#and the other thing ab it was we had student addicts/dealers in that class
bbyboybucket · 2 months
Just saw a post that reminded me of this but I didnt wanna add to a meme so I’m saying it separately, but anytime I see anything about the phonetic alphabet it reminds me of my insane art teacher who was on drugs, and I’m not just speculating that or believing a rumor, she’d tell us herself about her drug escapades and how she’d sometimes come in hungover, she just never got in trouble bc her husband was rich af.
Anyways, she’d always be talking ab the craziest stuff and this one time she just randomly sat down at the table with me n my friends (which she’d do a lot actually?) and was randomly telling us about how to get out of the woods if you ever get lost and was trying to teach us the phonetic alphabet bc apparently if we knew it, we’d be able to get someone to save us from being lost in the forest ??? Like idk what was happening, we were just trying to do our drawing assignment and she tried to give us 4 a private lesson on survival and the phonetic alphabet
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