#and the people saying “but he destroyed the animatronics!” MY GUY THEY WERE TRYING LITERALLY KILL HIM 😭
spinspoon · 11 months
gregory and cassie are friends they are BESTIES gregory did NOT betray cassie the entire thing was a TRAP end post
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Okay we all know that Leo loves his brothers more than anything, he has literally tried to sacrifice himself for his brothers multiple times & we were all there for the ‘I’m nothing without them’ line
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But I feel like we also should acknowledge the part of Leo’s relationship with his brothers that is just, Leo’s brother’s annoying him until he nearly gets a migraine. 
Everyone always places Leo as the annoying sibling but Rise Leo has to deal with his brothers raising his blood pressure just as much as any other Leo does.
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Raph: Good thing we didn’t do Leo’s idea of being afraid of spiders! Ha!
Leo: I don’t know I still don’t trust her!
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Raph: HA! In your face!
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Raph: HA! In your face! And yours! And yours! And yours again!
Yes Raph loves his brothers very much, he takes care of them & looks out for them ect He also teases & makes fun of them relentlessly & Leo is his primary target for said teasing. In the traditional Raph VS Leo fashion Raph has made countless jokes at Leo’s expense & when he’s teasing his brothers in the episode Sidekick Ahoy! He literally rubs getting the Jupiter Jim sidekick position in Leo’s face twice.
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Leo: Then give us ice for our horribly mangled bodies!
Donnie: ... It melted
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Donnie: Sheldon needs time to recharge before firing his anti- turtle ray
Leo: Why is that a ray Donnie!?
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Leo: You turned a cuddly animatronic bear into a psychotic robot bent on destroying us? No? Got April fired? Hmm? Nothing?
Donnie: That does not sound like me
I’m pretty sure that Leo is a vast majority of Donnie’s impulse control there are countless times when Donnie’s first instinct is over the top violence & Leo is the first one to pull him back but if that wasn’t enough to deal with Donnie has a tendency for trying to avoid admitting wrong doing as well just deciding he’s going to make Leo’s day a bit more difficult sometimes.
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Leo: So when she kept growing that wasn’t a clue to stop screaming?
Mikey: Sorry, but hopefully Raph heard me
Leo: Astronauts heard you!
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Leo: This is not a compatition!
Mikey: Says the guy with zero unicorns.
 Leo loves Mikey, he’s probably Mikey’s biggest supporter & Mikey loves & looks up to Leo so much but as emotionally mature as Mikey can be sometimes, Mikey is still the youngest of his brothers which means there are times where he acts immature & either doesn’t read the situation correctly & puts himself & his brothers in danger or he doesn’t take the situation seriously & makes things more difficult. Either way it gives Leo a lot of stress to deal with.
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Leo: Come on! Come on! Come on! Help us fight these guys!
Mikey: No! I want a refill on my coconut!
Raph:  Take us back to Tahiti!
Donnie: More Tahiti!
Leo loves his brothers, he is literally willing to give his life for them on multiple occasions & they are the people he trusts & believes in most but in a true sibling fashion they are also a constant source of stress for Leo. Just because Leo isn’t the oldest in Rise does not mean that his brothers aren’t constantly raising his blood pressure. 
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As much as I like matpat I am dreading when he plays ruin because this is just going to fuel his 'gregory is evil' stich which I HATE.
Like, maybe stop demonizing this 9 year old. I get it, he has committed many crimes, as he should, and destroyed the glamrocks, but they can be FIXED. THEY ARE ROBOTS. THEY CAN BE PUT TOGETHER AGAIN AND ARE EVEN STILL FUNCTIONAL EVEN AFTER BEING SHATTERED.
You know who can't be fixed if he loses an arm or an eye? GREGORY (because he isn't a robot because FUCK THAT) like???
He is a homeless kid, of course he's going to be a brutal little shit and prioritizes survival against morals, he is on the fucking streets, and the animatronics have been trying to kill him for an entire night, making him run all across the PizzaPlex. You know how fucking big that place is!?
Also, him betraying Cassie makes zero sense for multiple reasons,
1: He went through fucking hell for Freddy and he only knew him for 6 hours, like. He was willing to steal a car and live with him on the road in one ending, tries to save him in the Afton ending, carries his head around, and is shown to cry when he's disassembled, something he is only seen to do in the Bad Ending or when Freddy is ok.
Even when Freddy is possessed by Peepaw William, instead of trying to dismantle him, he tries to save him instead, when if it was any other animatronic he wouldn't have hesitated to destroy them.
Because of what the cutouts in Roxy Raceway tell us, Gregory and Cassie have a close friendship, him being the only one to show up to her birthday and giving her a napkin to clean up her tears. When you see his missing posters, you can see Cassie is crying, and due to him being homeless, she probably made those posters herself.
(which i am sorely disappointed if no one has made an angsty thing yet c'mon guys)
(I HC them as siblings, but I guess steel wool said fuck you entropy)
So why, if he was willing to do all of that for Freddy, where it was a plot point for all of the endings, would he betray Cassie and try to kill her? It doesn't make sense to me, adding onto my other point:
2: At the end, as everyone predicted, the mimic was pretending to be Gregory this entire time. I don't know why exactly it was luring cassie, probably to kill her or something, but the mimic is a whole other rant because it brings the books explicitly and that means GGY could be canon which. Ugh.
Anyways, it's revealed again to everyone's predictions, that Gregory isn't in the PizzaPlex, which I think is a missed opportunity but that's just me. Cassie escapes the Mimic and 'gregory' says that she awakened it (Afton) and then the elevator falls.
I see people saying that Gregory killed her, but my question is how?
If he isn't anywhere in the PizzaPlex, and can only see the layout, how was he able to cut the elevator wires if not physically present? Did he teleport? Did he magically get into the mainframe and somehow break it down? No.
In conclusion, if there's an installment following this it better not have a villain Gregory or I swear to God steel wool I am able to forgive you for hello neighbor I will NOT forgive you for that
EDIT: just some more things I want to add because MatPat is playing ruin and I am fueled with dread and excitement.
I see people bringing up the books and the whole patient 46 or 42 or 420 or whichever the fuck, which is still do not get, but I don't understand most things in this franchise anyways so.
Even if the mimic and GGY are canon, I still firmly believe that gregory's actions (if he did do them) were manipulated by William/Glitchtrap, with him being mind-controlled like Vanessa. If your going to demonize him for that, then you would have to do the same thing for Vanessa, who has canonically killed enough children to fill out a newspaper as seen in the Bad Ending when it's revealed Gregory is homeless.
(I don't know how or when old willy put his hands on my boy's mind, but It is not because he is a robot because he isn't. the only reason Freddy say's he's broken is because of censorship.
(PS, please stop censoring horror franchises unless it's actually depicts idk SA, talking to you Megan Is Missing. The original line was that gregory cut himself while in the vents. you didn't need to censor that idqbnofq)
Also, for people saying that Gregory is sadistic for destroying and harvesting the animatronics....
