waist and the other wrapped around your shoulders. Stu is leaning all the way over you both like some sort of benevolent, concerned giant with his hands still holding onto yours tightly. 
“Why don’t we get out of here! Great idea, Billy!” Stu crows with excitement. 
“Oh I see — lemme guess, the two of you want to spend some ’alone time’ with the big shot Hollywood actress, huh?” Your tone is harsh enough that it’d make weaker men cower. Billy and Stu are the type to rise to a challenge. 
“More like you seem to be good friends of Sidney and Tatum      ” Billy starts,
“      and any friend of theirs is a friend of ours!” Stu finishes, “They’d kill us if they knew we let you run around school crying your pretty, little eyes out.”
“It’s really not because I’m famous     ?” Your voice is so small and insecure it makes them frown. 
“What’s your name again? I forgot it.” Billy jokes and it actually startles a snort out of you even as you slide your way out of their arms.
You take a breath and wipe your face, hoping to make yourself a little bit presentable at least. Finally you turn to them and nod, “You know what? Yeah      yeah then, let’s get the hell out of here.”
You don’t have to tell them twice. They each grab a hand and practically drag you out of the building, you go along easily, laughing your head off all the way. Just the fact that he’s hearing your laughter without it being filtered through a television screen is enough to make Stu laugh too. Billy’s joy is more reserved but the smile on his face is undeniable and much softer than usual. 
This is gonna be the start of something beautiful. They’ll make sure of it.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
enemies to lovers!jonghyun
a/n: for razzle dazzle anon!
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i don’t talk about shinee that much but they’re my second bias group they mean the absolute world to me
and this one is for the softest boy in the world i love him so so much
anyway let’s get to the rivalry
wedding planner!jonghyun is known throughout all south korea as the best in the world
everyone wants him to plan their weddings, from idols to comedians to actors to politicians: there isn’t anyone on earth who doesn’t want jonghyun as their wedding planner
he’s just that good like he knows which colors go together he knows which caterers are best he knows the best deejays
there’s nothing he can’t do especially with florist!jinki and cake designer!taemin by his side, not to mention dress designer!kibum and mixologist!minho always ready to help for a discounted price
which the clientele obviously don’t know about
the boys work for other wedding designers too, as well as different events that their job calls for
so most of them are in the know when it comes to who is who in the event planning business esp kibum
actually it’s just kibum
you’re a wedding planner from your own country, but because of your amazing skills you’ve been invited to korea to help plan a wedding for this super famous actress who is getting married
and jonghyun thought he was a shoo in for that job so he’s a bit ??? when the news comes out that the “best wedding planner in the world” had been booked
because tbh he thought that was him
taemin in the bg: no no ur just the most famous in korea,,, there’s a difference
anyway jonghyun is mad bc you’ve essentially stomped onto his turf and are now taking his very rich clientele like it’s not going to slide
so he finds your number and calls you up
“y/n’s wedding event service, what can i help you with?”
and jonghyun is like cut the speil lady i know you’re out for my title
nd you’re just what title? who are you??
this did offend jonghyun that you somehow didn’t know his voice over the phone so he dramatically replies “this is jonghyun obv,,, the best wedding planner in the world”
but you must not notice the hostility in his voice bc you reply, “dude i love you! you’re like my hero when it comes to weddings,,, all my weddings are inspired by you”
jonghyun kind of wants to be flattered bc no one has ever told him smth like that before and also your words made his heart race with joy but he’s going to keep his cool and still play the “i hate you” card
“so it wasn’t enough to steal my ideas, now you have to steal my clients?”
nd you’re like wtf is wrong w you dude it’s just a wedding and you think about being civil with him since you look up to him but now you want to bite back with the same venom he shot at you
“maybe if you’d make your rates a bit more affordable, people would have the money to choose you over me”
“my prices are reasonable!”
