whiskedimagines · 2 years
Just wanted to assure you I haven’t abandoned this blog! I hope to start posting again in the next few days.
—Mod Lavender
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
hello mod lavender!! i just wanted to let you know that i'm probably gonna spam this blog since you're one of the few people posting about whisked.
aaanyways no request at the mo, but y'know how the one of the directors (can't remember which one) posted sal's special pasta recipe??? well i made it for dinner tonight and!! it was awesome!!!!!! i was a little confused when i saw it had shredded zucchini and carrots but it all worked out in the end. and i have enough pasta for like a week!
yeah that's all for now. have a good [timezone]!
Hi!!! No worries; I like hearing from people! (And since there’s so few of us in this fandom, I don’t think spam is going to be a problem.)
Oh yeah, I remember that! I can’t remember which director it was, either, but the official Whisked account retweeted it. I’ll have to consider making it myself if it’s that good. I could use a healthier version of pasta! Although it doesn’t look like it has zucchini and carrots in it on the show. Maybe that explains the color?
Anyway, glad you enjoyed it! Sounds like the only downside is it doesn’t actually reduce gravity’s pull on whoever eats it. (Or does it? You don’t feel any lighter, do you? Ha ha.)
Good [timezone] to you, too!
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
Ok this might be a bit silly but could I request a few familial headcanons for "world's most fucked up tween" Talia? Like I've genuinely started to pronounce lasagna and pasta wrong because of her ><"" (Good luck with the blog tho!!)
Don’t worry about it! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve never heard anything about her family. All the other kids get at least a passing reference to a relative or guardian, but we have no idea who’s looking after Talia. I have a suspicion that this kid could use a family.
I’m assuming you’re older than her here. If you’re not, you really shouldn’t be on Tumblr.
So you’re going to find yourself responsible for her sometimes. And wow will you have your hands full.
For one thing, she’s not one to clean up after herself. You’ll be picking up a lot of half-cooked meats and empty jars.
And you’ll have to step in when she’s threatening people with a butcher knife.
Expect to receive many jars of her signature “paste-a pastes”. Better put it on your “paste-a” sparingly; you wouldn’t want to cough up a live bird or sprout strange appendages. She isn’t being malicious (well, maybe slightly, if you’ve done something to annoy her); she’s just new to cooking, and a lot of things don’t come out quite right.
If you can, please. Please convince her to sleep in a proper bed. She can’t keep waking up covered in “luh-zay-guh-nuh” guts every morning. She’ll fight you on it, but it’s worth the effort.
I’ve wondered if it’s the lasagna shape that brings her comfort. Maybe sewing her a lasagna pillow will help her? I can see her loving the stuffing out of it.
You know how clingy she gets with Lavender? You’d probably get the same treatment. She’d try to follow you wherever you’re going a lot, even if it’s not a place she can go. 
And she’d try to “help out” with whatever you’re doing, often making it worse. (Pastrami in your carrot cake, anyone?)
But I think it’s best to be patient with her. Most people are just weirded out by her, so she’s grateful to have you. She wants to do things for you and spend time with you, even if she doesn’t say so! If you can find something you could regularly do with her, she’d be ecstatic.
Maybe the two of you could collaborate on a recipe? She’s great at thinking of ideas for those! 
(Thanks! I’m having fun so far!)
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
i get Such big sister vibes from lav, she's one of my biggest comfort characters. could i maybe get some silly headcanons or a drabble of big sister lavender&little (adopted)sibling reader?
YOOO WAIT regarding my last ask, maybe lavender helping their little sibling make their first apron? that's definitely an event that lav would want to be a part of
Good idea! You’re right; there’s no way Lavender would miss such an important event. I mean, she went to the Apron Ceremony of the kid who nearly killed her mom; she’d have to go to her own little sibling’s.
The below assumes you’re physically capable of sewing; if not, Lavender would provide any aid you need!
I imagine the ceremony would be right on your 11th birthday. I mean, you can do it later, but the Thyme family has always made a point of having it right on time, and they’re not about to stop now!
If you’re nervous, that’s understandable. No one likes to do something they’ve never done before in front of a bunch of people. And what if the sewing needle pricks you?
Lavender would assure you it’s okay. No one expects it to be perfect. Besides, we all remember what her first apron looked like. She’d be happy to show it to you.
After you both had a laugh, she’d offer to help! The only part you have to do yourself is attaching the straps. (And that’s only if you physically can.) For the rest, others can help as much as you need.
But if that’s true, you may ask, why does your apron look like that?
“What can I say?” she’d reply. “I bite off more than I can chew.”
That would extend to you; she’d frequently offer an idea for how to enhance the design. A fancy trim, an embroidered picture, combining two patterns of fabric…
But even if you agreed, she’d stop herself. A first apron should be simple. She learned that the hard way.
Only one of her ideas would make it to the final apron: pockets. She seems to be big on those.
Even if you wanted her to do all of the sewing, she’d insist you do some of it yourself. You’ll have to know how for the ceremony.
Before you knew it, you’d have a main piece! Without getting pricked even once!