I see your point, and I raise that he is a homeless child who probably just got out of mind-control and is now being chased around a massive mall bigger than a 10 Walmart's and Targets put together, trying to escape 3 (4 and 5 if you count sun & moon and a hell of a lot more counting the security bots and damn endos) eight to seven foot hunks of heavy metal and sharp teeth capable of and known for destroying security bots because of Pizza and Jealousy Issues (Roxy and Chica) another that's infamous for destroying fences, his own room and is rumored/thought to have destroyed another robot, and a security guard who, (in yet again deleted voice lines that should have been in the game god damnit steel wool) he saw change into a skipping bunny with a kitchen knife all trying to kill him with only one protector for 6-7 hours straight with barely a moment to breathe.
What do you expect? him to be all "I'm so sorry *cries* let's all be friends!!" NO. in a better world and in a better made game maybe we could have that, but in this world no. Maybe he's a little remorseful, but in the way you kill a bug kind of remorseful.
Also, again, homeless children who probably had to raise themselves aren't going to be the most morally aware children, of course he's going to worry about his and the one person/robot who took care of him in a while above the ones who are attempting to murder him.
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novalizinpeace · 2 years
im curious about your feelings on everyone saying that gregory is the villain for destroying the animatronics, and people saying that the animatronics deserved to be destroyed? imo: im annoyed you cant free them from being controlled cause i just dotn want to hurt them, and it really annoys me when people say gregory is the villain/the animatronics deserved it
my Au probably give you an idea about how i feel about the animatronics , but if i need to be more clear, here, the only villain in the game.
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warning: rant/long text/my opinion
About Gregory, lest remember that:
1-He's a child
2-He's homeless
His survival instincts are in all power for the situation he's in, for all we know Freddy is the first grown up that has being kind to him (and freddy isn't even a human!). I can't blame him for don't trust the other animatronics, even if Freddy tell him that their are his friend, Gregory can just think ''they're trying to hurt me'', and in a fight or flight situation, Gregory take the first option, probably 'cause it has work for him before. I'm sure that everybody that think Gregory is the bad guy would be crying if Montgomery come to them breaking fucking doors, that scary even for a adult! I give points to Gregory for not shit his pants in any moments.
Now, about the animatronics, their aren't the bad guys neither, please people remember the william's virus, you know, that think that make everything in the pizzaplex corrupted? For all we know the animatronics were just fine before this happen, and kids love them (except for Sun/Moon, but that more for ther design), if they were sane like Freddy im sure they would protect Gregory from Vannesa/Vanny, hell, montgomery probably would break a fucking wall so he can go, Roxy would take one of the gokarts and give it to him so he can escape more fast, and chica... well, chica would give him dinner! Gregory never eat during the game, the kid must be hungry.
And even, after being destroyed and recover their mind, if Gregory or Freddy told them what happen im pretty sure their would never be mad, actually! they would even be worry about the idea of almost hurt a child, their are programmed to be nice to them!
Now, Vanny and William are obviously the bad guys here, please, tell me there no people out there telling that they're nice and loving bunnies, 'cause that people need to see at least a 2 hours videos of all the shit William had make, and we can remember that Vanny is literally using a body of a innocent to kill children? 'cause she already kill children! In the newspaper in the bad ending we can see at least 6 missing children, and we all know that their put ''missing'' at a ways of censoring ''killed'', she is already a killer.
and we all know FE is a greddy and horrible company, they had seen at least 5 differents place being shut down or burn to ashes in the past, and what they do? MAKE-MORE. They can't just, go to bankrupt? How in jesus heaven they can still had money after all this? Oh well, i know, if i remember correctly some of William and Henry stuff were sell TO THE GOVERMENT, yes! so FE is probably being funded by the goverment of any-place-they-are, i remember i hear in a video something like ''if William were still alive and being part of FE, the crazy man would probably have the world in his hand'', and that true, if William were a normal man and Henry were still his friend, they would probably make the AI that we see in SB by the time FNAF 1 take places, both man were fucking genius! But now William is a eternal zombie, and Henry is death, so we just have a company that don't care about all the children that had died down their name, a big monster that, ironically, created some of the most sentient and human robots in their world.
And that's my rant about that! Sorry if i sound rude (or if i make some mistake in my writting), but some things in this fandom remember me why i left in the first place, please, don't make me go again, i really like those guys.
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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1107: The Land that Time Forgot
Watching the opening credits of this actually made me do a double-take – the name Colin Farrell appeared on the screen and I was like, wait, what the fuck?  Wouldn’t he have been like two years old?  Well, I looked it up and learned that I was wrong: The Land that Time Forgot was made in 1975, and the Colin Farrell I was thinking of wasn’t even born until a year later.  At least that woke me up.
It’s World War I, and a passenger ship is torpedoed by a German submarine.  The only survivors are a few sailors, Doug McClure, and a Dr. Lisa Clayton who serves as the movie’s designated pretty girl.  The nearest thing to rescue in sight is the submarine itself when it surfaces a few hours later – so they climb aboard, storm the hatch, and take over the ship.  At first it seems that all they have to do now is head for home, but they soon learn that the Germans have sabotaged the compass.  They’ve come ashore instead at the mysterious lost continent of Caprona. Naturally this is a land of cavemen and dinosaurs, and in order to escape the British and the Germans must put aside their differences and work together.  Only then will they be able to get back to the real world and resume shooting at each other.
While At the Earth’s Core comes across as a movie nobody gave a much of a shit about, there are places where The Land that Time Forgot is surprisingly artful and well-made.  In particular the first half-hour has several very nice moments in it, especially in the way it uses sound.  After the opening credits, the music totally vanishes for a third of the film.  The only background sounds are the lapping of waves and the creaking of the submarine, which makes gunshots and explosions all the more jarring when they happen.  It also makes this part of the movie seem very grounded and real, which contrasts with the more fantastical stuff that happens in Caprona.  The first sight of the Capronan cliffs is accompanied by the return of the soundtrack, which ushers us out of this more real world and into the fantasy beyond.
I feel like if Amicus had just set out to make a suspense movie about WWI submarines, a sort of early-20th-century Balance of Terror, they could have done a pretty fair job.  Several scenes, such as when the characters are all sitting in the dinghy waiting for the sub to surface, or when they’re diving to escape the British ship firing on them and aren’t sure if the hull will hold, are very effective indeed. The interior of the sub is an appropriately creepy and claustrophobic place, and details like the slight swinging of the lamp in the captain’s office remind us that we’re at sea.  The miniature sub surfacing, with water pouring off it, looks lovely.  The giant squid that passes by them un-noticed in the dark is my favourite ‘creature’ moment.
Unfortunately, there’s also stuff that sucks.  What ought to be the ‘action’ sequences are just a bunch of guys in very similar jackets and sweaters punching each other in the fog, and you can’t tell who’s who or which side is winning.  The conversation between the captain and Dr. Clayton attempts to make the point that when your country’s at war it’s impossible to ‘stay out of it’ no matter how much of a pacifist you, personally, may be, but it’s too heavy-handed to work properly… though I do like how the two of them are able to bond over a shared interest in biology.  I have no idea what happened in the tunnel that damaged the submarine, because the exterior shots are just blackness with a few rocks.