“maybe to politicians and millionaires?? but people with basic income do not want to spend the amount of money you charge to have a wedding... esp if they’re trying to save money”
jonghyun feels INSULTED and ASHAMED bc he thought his prices were pretty good
“my prices are some of the lowest rates in south korea”
“well it looks like you’ve got a bunch of greedy wedding planners then bc you charge almost double what i charge in my country,,, that’s why they asked for me instead.”
jonghyun isn’t sure he can change his prices like the last thing he wants to do is make his clients broke but he also doesn’t want people to think he’s cheap
he almost wants to ask you how you do it: stay afloat at low prices and still able to pay rent
but he’s still angry and annoyed w you so he resists and hangs up on you, not feeling up to talking to you
so after that you sort hate jonghyun too like why did he have to be so rude to you??
but fast forward to a few days before the wedding and your florist cancelled???? and you have no idea what to do bc the whole theme of this wedding was floral paradise and you can’t have floral paradise without the floral
and you have no idea what you’re doing like you can’t find another florist this late in the game that will agree to give you a ton of flowers on short notice
they’d have to work overtime and it’d be such a chore and you feel at such a loss
your first overseas wedding and you were so excited bc your work would finally be in the news and more people might ask for you by name
all that work down the drain bc a florist who quit for unknown reason
you feel like crying and for some reason you pick up your phone and call jonghyun
yeah you sort of hate him but he’s also a fellow wedding planner and he’s the closest one you can go to right now who probably has advice
and it’s late when you call so his voice is super groggy and low “hello?”
you’re shaking like your anxiety is to the max and “jonghyun? it’s y/n and —”
“are you crying?” his voice is v soft and sweet like suddenly he doesn’t sound so mean
“it’s just that my florist cancelled on me and the wedding is in two days! how am i supposed to find a florist who will give me a whole truck load of flowers in two days?? the theme is based around flowers and if i fail this one no one is ever going to trust me again i’ll be known as a failure and an untrustworthy planner”
and jonghyun just kind of shushes you like “look you’re really tired and worried, but you need sleep okay? get some rest and meet me at the park on maple at around eight o'clock”
he doesn’t really give you time to agree but for some reason his words calm you, and you think jonghyun might actually help you
the next morning you grab all your planning stuff and head over to the park, hoping that jonghyun didn’t send you on a wild goose hunt just for fun.
when you finally spot him, he’s sitting around with four other guys and like five or six dogs running around and chasing each other
when you see jonghyun you lowkey gasp like wow he’s v handsome irl too bad he’s so rude to me
but then he smiles and walks up to you, looking sort of nervous “hey, um, these are my friends. jinki here is a florist and if you want, we can all pitch in and get the decorations ready for the wedding using the flowers he has”
you genuinely don’t know what to say like you sort of thought jonghyun was just going to make a laughing stock of you but he hasn’t
“aren’t you going to tell me that you’re a better planner than me?”
jonghyun shrugs “i mean, i am, but as a planner i know that it’s important that every wedding goes off without a hitch. i will push away my feelings for the good of the wedding”
it’s not the apology you wanted but you have more important things to worry abt so you’re like great!!! let’s go!!!
and turns out jinki is super sweet and owns this really small flower shop and it’s filled with a bunch of pretty arrangements and stuff
and he was more than ready to give you a helping hand
you gave him all the blueprints and drawings you had ready and jinki was like !!!! i can do this !!!!
and he shows you all of the flowers he has and all the different ways he can arrange them
so you two plan centerpeices and aisle markers and stuff
once you’re satisfied you show it to the other boys and everyone gets to work replicating all the pieces
and you’ve also got to make your own banners like you have to find siLK
and kibum is like dndnsnnsks well i have a ton in my office i’ve got eggshell and pearl and cream and lavender and rose and —
jonghyun cuts him off like we’re on a schedule buddy!!!
