#and thats with the muscle relaxants ๐Ÿ™ƒ
am-3w ยท 1 year
Holy hell its been a rough few days ๐Ÿ˜…
So we were planning a baby sprinkle for saturday afternoon, just a bbq, some games and a diaper raffle. Friday afternoon D stayed home with the kids while i ran a few errands for the party. I got home a little before 9. By 10 pm I was pretty crampy and uncomfortable but figured i just pushed myself a little much. By midnight i got in the bath to try to soothe some pain, by 1am I was vomiting back to back until 6am. I hadnt had anything in my stomach so i was just puking up water and stomach bile ๐Ÿคข
I went into L&D and then gave me fluids and said "you must have food poisioning and youre really dehydrated". Well yeah, i havent kept anything down in 10+ hours by that point. They told me to come back if i still cant drink in 24 hours.
I went home and did nothing but sleep, take hot baths and take Tylenol for the next 24 hours. When itd get to 1 1/2 to 2 hours before i could take more tylenol Id literally be shaking and crying. I told D Id take the epidural now if i could ๐Ÿ˜‚. Went back to L&D and they scolded me for "still being dehydrated" even though thats why i was there? They sent me home with a perscription of zofran.
Called my OB on monday and a nurse wrote me off on the phone and said "its probabaly just food poisioning" again. ๐Ÿ™ƒ but we scheduled an appointment with a midwife for Tuesday.
Tuesday I go in, i can barely walk, im shaky, pale, at this point i literally felt like i was dying.
The midwife talks to me and says theres no way its still food poisioning especially because i stopped puking two days prior. I mentioned my stomach has felt like ive had a 4 day long contraction and when she tries to feel my stomach I literally burst into tears, it hurts so badly. She thinks I injured my stomach muscles from throwing up so much, along with off setting my pelvis and she could bet the pain i was feeling was my hips pulling apart simiarly to how they do in active labor ๐Ÿ™ƒ. She perscibed some muscle relaxers, ive only taken two doses and am in half the pain I was in before. I also couldn't eat anything in those 4 days because of the pain and dropped 10 lbs.
Hey people, maybe try listening when someone tries to tell you something is wrong with their body??
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