#and the abrupt negative change in just the ability to have small everyday pleasures is giving me whiplash
novadreii · 2 years
this is a such first-class whine from a lower-middle-class citizen, but hear me out. the covid era has been dogshit (precursor, not the point lol). it killed, (further) divided and frightened us. the final kick in the nuts is that we really don’t benefit from any of the Panaceas for Shit Life anymore. the puppet masters have tightened the purse strings and made everything unaffordable. and what IS left that is affordable is just...crap. shite, even. have y’all noticed how mediocre stuff like cheap junk food/takeout is now? most forms of media? the stuff meant to distract and soothe us average jobhavers from going bonkers in the hamster wheel.
6+ years ago, we all at least all knew a few cheap, bomb and reliable places to eat out once in a while. a treat. you could eat takeout on a friday night while picking a reasonably well produced and thought-provoking movie from the one major, well organized streaming service (that cut your tv bill to $7/month, wahoo!). you might even partake in some say, drugs/alcohol to get a little silly with it. maybe you were more of a dine-out person, and made a night of it with friends. you had a good time and didn’t have to forgo groceries that week to make up for it.
now, the food and tv is boldly served, expensive ass. you can’t afford drugs, a book is $50. hobbies take up precious time and energy. ANY service you need is slow and unresponsive. people are tired. like, this is not the depression talking! things are worse, more expensive sure, but why couldn’t they have at least remained the same QUALITEA? why skimp on materials and production?
and then it occurred to me. is it our fault? are the price skyrockets and decrease in the quality of goods separate issues, in fact? one a consequence of opportunistic greed, and the other simply that market forces have determined that we are willing to pay those increased prices for less? the corporation is always experimenting to see what it can get away with. cheaper materials, less concern for our safety, well being, entertainment and enrichment. if we buy them at a certain prices in certain numbers that fit their optimized projections, they sell it. simple as that. are we just accepting the capitalism we think we deserve? or did they just financially ream us so badly that we had no choice to settle for worse product?
#this post is brought to you by the revelation the thought of watching bridgerton gave me#this is the schlock being served nowadays#everything is soulless and laden with social justice in an insincere way#like here have your fucking diversity and representation slayyyyy and shut the fuck up audience!!!!!#but it's bad.#bad writing bad production#there's a lot less critique of The System but again when they have it it's superficial af#like i can't even distract myself by binging tv anymore that is sad#all that's left to do is pirate old stuff#comb the archives#sometimes i wonder if i'm just becoming an old coot but i'm not imagining things#things were significantly better a pretty short chunk of time ago#and the abrupt negative change in just the ability to have small everyday pleasures is giving me whiplash#if feels like a whine because they really make us feel like we barely deserve basic food health and shelter#but we fucking deserve to thrive and feel good too#we deserve a couple of controlled vices if we have to go to work and give up a huge chunk of our lives for them#i have a business degree but i am no economist market forces are so fucked to me#because i am a i would just give you the sandwich type person at heart#i have a lot of internalized capitalism probably but damn even if i was rich i wouldn't want people to struggle so hard#they can be rich and we can be content in our simpler lives they can both happen at the same time#why does it have to be this way????#should i watch bridgerton btw?
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