#and the half that does is constantly battling the unfolded clothes and the customers asking questions and the MELTED CHEESE
nightmareonpeachstreet · 11 months
team lead asking how many pallets we got thru today… there were 2 of us (after the first half of my shift I lost my other person making it only 1 of us) and a full softlines girl we didn’t get thru 1 single pallet
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evangeline-perry · 7 years
Thorin x reader: more than just an everyday lass
Summary: you fell in love with thorin during your journey, but when the dragon illness struck him, he hurt you and you left. After the battle (he, fili and kili survive), he realizes what he did and tries to find you but can’t. It was unknown to him that you weren’t actually who you said you were, but of course a certain wizard knew. ps. You are kind of half hobbit, half elf. It’s more of an oc story, your name is Emilia, nicknamed Mia Pps. I turned you into mia thermopolis, just roll with it please XD
Warning: this fanfic is longer than I expected it to be XD Words: 2056
Thorin POV
It has been weeks since the battle. And I still haven’t found her, but I will, eventually, even if it’s the last thing i’ll ever do. I couldn’t believe that I actually did what I did. I missed her, Emilia, my Mia I searched for hours on end, but her body was nowhere to be found on the battle field so I refused to believe she was dead, so she must have snuck away, back home. I had asked bilbo baggins where she lived but he said he did not know, ‘She only comes to visit the shire every once in a while, she never talked about herself.
your POV
it’s been days, and all he does is waste away among that godforsaken treasure of his. He doesn’t sleep and hardly eats at all. We all gathered in the throne room where thorin sat on his throne, and again we tried to talk sense  to him, hopelessly. ‘Since when do we forsake our own people?’ Dwalin says. Thorin only continued to mutter to himself about the gold. ‘Many die in war, life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend.’ ‘you sit here is there vast halls’, Dwalin says, ‘with a crown upon your head and yet you are lesser now then you have ever been.’ ‘Do not speak to me as if I was some lowly dwarf lord, as if I were still, Thorin Oakenshield, I AM YOUR KING.’ ‘You were alw ays my king, you used to know that once. You cannot see what you have become.’ ‘Go’, thorin says, ‘get out. Before I kill you.’ ‘Thorin please’, I say, barely above a whisper, ‘don’t you see what this place is doing to you? It’s bewitching you! We are not your enemies. Thorin, we need to fight against our real enemies and those are right at our gates…’ ‘SHUT UP!!!’ he snapped at me, he has never snapped at me! ‘You have no say in this, woman. You were never one of us. You… were a burden.’ ‘What?’ Thorin looked at me, he had a scary look in his eyes, the same you would see in a madman. ‘Then again, I guess you never really belonged anywhere, did you? Half elf, half hobbit, people would even see you as a person, you are a creature.’ ‘Enough!’ I snapped, ‘How dare you say such a thing? I have saved you multiple times during the journey, don’t you dare tell me I am a burden, Thorin Oakenshield!’ Then something happened that I would have never imagined. My face shot to the side as Thorins hand came in contact with my cheek. My cheek stung as a single tear rolled down it. I looked him dead in the eye and the man I saw was someone I didn’t recognize anymore. ‘You are not the same man I met all those months ago, you are not the same man I grew close to during the journey, you are not the same man I fell in love with.’ The entire company gasped in surprise, this was as much of a surprise to them as it was to Thorin. It seemed as if Thorin broke through the dragon illness because he tried to take my hand but I wouldn’t let him. I ran away, straight to the main gate, that was the last time Thorin saw me.
*end of flashback*
thorin POV
We were in the library I was lost in thought while I should be listening to what Balin had to say. The main reason why I couldn’t focus was, books, libraries, they reminded my of Mia. The way her eyes lit up when she walked into a library, her smile when she browsed the shelves. However my thoughts were interrupted by fili and kili running through the door followed by Gandalf. ‘Uncle, you may want to see this’, fili said. He handed me a piece of parchment and I unfolded it:
(A/N: before you read the letter: yes I went there XD )
‘King under the Mountain, I hereby invite you to the coronation of my eldest daughter. The ceremony shall be at midsummer’s eve at sunhigh. It would be with deepest pride and greatest pleasure to welcome you into our home. We all hope to see you there. Sincerely, Queen Clarisse Renaldi, and soon-to-be Queen Emilia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi’
Soon-to-be queen Emilia?!?!? I looked around me in shock before passing the letter on to Balin who shared the same look as I had. ‘I’m guessing Emilia isn’t the lass we have come to know. Turns out Mia is more than just an everyday lass.’ Balin said (slightly amused might i add). ‘Midsummer’s eve, that’s in 3 weeks.’ kili said, ‘but the journey to the North takes is long especially in that territory.’ ‘We shall leave immediately, and the entire Company is coming along, I have searched for Mia for so long, now that we found her, I am not going to lose another minute.’ I said while walking out of the room, getting ready to leave as soon as possible.