Then we hit the dinosaurs.  These are honestly fairly impressive for the time the film was made.  We don’t get a good first impression, as the first ones we get a good look at are three completely stiff pterodactyls circling like they’re hanging from a baby’s mobile.  The rest are puppets, stop motion, and animatronics, and the people who decided which technique to use for which shot had a good grasp of what each is best at.  The greenscreen work is sometimes crummy but there are some lovely matte paintings, and for the most part the effects here are good enough to tell the story without being distracting.  There’s even some attempt to portray the dinosaurs as animals with behaviours, rather than monsters that exist only to menace the humans.
So I actually have quite a bit of praise for this movie.  That’s not what my blog is about, though.  This blog is about movies that suck, so let’s look at the bad parts of The Land that Time Forgot.
Well, there’s the standard stuff.  The day-for-night is bright enough that it was obviously shot in the daytime while still being dark enough that you can’t tell what’s going on. The human inhabitants of Caprona are stupid cartoon Neanderthals with dark makeup on their faces but not their arms and legs, who become whiter and whiter as they move up the evolutionary scale. The motion of the dinosaurs may be pretty good but the design of them is ugly and lumpy, with far too many teeth even on the herbivores.  This is partly because we didn’t know nearly as much about dinosaurs in the seventies, but the movie’s fat carnosaurs with their lizard-like heads would have been ugly and inaccurate in the thirties.  Compare them, for example, to Charles R. Knight’s Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops from freaking 1927.
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Many ‘lost world’ scenarios will simply present us with t-rex fighting a saber-toothed tiger and expect us not to question it.  The Land that Time Forgot gives us an reason of sorts for its mixing of geological eras, but not one that makes any sense.  From Om’s conviction that he will become a ‘Stolu’ and Dr. Clayton’s explanation of what’s going on in the giant coconut hot tub, we gather that each individual organism on Caprona evolves from a single cell to a complex being, following the entire history of its species’ evolution.  This appears to have been inspired by the fact that embryos ‘evolve’ as they develop, going through phases in which they have things like gills before losing them.  The phenomenon, called 'recapitulation', was considered one of the original pieces of evidence for evolution and I guess I can accept how they use it here.  The problem is that the movie refuses to state it clearly, which gives the impression that the writers were kind of embarrassed by the idea.
The biggest problem with two-thirds of The Land that Time Forgot is that once the characters reach Caprona, the story more or less comes to a screeching halt.  The parts set on the submarine were quite tightly-focused.  Now we are technically still seeing the same story, as they try to find fuel in order to get them back to civilization, but we also stop for long sequences of people climbing hills and dinosaurs wandering around in the dark, or pointless arguments between the British and German sailors.  In a dinosaur movie we obviously need a little bit of people standing around going oooooh and aaaaah, but they go about it all wrong here.
Then there’s the ending, which quite literally destroys everything we’ve seen so far.  The characters are on the verge of saving the damsel in distress, escaping the island, and celebrating the power of international cooperation, and then at the last minute the volcano erupts and it all goes to hell.  A volcano erupting at the end of a movie that is not about a volcano erupting will always be a deus ex machina, because there’s nothing characters can do to cause or prevent it – it’s never anything but a coincidence.  The need to escape prompts the Germans to turn on the British and try to leave without Dr. Clayton and Doug McClure, and their karmic punishment is to be cooked to death by volcanic gases in their own submarine.  Clayton and McClure are left behind on the shore while everything around them catches fire. This doesn’t feel like a conclusion to the story we’ve just seen.  It feels more like somebody just really hates happy endings, and ripped one out from under us at the last moment.
There are a few things in this movie that could have counted as thematic material if anyone had cared, but nothing is ever done with any of them. Om is a ‘bolu’, a lower order of cavemen, and he never seems to notice Dr. Clayton, nor do the slightly higher ‘stolu’.  It is the ‘golu’, the most human-like of them all, who attempt to kidnap and rape her. I doubt this was an attempt to say anything about human nature.  It seems to have been done that way just because it wasn’t yet time for Dr. Clayton to be in peril until the climax of the film.
Likewise, Jonah and the bots comment on the fact that this is a movie about Europeans coming to a new country, shooting the inhabitants, and generally making a mess as they search for petroleum.  Within the story this is not a colonial urge, as the characters have no plans to settle, but a matter of life and death, and again it seems like nobody thought very deeply about it.  It was just a thing that needed to happen to make the plot work.
Enough went right in this movie that the things which went wrong really do become a terrible shame.  A great deal of effort seems to have gone into just about everything, but a few poor writing choices mean that the result is not very good, yet not bad enough to be enjoyed on that level either.  If I were contemplating this as a potential Episode that Never Was, I honestly think I would have decided against it.  It just doesn’t have the kind of personality I associate with a good MST3K movie.
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mazanica · 5 years
So I felt a desire to list some, though not all because that would take too long, of my AUs. So here are main AUs and some favourite AUs of mine!
(includes AUs I’ve yet to write or publish, but have planned out, and links to the ones started/that have anything written for them)
Phantom Watchers (Aliens AU): TW- Contains mental, emotional and physical abuse of a child. Bandi Cator is the son of General Commander Akrai Cator and Head Doctor of Sciences Aniya Martel, of the planet Lapinia. He isn’t sure who he really is, but it’s never mattered before... until he wakes up on a strange planet, alongside 11 others... and a mysterious group watching from the skies. (xx)
One Stormy Night on Lakeview Road (Vampire AU): When Goldie and his friends were children, they went into the old abandoned mansion on Lakeview Road and met the long-missing Fischbach family, whom they knew for only a single stormy night. Twelve years later, Goldie is the only one who remembers everything that happened that night and to believe that it was real- and he is the first to figure out just what was really living in the abandoned mansion. (xx)
Beneath Their Masks (High School AU): TW- CONTAINS SEVERE ABUSE, from physical, mental/psychological, emotional and sexual. Also contains cliques and highschool bullying. Spring and his friends are trying to survive their final year of highschool without anyone finding out their little secrets. Goldie and his friends are trying to enjoy their final year of just “being kids.” However, when new science teacher Mike Schmidt partners Spring’s group with members of the Fazgang, cracks begin to form and their classmates see right through them. (5 different parts; xx)
Division (Elemental/Magic AU): In a world divided into those who have Powers (Pazons) and those who don’t (Norands), two different rebellions are rising up... but they take completely opposite approaches and innocent people get hurt. One group of highschool students caught in the crossfire is about to learn the ugly truth of the world they live in and that nothing is what it seems. (xx)
Circuits to Flesh (Paranormal-esque reincarnation-ish horror AU): Freddy Fazbear and all who stepped through his door was always meant to have a tragic end. After the Mangle bit Jeremy Fitzgerald, the Toys were slated to be destroyed and the Originals sent to the old location again. However, rather than bemoan their fates, the Toys choose to spend their last hours fixing their older counterparts and making right what was wrong. This simple act of kindness changes everything. Fate has something else in store for them. For all of them. But they have to earn it. (xx)
Ribbons (Android AU): Many years ago, droids rose up and rebelled against their organic creators, and the survivors retreated into the places their mechanic creations could not follow; the wet forests, the blazing deserts and the freezing tundras. However, as the androids advanced and redesigned themselves and created new droids, they found a way to overcome the flaws of their “ancestors.” With sealed, synthetic skins, stabilizing fluid and a highly realistic appearance, the war between organics and droids continues. At least, that’s what Blu has always been taught- but when he meets and gets to know Bonnie, a Droid, it becomes clear that things aren’t so black and white. (xx xx xx)
Pennies AU: Bonnie, Freddy and Goldie are highly successful musicians who feel like they’ve lost something. They return to their hometown, Durmont, where a string of disappearances around Alban Creek have been happening the last 12 or so years. Bonnie remembers the first kid who disappeared when they were only around 5 or 6, whom he had spoken to the same morning he disappeared- the same morning of Bonnie’s mother’s funeral- and goes to Alban Creek with Freddy and Goldie... where they find themselves falling into another world. (xx)
Aftermath Verse: After the murders, the Toys made a terrible choice and the OGs can only try and finish what they started. (just look through my Aftermath Verse tag lol)
Shadowed Verse: The Shadows play a game and Blue and Red are the ones who suffer.
