#and the reinforcing of the negative and hostile media environment but that's a whole other thing.
mariacallous · 2 years
it's so annoying that the media is still covering races as if they have no wider effect, like okay you elected the "moderate" Republican, but that Republican will vote to empower Kevin McCarthy (or Mitch McConnell) who will decide what gets voted on on the floor, or in the case of Mitch in 2016, not voted on for a year. They will also empower people like Trey Gowdy to hold insane hearings about nonsense, a 2023 US House under the Republicans will quickly become a FOX News segment holding "hearings" and every Republican will vote to make that happen and the news should make that clear.
And also like... to use this specific example, I don't have any faith that the exceptions to abortion being banned (all of which are difficult to prove or be able to use, let's point that out) will be enough to outweigh their support for a nationwide abortion ban, or the pressure from their fellow Republicans to support such a ban.
This is the same fucking party that opposed the bill providing care and services to veterans exposed to fucking burn pits and other hazards out of a temper tantrum. The same party who some of them say they don't support or agree with Donald Trump but then go out of their way to seek his support or vote to protect him. The same party that talks about people of color being used by Democrats and then vote against voting rights protections or police abuse limitations and rail against "white people being made to feel ashamed of being white" and act like "critical race theory" is an evil bogeyman and against any kind of economic measures that might benefit them.
All the Republicans have is the cravenness of their convictions.
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jeovanaandannaluiza · 4 years
SDG: Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
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Gender equality is goal number 5 of The Sustainable Development Goals. This goal determines the confront of all discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against all women and girls everywhere. It also, among other things, implies the necessity of guaranteeing women’s participation in all areas of decision-making and women's access to economic resources. In short, this goal addresses the difficulty faced by women and is one step of 17 to accomplish the propositions established by the SDGs to confront the global challenges we face.
To have a better knowledge of what are the 17 goals, watch the video below:
First of all, the advancement in gender equality is important because gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but the improvement of it also has consequences for other aspects. First, the progress of gender equality can help the improvement of a large number of businesses. It happens because when you have a more diverse group there are more points of view, therefore, more chance of innovation, so it is beneficial not only for women but for the company too. Second, when women have reproductive choices, they can offer better opportunities to their children since they can choose if they have the time, resources, and mental health to take care of a child. Finally, it reduces poverty considering that women are more vulnerable to this situation because of the insufficiency of education and job opportunities given to them. This shows that it is urgent to focus on gender equality, but these are just three arguments of many that can illustrate the significance of this topic.
Furthermore, besides the progress made in human history, there are still many challenges to confront to truly achieve gender equality in the world. For instance, UNICEF communicated in a report released in 2017 that girls are more vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence and 2.5 times more likely to be out of school than boys in countries affected by conflict. Similarly, 2016 ILO stats reveal that 99% of sex trafficking victims are women and girls. Not to mention that there are still girls being forced into early marriage and suffering female genital mutilation. New data can exhibit a decrease in girls being forced into earlier marriage and information about the improvement of other women's rights, however, there is still a necessity to overthrow more barriers to make all women live better indeed.
As the previous discussions demonstrate, the conversation about gender equality envelops many subtopics. Women all over the world face a large number of conflicts based on gender in which the solutions to them depend on a cultural perspective. Problems like women suffering female genital mutilation are more common to a country than another whereas sex trafficking can be a problem in other territories. In this case, to confront the dilemma of gender inequality is fundamental having organizations like the UN women that are dedicated to improving women's lives from a worldwide standpoint. This kind of organization helps to focus on a large number of difficulties faced by women and make a plan to help to confront them. On the whole, gender equality is a complex topic and must be discussed largely to make better decisions for each country. 
For the reason demonstrated above, it is wiser to discuss gender equality topic by topic to get a better view of the theme of the discussion. In this text, we going to focus on violence, sexual harassment (a specific type of violence), and politic.