no one’s POV
Thorin Oakenshield and the Company traveled the harsh conditions of the North in hopes of arriving in Winterfell on time. They had some trouble along the way, if they were lucky, they would arrive just in time for the ceremony. Which they were, they had just enough time to clean up and change into the proper clothing for the coronation. In the main hall he and the company pushed themselves to the front of the crowd, hoping to get a good view as to where you were.
your pov
Meanwhile a certain princess was in her chambers nervously passing, awaiting the upcoming ceremony. Even though i had been preparing for this moment my whole life,I could help but debate with myself whether or not I’d make a good ruler. The maids were helping me get into a gorgeous gown made by the finest seamstresses in Genovia. My grandmother come into my chambers, ‘Hello darling, now I know you have been preparing for your coronation but I want to go over one last lesson with you.’ I nodded thinking it would keep her thoughts at bay. ‘today we’ll be learning the art of the fan.’
(A/N: please excuse my laziness XD, the lesson comes down to that, except the grandma is the mother)
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It was almost sunhigh, after my grandmother left the maids came in to help me dress into a beautiful gown I will be wearing during the coronation. After that, Paolo came in to do my hair, it looked absolutely beautiful.
Me and my grandmother came in from opposite sides of a two way staircase, when we both had walked down the stairs, a member of my grandmothers counsel, helped me onto the steps where the throne stood, where I now sat on while holding the traditional scepter and orb. After this he took the crown from my grandmothers head and put it on mine while another counsel member of the counsel spoke: ‘Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Genovia, according to the statutes in parliament agreed on,and the respective laws and custom of the same? Will you, in your power, cause law and justice and mercy to be executed in all judgments?’ 
I swore: ‘I solemnly promise so to do.’ With that I stood, and walked through the middle of 2 lines of guards who rose their swords so I could walk under them. When I got to the front, the counsel member proclaimed:
‘Presenting Her Majesty Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Queen of Genovia’
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(A/N: just in case you don’t get what i explained, here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf4M0GWjwnk)
that’s when I saw him, thorin oakenshield himself. And the entire Company along with him. I tried to conceal my surprise and keep a straight face, as my grandmother had taught me, to be honest, i barely could but I managed.
*behold, for I am the lady of time skips*
during the party, I was even more nervous than during the preparation of the ceremony. I constantly looked around me not to cross paths with the Company, or worse, Thorin. But that plan didn’t go as I had hoped, when I felt a hand on both my shoulders. I jumped and turned around to be greeted by the one and only Prince’s of Durin, Fili and Kili. They smiled at me but with a slightly sad look in their eyes. ‘Hello Mia, you look beautiful.’ fili began. ‘I must admit, Mia, even though you always looked like a princess to me, I would have never imagined you’d actually be one too, if I may be so rude.’ kili followed. ‘But, Mia…’ ‘Why didn’t you tell us?’ both of them looked a bit hurt. ‘I didn’t think anyone would believe me… and Gandalf made me promise not to tell.’ ‘GANDALF KNEW’ the brothers yelled, getting some weird glances from the surrounding lords and ladies. ‘Yes, he knew.’ the boys looked at each other with a surprised look. ‘anyway Mia, we actually came to talk to you about something else’, kili said. ‘When you left’ fili continued, ‘Thorin completely came to his senses, he has been looking for you ever since.’ ‘He wanted to contact you contact you but he didn’t know where you were staying.’ ‘And when we got that letter, he was overjoyed that he had found you and now we wants to make up for what he did and said to you, Mia.’ ‘That’s true, amrâlimê.’ I suddenly heard from behind me. I turned around to find myself face to face with The King under the Mountain. I didn’t dare look him in the eye, I looked towards the ground. ‘We’ll give you some space’, the brothers said. ‘Mia, I am truly sorry for the things I said to you and that I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you, I swear by all the gods, it’s the last thing I would ever want to do. When you were gone I tried everything to try and find you but I couldn’t, I thought I had lost you forever. But when I read that letter and I had found you again, I knew I had to come here.’ I did not know what to say, nor did I look at him yet. I could hear him step closer to me, suddenly I felt his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His beautiful blue eyes locked on mine. ‘Please, Mia. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I love you with my whole heart and when I watched you leave that day, it was like a piece of me left me as well. I need you by my side, my love, please forgive me.’ His apology left me speechless, he loved me? During the journey he had never shown that kind of interest in me and now here he stood. I had to admit to myself, I never stopped loving him, and something told me I never would. Unable to say anything I let actions speak for themselves. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him, not a second passed until he kissed me back while holding onto my waist. From around us I could hear gasps from the surrounding lords and ladies, but I didn’t care, all I cared about was Thorin here with me, right now. After a while we had to part for air, Thorin whispered to me: ‘Will you be my queen, amrâlimê?’ ‘Yes, I will’, I whispered back.
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