Mending Bridge: Mike Schmidt returns to Freddy Fazbear’s to unravel the secrets of his past, in the process saving all of their futures.
Forever Five Nights: Mike Schmidt tells his granddaughters the story of how he befriended the animatronics through small acts of kindness.
Timeline (Unnamed): When something threatens to unravel all of time, Mike, Jeremy, Scott and the animatronics are chosen to save the multiverse. However, a difficult choice must be made- one where no one knows the outcome of. (Only includes FNaF 1-4 and explores the idea of a Redeemable!Purple Guy) (xx)
Like I have 30 Phantom Watcher AUs it isn’t funny so I’m not even gonna list them (maybe if you really beg to see them all but some of them are literally the same AU but if one detail was different so-)
Starlight Dream: Similar to Phantom Watchers, it’s an Alien AU. However, Bonnie is an alien and Blu is not. Bonnie, a Lacatran Soldier fighting for Lacatran Independence from Lapinia, crash lands on Earth, right in Bonito (Blu) Rodriguez’ field. Blu brings the alien into his home and tends to his wounds, and begins to teach Bonnie Earthen cultures.
Project Xeros: Blu is an alien. A sexless, species-less alien known as the Xeros, one of the many products of Project Xeros; designed and bioengineered by a race intent on galactic domination, the Xeros can take the form of any species they have seen and touched in their true forms, and within a few generations any chosen planet would be completely wiped out as the Xeros multiply. However, upon discovery, the Xeros were ordered destroyed by the Galactic Alliance. Blu is one of the few survivors, and ends up on Earth in the company of Bonnie Henderson, a farmer’s son who, despite dreams of life on a stage, has taken over the family business after his parents’ untimely passing. (I think I’ve posted 1 or 2 things about this AU on tumblr...)
Stargate Atlantis AU: In which the cast end up discovering the lost city of Atlantis... in another galaxy. Spring, a young, mysterious and strangely brilliant scientist with a powerful Ancient Gene, is recruited into the Stargate Program where he goes to Atlantis under the leadership of Freddy Fazbear and his brother Goldie. Life on Atlantis is always an adventure, and it isn’t long until everyone on the voyage begins to lose their Earthen identities as they mingle with the locals of this new galaxy- from the strange bear “Red” who lives on the Atlantis mainland, to the Chickens of Avia whom become their main ally....
Dystopia/Droid AU: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy are Droids built in the 23rd century. They watched the fall of Man shortly after their creation, but they sleep through the centuries under the careful watch of the Tower’s AI, “Goldie.” One day, many centuries later in the 27th century, Red, Blue, Chirp and Mangle (and those are not nicknames; simply words that have been found, but meanings lost, from the Old Writings, as language has changed over time) live just outside the ruins of an ancient and great city. The know it as a forbidden place, as it’s from the era of Hubris. However, they choose to explore the old tower at the center of everything, and unknowingly fix what had been broken- unintentionally waking of the vestiges of the past that everyone wishes had been forgotten...
More Droid AU: There are different types of Droids; Service Droids, Rally Droids and Kindred Droids. Service Droids are Droids built to fulfill specific jobs, such as factor work or servant work or farm work. Rally Droids are Droids made for fighting, like Droid Wrestling or something. Kindred are Droids built for people who either cannot have children of their own, or want a child they can mold perfectly into what they desire. The first two of these are not meant to be sentient, but they became sentient over time. Kindred are meant to mimic people as realistically as possible, to the point where their parts “grow” over time so the parents get the full raising-a-child experience- just feed them metal, keep them up-to-date at a doctor (mechanic), and you’re good. Except... none of the Droids are happy with this arrangement. Blu is a Kindred who desires more out of life than what his “parents” want him to be, and Bonnie is a Rally Droid who, after losing a match and being badly damaged, is bought by Blu’s parents as a sort of “bodyguard” and “companion” for their sheltered Kindred. However, the two begin to learn from each other...
False (Human AU): The world (of anthros) is a simulation, and in order to see what’s really happening, you have to die without dying- i.e. die before your body dies, without the script, so that the world resets back to before you died... and for the briefest of moments, where you are, you wake up. And only those who “died” and woke up, even just for a second, remember or realize it was ever reset at all. Blu has figured it out long ago, and Bonnie has always had a sense of something being wrong...
Soulmates; Words: TW contains child abuse and neglect. In which the first words your soulmate ever says to you is written on your body. Bonnie and all his friends have very interesting tattoos. Blu and his friends have equally interesting tattoos. However, none of them believe soulmates are tied together, and a few of them have personal reasons to avoid it at all costs...
Soulmates; Colours: In which you can’t see the colour of your soulmate’s eyes until your eyes meet. 
Soulmates; Voice (PW AU): In which you can hear the voice of your soulmate in your mind, and speak to them through the link. Blu and Bonnie are a Lapinian and a Lacatran, and on the night of the last Lacatran uprising, where Blu’s father razed over 50 Lacatran villages, including Bonnie’s, the link connects Blu to a hysterical Bonnie. Over time, the two become friends and learn each other’s secrets, perhaps even falling in love along the way, but neither see how they will ever even meet, let alone be together. Until the day they wake up on a planet far away from home, not even ten feet from one another...
Soulmates; Red Strings (PW AU): In which the red strings of fate tie everyone together, and some people can see them; thin red lines, tied to everyone’s middle finger and fading away, extending across the ground to places unseen... or to the person a few feet away. A young Lapinian, Blu, has always been able to see them, and he has always known he was different- because instead of going across the ground, his string went straight up into the sky. He’s met only a handful of people like him, whose string goes into the sky and who can see them. He’s curious, but when he finds the person on the other side of his string is a Lacatran....
Angels & Demons AU: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Goldie are demons. Red, Blue, Chii and Mangle are angels. Spring is... something else. No one really knows. But these two groups end up colliding in their assignments on Earth, and no one really knows what to do about it. Least of all them.