Gender-based violence is one of the biggest challenges that it is necessary to confront to achieve gender equality. It happens all over the world, and it can affect women in physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological aspects. For instance, when women suffer domestic violence, it frequently can include a situation where they are financially dependent on their partner, and they can suffer from threats of physical harm, or even the act of physical violence itself.  This example shows that the problems faced by women can happen concurrently and include a variety of elements that take away women's power. It is also important to say that this is a dangerous situation because it can end in femicide. In brief, violence makes impactful harm in women’s and girls’ lives and it is necessary to address and confront this situation.
As a result of the impact of violence on women's and girls' lives, society, in general, must take some actions. To finish harmful actions toward women and girls, it is important to raise awareness about the topic because when a person has knowledge and information about a subject, it is more likely that they change their behavior than when they only have a negative reaction from other people. Encourage boys and girls to speak up about violence is also beneficial when accompanied by listening to and believing in the victims. For this reason, it is important to promote discussion in the school, workplace, and community.  There are a lot of efforts that can be made to make women’s lives a secure environment, however, it is through information and discussion that changes can happen.
In times such as the 2020s COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important to stay vigilant about women's rights. This statement is based on the fact that reports of domestic violence increased during the time of isolation in many countries, and for this reason, it is even more important to take care of the security of women and girls everywhere. So, to do such a thing as confront domestic violence during times like this, first, is essential to listen to the victim, as said before, and promote a safe space for them to speak up. Second, services directed for gender-based violence must be available when women need them even in difficult times, and for this, laws reinforcing the confront of domestic violence in the pandemic, like the one made in Brazil in 2020 in which is defined as urgent the procedural deadlines that helps women in a violent situation, are welcome and important. Third, the population, in general, needs to learn the signs of abuse to report it since it is harder for the victim to do it. In brief, governments should and must take action to change the situation, but the population has a big part on change these situations too, and it can be made by listening or by reporting.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is a type of harassment involving gender offense. It occurs when a person offends another because of that person’s sex, and it can include verbal and physical harassment, sexual advances, and a hostile work environment. Although both genders can be victims of these offenses, most of the time these victims are women.  It happens because of the shortage of women in leadership positions and the sexist system that objectifies women. As it is possible to see, it is a specific type of violence based on gender and has distinctive consequences.
One of these consequences is that harassment can end the self-confidence of the victim. Gretchen Carlson, in “How we can end sexual harassment at work”, said that sexual harassment "It is not about sex. It is about power and what somebody does to you to try and take away your power" Gretchen Carlson is a famous American broadcast journalist who shocked worldwide by her claiming sexual harassment against the CEO Roger Ailes. Similarly, recently, one case of sexual harassment also happened on a major television network in Brazil. The case involved the comedian Dani Calabresa and the actor and writer Márcio Melhem, and the comedian said on her social media, in Portuguese, but translated for this text, that "Everything is very difficult, fear and shame, but we have to fight for respect". Their statement shows that sexual harassment makes women more fragile in the workplace. On the whole, the experience of these women is demonstrating that women experience in their job is hurt by the experience of sexual harassment.
Here you can watch the TED talk “How we can end sexual harassment at work”:
In addition to that, the BBC brazil listed 11 reasons why women don’t report sexual harassment. One of those reasons is the fact that the normalization of sexual harassment induces women to not see that she suffered harassment, and more than that, in some cases they feel guilty about the harassment. Another reason is that women feel afraid of people judging them with phrases like “she can just leave”, “she made up”, or “she wants to be famous”. The word of the victim is, most of the time, considered fake. After all, in an environment where sexual harassment is normalized and the victim discredit, it is natural that report sexual harassment is discouraged.
However, there are some ways to prevent sexual harassment. Firstly, as Gretchen Carlson said in her TED TALK, women must have courage. Women must have the bravery to denounce the aggressor because although it can be hard for victims to relive that experience, women have to report this violence to prevent the cycle of harassment from continuing. Equally important is changing the law. The law must act to protect the victim and not the infractor. And in this way, recently there have been advances in the CLT, and the principal advance was the fact that the norma is now speaking more clearly about "Dano Extrapatrimonial", that refers to an amount of money that is intended to compensate a person who has her honor or intimacy offended. Finally, the best way to combat harassment is prevention. In our society, misogyny is a cultural phenomenon, so we must end this culture by teaching the next generation that both genders are equal.
