#and the little oku note is really cute… thank you oku you’re lovely oku
mcybree · 8 months
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@spacetrashpile scott aro headcanon incident fanart from oku isn’t this a beautiful world. its also depicting me as the next target which can only spell out good things
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
(Instead of receiving one, there's a note for Okuyasu!)
'Uhhh, hi Oku! How are you? I hope lifes been kind to you lately! Have you eaten anything good? Please tell me you're taking good care of yourself and your dad! So uhm... I've been sitting here for what...? Shit, three or four days now trying to put words to paper and my mind becomes both a jumbled staticy mess with everything I wanna say to you, and completely blank all at the same time! It's been driving me crazy! The only thing I can really put together is that I know I love you!
I love how sweet and generous you are! I love your whole heart! Those beady eyes with so much energy in them and that goofy contagious smile that lights up a room every time you're in it! All your little ticks and quirks! I love it all! I love YOU, Okuyasu! I can't help but melt and feel myself growing as soft as I'm able when I so much as THINK about you and imagine your arms around me! My head pressed to your chest and damn near lulling to sleep by the sound of your heart beating!
I want it all with you.
I just want YOU!
I love you Okuyasu and falling for you like this has been by far, one of the best things to ever happy to me! I just wish I had it in me to tell you to your face but for now I guess this is good enough! I'll see ya around...'
~Anonymous ♡
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Oh hey! 
Thank you, yeah life’s been treating me alright. I’ve gotta say I was pretty surprised to receive a letter instead of having to write one first! Are you some kind of secret admirer? Actually, that’s kinda cool... and very cute too. 
Wow, you love me? I mean... Thank you, I’m really touched that you’d have such strong feelings for me. Is it weird if I tell you that I love you too? I mean... I know you haven’t signed your name or anything but I just get a feeling that you’re someone I have strong feelings for too. 
You’re saying such sweet things to me... I’m really glad you feel this way about me. I guess I’ve never thought someone would be describing me so sweetly before but I’m really glad that you have. I’m gonna treasure this letter! 
I want you too... Uh! I know! Maybe we should meet up sometime, but if you’re shy I get that too! It’d be nice to hear from you again though. I wanna make you feel loved and special too. 
I hope to hear from you again soon!
- Okuyasu 
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Josuke x Reader :: Promposal :: Ch. 5
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summary: A strange new transfer student has enrolled in Budogaoka High School. Josuke falls head over heels for her, but has a limited time to win her over before the school prom.
The accusations thrown at Josuke by his baffled mother were hard to listen to, especially with your face practically burning from it and hearing only ringing in your ears from the shock alone and having to sit in the midst of the two arguing. You decided your best bet was to hurry, pack your stuff and leave. You’d maybe call him later to let him know why you left and tell him that your time together was great, lest he get the wrong idea.
It was easy to sneak past them. They did seem like the types to block everything else out when stubborn. Perhaps that's why some considered him and his friends delinquents.
About an hour later, you found yourself dialing Josuke’s number (or well, his house number) while lazily lying on the bed of your temporary apartment. He had written it at the bottom of his love letter, which you actually bothered to keep amongst all the other ones. 
“Yeah, I see. Thanks for calling me instead of just leaving me hangin’.”
“No problem...I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Sorry for any trouble I’ve caused.”
“No no”, he was quick to disagree, “It’s fine, my mom just gets fussy like that sometimes, its not your fault at all. To be fair I should’ve been paying more attention.”
You frowned. He shouldn’t have blamed himself. You weren’t being entirely courteous as a guest either to fall asleep on him like that. He spoke up before you could say anything about it.
“Did you have fun though---er, get a good study in? I know I did. Cleared up a lot of stuff I was missin’ during class. Thanks a lot for that!” You could hear the grin in his voice. Admittedly, he had a nice voice to listen to. But you convinced yourself that was just a supplementary compliment rather than you starting to have a school girl crush on him like the rest of his groupies.