Naturally, you’d wonder where you’ll get the straps. This is the only question that wouldn’t yield a clear answer. “You’ll see…”
When the big day arrived, everything would proceed as usual. The officiant would ask the presenter of the straps to step forward.
And to your surprise, Lavender would emerge from the crowd. Carrying the straps from her very first apron. (The length is adjusted as necessary, of course.)
She’d hand it to you and step back. “Just like I taught you.”
And, perhaps not perfectly, but well enough, you’d take the needle and chef’s thread and complete the apron. All the while, Lavender would look at you with tears in her eyes.
After the ceremony was over, she’d be the first to run up to you and wrap you in a warm hug. “You did it! I’m so proud of you!”
Of course, she’d make your favorite food for you afterwards.
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
This is an imagines blog for the TV show Whisked! I’m surprised nobody made one already. Requests are open, so come on in, and be sure to read the rules first.
—Mod Lavender
(By the way, Whisked is not a real show. We’re going to make it up together. Please read the pinned post on the blog for details!)
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
Hi, fellow Whiskers! You’ve reached the very first imagines blog for Whisked! Honestly, I’m surprised no one else has made one yet. I’m Mod Lavender, and I look forward to making your ideas come to life! I’m willing to write:
Romantic, platonic, and familial
Headcanons and oneshots
Canon/Reader or Canon/Canon
Here are the rules:
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or other bigotry of any kind.
SFW only, please. I plan to allow minors here.
Reader will be gender neutral unless otherwise requested.
No incest or pedophilia. Please do not request a ship between two characters who are related, or a minor and an adult.
Maximum of 5 characters per request if it’s a set of headcanons, and 2 if it’s a oneshot
Due to personal comfort, please only submit romantic Canon/Reader requests if the character is at least 18 years old. I’ll do platonic Canon/Reader requests for minors or ship minors with each other, but please nothing romantic for Canon/Reader requests.
I may add more as I think of them! For now, have fun!
…Hey, wait a second. What’s Whisked?
Here’s where I explain what’s really going on with this blog. You see, Whisked isn’t real. It’s not a real show. I’m making it up. And the idea behind this blog is you’ll make it up with me!
By sending in requests and, if you so choose, fanart, you’ll help me expand the lore of this fake show. So far I have exactly two pieces of information:
1.) It’s a fantasy set in a world with a magic system based around food and cooking.
2.) The main character’s name is Lavender Thyme.
But hypothetically, let’s say you send in an ask about someone named Sam. That would add another character to the “canon”, and my response would establish some basic information about them. You’re not just limited to making up new characters; you can also ask about one we’ve already mentioned.
Everything we’ve established as “canon” so far will be compiled in this Google Doc. Be sure to check it before you send in an ask to make sure you don’t contradict anything!
Now, before you start sending in requests, I do have some rules:
Please follow the rules I listed above. Do not send in a ship request for two characters we’ve already decided are related or a minor and an adult. If we haven’t already established their ages or that they’re related, I will take a request as meaning they’re not related, and that they’re either both minors or both adults.
Following the above bullet, please do not send in a romantic Canon/Reader request for a character already decided to be a minor. If their age has not already been decided, then my responding to a Canon/Reader request will mean the character is at least 18 years old (or the equivalent in their species).
Try not to contradict anything that’s already been established in the document. We’re following “yes, and” rules. It’s okay if you get minor things wrong, but if it says in the document that Lavender is 6 years old, but you send in an ask insisting Lavender is 75, we’ll never get anywhere.
On the flip side, note that if it isn’t in the document, it has not been established yet. You are free to decide a character’s age, appearance, gender, pronouns, or even species if it is not explicitly listed in the document. Feel free to get creative!
I reserve the right to reject any ask and not insert it into the canon.
This one isn’t strictly necessary, but phrase your requests as if Whisked is a real show that you are a fan of. Instead of “I’d like to add a character named Sam to the canon,” say “Could I get some platonic headcanons for Sam?”
Now that the hard and fast rules are out of the way, I have some suggestions for how to get the most out of your request. This way, you’ll make a significant contribution to the Whisked canon! (And it won’t just be me doing all the work.)
Add some detail! Yes, you could just ask for “lavender relationship headcanons”, but then everything new we learn about Lavender will come from what I write. Why not include a detail from the show? If, for example, you request a date with Lavender at [location name here], we now know that this location exists on the show! Alternately, you can say something about why you like Lavender!
Be mindful of AUs. You could request Lavender and company in a coffee shop AU, but how much would that tell us about the show, really? Slap enough AUs onto a piece of media, and the source material becomes nearly unrecognizable. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send in AU requests! I recommend asking about one of those “canon, but this one thing is different” AUs! For example, an AU where a certain character never died. If you request that, we now know A, the character exists, and B, they died sometime before or during the events of the show.
If you want to be the one to decide what a character looks like, feel free to send in fanart! Ideally for one of the imagines, but you can also just send in general fanart if you want. My only request is that you only decide the appearance of one character at a time. That is, each person can only send art of one character whose appearance has not been established per week. Please don’t send in a picture of the entire cast. That would be cheating.
I may add more as I think of it. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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