Despite most of the Brazilian population is composed of women, the women's presence in politics is not representative of that. In a ranking of 2018 in which 190 countries were analyzed, Brazil occupied the 152° position of women presence in parliaments, and it is a similar situation when we talk about mayor positions, in this year, only one woman was elected for mayor in a Brazilian capital.  This situation happens even though Brazil has an electoral law that establishes a quota of at least 30% of female candidature for each party or coalition. This demonstrates that it is a long journey until a woman can be represented in politics as much as a man is. 
After all, a  law does not guarantee that parties support female candidature. For instance, in this election, more than 5000 applications didn't receive votes, and women represented 65% of those total. In other words, more than 3.250 women didn't receive their own vote. It means that which candidatures can be investigated as "stooge", by way of explanation, women could have been contracted by parties to follow the electoral quota and they could use the money for other campaigns. An example of this is a case reported involving the ex-party of the current President of Brazil and the minister of tourism. It is a crime largely discussed in the media, but the discussion did not bring this situation to an end, and it still hurt women’s presence in politics until now. 
Although the laws are important they do not guarantee that women enter politics, it is fundamental to take other actions. Since there will always exist parties trying against the quota law, it is essential to continue investigating and punishing the person guilty of these infractions. On top of that, the most effective solution is conscious voting. Women should vote for other women principally those committed to women's agenda and gender equality. Investigation and representation to guarantee that all group's agenda is heard and debated. 
On the whole, facing gender inequality is a complex confront to make and must be studied, discussed, and faced by the global community. It is for all those reasons that the establishment of goal number 5  in The Sustainable Development Goals is a big step to transforming women's way of life. The call for action of the SDGs is a possible way to start the progress in gender equality, and more than that, it is a way not to permit a deterioration of women's rights.
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tutorsof · 7 years
BM350 Online Exam-2
__________ attached to television sets in participating homes now record when the set is on and to which channel it is tuned.
A. Tachistoscopes 
B. Polygraphs 
C. GPS systems 
D. Audiometers
The marketing research process begins by:
A. developing a research plan. 
B. defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives. 
C. analyzing the internal environment. 
D. reading marketing research journals.
A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using __________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.
A. sales-force surrogates 
B. intermediaries 
C. external networks 
D. advisory panels
The sites which offer positive or negative product or service reviews and are built by the retailers of a particular product or service are called:
A. combo sites. 
B. distributor or sales agent feedback sites. 
C. public blogs. 
D. independent service review forums.
The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies __________ data.
A. internal 
B. revenue 
C. thematic 
D. happenings
__________ beliefs and values are passed from parents to children and reinforced by social institutions—schools, churches, businesses, and governments; they are very difficult to change.
A. Transient 
B. Secondary 
C. Protected 
D. Core
According to the concept of __________, a series of increasingly more specific "why" questions can reveal consumer motivation and consumers' deeper, more abstract goals.
A. word association 
B. projection 
C. visualizing 
D. laddering
If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be:
A. descriptive. 
B. quantitative. 
C. primary. 
D. exploratory.
The consumer environmental segment termed __________ claims to be knowledgeable about environmental issues, but does not express pro-green attitudes or behaviors. Indeed, it is practically hostile toward pro-environmental ideas. This segment has chosen to reject prevailing notions about environmental protection and may even be viewed as a potential threat to green initiatives.
A. not me greens 
B. business first greens 
C. mean greens 
D. go-with-the-flow greens
__________ are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist.
A. Primary data 
B. Secondary data 
C. Primitive data 
D. Cross-sectional data
The heart of the internal records system is the:
A. payroll system. 
B. purchase order cycle. 
C. order-to-payment cycle. 
D. expense cycle.
__________ approach uses concepts and tools from anthropology and other social science disciplines to provide deep cultural understanding of how people live and work.