You wondered what drew them to him in the first place. Was it his hair? It would seem like he’d take pride in having groupies if it was for that reason, being so uptight about his hairstyle and all. Yet he would always look so annoyed whenever they came up to him, so that probably wasn’t the reason. His personality? No, they hardly let him get a word in whenever they bombard him. His height?
...Fair assumption.
“Hey, (Y/N), you there?”
Crap, had you been spacing out?
“Yeah, I’m here.” You replied, rubbing your eyes.
“Do you have time tomorrow for ice cream after school? Its totally cool if you’re not, I understand.”
You did have a bit of studying to do to keep your grades up (and to keep up appearances, but that was less important) but keeping Josuke happy in your friendship did also mean something to you. Skipping one study session wouldn’t be that much of a deal, you could skim through it once you get home anyway.
“Oh no no, I’m down for it.”
Josuke’s tone noticeably turned up an octave after hearing that. “Cool! You wanna come by my house or I’ll come by yours?”
After saying he could pick you up from your own house (especially thinking about how Tomoko would react) he joyfully lets out a ‘sweet!’ and you exchange your goodbyes before hanging up.
One thing you could safely say about Josuke at this point is that he was certainly...interesting. If you had to weigh your options between giving everyone that sent you a letter an opportunity to court you and just only giving Josuke a chance for the time being, the latter set well with you far more.
Classes had passed by rather quickly. It almost seemed like a blur but you didn’t mind it. At first the thought of instantly going home and looking over the notes you took to refresh your memory came into your head, before Josuke and Okuyasu voices behind you made you realize what you had planned already. You had recognized the other two, but hadn’t bothered to hold a single conversation with either of them. 
As far as you knew, they were just ‘the guy who looks like he’s still in elementary’ and ‘the guy that looks like he’s committed a crime before’.
However you would withhold your assumptions for the time being and attempt to get to know them truthfully. They seemed excited to see you, anyway.
“Glad to see you waited for us (y/n!)” Josuke happily said.
You didn’t really. But you forced a smile as if you did anyway.
Josuke stopped behind you and contemplated putting an arm around you like he would his other buddies, but decided against it, thinking maybe the two of you weren’t at that point yet. You didn’t exactly seem like the touchy type either. Instead his hand firmly rested on your shoulder, his face offering a kind, genuine smile towards you. 
Gesturing toward his friends, he began to introduce them. “(Y/n), this is Okuyasu Nijimura and Koichi Hirose. They’ve kinda been excited to meet ya ever since we started hanging out.” Josuke lets out quite the cute chuckle as his free hand finds itself sheepishly behind his neck now.
“Yo!” Okuyasu was quick to greet you with quite possibly the biggest grin you’ve seen anyone sport since you’ve gotten to this country. Koichi on the other hand seemed a little more calm and reserved, saying a simple ‘hello!’ with a wave.
They didn’t seem too bad now as you had thought before, but you’d keep your eye on them. After the introduction Josuke had mentioned that itd be wise to get to the ice cream truck as soon as possible, seeing that it might leave the neighborhood soon. You still were a bit unfamiliar with the area, so you followed behind the other three and let them lead the way.
When the four of you finally arrived to the spot of the parked vehicle, you had just noticed that you’d tuned out the conversation that was had on the way here. Now that you think about it, Okuyasu was pretty swift to wrap an arm around his taller friend’s shoulder and immediately start talking about something else. Maybe it was just your imagination, but you had thought Josuke would’ve been inclined to talk to you during the brief walk. That’s what you were invited for, right? Or is this just what he does with all his friends?
The lack of attention didn’t bother you that badly, as you’re generally used to it, but you still couldn’t help but wonder.
You had walked up to the window to get your own ice cream, before Koichi promptly stopped you, pulling out his own wallet.
“Hey, I can pay for your ice cream for you!”
You blinked, not exactly sure how you were supposed to respond to that. “It’s alright, you don’t have to.”
“No I insist! Don’t worry about it okay?” The small boy smiled at you, a face that was pretty hard for you to resist. Giving a slight nod, he proceeded to pay for it. You did get the biggest size they offered though, who’s to say you couldn’t after he graciously agreed to pay?