so jonghyun decides to take you to kibum’s house since he needs to drop all the puppers off anyways
they’re a bit of a distraction at the flower shop since taemin and kibum can’t seem to leave them alone
and when you arrive you see the pearl colored silk and immediately know it’ll go with the flowers
so you grab it and drape it across the edges of kibum’s desk “so imagine this is the aisle and it dips between each pew with a lil bouquet matching the bride is holding it up”
and as you’re talking you get this huge smile on your face and jonghyun begins to feel bad for being so rude to you over the phone bc
rlly you’re just like him: someone who wants to make others happy
and you both only have the bride and groom’s best interests at heart
it shouldn’t matter who is planning the wedding as long as the couple is happy
but jonghyun keeps this all to himself like he has some pride yknow
he helps you cut the silk and fold it neatly so that it doesn’t get messed up on the way back
and when you guys arrive everyone is amazed bc the colors look rlly beautiful together like all the boys are lowkey getting emo
esp jonghyun he always gets really emotional when he helps w a wedding bc he kind of dreams of his own and he can’t wait for it to be perfect and beautiful and amazing
most importantly he can’t wait to have someone by his side who makes him forget the beauty of flower arrangements and dresses and cakes
anyway so it takes well into the night before all the arrangements are finished
and the boys are already planning on helping you place them in the church and reception hall the next day bc you’re on a time punch and this was all the florists’ job
so they come over and everyone gets started on a different section of the church
jinki tells you and jonghyun to go to the reception hall and set up the centerpieces and everything
jinki lowkey ships the two of you okay
at the reception hall you both just set up the flowers and hope everything will be done before the rehearsal dinner that night, or else you’ll have to tell the bride that she lost her florist
you’re hoping she’ll never find out abt your screw up
when you guys are done you just sit and breathe bc …. finally ….. it’s over and you can rest
jonghyun is sort of close to you like his arm keeps brushing against your shoulder and you catch him more than once stealing glances at you
“thank you,” you say, bc you can’t really put into words how much his help means to you
he nods, “yeah, i guess when the couple books a sucky wedding planner, a mistake like this is expected”
you think he’s being legit and turn your head, almost sad that he still hates you
but he’s smiling at you, a teasing glint in his eye
you push him like dude that wasn’t cool i’m still on edge
but jonghyun keeps talking like “yknow, since i saved the day, it’s rlly only fair that you take me to the wedding as your plus one. that way i can make sure you don’t screw anything else up”
you glance at him again, and notice his ears have turned a bit red “you mean as a date? are you asking me to ask you on a date?”
“no,” he scoffs, “i’m telling you that you should repay me by making me your plus one”
“but essentially you want to date me”
“no i don’t,” he says, but he’s smiling and you find yourself unable to keep your own grin back 
“fine then. jonghyun, do you want to be my plus one to the wedding? i’d really love it if you were my date.”
jonghyun is lowkey super happy that you’ve agreed and reaches for your hand like “well if you insist”
it’s all kind of history from there
let’s just say you’ll have to be planning another wedding soon
jk jk
the end
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hausshiphaus · 8 years
who’s to say who’s right or wrong?
i blame @thilesluna (follows after this, if you’re interested in reading, which follows another story. it’ll be kind of confusing if you don’t, tbh!)
j/a/m (jeremy dooley/adam kovic/miles luna) - fahc/fakehaus/detective!au
after a bout of nerves and self-consciousness, miles falls back. he gets a stern talking to by a few respective members of fahc and fakehaus.
what is done has been done for the best though the mist in my eyes might suggest just a little confusion about what I’ll lose but if I started over, I know I would choose…
the fight continues to linger in miles’ brain. it’s been a couple of weeks since jeremy has come back and they’ve all made up and apologized, but it doesn’t stop miles from thinking about it over and over and over again. he can’t help but think of what adam said to him, what he really meant, how he really felt, and miles knows that deep down, it’s all true.
miles is a liability. he’s a distraction. he’s a ploy. he’s a trick. he’s useless. he’s careless. unnecessary, fights for the other team, he’s not one of them. so what in the hell is he doing? why is he sticking around? why are jeremy and adam even entertaining the thought that this can work out for all of them in the long run? why haven’t they just told miles the truth yet? the end of this is inevitable, it’s around the corner, it can happen any time, and miles just has to be ready.