Accidental Demon Summoning (unnamed): TW Contains child abuse and elements of racism and bullying. Bonito “Blu” Rodriguez has just moved to the USA with his mother and new stepfather, leaving all his friends behind and starting at a new school. One day, after being locked in the attic by his irate mother, Blu finds some belongings from the tenants before them- some old candles and demonology books. Blu doesn’t believe in demons and he’s bored... so he decides to do it. However, he makes a terrible mistake; he doesn’t outline contract parameters. Therefore, when a demon actually appears, Blu is pretty sure everything is going to go pretty badly... but the demon decides to stick around, just to mess with him. Upon seeing what is happening, however, the demon decides to fulfil his contract anyway, and Blu is horrified to find that they now have a new classmate. Spring Salvage, a demon hunter and Blu’s first friend in America, isn’t pleased.
Long for the Sea: Bonnie has moved in with his father in an old town, and reunites with his childhood friends Freddy, Goldie, Chica and Foxy. However, he’s not the only new kid on the block; strange things happen around Spring and his group. It turns out that Spring, Blu, Shabon, Red and Chii are merfolk, and Mangle a benevolent sea witch, who have fled from a dangerous war for the Throne- which Spring, the crowned prince, cannot yet claim as his blood isn’t “mature” enough. So they bide their time, and Bonnie feels drawn to investigate...
Reincarnation AUs: I have a few of these actually, including one that has Blu remembering all his past lives and Bonnie remembering flashes of the last. Another one, however, is Bonnie and Blu are the reincarnations of a semi-famous historic couple, a lord and a lady, who died young and childless, almost perfect replicas of their past selves, and remembering the last ballad they wrote together... which only the current owner of the old historic house, Bonnie’s own uncle and direct descendent of the lord’s sister, knows.
Pirate AU: Foxy is the captain of one crew. Mangle is the captain of another. Spring is a dread pirate who retired and went into hiding years ago to care for his young son, whose mother (one of multiple lovers Spring had had at the time) died in childbirth. Some things happen that drags Spring out of retirement, causes Foxy’s crew to start searching for him, and makes Mangle’s crew go undercover in a large medieval city to find answers and save their “princess”...
Dragons AU: Bonnie is a dragon who can take human (er, rabbit) form. He fell in love, many years before, with the magic queen of the kingdom at the base of the mountain his horde of gold is in, and dedicated his life to serving her and her kingdom. However, a war that the kingdom was swiftly losing, even with the help of a magic dragon, threatened to tear everything apart, and Bonnie made a choice he never wanted to make; as a last ditch effort to save the queen, he used almost all of the rest of his magic, trapping him in his dragon form for over a hundred years, to send her through time, to a future where “you will be safe.” Now, nearly three hundred years in the future, long after peace has been made and the kingdom now lives under the rule of Ursius (now a country, rather than a planet lol) while maintaining its culture through festivals and historical plays and such (with the Ursian twin kings’ blessings) and the mystery of the missing queen, Blu lives with his family near the forest’s edge near the ruins of the ancient city, seeing the tip of the castle protruding just above the treeline. He has no memory of his past, but feels a strange longing to go there...
Historical Hero AU (NOT PW, all on one planet, the names are all countries): Bonnie is a Lacatran Warrior... from long in the past. He is credited with almost singlehandedly defeating the Lapinian Army, with just one snag; he fell on the battlefield and was never found. It’s a mystery that haunts everyone to modern times. In modern times, peace has for the most part been attained; Lacatra gained its independence from Lapinia as a direct result of Bonnie, Lapinia and Ursius and Lacatra are now all allies of one another, and only Lapinia is still run by a monarchy, under the close watch of a Council. Blu, attending the College of Arts and History in Lacatra, has always been looking into the mystery of “Where did Bonnie of Lacatra go?” Well, he gets his answer one day when he heads to his home near the Lacatra-Lapinia border and literally trips over an injured rabbit. The answer? “He somehow slipped through frikkin’ TIME.” Bonnie does not adjust to modern times well.
Zombie World AU: TW references child abuse and running away. Blu is living a pretty hard life when he ends up slipping through the gaps into a parallel dimension, just like his best friends who disappeared years before. This world is much like his own... except it has been many years since a zombie outbreak, and no one he knew in his world was ever born here. Now he must find a way back, but a desire to save his new friends causes some trouble... after all, if someone who was never meant to exist crosses dimensions, what happens then? (xx)
Pokemon AU: Blue began his journey to becoming a Pokemon master when he was young, but he doesn’t go it alone.
GHOSTS AU: TW talks about past suicide and murder. Everyone’s a ghost. They’re all dead. Boom. Bam. Okay a little more on that, everyone knows ghosts exist, but they all seem to gather in this one area... and in this one town, where the barrier between the worlds is thinnest, the ghosts look just like anyone else. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re dead. But when it’s normal to have a dead classmate, things get weird. Deadly weird. The living and the dead were never meant to mingle, and bad things happen to the living who cross that line. So no one does. It’s pretty easy, though- the dead tend to ignore the living. Bonnie is new in town, coming to live with his father after his mother was murdered during a trip to the mountains, and he feels drawn to a certain group of students. Two groups of students, actually; the Fazgang, and Springtrap’s gang. However, he’s told from day 1 to not approach Springtrap’s gang... because they’ve been dead for over ten years, and simply going through the routines they’d had when alive. Yet he somehow gets the ghosts’ attention, something that was nigh on impossible for the living to do... but Bonnie begins noticing some strange things about himself, and his new friends. Maybe they aren’t as alive as they thought.
ANOTHER GHOST AU: Bonnie and his friends move into an old creaky house, and right off the bat Bonnie sees strange shit happening. He’s none too pleased, because no one else will believe him that they’re not alone in the house. However, something happens that brings it to everyone’s attention... there are ghosts living in the house. It doesn’t take long for Freddy to put together the pieces; these are the ghosts of the Fischbach Family, a family that was murdered over fifty years before and their bodies, save for a piece of one of their ears, was never found. Now they have to help the ghosts move on by finally, finally, solving the case of their murder. Except ghosts can be so cryptic and never tell you what you need to know...
YET AGAIN A GHOST AU: Well, kinda-ghost AU. It’s not really ghosts but it’s hard to explain. Basically some culty crap happened, and the man who funded the local high school, Samuel Salvage, died under mysterious circumstances, as did his entire family. Bonnie, a conspiracy theorist, has many theories as to what might have happened, but Goldie, who is having a hard time coping with his and Freddy’s parents’ divorce and failing his history class, could not care less. However, when he’s given a research assignment about the family as extra credit- his only chance to pass and graduate- he goes to the graveyard where the entire family- the two parents and all eleven of their children, whom died within 10 years of each other from unknown causes- is buried. He accidentally ends up standing on one of the graves, and from that point on he’s able to see and speak with Franklin “Spring” Salvage, one of Samuel Salvage’s sons, though he isn’t aware of his identity at first... and he begins to uncover a dark, dangerous secret that no one wants him to learn.
The Dome (Dystopia AU again): WARNINGS this AU contains classism taken to an extreme. All of society now lives in Dome, a city inside- well, a dome. There are two levels to the Dome; Above, where the elite live, and Below, where the lower classes struggle to survive under the dangerous iron fist of their totalitarian government. Freddy, Goldie and their friends have always lived Above, never knowing the horrors of what happens Below in their spacious, sunny scapes. However, a school project has them venturing Below for a documentary that turns out to be more dangerous than any of them ever imagined.
