#and the realization that i'm still essentially a child but with voting rights came to me again
carbonateddelusion · 2 years
I'm sure none of you need a lecture to explain that life is hard and bad but I'm harder and badder
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down the top 5 moments from my grandfather's funeral!
Number 5 - The length of the ceremony
I got into that building, and I've never been to a funeral before, so I was ready to be there for about an hour. The pastor got up, read about 2 or 3 bible verses and just kind of... walked away. Whole thing was about 5 minutes. It was so short that the funeral director hadn't even come back inside yet after preparing the hearse. After the ceremony he was supposed to formally call the pallbearers (me and my cousins) to the front. Instead my dad just had to do it, and we all got up, very confused.
Number 4 - The carrying of the casket
As my cousins and I grabbed the casket to carry it out, we quickly realized that the aisle of seats that had been set up, was incredibly narrow. On my side, I had about 3 inches of space between the casket and seats, so I just kind of started to squeeze by. At this point, the funeral director came back in, saw us struggling, told us to step out of the way. The casket was essentially on a gurney, so most of us stepped out of the building, while my cousin pushed the casket out from the back.
Number 3 - The loud music next door
Prior to the service, my mom and I went to the hotel to set up for the reception, where there was an extremely loud event going on in the next room. They said it was supposed to end at 2pm (around the time of the reception), but that it had been going all morning. I'm not sure what the actual event was, but they just had a lot of very loud music. When we arrived, the event was still ongoing, although the hotel had asked them to keep it down a bit. After making conversation for a bit, my dad finally stood up and gave everybody a chance to tell stories about my grandad. Just as he was about to speak, the music SWELLED and we had to ask the staff if they could get them to turn it down.
Number 2 - Grammy meeting her great-grandson
My cousin just had his first child, and this was the first time that he'd been able to see our grandmother since the baby was born. It was really sweet to see my 87 year old Grammy with her 8-month old great-grandson.
Honorable Mentions
Blue Hair - About 2 months ago, I dyed my hair bright blue. I thought that it might be seen as inappropriate, so before I flew to my parents, I decided to get a haircut. What I didn't know was that my parents had been prepping everybody for my hair, and it turned out my family had actually been really excited to see it, including my grandmother, who said she would have loved it since blue was grandad's school color. Also apparently one of my aunt's got mad at my mom because she thought my parents made me get it cut.
Divorce - My other aunt apparently was telling people her husband couldn't come because he had work. They have in fact been divorced for almost 3 years, and he has since remarried and has step-kids. My aunt did not tell anybody in our family that she would be lying about this to people who didn't know. My mom mentioned it to my dad's cousin, and is now worried my aunt will blame her for spilling the beans on the divorce.
Number 1 - The visit with Grammy after
Me and my cousin went to stay with Grammy after the reception to spend the night with her, and help around the house a bit. We successfully managed to change the password for her Peacock account so she can watch her soap operas, and after Grandad's death, she's finally confronting her mild hoarding problem and let us throw out 2 trash bags full of junk. She also revealed that after Trump was elected, she switched parties and now votes Democrat, which I was surprised at. Despite her long, rambling stories, and terrifying habit of refusing to use her walker, it was a nice trip... right until we were about to leave and she looked at my cousin's nose stud, and then asked me, "Do you think she's r******d?"
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