after waiting around for two weeks, he decides he’s just going to do it.
it starts slow - him, falling away from the guys. he does his best to make them think he’s okay for now, but still starts to pick up extra shifts and work overtime at the station. the money doesn’t hurt (although jeremy’s been casually tossing out the idea of miles just ditching his apartment and alternating staying with them - as if that doesn’t sting more, as if that won’t get him into more trouble or put them at risk or something worse) and miles does have some serious work to do that he’d backlogged recently due to their reunion with jeremy.
just thinking about that time breaks his heart. a time where he only had kyle to fall back onto, but he still couldn’t express himself fully, lest he put all of jeremy and adam’s friends in danger. miles doesn’t have a group of friends like that, he doesn’t have a gang that’s promised to stick with him until the end of time, no matter what. he has kyle, the only trustworthy person he knows, and he’s stuck in a precinct full of bigger crooks and thiefs than the ones they’re “supposed” to be fighting.
the loneliness takes hold fast, but miles can be a pretty good actor once he puts his mind to it.
he starts denying invitations to adam and jeremy’s apartments. sporadically, at first, then uss the excuse that he has to stay home and get work done since they didn’t like the fact that he was at the station all the time and couldn’t get a real night’s sleep. this determination goes further than his stubbornness, than the one he dealt with when he and adam fought - this will go on for as long as it needs to. hopefully, he’ll just be transferred to another police station on another side of town, another part of california, anywhere just to stay away and keep them safe like he’s supposed to be doing.
miles goes out of his way to ensure that his apartment doesn’t look like a homeless person broke in and started living there. he keeps up with cleaning, has real food in his fridge, does his laundry, and everything that he needs to do to create the illusion that he’s fine, totally and completely fine.
adam and jeremy notice when it’s starting to become a problem. miles stays as neutral as possible whenever he thinks they’re going to confront him about it. but he’s doing it right, miles is doing just enough to make them think that everything’s fine, that they’re all fine, even though he’s pulling away faster than they know how to handle. it’s exactly what miles wants. soon, they’ll realize it’s what they want, too.
his routine is bland, boring, and his mind is a steady, numbing buzz that doesn’t go away. he volunteers to do menial office work, as long as it keeps him off the streets of possibly running into any of them, and he knows that there’s no way any of them are able to come and visit him at work. if he’s not out patrolling the streets with some free time to spare, or if he’s stuck at home doing paper work, who would suspect a thing?
well, some people start to suspect - more than just jeremy and adam.
a surprise visit from michael and jack at his apartment on a wednesday night is certainly not what he was expecting, but it’s what he gets.
it seems like everyone and their mother know how to break into his apartment, since miles had no idea anyone was even here until they open his supposedly locked front door and hurriedly stands from his couch to look over. michael storms in with rage while jack follows close behind, although not nearly as hostile as the former.
once the front door shuts with a resounding click, michael goes off. “listen, detective, i don’t know what your fuckin’ deal is, but you better get your shit together or we’re gonna have some serious problems.”
miles holds his hands out to the side, bewildered. “can i ask why the hell you two broke into my apartment first?”
“don’t play stupid, luna,” michael growls, “you know exactly what you’re doing and so do i, so does jack, so does every fuckin’ one of us except jeremy. because, for some reason, he thinks that you would never do something like this.”
his throat constricts at the statement. as dangerous as jeremy is, he does his best to see the good in everyone he’s assumed to consider a friend, or perhaps someone more. jeremy gives people chances. he probably shouldn’t have, not with miles, but he did. damn him. “i really don’t know what you’re talking about,” miles replies back, tone already irritated, “so now, if you don’t mind, i’d like you both to get out of my apartment and let me get back to work.”
“miles,” jack says softly, her sweet voice piercing through the intensity in the air that is michael’s rage. she comes closer to stand beside michael, putting her hand on his shoulder, and miles waches as michael visibly deflates a bit just because of jack’s calming touch. “i don’t know what’s going on with you and jeremy and adam, but there’s something. you should know by now that jeremy tells us almost everything. so when he tells us that you’ve just been… drifting away, what else are we supposed to think?”