Circus AU: THE OG MAZANICA AU YO! CAN’T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT LIKE. WARNING, THIS AU CONTAINS EXPLICIT RACISM. In a world where Anthros are legally considered little more than animals and have few protections and many discriminations, Freddy, Goldie, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy run a restaurant, with Mike as the owner on paper. Red, Spring, Blu, Chii and Mangle run a circus (along with Marion, BB, JJ and a few others) with Jeremy as the owner on paper. They’re both funded by the mysterious sponsors Shafred Umbre and Bonsha Shade, two of the rare “Animals” who made it in this world. So of course, it’s only a matter of time before these two groups meet... (xx)
Narnia AU: Pretty self explanatory, but basically; Red, Blue, Chii and Mangle are four siblings who find themselves in another world, and they live out an entire life there...
Wrong Number, Thank You: WARNINGS this AU contains depression and suicidal ideation/attempts and mentions of self harm Sometimes a wrong number message can save a life, as Goldie learned when he accidentally messaged one of his classmates instead of his brother. After receiving some help on the math homework- and a picture of the notes with something suspicious in the background- Goldie makes it his goal to befriend and help this mysterious classmate.... if only he could figure out who it was. Meanwhile, Spring is frustrated with his nosy classmate, yet...
OKAY I HAVE A LOT MORE BUT THESE ARE SOME OF MY FAVOURITES, if you have any questions about any of them just shoot me a message and I’ll happily answer. I might add more later on so yeh. I have so many more lol... Now in Mazey’s Oneshot Collection there’s a ton already but I have like 10x that many so-
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lucarioisinthevoid · 6 years
*cracks neck* OKAY JERRY we're gonna perform a ritual to summon a portal to the void so i can ask henry what the FUCK the question mark tag bullshit is about. take this saltshaker and pour its on me while i balance this spoon on my nose. make sure to do it directly in the center of the pizzeria.
Henrywas standing up a bit straighter, confused. “What- what is happening? What arethey trying to do there?!”  “They are trying to open a portal to the void to ask you what the FUCK thequestionmark tag means!” “I got that far, thank you VERY much. I meant, WHY are they opening a portalfrom the restaurant, instead of coming here? They are ruining my plans! Aninterference like that, this amount of distortion near my machine will-““Maybe that is why they do it?” “No- NO, NO- I will NOT allow that-“ Angrily he moved forwards. “I have TAKENthe boy. I PUT him where the others were-“ Something seemed to snap in him. “The machine may not be stable, but I assureyou, I refuse to play along in this disgusting charade any longer. I am sick ofthis, I am sick of ALL of this! Of these nonsensical Anons! Of these emptyconversations! Of the fact that you are BREATHING! No more. I will break thisreality once and for all.” “U-Uh, Henry you-“ Ignoring the kid, he walked towards the machine, booting it up. “I havegathered so many soul fragments. Do you even UNDERSTAND how hard it is toextract souls out of things that shatter? Out of all those little passions- itwas work, too much work to have it all go to waste because of one foolish anon.What is there so hard to grasp? Jeremy. Jeremy ? Is it truly Jeremy? NO IT ISNOT. THAT WAS OBVIOUS! To be fair- it was probably… hm… 13%. Which is a goodbit, compared to the… others. But it took quite a toll on him, did it not? Itchanged him up a lot. He did a few favors for me… the Puppet is out, the PhoneGuy is out- I have PLANNED, I have CREATED and now it is supposed to be alldestroyed? No. I will take all of it with me.” “… I´m mildly concerned.” “Rightfully so.” The machine began blinking and beeping. “I have planned awhole finale. I have planned out a showdown. I have planned so many things andnow THIS anon…” He sighed. “Does not matter. Time to see what my work can do.” Reality tore.-
The spotlights lit up and wandered around, searching for the people screamingtheir lungs out, which was rather unnecessary, seeing as they were alreadyenhanced by the speakers at the sides. What came out was a rather unpleasantstatic mess.
“Wait, that’s not what we agreed to say-“ The spotlight found the two, Old Sport, who was wearing something close to asuit and Dave, in Springbonnie. Actually, that Springbonnie looked… patched up.They proceed to argue. “But Sportsy! You’re the main attraction!” “No, Dave, not everybody is-“Another Old Sport proceeded to walk on stage. “Excuse me, but what in the actual fuck-“A painful smashing sound was audible in the background, together withtrademarked swearing. “WHO IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID PUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS OUT, ISWEAR TO GOD THIS PLACE IS A FUCKING SHITHOLE, THIS IS HELL-“ “Uh. Mike. I think we have a bigger problem then the, uh… lights.” A pause ensued after Phone Guy said that, followed by Mike’s reaction to the happenings on the stage.“OH FUCK NO.” “W-wait, was that another Phone Guy?” Phone Guy asked.“IF YOU’RE FUCKING WITH ME I WILL LITERALLY KILL YOU-“ Jeremy joined. “F-found the light switch! Everybody calm down!”All the lights turned back on and everyone was stunned. There were three clonesit seemed- a Phone Guy, an Orange Guy and a Purple Guy, all standing around, inblank terror.Lies, actually the Zombie-bunny was screaming. “TWO OLD SPORTS?! HOLY FUCKIN’SHIT! THIS IS INSANE! I AM IN HEAVEN!” This triggered the other Dave to protectively hold his Old Sport. “Back off, yafilthy copy! This one’s mine!” For a moment things calmed down, as nobody knew how to react. Until a new voice joined, voice only- Well, actually most of them knew, even if they haven’t heard it in decades. “Well, well, well. A universe rift thatapparently entailed multiple dimensions to be sucked in. How utterly predictable and boring.” Henry looked around, displeased beyond words. “No wonder it iswhat the kid went with.”To my defense, what else was I supposed to do?“Anything! Everything! Something!” With these words he managed to exclaim allhis distaste for this. Both Dave were just falling over, seemingly dead and while the Old Sport in suittried to help his partner, his counterpart froze up completely. The Phone Guys both let out some distressed beeping. This situation was toomuch. Mike scoffed. “Oh luck, it’s the pink-peach-mc-fuck-me-sideways.” At that Henry snapped up. “What did you just say?” “I said you’re a fucking piece of shit.” “Oh, I simply misunderstood.” Relaxing again, he inspected the corridors going off the mainarea closer. Endless, gaping hallways, so long you could only see blackness instead of anyend to it. “… at least it appears we will not have to walk into each other thatmuch. Apparently the places combined in regards to space too. What a relief.” “Oh, Mr. Miller!” Jeremy sounded glad, as he ran up to him. “You are alright!You made it! I knew you would, but- what… what happened w-while… n-not gonna lie, I was… it was scary…” How does this kid even still exist afterhaving his soul literally fractioned and partially banned into the void-But this wasn’t really worth thinking about. Not now, maybe later when he had settled in.Turning away, Henry proceeded to walk down the corridors, met with ever similarrooms, but not minding it. At least he had plenty of access to parts and robotsnow. It felt as if the rooms grew colder the further away he would go. “So. How do you think you can handle this? Did you even think for five minutesabout this event?” Softly he scoffed at nothing in particular. A bit, I guess?It’s… basically just that for a certain amount of time, people can ask for allsort of whacky AU shit and meetings! And if they don’t ask for anyone in particular, like they usually do, I just…send the anon to the normal crew. “This is unimaginable pointless and nonsensical.” Finally picking a room, some sort of office, hesat down in the comfortable chair and booted up the camera system. While theold computer was booting up, he went through the papers at the side. Hm. Complaints, bills, people begging to be let in again they swear they won’tyiff the fox after the first time it was a one time thing, and……… a list.