You and Koichi walked back to the others, already sitting down in the park with the ice creams and chatting. As you were making your way over there, Josuke looked back at the two of you, his happy grin melding into a guilty wide-eyed frown.
He turned back around when you and his other friend walked past the bench he and Okuyasu sat on to go to another one across from them. Without even glancing at him, you started to eat your ice cream. From the corner of your eye you could see the pompadoured teen lightly tap his clueless friend, motioning them to move to the same bench you and Koichi were.
Trying to prevent things from becoming awkward, Josuke immediately started talking to you as he sat down. “So, (Y/n), is that your favorite flavor?”
You nodded, not trying to get distracted from your melting ice cream.
“Cool, I like that flavor too. I really really like strawberry though, especially the kind they have at the truck.”
“Strawberry’s a good flavor.” Okuyasu chimed in. “But Koichi likes nasty shit, like pistachio. Bleh!” He stuck his tongue out to emphasize his disgust. The shorter teen was slightly offended.
“Hey, its good with the right toppings! At least I don’t bombard my ice cream with everything, if you’re careless like that, you’ll get a cavity!”
Oku dismissively waved his hand. “Whatever. I’ll just go to Tonio’s again and it’ll be good as new, so there’s no problem!” He grinned.
Koichi sighed, and you were left wondering what kind of place “Tonio’s” was.
“Oh right, we need to take (Y/n)-chan there someday!” Josuke added. “Maybe we should do a little tour thing of Morioh for you, would you like that?”
You happily nodded, almost at the end of your ice cream. The three of them had gotten along so naturally
Eventually everyone else got done with theirs and began to throw everything away. Koichi had started on his way home, saying that he was going to start on his studying before his goodbye. Thinking you should do the same, Josuke walked in front of you.
“Hey me and Okuyasu are gonna hang at my house, so we can walk you home first okay?” 
“Okay.” Probably the first time you said something in about an hour. You saw Okuyasu about to walk up with Josuke again, but was stopped immediately and whispered something by Josuke. After which, he hung behind the two of you for the remainder of the walk.
When your apartment was reached, The boys asked if you enjoyed yourself and you happily responded with yes and that you’d love to hang out again, before going up the stairs and waving goodbye.
The two of them stood there for a while, making sure you were safe up until you got inside the house. As you closed the door, Josuke let out a groan and his head sunk into his hands. Okuyasu, obviously concerned by this, put a hand on his shoulder.
“Bro? You okay?”
Jojo shook his head. “Ughh..I can’t believe I let that happen. She must’ve felt so left out. I didn’t even pay enough attention that Koichi paid for her stuff..god..That didn’t look good at all.”
“Hey, you’re not obligated to treat her like a queen or anythin’. You’re still just friends right now right?” He tried to reassure his downtrodden friend.
“Yeah but...I still feel like a dick. I invited her there..Plus there’s also the fact that she’s got a limited time here in Morioh..” His blue eyes widened after saying that statement, the realization just now hitting him. It was so silent all the boys could hear was the slight breeze ruffling the trees.
“Huh, now that I think about it, why are you tryin’ to woo someone who’s a transfer student? Seems kinda rough to get someone to fall for you in a few weeks...unless you’re Yukako.”
“Goddammit Okuyasu, I don’t get to choose who I fall in love with!” 
His fist balled up again, lips going dry as he resented saying things before thinking about them first. 
Before he could say anything else, the teens noticed a slight shift in the window blinds where a light was on in your apartment. 
‘Holy crap, i hope thats not her, i’d shit myself if it is!’
“C-C’mon Okuyasu, lets get out of here, I-I’ll race you!” He bolted down the sidewalk in the direction of his house, with his best friend in tow. 
It was you who had peeked out the window from your living room, but only because you were startled by the sound of someone shouting. You didn’t see anyone when you fully pulled the blinds back, must’ve been your imagination. Putting the window back as it was, you returned to your studying.
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