“god, i don’t know, that maybe i’m a working detective for the city that you guys cause havoc in on a daily basis?” miles snaps. michael immediately tenses up again, taking a step forward to retaliate miles’ words, but jack’s hand on his shoulder tightens and he stays still. “some time apart isn’t going to kill us. hell, it may even be better. i’m trying to help you guys out, so maybe some gratitude would be appreciated.”
“gratitude? you want gratitude?” michael questions, voice getting higher. “yeah, we’re so fuckin’ glad that jeremy’s sulking around the goddamn base like he lost his puppy. we’re real thrilled that he and adam  can barely hold a conversation without it being real fuckin’ clear that all they wanna do is talk about you! but they can’t because you’re here, bein’ a goddamn dickhead, and they miss you!”
miles’s jaw clenches and he can feel himself grinding his teeth. the impending headache isn’t far away, but miles stands his ground. “i’m working,” he levels stiffly. “what i do in my own, personal time is no one’s business but mine.”
“you made it our business when you started fuckin’ around with those two,” michael hisses.
anger flares in his chest. miles wants to lash out wildly and scream that no, michael’s wrong, he didn’t want this - he didn’t want the two men he happened to fall head over heels for were both in the most popular gangs of los santos while he’s sworn his duty to protect the same city. he never asked for this and he never would. but it’s what he’s got and he’s got to deal with it in his own goddamn way, whether it’s to dig himself in deeper or to start climbing out. miles will make his own choice.
jack starts carefully tugging michael back towards the door. “c'mon, michael, let’s go,” she softly urges, hand moving down to grab his bicep so she can move them both. “they’ll figure it out one way or another, we can’t do anything else.”
michael huffs out a frustrated breath, eyes still locked with miles, who’s standing still right near his couch, eyes unwavering. michael looks like he wants to say more, but all he does is shake off jack’s hand and storms out of miles’ apartment without one more glance back. jack is the one who does look back at miles, but his expression doesn’t change.
the door falling shut behind her feels more like a goodbye than anything else.
another twisted turn of events brings bruce greene and miles luna to the same coffee shop right near the precinct.
miles is always a bit sparse with his meals lately. since he doesn’t smoke, he’s been using coffee to supress his appetite when he can’t bring himself to even think about making a meal. on overnight/overtime break, miles heads to the 24-hour coffee shop and takes a seat at one of the small tables with a sigh.
“mind if i sit here?” a voice asks above him while miles fiddles with his phone. before miles can even pick his head up to answer that yes, he does mind, he just kind of wanted to be alone, but thank you, his voice falls him as his eyes meet bruce’s. “detective luna,” bruce greets with a nod and a tip of his coffee cup, similar to miles’.
“what do you want?” miles sighs, as if that’s all he’s got left in him. he’s been working far too hard recently - with overtime, late nights, lack of sleep, minimal eating, plus another long list of issues - that he doesn’t have the time or energy to call in for back-up since the leader of fakehaus is sitting right across from him.
bruce takes a careful sip of his hot beverage before he answers. “what do i want,” he repeats back, letting out a sigh of his own. “god, loaded question, don’t you think?”
“could be simple,” miles replies with a shrug, “and quick. so you can… get going where you gotta go.”
“simple answers are always nice,” bruce nods in agreement. his fingertips tap against his cup and he barely gives miles’ time before he confronts him about it. “here’s a simple question that’s looking for a simple answer: what the fuck did you do to adam and jeremy?”
bruce’s voice is about as neutral as it can be, but still threatening nonetheless. this chills miles more than michael and jack breaking into his apartment, although that was already pretty messed up. bruce found him (followed him?) into a popular place and miles is sure he already has several different ways of escaping, if need be.
“i’ve just been working a lot,” miles confesses, gesturing to his blue uniform. “now, if you’ll excuse me, i was enjoying my lunch break alone.” his eyes trail back to his phone, but it doesn’t stop bruce from talking.