HenryWilliam/DavePhone GuysThe PuppetAnimatronicsDoggosFredbearEveryone who ever set foot into thisplace
… Henry turned, looking almost baffled. “You are completely and utterly serious?” Bold of you to assume you were the worst the multiverse had to offer. “You are implying I am even attempting in any way to be evil. Which isnonsense. It just happens to be perceived like that by clueless onlookers. So,indeed you are correct, if there is somewhat out there in the universe deliberately WANTING to be as evil as humanly possible…” Trailing off, he putthe paper away. “Thankfully, this will be fruitless. This isn’t a place to tella story. You know that perfectly well.”Maybe I want to have a bit dramatic potential for once. “Your askers are far more interested in sending copy pastas.”Well, if that makes them happy! But I still wanna play around with the idea. Atleast for a short bit. “Great. Another set of pointless events, right after the first one. How utterlyentertaining.” Oh, shut it, your existence is pointless. “Only because you are a bad creator.”I will call a magic anon to seal your lips for the next hundred asks. “I am thoroughly intimidated by that threat and plead with all my being. Imaginehow utterly horrifying it would be to have a valid excuse NOT to interact withanons. Please spare me.” Well, at least Jerry is back. Now somebody gotta reactivate the Marionette.
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av-ryan · 3 years
Ronan Ryan
How do you feel about arcade games and singing animatronic birds?
AV Ryan
Sounds like heaven, why?
Ronan Ryan
There's a couple places here I want to check out. Somewhere called Tropicz, and then a Mr. Cheezies?
AV Ryan
Sounds sublime, I'm in. I'm not gonna lie tho, Mr. Cheezies sounds like a broke Chuck E Cheese.
Ronan Ryan
That's exactly what it is actually
I'm not sure there's anywhere else with an arcade here though
AV Ryan
Hey, I'm not complaining, can't be be worse than the actual Chuck E Cheese we used to go to back home
Ronan Ryan
I'm excited to see how many games I can destroy you at
AV Ryan
I guess there's only one way to find out
Ronan Ryan
I guess so. You busy tomorrow yet?
AV Ryan
You ask that like I have a life.
I'm not busy and we should definitely hang.
Ronan Ryan
Just making sure. Let's go tomorrow then! Maybe hit up a bar while we're out?
AV Ryan
You sure you’ll survive someone else making our drinks?
Ronan Ryan
It's for a job application
AV Ryan
Well you can apply, I’m going to drink.
Ronan Ryan
Sounds good! You need a DD anyway
What do you think of the place so far?
AV Ryan
I mean I’m not allergic to walking, The beds are nice? And the campus isn’t bad? What about you?
Ronan Ryan
If you want to walk, we can walk
that's fine. It's okay. It's weird being out of Texas but I'm surviving.
AV Ryan
Yeah let’s walk, it’s nice outside. I don’t you just love summer? We need to get you past surviving and into thriving ASAP.
Ronan Ryan
Cool, walking it is then. Summer's alright, I'm excited for it to cool down though. The beach is so fucking nice though. There's a stretch of it on campus.
I'll get there, AV. But thanks for caring.
AV Ryan
I haven't been yet, but I'll take your word for it.
Well we look out for each other right?
Ronan Ryan
AV Ryan
See you later for dinner. Don't forget my cigarettes.
Ronan Ryan
[ loved this ]
Ronan Ryan
I'm gonna need you to come remove the gum from my bed frame.
AV Ryan
I didn't fucking do it.
Ronan Ryan
I'm not blaming you for Simon's actions but he was in my room last night because you triggered him out AV.
AV Ryan
That's fair. Fuck. It's been sitting there all night?
Ronan Ryan
It has.
it's gross
AV Ryan
I guess I'll come now to take it off. And raid your pantry since I know you went shopping yesterday
Ronan Ryan
Fine but don't touch my soda bread.
Let me get my roommate to open the door, I'm not in right now.
I really should just give you a key.
AV Ryan
Fine I won't take all of your soda bread. Okay, cool. But yeah, you really should just give me one.
Ronan Ryan
We'll see
excited for later?
AV Ryan
What's later?
Ronan Ryan
I'll direct your attention to the top of the thread.
AV Ryan
I know, I'm just fucking with you. Hell yeah I'm excited!
Ronan Ryan
I know
Me too. I wonder if they'll let us on stage with the birds.
AV Ryan
I'd love to see them try and stop us.
Ronan Ryan
Let's do it
AV Ryan
Fuck yeah. So how was Sloan & Co last night, did I fuck up?
Ronan Ryan
Sloan & Co
Uh, it was fine. I think. Aside from the gum. Simon insisted on sleeping on the floor but when Sloan fronted they actually got in bed.
AV Ryan
I should copyright that shit.
Okay cool. Sierra cussed me out this morning first thing
Ronan Ryan
I'm glad I slept through that. She made me coffee
AV Ryan
As long as Sloan's not actually mad at me, I think I'm good.
Ronan Ryan
I think you're good, don't worry about it.
You just wanted everyone together.
AV Ryan
See? I knew you fucking got it.
Ronan Ryan
I did, yeah. From now on we'll just keep family activities to things everyone wants to do, to avoid a repeat.
AV Ryan
That's cool with me. I was not feeling the strip club anyway. In retrospect - fuck them strippers.
Ronan Ryan
Lmao. Still pissed about the alien conversation?
AV Ryan
It might still be a touchy subject but I’m 83% over it
Ronan Ryan
Aliens 10000% exist.
There's no way they don't.
AV Ryan
I just wanted to talk, I don’t care if they agree or not. But like I said I’m over it. 91% now
Ronan Ryan
That's fair. Cool you're over it though. It was fun debating it
AV Ryan
I’ll be at 100% by the time we go out later.
Ronan Ryan
Cool, sounds good. Thanks for getting the gum off for me.
AV Ryan
Yeah no problem.
Ronan Ryan
Did you know there are people that actually want to be benchpressed?
AV Ryan
Is this a trick question?
Ronan Ryan
No, I didn't know that was a thing
AV Ryan
People especially love it when it's from a person in uniform
Ronan Ryan
Oh, okay. That's strange. Anyway, ready to head out?
AV Ryan
Why does someone want you to benchpress them?
Yep. I'm ready.
Ronan Ryan
I don't think they want me to do it specifically.
They just mentioned asking someone before and getting turned down
AV Ryan
Well mentioning it randomly is kind of weird.