A. Cognitive research 
B. Inductive research 
C. Archaeological research 
D. Ethnographic research
__________ analyze(s) data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
A. Marketing metrics 
B. Marketing-mix models 
C. Marketing forecasting 
D. Marketing intelligence databases
__________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
A. Marketing communications 
B. Internal marketing 
C. Marketing research 
D. Market segmentation
In which of the following types of tests is a picture presented and respondents are asked to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?
A. Visual perception test 
B. Rorschach ink-blot test 
C. Story completion test 
D. Thematic Apperception Test
__________ refer to groups of individuals who are born during the same time period and travel through life together.
A. Cohorts 
B. Populations 
C. Clans 
D. Societies
A field-service firm is a:
A. custom marketing research firm. 
B. syndicated-service research firm. 
C. specialty-line marketing research firm. 
D. consumer marketing research firm.
The __________ market is the set of consumers with an adequate interest, income, and access to a particular offer.
A. potential 
B. available 
C. target 
D. penetrated
Why must the researchers avoid generalizing from focus-group participants to the whole market?
A. Participants' responses are not reliable. 
B. Most of the participants are likely to be ignorant about the topic of discussion. 
C. The size of the group is too small and the sample is not drawn randomly. 
D. Most of the participants are likely to exhibit similar tastes and preferences.
The most scientifically valid research is __________ research.
A. observation 
B. focus-group 
C. survey 
D. experimental
0 notes
tutorsof · 7 years
BM350 Online Exam-2
__________ attached to television sets in participating homes now record when the set is on and to which channel it is tuned.
A. Tachistoscopes 
B. Polygraphs 
C. GPS systems 
D. Audiometers
The marketing research process begins by:
A. developing a research plan. 
B. defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives. 
C. analyzing the internal environment. 
D. reading marketing research journals.
A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using __________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.
A. sales-force surrogates 
B. intermediaries 
C. external networks 
D. advisory panels
The sites which offer positive or negative product or service reviews and are built by the retailers of a particular product or service are called:
A. combo sites. 
B. distributor or sales agent feedback sites. 
C. public blogs. 
D. independent service review forums.
The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies __________ data.
A. internal 
B. revenue 
C. thematic 
D. happenings
__________ beliefs and values are passed from parents to children and reinforced by social institutions—schools, churches, businesses, and governments; they are very difficult to change.
A. Transient 
B. Secondary 
C. Protected 
D. Core
According to the concept of __________, a series of increasingly more specific "why" questions can reveal consumer motivation and consumers' deeper, more abstract goals.
A. word association 
B. projection 
C. visualizing 
D. laddering
If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be:
A. descriptive. 
B. quantitative. 
C. primary. 
D. exploratory.
The consumer environmental segment termed __________ claims to be knowledgeable about environmental issues, but does not express pro-green attitudes or behaviors. Indeed, it is practically hostile toward pro-environmental ideas. This segment has chosen to reject prevailing notions about environmental protection and may even be viewed as a potential threat to green initiatives.
A. not me greens 
B. business first greens 
C. mean greens 
D. go-with-the-flow greens
__________ are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist.
A. Primary data 
B. Secondary data 
C. Primitive data 
D. Cross-sectional data
The heart of the internal records system is the:
A. payroll system. 
B. purchase order cycle. 
C. order-to-payment cycle. 
D. expense cycle.
__________ approach uses concepts and tools from anthropology and other social science disciplines to provide deep cultural understanding of how people live and work.
A. Cognitive research 
B. Inductive research 
C. Archaeological research 
D. Ethnographic research
__________ analyze(s) data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
A. Marketing metrics 
B. Marketing-mix models 
C. Marketing forecasting 
D. Marketing intelligence databases
__________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
A. Marketing communications 
B. Internal marketing 
C. Marketing research 
D. Market segmentation
In which of the following types of tests is a picture presented and respondents are asked to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?
A. Visual perception test 
B. Rorschach ink-blot test 
C. Story completion test 
D. Thematic Apperception Test
__________ refer to groups of individuals who are born during the same time period and travel through life together.
A. Cohorts 
B. Populations 
C. Clans 
D. Societies
A field-service firm is a:
A. custom marketing research firm. 
B. syndicated-service research firm. 
C. specialty-line marketing research firm. 
D. consumer marketing research firm.
The __________ market is the set of consumers with an adequate interest, income, and access to a particular offer.
