#and that isl*m is like this scary m*ddle eastern religion
This is a personal post but it'll probally end up in some tag because Tumblr sucks like that, censoring words to prevent that. I'm never going to forget how even the people claiming to be prop*lestine managed to reduce P*lestinians to a tool or a spectacle, or managed to dehumanize them in some other way. Like turning this conflict into "which religion is most evil: Isl*m vs J*daism edition" or treated this like some sort of trend to get attention on the internet.
There are so many things that keep coming out of this that I'm thinking about. People in my life who are still on the "vote blue" train after watching B*den fully endorce and aid fucking genocide. People who don't even question the systems they live under after this.
If you say free P*lestine but still flat out refuse to really think about how you view people of color, government and police, people who don't look like you, I simply do not trust you. I don't care that you did the bare minimum of condemning genocide which is literally just what should be default.
When the dust settles, are you going to pat yourself on the back for saying something and go back to thinking your S*kh coworker who wears a turbin is suspicious? Are you going to going to look down on women in hijab and niqāb? Are you going to go back to ignoring shitty racist ass behavior from your friends because it's awkward? Are you going to go vote for B*den again? Are you going to keep dating that guy who calls people slurs? Are you going to start supporting our own native people or go back to supporting shitty propaganda and offensive depections of them? Did you learn fucking anything from this?
Nothing like current events to show the true colors of people around you, I guess.
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