Ronan Ryan
Feeling okay today, AV?
AV Ryan
I’m amazing today. You?
Ronan Ryan
I'm great
had a little bit of a headache earlier but the gym and some painkillers helped that.
AV Ryan
Last night was super chill Roe
Ronan Ryan
It was a nice time! I enjoyed it.
We should do it again
AV Ryan
Mr. Cheezies? Not so much, Tropicz hell yea! Those birds are my jam!
Ronan Ryan
Not a fan?
The birds were so cool. It's so stupid they don't let you on stage. I wanted a picture
AV Ryan
Next time we jump on stage we need to take a picture right quick, before they’re able to tell us to get down
Yeah I’m good on the Cheezies
Ronan Ryan
Absolutely. We'll do that next time.
I'm hoping the Flag is somewhere I'll be comfortable working though, and with better quality top shelf
AV Ryan
Fuck yeah. We’ll find out tonight, right?
Ronan Ryan
Yes! I'm excited
I'll sneak you free drinks and everything.
AV Ryan
You ain’t gonna get any complaints from me
Ronan Ryan
I know
all the more reason to come by right?
AV Ryan
If my codependence wasn’t enough? Yessir!
Ronan Ryan
That's fair
AV Ryan
It’s just been so long since I’ve been around everyone. I didn’t realize how much I miss you guys.
Ronan Ryan
I missed you too, and I know the others did too. If you need to talk or anything I'm h We're all together again now though, and that's what matters.
AV Ryan
That's all that matters.
Ronan Ryan
Hey, AV. How are you?
AV Ryan
(shrug emoji) you?
Ronan Ryan
Shoulder hurts a little but otherwise I'm good
AV Ryan
Ronan Ryan
Which is beyond me.
AV Ryan
Oh come on, you knew that was gonna happen.
Ronan Ryan
I thought two layers would be enough
I'll just wear a shirt next time
AV Ryan
Or stay in the shade
Ronan Ryan
I'd rather get a sunburn
The beach is meant for swimming
AV Ryan
You’re just a glutton for punishment are you?
Ronan Ryan
I guess you could say that
AV Ryan
Especially doing this perfect match thing. Though I’m not gonna lie, I was going to do it but forgot
Ronan Ryan
Listen, I ran five miles this morning
I'm so nervous
You should have done it
AV Ryan
Well you literally get to him pick your partner right? At least there is not gonna be any surprises right?
I bet the run was gorgeous as fuck though
Ronan Ryan
It's more rejecting and/or being rejected
It was, it was right at sunrise
AV Ryan
Oh that’s easy, if someone rejects you I’ll just kick their ass. And if someone gives you grief for rejecting them, I’ll just kick their ass. It’s as simple as that.
Ronan Ryan
Thanks, AV. I'd kick someone's ass for you too.
AV Ryan
Oh I fucking know you would. It’s a good thing I taught you how to fight
Ronan Ryan
It is. Easily one of my favorite memories.
AV Ryan
You've got a mean right hook
Ronan Ryan
We should get together in a boxing ring together sometime
AV Ryan
I've been off my game, but I can still kick your ass
Ronan Ryan
I've been on my game, and I'm very sure you can't.
AV Ryan
We could always make it interesting
Ronan Ryan
What are you proposing?
AV Ryan
A bet for the winner of a boxing match
Ronan Ryan
Alright, I'm in. What's the bet?
AV Ryan
Winner gets to choose the other's phone lockscreen for a month
Ronan Ryan
Deal! I'll go ahead and start looking.
When do you want to do this?
AV Ryan
I don't have shit to do so whenever
Ronan Ryan
Let's do it today, before that barbecue thing. We can use the ice water for any bruises.
AV Ryan
I heard there's a whole ass boxing ring somewhere on campus, let's do it there
Ronan Ryan
There is, it's in the gym.
You're on.
AV Ryan
Ronan Ryan
[ backdated ] Hey, AV! Is it cool if I give Miriam your number? She wants it.
AV Ryan
Your roommate? Yeah, I don't care
Ronan Ryan
Yup. Cool.
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Sea Kayaking is scary
the entire time I was doing it, I kept planning an escape in case it turned over.
But anyway, how was your day?
AV Ryan
But it was also a good time? Productive. But now I’m tired but at least I took care of my VA things and hopefully my benefits start rolling in again, then I won’t have to keep asking you for money. How was your day?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Yeah! It was a lot of fun.
I give you a hard time, but I don't mind AV.
I stocked up on cool ranch doritos too, so help yourself.
It was good. One of those match things hit me up.
AV Ryan
You had me at cool ranch Doritos, thanks Roe Yeah? How’d it go?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
You're welcome. How do you feel about the school so far?
It went okay. He seems nice.
AV Ryan
I don’t think my opinion has really changed since we first got here like the rooms are fine and the food is fine. I guess we’ll see how classes go once they start… you?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
No worries. I just wanted to make sure you're good. Mine's still the same too.
AV Ryan
I’m supposed to be having dinner with someone later this week. She’s someone I knew in Hawaii. Think you can help me make something?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Yeah, of course. Always. Does she have any allergies? Or is there something you had in mind to make?
AV Ryan
To be honest I don’t know and I kind of don’t want to ask? Let’s just like go with the safe options no seafood, no nuts, yada yada yada
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I got you. When do you need it by?
AV Ryan
Tomorrow, I think.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
No problem
AV Ryan
Thanks, Roe
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
[ loved this ]
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Do you want to come over for a movie later? Just us?
AV Ryan
Sure, what movie?
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Um, maybe a comedy? Step Brothers?
AV Ryan
Yeah alright. You good?
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I'm doing great. Are you?
AV Ryan
Not great, but fine
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Do you need to talk? We can skip the movie? I'm here for you, AV. We all are.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
croc poptarts.jpg
I wonder if these actually exist
AV Ryan
The flavor looks awful
Ronan Ryan | 🔴It does
good thing it's fake!
Along with a lot of other grosser flavors.
AV Ryan
It's funny as hell though
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
It is. There was another one called Swamp with Shrek on it.
AV Ryan
I fucking love Shrek
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I haven't seen Shrek in forever
AV Ryan
We should watch that next time.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
We should, definitely! Which movie is your favorite?
AV Ryan
Besides Love Actually? Probably Speed. That’s a classic
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
No like, which Shrek movie?
AV Ryan
Oh. The first one, definitely
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Good to know about Speed though. I haven't seen it, so maybe that's something else we could watch too.
AV Ryan
Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves before their careers really took off. It’s amazing.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Hey, AV. Want to go out together again, when I'm not working? I kind of miss the birds, strangely enough.
AV Ryan
Yeah whenever, you know me always free
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Cool. Did you see the new list of locations too? There's a Texas food truck
AV Ryan
Oh no I didn’t hear that. It’s like Brahma heard and answered my prayers
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
It's down at the beach, but it's going to be on campus every Friday!
AV Ryan
Well see if they serve authentic Mexican food too
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Hey, they might. Want to go check it out with me tomorrow?
AV Ryan
[backdated] Yeah, I’m down
0 notes