A. potential 
B. available 
C. target 
D. penetrated
Why must the researchers avoid generalizing from focus-group participants to the whole market?
A. Participants' responses are not reliable. 
B. Most of the participants are likely to be ignorant about the topic of discussion. 
C. The size of the group is too small and the sample is not drawn randomly. 
D. Most of the participants are likely to exhibit similar tastes and preferences.
The most scientifically valid research is __________ research.
A. observation 
B. focus-group 
C. survey 
D. experimental
0 notes
tutorsof · 7 years
BM350 Online Exam-2
__________ attached to television sets in participating homes now record when the set is on and to which channel it is tuned.
A. Tachistoscopes 
B. Polygraphs 
C. GPS systems 
D. Audiometers
The marketing research process begins by:
A. developing a research plan. 
B. defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives. 
C. analyzing the internal environment. 
D. reading marketing research journals.
A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using __________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.
A. sales-force surrogates 
B. intermediaries 
C. external networks 
D. advisory panels
The sites which offer positive or negative product or service reviews and are built by the retailers of a particular product or service are called:
A. combo sites. 
B. distributor or sales agent feedback sites. 
C. public blogs. 
D. independent service review forums.
The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies __________ data.
A. internal 
B. revenue 
C. thematic 
D. happenings
__________ beliefs and values are passed from parents to children and reinforced by social institutions—schools, churches, businesses, and governments; they are very difficult to change.
A. Transient 
B. Secondary 
C. Protected 
D. Core
According to the concept of __________, a series of increasingly more specific "why" questions can reveal consumer motivation and consumers' deeper, more abstract goals.
A. word association 
B. projection 
C. visualizing 
D. laddering
If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be:
A. descriptive. 
B. quantitative. 
C. primary. 
D. exploratory.
The consumer environmental segment termed __________ claims to be knowledgeable about environmental issues, but does not express pro-green attitudes or behaviors. Indeed, it is practically hostile toward pro-environmental ideas. This segment has chosen to reject prevailing notions about environmental protection and may even be viewed as a potential threat to green initiatives.
A. not me greens 
B. business first greens 
C. mean greens 
D. go-with-the-flow greens
__________ are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist.
A. Primary data 
B. Secondary data 
C. Primitive data 
D. Cross-sectional data
The heart of the internal records system is the:
A. payroll system. 
B. purchase order cycle. 
C. order-to-payment cycle. 
D. expense cycle.
__________ approach uses concepts and tools from anthropology and other social science disciplines to provide deep cultural understanding of how people live and work.
A. Cognitive research 
B. Inductive research 
C. Archaeological research 
D. Ethnographic research
__________ analyze(s) data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
A. Marketing metrics 
B. Marketing-mix models 
C. Marketing forecasting 
D. Marketing intelligence databases
__________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
A. Marketing communications 
B. Internal marketing 
C. Marketing research 
D. Market segmentation
In which of the following types of tests is a picture presented and respondents are asked to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?
A. Visual perception test 
B. Rorschach ink-blot test 
C. Story completion test 
D. Thematic Apperception Test
__________ refer to groups of individuals who are born during the same time period and travel through life together.
A. Cohorts 
B. Populations 
C. Clans 
D. Societies
A field-service firm is a:
A. custom marketing research firm. 
B. syndicated-service research firm. 
C. specialty-line marketing research firm. 
D. consumer marketing research firm.
The __________ market is the set of consumers with an adequate interest, income, and access to a particular offer.
A. potential 
B. available 
C. target 
D. penetrated
Why must the researchers avoid generalizing from focus-group participants to the whole market?
A. Participants' responses are not reliable. 
B. Most of the participants are likely to be ignorant about the topic of discussion. 
C. The size of the group is too small and the sample is not drawn randomly. 
D. Most of the participants are likely to exhibit similar tastes and preferences.
The most scientifically valid research is __________ research.
A. observation 
B. focus-group 
C. survey 
D. experimental
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