#and that every time we do so we create new timeline branches whose closest versions sometimes intersect and cause mandela effect errors
lumiimoss · 2 years
i feel like once you get fully immersed in the reality shifting space, there's three ways you can go:
- ending up forgetting about it and moving on like nothing happened because your life starts to be okay again
- restructuring your entire view of reality around it and developing philosophical beliefs about the nature of the multiverse fabric and the self that would make Aristotle think he ate the wrong mushroom, and telling absolutely nobody who isn't just as immersed as you because it doesn't exactly come up very often
- you've read every word ever written or spoken by Neville Goddard. you've read the fulltext versions of everything covered by the Gateway project. Wim Hof himself has manifested in your dreams to teach you the perfect breathing method to achieve everything you've ever wanted. every piece of digital audio that crosses your eardrums is underlaid with a subliminal or binaural beats. you start your mornings by taking an out-of-body stroll down the street and end the day with a dose of DMT you synthesized yourself from an iceplant, you have an Ayahuasca retreat scheduled for next February, and the shifting amino you started in seems like a kindergarten. also, you're having an affair with Legolas in one universe and Bucky Barnes in another, you're still not quite sure how this happened and even Reddit doesn't have answers for this one.
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