“there’s no excuse for a child who’s stuck in a man’s body, trying desperately to figure out what the hell he’s doing in a world like this because he knows he doesn’t fit in,” bruce snaps, although his voice is still clear as day. “have you ever considered the fact that adam - maybe even jeremy - doesn’t want you to fit into this world? it’s dangerous, miles, and you can get hurt.”
“i’m a detective for the los santos police department,” miles pointedly states, “i think i know i can get hurt.”
bruce scoffs. “yeah, but you idiots have rules. out there, there are no rules. there’s nothing. there are only two things you can do: fight or die.” he pauses for a moment, letting miles sink it in as he pretends to stare and scroll through his phone. “i know adam wants to fight. i’ve known that guy for more than half of my life and he may seem like a lot of things, but i know adam is a fighter. he wants to fight for me, for our team. he wants to fight for jeremy and his team. and for some inane reason, he wants to fight for you, and what the three of you all have.”
miles’ eyes shoot up to meet bruce’s, even though he tries to keep himself on the defensive side of it all. he opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. there’s so much he wants to say, how to explain to bruce how much of a bad idea this all is and how it’ll blow up in everyone’s face. there’ll be too many people telling adam and jeremy i told you so like a bunch of children. it’ll hurt, deep down to the core, and it’ll take a long time.
miles doesn’t know how long he’ll last through that time.
“i’m more of a danger than anyone else,” miles comments. it’s meant to be a broad, wide-variety statement, and bruce nods in agreement. this is a discussion that’s been had several times and miles knows that everyone would agree with him - it’s just easier that way.
“how about you let adam and jeremy make that decision instead of making it for them, hm?” bruce questions, tapping the table twice with his knuckles before he pushes himself back up. “no matter what you think, it’s not your choice to decide what’s good or bad for them. trust me,” brue chuckles lightly, “i’ve tried for years to tell adam what to do, and look at him now.”
the soft jab makes the corner of miles’ tug for a fleeting moment, but he still doesn’t say anything. bruce doesn’t either. he’s said his piece and now he’s gone, letting the small jingle of the coffee shop be the last noise of bruce greene for the night, knowing he won’t be able to find him if he tried.
throughout the next week and a half, miles thinks a lot about this. but… at the end of the day, what’s there to think about when the people you’re looking for answers from aren’t around?
miles texts their group message with a simple come over and it’s barely fifteen minutes before they’ve arrived.
the second miles opens the door, jeremy crashes in like a wave and completely engulfs miles in his arms as tight as he can. adam, not too far behind, gets a better angle to get into the hug, but they stand still like that for a while. it feels too good, too natural to be standing here like this with the people that matter the most.
the night’s long and filled with soft sounds and all the right words, but not the ones at the time. they don’t want this to sit and fester and stew, not again.
“talk to us, miles,” jeremy pleads after all is said and done. his voice is tender, muffled due to the way his mouth is pressed to the dip of his neck towards his collarbone. “don’t let this happen again. tell us what you’re feeling, that’s what we’re here for.”
miles turns his head to press his nose into the colored locks. “i’m sorry,” is all he can whisper. “i don’t know what to say. i fucked up.”
“we all fuck up,” adam tells him, running his left hand up and down the softer parts of miles’ stomach. “but that doesn’t mean we can’t fix it. at least try and talk it out before you attempt to leave us again.”
it’s supposed to be funny, part of adam’s dry sense of humor, but it only makes miles nauseous. “i’m sorry,” he whispers again, voice cracking.
“so are we,” jeremy says, his body starting to relax and fall into a deep sleep.
adam’s not too far behind. miles feels both of their soft breathing against his skin. sleep comes easy for him this time around. there’s still the small, tiny inkling in the back of his brain, but it’s quelled for now, thanks to his boys.
tomorrow is a new day.
…the same joy, the same sadness each step of the way that fought me and taught me that friends never say never say goodbye
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